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Topic subject#blacklivesmatter shuts down another Bernie Sanders rally... is Hillary behind this?
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12874890, #blacklivesmatter shuts down another Bernie Sanders rally... is Hillary behind this?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 07:04 PM
Are they running up on Hillary's stages? Just sayin

They called the crowd "white supremacist liberals"


I have this gut feeling Hillaries team is behind this.
12874893, Tired of being the bridesmaid. Time to take matter into her own hands
Posted by josetheplumber, Sat Aug-08-15 07:19 PM
No more MOH
12874894, Black people are not paying hilary any mind.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sat Aug-08-15 07:27 PM
They radical ones, atleast.

The ones that call bill clinton the first black president prolly fuck with her, but they a lost cause anyways.
12874899, Black arent paying Bernie any mind either...
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 08:11 PM
But white people are showing up in huge numbers to see Bernie.

Which makes me think Hillary is paying BLM to rush the stage.

12875069, Bernie is getting more attention because he's seen as the most
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sun Aug-09-15 11:44 AM
"progressive" option. BLM wants him to earn that title tho. I get it.
12874895, HILLARY'S TEAM*
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 07:36 PM
12876196, Too late, you can't spell yo
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Aug-10-15 04:31 PM
12874896, LMAO
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sat Aug-08-15 07:40 PM
SMH @ activists shutting down one of their own because he didn't give them the time of day.
12874898, Hillary maybe doesn't need them&already lost them
Posted by Riot, Sat Aug-08-15 08:08 PM
At the same time, bernz can win.
But he will need non dem establishment votes to get his momentum

That includes #BLM. So midas well take him to task now
12874901, RE: Hillary maybe doesn't need them&already lost them
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 08:14 PM
>At the same time, bernz can win.
>But he will need non dem establishment votes to get his
>That includes #BLM. So midas well take him to task now

Huh? Im not following.
12874932, oldschool blk ppl will vote 4 Hillary
Posted by Riot, Sat Aug-08-15 09:32 PM
Blm won't.

Their only option 2 consider is sanders, but he's not gonna get their vote/youth vote/far left vote just by default either.

And fwiw, more Hillary demonstrations are coming. Guaranteed.
12874943, It looks like BLM's only goal is making sure Bernie doesnt get to deliver his message
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 09:48 PM
and thats odd because Bernie is liberal as fuck.

I have no problem with protesting but it seems a little weird that Bernie is their focus.

Maybe they run up on every politician and if so, then I get it but I wonder if this is calculated and if so... why Bernie of all people?
12874900, That's exactly what I was thinking regarding Hilary.
Posted by Hitokiri, Sat Aug-08-15 08:13 PM
I understand why they're shutting Bernie's shit down, but if you're gonna run up on his stage. You gotta run up on Hilary's too, don't you?
12874904, Yup... what makes it shady is BLM was on the program
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 08:20 PM
How the fuck you get 2 or 3 speakers during the rally and then run up on stage when Bernie gets the mic? LOL

Dude is supposedly the most liberal of them all and was part of the civil rights movement. Shit smells like shenanigans.
12874907, Seems suspect
Posted by southphillyman, Sat Aug-08-15 08:21 PM
12874908, I couldnt be more team Bernie. I love that cat.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Aug-08-15 08:23 PM
12874919, These people are the worst.
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Aug-08-15 08:52 PM
There is nothing they could have done to appease them.

Even when he was going to let them speak in front of Bernie, they were unhappy.
12874925, George Soros is behind it. He pays them to heckle candidates. (swipe)
Posted by josetheplumber, Sat Aug-08-15 09:00 PM


12874935, But will they interrupt Hillary? Is she on this list or is she his pet project
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-08-15 09:38 PM
Shit seems odd because Sanders is the most liberal of all these candidates.

12875012, Soros is a HEAVY donator to the Clinton Foundation
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 06:07 AM
They're in bed together
12875025, That's the stupidest conspiracy theory I've ever heard.
Posted by stravinskian, Sun Aug-09-15 09:23 AM

Well, maybe not, this is OKP... but still.

Your Washington Times story: a) is from the Washington Times, and b) doesn't make the claim you're trying to make. It only seems to claim that he funds BlackLivesMatter protests, not that he directs them to particular candidates or shields others.

The buzzfeed story is completely unsubstantiated, and unrelated. The third one I didn't take the time to click.

But more to the point: you're saying that George Soros, is paying people, to attack liberals? Is that really what you're trying to say?
12875037, lol this idiocy wasn't worth replying to
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 10:04 AM
let me link three random articles and hope no one clicks
12875139, Would yall believe that Soros would PAY ppl to protest at Ferguson?
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 03:17 PM
I doubt it
Hillary don't want to get upset in this election like Obama did her in 08 so she is killing all threats *ON SITE*
she's ALL GAS
no brake
she's not going to let up until she gets the nomination
and then she will turn her sights on the Repub opponent

Obama & ACORN?

Stranger things have happened
12874938, This is an odd strategically...to say the least
Posted by I. Motion, Sat Aug-08-15 09:41 PM
The Republicans JUST had "debate" where the rampant police killings & brutality wasn't even a foot note

And this VERY weekend the conservatives having a gathering where Republicans candidates will be speaking

The conservatives/Republicans all but dismiss the unjust killings of unarmed African-Americans

But these (alleged) #blacklivesmatter "activists" are targeting Bernie Sanders???? Who HAS spoken on the need for change and better policemen
Posted by IkeMoses, Sat Aug-08-15 10:05 PM
12874964, "We honor black lives by doing the unthinkable, the unapologetic, and the unrespectable."
Posted by Kevin26_2, Sat Aug-08-15 10:41 PM
12874968, Why Bernie Sanders, though? Or is it because it was in Seattle?
Posted by Crash85, Sat Aug-08-15 10:57 PM
Bernie seems like the only dude in this race that would co-sign #BlackLivesMatter and actually mean it...
12874991, Yeah, I really don't understand the point of going at Bernie Sanders...
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Aug-09-15 12:31 AM
from what I know about him he seems pretty legit. He has been weak on issues dealing with black folks, but he's by far the best candidate out there are I think he would be receptive to a better approach/ message. Not shutting down his rally.
12874993, How is he weak on Black issues? He was arrested in marches.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sun Aug-09-15 12:39 AM
12874995, I'm not here to argue whether he's weak or not. That's the narrative.
Posted by BlassFemur, Sun Aug-09-15 12:45 AM

I'm actually surprised this is such a big issue. It does seem a little fishy to me.
12875036, 60s marches ain't helping BLM concerns of ppl who are dying today
Posted by Riot, Sun Aug-09-15 10:02 AM
So yea after the netroots event he started to get on board with BLM
His campaign screwed that up, but it did show them starting to engage

But it was bare minimum and more needs to be done
12875044, Can u just say exactly what happened that raised their ire in regards to
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Sun Aug-09-15 10:37 AM
Him? What did his campaign botch in terms of the netroots event

I'm reading this post and the article in the OP and still haven't seen why they are protesting his stuff
12875119, only he and omalley were at netroots
Posted by Riot, Sun Aug-09-15 02:13 PM
Both got questioned/disrupted re: blm
omalley answered with alllivesmatter, which basically is driving yourself off a cliff at this point,as far as blm is concerned
Sanders started talking abt inner city jobs, which was still missing the point

Directly after the event, sanders tweeted out #sayhername and listed victims names but like 3 of the 5 names were men. Came off as granddad cant work a pc. So that was where I said he was trying to engage but still kinda sleep at the wheel
and all throughout this, like multiple times a day there is a twitter battle with Sanders supporters talking down and telling blm folks 2get in line (but make sure its the back of the line) & bringing up 60s marches

I honestly have not seen a lot abt the Seattle thing but 1 it's Seattle 2 I don't mind taking him 2 task at this stage if he's claiming "the true progressive"
12875121, thanks and I c. A good number of White liberals just want Black ppl to
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Sun Aug-09-15 02:24 PM
Fall in line and they should be taken to task. It shouldnt be that hard to say Black lives matter. U can expand it into a big tent statement after saying that but it should be said as is.
12874998, It's hilarious to see how uncomfortable this makes ppl
Posted by Amritsar, Sun Aug-09-15 01:08 AM
12875020, RE: It's hilarious to see how uncomfortable this makes ppl
Posted by murph71, Sun Aug-09-15 08:16 AM

Basically....I said it before in another post...It doesn't matter if Bernie locked arm in arm with King, Rosa Parks, Jesse Jackson or whoever. What matters is how he reacts to the BlackLivesMatter contingent TODAY....During his first "meeting" with them he came off as perturbed and dismissive....He did make a real attempt to have a dialogue with the BlackLivesMatter crew, but the die (unfair or not) has already been cast...However, I do hope that BLM kicks up the same dust during Republican stump speeches....

But just on some sober, chess-not-checkers reality shit here, Bernie is not winning a general election. He is def. scaring the shit out of Hillary though...And for good reason: He is turning on the Left-Wing base...So in that regard, H. Clinton should def. take Bern Man seriously....But that's as far as it will go...

Hillary has a real problem to deal with. This email mess can no longer be ignored by her backers....People can no longer pooh pooh it. H. Clinton needs to face this and give up the ghost....But ol' girl is still more electable in a general election than Bernie...

The question is what does this^^^^say for the state of the Democratic Party?
12875017, Smh @ these replies...y'all are worse than white people
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-09-15 07:57 AM
BLM is obviously not interested in electoral or reformist politics. They want a revolution, and they're doing exactly what they should be doing.
12875031, I can respect that if they run up on every politicians stage
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 09:47 AM

12875073, Why should they? Its obvious these other politicians dont care bout us
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sun Aug-09-15 11:48 AM
People arent rushing Bernie because they dont support him, its because hes claimed to care and they wanna know how if he really about it.
12875096, So let all the candidates who are further to the right give their message
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 12:43 PM
but shut down the one candidate who is the most liberal?

That seems like an odd strategy.
12875123, entirely asinine
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Aug-09-15 02:30 PM
12875175, Bernie just hired a black woman as a press secretary.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sun Aug-09-15 05:13 PM
A very good strategy.
12875207, I hope so...
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 07:36 PM
12875038, RE: Smh @ these replies...y'all are worse than white people
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 10:16 AM
>BLM is obviously not interested in electoral or reformist
>politics. They want a revolution, and they're doing exactly
>what they should be doing.

what this contingent of BLM doesn't realize (because they don't represent the aggregate movement necessarily) is that Bernie Sanders is the most revolutionary presidential candidate to garner this much public support in the new century. However, many of them don't care - just as they didn't care about the plight of Mexican immigrants when they hijacked their platform, indifferent to their causes, yet then want to cry foul when another group isn't on the front-lines of their respective cause.

It's a poor strategy.

12875061, Exactly. And their movement could be a lot more powerful with allies.
Posted by TheRealBillyOcean, Sun Aug-09-15 11:14 AM
12875138, Gtfoh No white man running for President is going to push
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-09-15 03:12 PM
Black liberation. That's what these young people want, and that's what they're fighting for. It's not your place to speak about what they should be doing. Stop wagging your white liberal finger at me talking about Bernie like he's a revolutionary. He's another old reformist white man that talks about matching with Dr. King (like we give a fuck), who hasn't pushed any revolutionary conversations on racial justice. There will be no real change under our current structure, and these kids realize that. YALL white people and buppies are afraid, and yall should be. We're all about to get really uncomfortable, it's long overdue.
12875140, yea that's deep.
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 03:18 PM
The "IDGAF about other people's issues" never was a good look if the goal is to bring attention and activism to your own issues.

and as for 'y'all white people' - you can miss me w/ that. I have zero concern for the neo-segregationists. The movement of Wholeness I'm apart of will never be subservient to division. Ever.

12875151, Lol...you literally said nothing nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-09-15 03:44 PM
12875200, Agreed 300 percent
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Aug-09-15 07:19 PM
12875158, this is the most ridiculous thing i've read in this post
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 04:17 PM
you are trying to say Tia Oso the daughter of immigrants herself
who works for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration and the Black Immigration Network
who is well aware of the intersections of criminal justice system and immigration
got up at netroots
and all of a sudden didn't care about the work that she's been doing for how many years


the target of these actions are exactly "progressives" like you
12875160, Yes - she effectively usurped the NetsRoot forum
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 04:24 PM
and prevented the forum from taking place; wouldn't allow for Sanders to even respond and address the crowd. And yes - she was effective in getting her message across, at the expense of the purpose for which the forum was organized for: to address the plight of Mexican immigrants. That forum never took place.

She could have hijacked a conference that really needed to get hijacked - but she didn't do that, did she?

12875165, why do you keep mentioning mexican immigrants?
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 04:37 PM
it was a presidential candidate forum at netroots
she specifically mentioned mexican immigrants in her statement
jose antonio vargas is not mexican - he's filipino

and again if you have no idea what was said, whom it was said to, in what context (and yea I don't know a single regular PoC netroots attendee who doesn't complaint every year about that progressive space needing to be usurped), or even bother to get people's ethnicities right but still have so much criticism about this as if somehow PoC are so confused about their own political theory and Bernie's...

well that's exactly the point.
12875167, b/c the forum was focused on the plight of Latino immigrants in AZ
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 04:48 PM
The country that borders AZ is Mexico. Neat information I know.


12875170, not just latino immigration - no - BAJI has roots in Phoenix
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 04:57 PM
someone who works on immigration justice
who made a statement specifically about all immigrants who come through the southern border not just latinos
is not hijacking a conversation about immigration
but connecting the intersections between the crim-imm justice systems
12875172, um no. They weren't hijacking the forum to synthesize multiple issues
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 05:00 PM
this wasn't about incorporating a myriad of issues and drawing connection to them all (incidentally, that's what Bernie Sanders does very effectively). This was about one (very important) issue (BLM) - it just so happened to trounce on another very important issue (Latino Immigration and the problems they face in Arizona).

This wasn't the forum to hijack, and there was no effort made to afford the proper respect to the legitimate cause that this particular NetsRoot forum was organized to address: Latino immigration into AZ.

Yes - NetRoots deals with a wide variety of immigrant issues. But on that day, it was specifically organized to address the plight of latino immigrants in AZ, just as the BLM contingent was specifically hijacking the conference to bring attention to their own specific issue. Let's not pretend otherwise.

12875177, that's just not true
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 05:14 PM
it would be easier maybe to believe you know something about netroots if you could get the name right

but i don't think you actually heard, read what she said nor understand what forum she was at that day

12875179, sure.
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 05:25 PM

12875161, word is that Tia Oso got an embezzlement conviction
Posted by Reuben, Sun Aug-09-15 04:24 PM
when she was working for a black non-profit

stole 11k 'allegedly'(c) Desus&Mero soundbox used on uncommon idiots

but i dont know how true it is, although it gets returns when searched
12875168, hadn't heard of that.
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 04:49 PM
can't say I'd be terribly surprised.

12875040, in this revolution, who do you see as POTUS?
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 10:24 AM
12875071, Jill Stein
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sun Aug-09-15 11:46 AM
12875076, I'm not gonna argue against a Chomsky endorsement
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 11:54 AM
12875187, I think this movement could possibly make the POTUS
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-09-15 05:54 PM
and other traditional structures less relevant. I think we may be witnessing the very early stages of a complete overhaul. I definitely see us moving away from the two-party system and creating something more just. I'm really not sure who will emerge as POTUS in 2016, but I think it may not even matter. I think what's going on in the streets will determine policy.
12875146, no they are not, they're identarian poverty pimps
Posted by Reuben, Sun Aug-09-15 03:31 PM
12875021, *smh*
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 08:34 AM
this post is terrible

i read comments like this and start to wonder if you all really can't imagine black women as having more than half a brain.

it must be hillary, george soros, ignorance about bernie's career/politics or some other misunderstanding, or some other stupid crap in a huff po article to explain a planned action to challenge exactly what they said, white supremacist thinking in progressive circles. why is that so hard to believe (even if you don't happen to like how it was executed or why it was done)?

12875068, ^
Posted by IkeMoses, Sun Aug-09-15 11:38 AM
12875101, Maybe they did this on their own... but I doubt it.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 12:56 PM
Also funny how BLM's Seattle chapter doesnt claim them...

12875159, well that's great - i'm sure the non-existent national BLM overlords
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 04:22 PM
have noted that

and will revoke their status
and not let them party walk
or spray their boots gold at the next convening
12875124, well assuming they cut a deal with hilary *is* giving them credit
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun Aug-09-15 02:33 PM
At least that would be a smart thing to do

Antagonizing the obviously most preferable option is only stupid if they are doing it genuinely
12875162, symone sanders wouldn't have been anywhere near the front
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 04:26 PM
of anything related to Bernie Sanders campaign
without BLM's "antagonizing"

but let me guess
sanders is all a part of hillary's grand plan which is what's in those missing e-mails

12875792, so they indirectly got one person one job?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Aug-10-15 12:44 PM
12875189, People used to be more politically sophisticated on this board
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Aug-09-15 06:00 PM
Vex never would've gotten away with posting that bs 10 years ago. I swear people on here turned 30, got married/had kids, and became complacent as fuck. People are actually talking about electoral politics like it's going to really fix things. I'm amazed.
12875783, Getting married and having kids
Posted by Ron, Mon Aug-10-15 12:36 PM
allows you to focus on what's really important and let go of selfish thinking and childish fantasies.

There is a system already in place that would allow for a real revolution if used properly but it takes unity, hard work and dedication. Grandstanding accomplishes nothing.

12875844, RE: Getting married and having kids
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon Aug-10-15 01:21 PM
>allows you to focus on what's really important and let go of
>selfish thinking and childish fantasies.
>There is a system already in place that would allow for a real
>revolution if used properly but it takes unity, hard work and
>dedication. Grandstanding accomplishes nothing.

Please. I'm married with 5 kids. Those women have been doing the work. The fact that you view their strategy as "grandstanding" demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of what is happening in the movement and on the streets. Smh.
12875861, can you confirm it they were on the schedule to speak in the first place?
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-10-15 01:27 PM
one of the replies above mentioned they were actually on the schedule of events to speak

it's really hard to find any details about THAT event

outside of BLM shuts down Bernie, again

12876677, Why does it matter?
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Tue Aug-11-15 09:37 AM
They went to shut it down, which generally means you're not waiting for an invitation. It's an awesome strategy that is working.
12877709, RE: what exactly is working in your opinion?
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 10:29 PM
you think BLM shutdown the afternoon event

and Bern hired Symone Sanders for the evening event



I think Symone's strategy of approaching an approachable candidate is what worked, no?

good luck getting past the other candidate's security teams.

My question was IRT them actually having an opportunity to convey their message

I don't see the strategy in being given an opportunity to speak

and then 'shutting down' the event

before Bern can actually address the issue

you follow?

and as Promo posted in his link toward the bottom (I think it's in this post)

it was a dick move to all of the causes and organizers that put that thing together
12876132, I'm married with 5 kids as well
Posted by Ron, Mon Aug-10-15 03:49 PM
and could care less about what's happening in the "streets." Only street I care about is the one I live on and where my children play.
12876671, So you're complacent as fuck like I said in my original post
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Tue Aug-11-15 09:33 AM
Your kids have to go out in these streets and face violent pigs just like everyone else. Stop being stupid.
12876417, How would the system allow for revolution
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Aug-10-15 08:47 PM
that's almost literally not how a revolution works.
12875022, re: white supremacist liberals
Posted by samsara, Sun Aug-09-15 09:01 AM
I was going to repost a quote from a response received after the netroots nation BLM action during the presidential candidates talks when Bernie was on stage but i looked back and it wasn't public

but be assured the responses from the progressive white liberals in attendance that popped up in inboxes... you would have a hard time telling the difference between what you'd imagine coming from some crazy white supremacist org and them

more power to BLM for challenging supposed allies

the traditional request from those allies is to "get behind" and we'll get back to you when it comes to presidential campaigns and the black community. i don't see why people have problems with them getting in front and centering our current environment as a national crisis that should be addressed each and every time so-called progressive gatherings happen - if they are going to be about it, then be about it. Even if you make it past security at a Hillary event, where would you find even so-called progressives?

it's completely possible to have marched on the right side of history and still end up on the wrong side of the road, trying to go the right way. bernie's campaign has noticeably changed due to BLM actions and good for them for starting that work. just because bernie was there doesn't mean his campaign strategists, communications, social media teams, policy people come out of that environment (or are a diverse group of people?) and had any of that as a messaging priority before netroots nation.

12875203, Base
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Aug-09-15 07:27 PM
>just because bernie was there doesn't mean his campaign strategists, communications, social media teams, policy people come out of that environment (or are a diverse group of people?) and had any of that
12875023, lol'z
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 09:14 AM

12875026, It is bizarre, but I think I see the strategic logic.
Posted by stravinskian, Sun Aug-09-15 09:39 AM
The protesters are making the same move as Bernie himself.

Bernie knows that Hillary is gonna be the nominee, and that she'll need progressive support. He's running to influence her.

The protesters know that Bernie needs their support, so they're trying to influence him.

Yes it would make more obvious sense to protest at Republican rallies. But the protesters would just get thrown out, and the crowd would cheer. At a Sanders rally, they actually get listened to.

I don't know why we haven't seen them at Hillary events. Obviously hers are more tied down and choreographed. Maybe they've tried and just not succeeded yet.
12875027, looks like a security problem, IMO.
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 09:42 AM
for people asking why they're targeting Bern

= because they can

try and jump up and/or interrupt any of these MAJOR/HIGH profile candidates


they interrupted the net root event

= bern incorporated state violence into his very next address

so yeah, it has nothing to do with nothing

other than opportunity, IMO.

and yes, they're wack for that and look horrible as representatives of anything.

do they know Bern's not the POTUS? (yet)
12875028, Hmmm I wonder why movements used to have leaders nm.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sun Aug-09-15 09:42 AM
12875046, Interrupt the republican rally's too....
Posted by revolution75, Sun Aug-09-15 10:44 AM
12875049, "but, but, but Bernie marched in the 60's!!"...
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Aug-09-15 10:45 AM
12875062, while HRC was campaigning for Goldwater
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 11:18 AM
with her ties to mass incarceration (Billy Clint administration and current campaign contributions)

and wall street

compared to Bern being damn near right on every issue since

I say damn near, because I've only recently begun to look at his record on past issues

but so far, I can't find any glaring example where he f'd up



yeah, I'm not seeing the issue with Bern as THE candidate to back

12875079, most people here know I'm not a HRC fan at all, Bernie's civil rights...
Posted by ThaTruth, Sun Aug-09-15 11:56 AM
Record from 50-60 years ago is nice but doesn't really meant shit RIGHT TODAY(c)WC

It's looking like I'll have to choose between one of those 2 at some point but I'm not exactly excited about.

12875085, LOL @your lesser of 2 evils despair. Only one of those is evil
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 12:07 PM
this is where I leave you.
12875194, RE: LOL @your lesser of 2 evils despair. Only one of those is evil
Posted by murph71, Sun Aug-09-15 06:39 PM
>this is where I leave you.

Yeah...the lesser of two evils thing doesn't work here...

What works is who is more electable. If Bernie shows that he can attract more than the hardcore left then I will vote for him because my ONLY concern is beating the Repugs...Right now Hillary, email clusterfuck and all, looks like she still is the best option in a general election...Of course shit can change, but u get my drift...

I think people get too wrapped up in individual candidates...In fact, that was the big problem for the Dems for years especially post Nixon and Ronnie Baby. They went for the candidate that made their heart warm instead of playing chess...The irony is the Republicans are now going through the same thing....They are getting spooked that Jeb will not turn out the hardcore Right vote...

Basically, I'm a Democrat...Which means if I had to vote for a bag of apples, and if said apples presented the best option to beat the Republicans, well, I'm making apple sauce....

12875716, Bernie is beating the Republicans too though
Posted by ChampD1012, Mon Aug-10-15 11:48 AM
The republican party is a certifiable mess...

All of the democratic candidates would beat whoever is on the republican side...

12876127, RE: Bernie is beating the Republicans too though
Posted by murph71, Mon Aug-10-15 03:47 PM
>The republican party is a certifiable mess...
>All of the democratic candidates would beat whoever is on the
>republican side...

As it stands NOW Bernie will not be able to put together the coalition needed to win it all...

This is a very split country...This will be a veryclose race....The Dems have had the benefit of going against a party that has become ultra extreme and stupid....They got a gift from the political Gods when the other side decided to roll with Palin as a VP and then went with Romney Money Bags who made that insanely out of touch 47 percent statement...

This time though? With no Obama to capture the imagination of the party in a transcendent way and the Repugs playing it a bit smarter, the Dems cannot afford to take any chances. Like I said, if Bernie shows he can get blacks and Hispanics and the youth on board, I'm down to vote for the homie....

But the way I see it the Repugs will probably put a ticket together involving either the kindler-gentler Ohio Gov. who stood up to his own party on Obamacare or Carly F. to unleash someone to attack Hillary without the worry of being called sexist....This should not be pooh-pooh'ed....

If this email shit takes Hill out or if dude gathers steam beyond white liberals, then I will roll with Bernie. Until then Hillary has my vote...

Because I'm all about not letting the Republicans sniff the White House...
12875053, black tea party.
Posted by tingum, Sun Aug-09-15 10:56 AM
12875066, Loud & Wrong
Posted by Vex_id, Sun Aug-09-15 11:34 AM

12875082, #feelthebern
Posted by bentagain, Sun Aug-09-15 12:01 PM
12875075, As self-defeating as Blacks calling themselves niggers
Posted by KingMonte, Sun Aug-09-15 11:50 AM
Ya Damn Right
12875097, No sensible person that is serious about the movement...
Posted by I. Motion, Sun Aug-09-15 12:47 PM

is supporting this!

These "ladies actions are being universally shunned and condemned

Because only thing these 2 chicks accomplished was to create an unnecessary wedge and division within the movement
12875144, Hillary paying these fuckin stooges and blacks falling for it
Posted by Reuben, Sun Aug-09-15 03:30 PM
12875145, Post #13....they bout to Coon Train you
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 03:31 PM
12875152, they can believe hasidics paying mexicans to protest but not this
Posted by Reuben, Sun Aug-09-15 03:53 PM
when we KNOW politics is pure treachery

at this point people just want to fall for the okey doke
12875169, LMAO...basically
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Aug-09-15 04:52 PM
12875174, those min wage $15 protestors were paid less than $15/hr to protest
Posted by josetheplumber, Sun Aug-09-15 05:12 PM
12875150, .
Posted by Reuben, Sun Aug-09-15 03:43 PM
12875214, this is the best piece I've seen on this event so far.
Posted by PROMO, Sun Aug-09-15 08:19 PM

Many people have been e-mailing and asking me how I am thinking about what happened yesterday at the event on social security and medicare, when some protestors identifying as Black Lives Matter got up on stage to challenge Bernie Sanders on race and racism, and ended up shutting down the event so Bernie could not speak. I'm struggling but in the spirit of community, here's what comes to mind.

First, I want to give a huge shout out to the amazing leaders who worked for months and months to organize the event: Robby Stern and PSARA, Social Security Works Washington, Washington CAN, Burke Stansbury, and so many more. This was a huge event to put together, and their determination is what ultimately got Senator Bernie Sanders to Seattle in the first place. The rally was also packed—maybe around 5,000 people—and people stood in the hot sun for a couple of hours, engaging actively and cheering on the incredibly wide range of speakers the coalition had put together. I was proud to be the speaker just before Bernie was supposed to speak. Watching what unfolded made me heartbroken. I have so many somewhat jumbled thoughts—here are just a few.

1) This is one small result of centuries of racism. As a country, we still have not recognized or acknowledged what we have wrought and continue to inflict on black people. The bigger results are how black kids as young as two are being disciplined differently in their daycares and pre-k classes. That black people are routinely denied jobs that white people get with the same set of experiences and skills. That black people—women and men—continue to die at the hands of police, in domestic violence, on the streets. That black mothers must tell their children as young as seven or eight that they have to be careful about what pants or hoodies they wear or to not assert their rights if stopped. That this country supports an institutionalized form of racism called the criminal justice system that makes profit—hard, cold cash—on jailing black and brown people. I could go on and on. But the continued lack of calling out that indelible stain of racism everywhere we go, of refusing to see that racism exists and implicit bias exists in all of us, of refusing to give reparations for slavery, of refusing to have our version of a truth and reconciliation process—that is what pushes everything underneath and makes it seem like the fault is of black people not of the country, institutions, and people that wrought the violence. That is the anger and rage that we saw erupt yesterday on stage. But it's not the problem, it's a symptom of the disease of unacknowledged and un-acted upon racism.

2) When the disruption first happened, the crowd (mostly white) turned ugly. It's hard to say what is the chicken or the egg. Some of it may have stemmed from the protestors calling the whole crowd racist. Some of it was from annoyance at the disruption. Some was probably from deep disagreement about tactics in a movement to get attention to an issue. Some was from deep disappointment because people had stood in the hot sun for hours to hear Bernie. Whatever it was, the conversations that ensued—the name calling of white and black people against each other, including some people calling blacks who didn't agree with what was happening racist—were so painful. I was in the speakers tent and Pam Keeley alerted me to two young black girls (Gina Owens grandchildren) who were weeping, they were so scared, so I went over to comfort them. We stood with our arms around each other, and in some small way, that gave me the greatest sense of doing something tangible—to be with people I love, assuring them they would be safe, and that none of us would ever let harm come to them. After the protests, several people came up and wanted to talk. Many were furious—some white people said they no longer support BLM. Others said they do support it but this erodes their support. Some said outrageous things from anger. Others seemed befuddled. Some understood. People will have to work this out for themselves, but as we all do, I hope that we can open our hearts to all of the pain and suffering in the world and be as compassionate and kind as possible to each other so that we can also heal as we learn and listen.

3) I don't have any answer on what is "right." Bernie Sanders was a guest in our city—invited by a multiracial coalition to speak on some very important issues. Enormous amounts of work went into yesterday's event and it was so important to talk about preserving and expanding Social Security and Medicare. None of the papers today are covering those issues, because they were eclipsed by what happened. That's not necessarily "wrong"—it just is what it is. But here's what I would have loved to have happen: after the protestors were able to get the mic and say their piece and have the 4.5 minutes of silence for all the black people who have been killed, I would have loved for Bernie Sanders to take the mic and respond. And also to speak about Social Security and Medicare too. Here's what I would love even more: for the Sanders campaign and BLM nationally to sit down and talk about an agenda on racial justice that he can use his presidential platform to help move. Imagine rolling out that agenda and inviting black people to talk about it on stage with him. Now that excites me.

4) I had not yet endorsed Bernie Sanders (and still have not), although I was incredibly excited about his candidacy. One of the primary reasons is because I wanted to know more about his stands on race and racism. I asked the campaign for some time to discuss this with him, and he did very graciously make some time for me to have a short conversation with him. What I got from the conversation is that he knows he comes from a very white state and he's a 70+ year old white guy. He knows that running for President, he must now speak to voters who are very different from those in his state. He IS deeply committed to equality on all counts but his primary lens for all of his work—and a HUGELY necessary and not-often-enough-acknowledged lens—is economic. He is a truth-teller on economic issues in a way that no other candidate is. He gets the connection between large corporations, elections, and income inequality. He does understand the problems of the criminal justice system and I fully believe he will work to change that if elected. But the deeper comfort with talking about race and racism is harder. As Mayor of Burlington, early on, he endorsed Jesse Jackson for President and Jackson went on to win the state. He was active in the civil rights movement. But more than that, he is someone who has fought for so many of the threads that connect our movements. He has to learn to talk about racism in that way, to connect his ideas on education, economics, incarceration, and race. As I said when I had the honor of introducing him at his evening rally, he is in a unique position to do so. And we are in a unique moment where we crave that leadership in a presidential campaign.

I told him in my conversation with him that he needed to talk head on about institutional racism—he said he agreed and he would do it in the evening. And he did—to an enormous, cheering crowd of 15,000 people. That's a huge platform for our messages. There's more to do and learn for sure, but is any one of us perfect? The most we can ask for is for someone who listens and cares deeply, who is trustworthy, and who will do what he says. I know I learned a lot in my campaign and I will continue to grow from listening to people's voices. I believe Bernie Sanders is growing too—and I hope (and yes, believe) that we'll look back on this and see his emergence as a leader who brings our movements for economic, racial and social justice together in a powerful way.

5) Here's what I am trying to deeply think about: How do we call people in even as we call them out? As a brown woman, the only woman of color in the state senate, often the only person of color in many rooms, I am constantly thinking about this. To build a movement, we have to be smarter than those who are trying to divide us. We have to take our anger and rage and channel it into building, growing, loving, holding each other up. We need our outlets too, our places of safety where we can say what we think without worrying about how it's going to land, where we can call out even our white loved ones, friends, allies for what they are not doing. But in the end, if we want to win for ALL of us on racial, economic, and social justice issues, we need multiple sets of tactics, working together. Some are disruptive tactics. Some are loving tactics. Some are truth-telling tactics. Some can only be taken on by white people. Some can only be taken on by people of color. Sometimes we need someone from the other strand to step in and hold us up. Other times, we have to step out and hold them up. Each of us has a different role to play but we all have to hold the collective space for movement building together. That's what I hope we all keep in mind and work on together. It's the only way we move forward.

Pramila Jayapal is a state senator from Washington's 37th District.
12875909, RE: he said he agreed and he would do it in the evening. And he did.
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-10-15 01:46 PM
and this somehow gets lost in all of this

yes, Bern has challenges, as eloquently pointed out by Pramila Jayapal


not only is he willing to listen and put the work/time in


"How do we call people in even as we call them out?"

^^^ will probably also get overlooked in all of this

but perfectly said

is it really hard to anticipate the type of reaction you will get by calling a large group of people racists

I think the estimate was 5000 people

12875981, it's very interesting to see this happen in my city.
Posted by PROMO, Mon Aug-10-15 02:18 PM
i mean, it only confirms what anyone who #staywoke knows...that Seattle likes to tout itself as progressive, but there's a very hidden kind of prejudice/racism here. it shouldn't be a shock in a majority white city where whites have consistently gentrified POC out of Seattle-proper for the last 30 years, making the city itself even more white...but here we are.

while i initially didn't agree with their takeover over the rally simply because of their "target" and that i didn't think it would make any impact, this piece really helped put things in perspective...and i'm glad something tangible has actually come as a result of it.

my only regreat, as Pramila stated so eloquently, is that Sanders didn't seize the opportunity to address them on the spot. he bounced, but at least he's doing something about it now instead of completely letting it linger.
12875435, It's laughable to describe this as revolutionary activity.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Aug-10-15 09:22 AM
Get guns and start blasting at cops. Run up in the Republican events pulling this stuff even.

Running an old lefty off a stage is revolutionary activity?

They picked literally the easiest softest target and never remotely put themselves in harms way to get some attention for themselves.

These folks are mistaken being a mild annoyance for being real agitation.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12875448, basically.. protest the soft dude who pushes for liberal causes...
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 09:27 AM
He gets the biggest crowds so I get that angle but it seems like after stating your case you would let the most liberal candidate speak to the crowd.

12875572, protesting the guy, whos policy offers the most strutural change
Posted by Reuben, Mon Aug-10-15 10:33 AM
that will benefit blacks wtf

they got to be on someones payroll or the biggest dummies out
12875791, ^^^
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Mon Aug-10-15 12:44 PM
12875919, hmmm
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Mon Aug-10-15 01:50 PM
12875706, Bullshit if you want
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 11:32 AM

He's listening.
12875724, I'm not mad at this
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 11:59 AM
12875923, but you was mad at them getting his attention. think about that shit
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Aug-10-15 01:51 PM
12875952, www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1ysoohV_zA
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 02:01 PM

12875964, I'm dyin
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Aug-10-15 02:06 PM
12875850, The end
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon Aug-10-15 01:23 PM
12875932, yea...he's a politician
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Aug-10-15 01:54 PM
i thought this thread was about making the person who might actually win listen and respond
12875934, I'd say the Seattle demonstration helped bring about this change
Posted by stattic, Mon Aug-10-15 01:54 PM
and that it was an effective strategy to target the candidate most likely to be, and to be perceived to be, receptive of the group's message.

Bernie Sanders is probably the only candidate who would respond to what happened in Seattle by incorporating the group's message into his platform. The rest of the candidates at most would have issued a nebulous statement about embracing the diversity of opinions on such a sensitive and critical topic, etc., but they wouldn't have changed their platform. However, he is seen as the candidate most likely to fight against structural racism, and he probably is the only big name candidate who would do so in earnest. He is the perfect target and looking at the outcome, I'd say their actions were justified and appropriate.
12875965, agreed.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 02:07 PM
12876317, Symone Sanders introduced Bernie in Seattle on Saturday
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 06:28 PM
and spoke at length about his credentials on racial justice. She'd been courted by the Sanders campaign for weeks leading up to Saturday as well - so her being appointed press secretary was proactive, not reactive to Saturday's "protest".

12876539, She claims she had been contacted by Bernie for advice on BLM
Posted by stattic, Tue Aug-11-15 05:09 AM

which makes sense considering that Saturday wasn't the first time that BLM supporters have protested at a Netroots event that he had attended.

I don't think that one has to be anti- the protesters in Seattle in order to be pro- Bernie Sanders. Clearly, the Symone Sanders appointment and his platform have been influenced by his concern for racial justice, and the former was influenced by BLM by her own admission. If anything, this event has shed light on his history and his platform and that's fantastic for him. Others will likely still want to see him push it further.

You're obviously very passionate about his candidacy, so this affects you a certain way, but weren't you a big Ron Paul supporter too? I wouldn't get too wrapped up in a politician.
12879731, don't actually make sense in this post
Posted by samsara, Thu Aug-13-15 09:38 PM
that would be too much like right

black people clearly can't think for themselves
they need white help to figure out where to protest, when to be silent, and who to vote for

what would we do without good ole liberal northeastern paternalism in a presidential campaign?

the better conspiracy theory is hillary paying racist progressives to turn off black people to bernie's campaign like this post. if anyone hadn't thought of that yet, you are welcome, social media campaigner lurkers.

12880336, Sure - but she introduced Bernie on that Saturday in Seattle
Posted by Vex_id, Fri Aug-14-15 02:26 PM
Which means that she was already hired and a member of the team before this faux-BLM protest occurred. Point being: Sarah Palin-stan doesn't get to take credit for Bernie's rock-solid record on racial justice over the past 60 years. The notion that Bernie is reacting to BLM and just now magically addressing race issues is just glaringly incorrect.

>I don't think that one has to be anti- the protesters in
>Seattle in order to be pro- Bernie Sanders.

For sure.

>You're obviously very passionate about his candidacy, so this
>affects you a certain way, but weren't you a big Ron Paul
>supporter too? I wouldn't get too wrapped up in a politician.

I'm supporting Bernie Sanders for President, volunteer for his campaign, and am active in civic participation. Not sure if that is "being too wrapped up" but to each their own.

As for Ron Paul - yes - I supported him in 2008 as the only Republican I was vocally behind. I'm an Independent (which means that I can vote in both Democratic and Republican primaries). So I voted for Obama in the dem. primary and Paul in the repub. primary.

Why? Because he - alike Bernie Sanders incidentally - were among the very few mainstream politicians to (1) warn the nation & predict the '08 financial ruin that precipitated from the Wall-Street/Corporate Welfare bailouts; and (2) remain vocal and steadfast in their respective opposition of the illegal Iraq invasion which remains the most disastrous foreign policy decision a President has ever made.

I reward the wisdom of both of the aforementioned politicians - but Sanders is a far superior politician and presidential candidate as I'm in line with him on a broad set of issues, whereas I divorce with Ron Paul on a number of issues.

12876308, Actually - it's mostly BLM people who are now listening to Bernie
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 06:19 PM
Not the other way around. Bernie *been* listening to, speaking for, and most importantly - *acting* for black issues - but it's nice to see people finally acknowledging that fact.

12876324, You went from the boho homeboy to the annoying white liberal real quick
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 06:38 PM
Dont worry bout us, playboy.
12876346, you ready for Hillary or nah?
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 06:58 PM

12876387, Sure
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 07:51 PM
12876682, He's been doing this shit forever nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Tue Aug-11-15 09:38 AM
12875927, Soros conspiracy theory is the most hilarious shit
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Aug-10-15 01:52 PM
it's like Obama Conspiracy Theory but somehow funnier

I can't point to a single bit of legislation he's influenced as much as the right-wing plutocrat donors do. But since he gives a lot of money to "liberals" apparently... SOROS SOROS SOROS
12875937, It involves the Clintons too - double whammy
Posted by stattic, Mon Aug-10-15 01:55 PM
12875947, How does the Hillary conspiracy works. She takes the biggest risk of
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Aug-10-15 02:00 PM
her political career that would torpedo her chances for becoming president if it were ever uncovered to do what? Disrupt a Bernie Sanders speech?

She puts here career in these young women's hand inorder to defeat someone she is almost guaranteed to beat?

if it were ever uncovered would be the biggest scandal in
"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12875960, gotta wait until the next spin bro.. no more bets.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Aug-10-15 02:04 PM
12875963, if you want to play out that conspiracy angle
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-10-15 02:05 PM
I'm not buying into it myself

it would be much easier for her to just correspond directly than resort to subterfuge

IMO, it would be to get a knee jerk reaction from Bern

i.e. he looks the old curmudgeon part, let's get him to shout 'get off my lawn' in public

HRC ran the #alllivesmatter foot in mouth meme

but somehow, hasn't been held accountable by BLM (to my knowledge) for it

so yeah, I could see how it all looks suspect

but still a reach IMO

12876108, White liberals are too pussy. That guy trying to meet them halfway
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 03:31 PM
while they bump up against him and scream in his face, dude is the epitome of white liberal vaginajuice

The appropriate response would be "Shut the fuck up and get off the stage."

That "we are trying to be reasonable, we'll give you the mic next" dude ...my God man, grow a pair
12876146, ^^^hard on for cursing Black ppl out
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Mon Aug-10-15 04:02 PM
U won't live in fear of angry Blacks anymore!!!!! U declare
12876166, ^^ Easy stupid response. Let me ask you
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 04:15 PM
who, of what color, would you allow to bum rush you like that?

This isn't about their blackness, except for the fact that their blackness might be the main reason why that dude was afraid to be real with them.

I'm not letting anyone get in my shit like that, never have, never will. Plenty white fucktards and would-be bullies from my past will attest to that.
12876181, Howard Dean disagrees with you.
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-10-15 04:20 PM
that would be on infinite loop until Bern dropped out of the race.

c'mon fam
12876231, I'm not talking about Bernie, I'm talking about that other dude
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 04:59 PM
Of course Bernie needs to be a ballerina on a balance beam twilrling and blowing kisses at the ppl throw tomatoes

But the other dude emceeig the event can take charge
12876320, Nah, Bernie did the right thing by stepping back and letting them speak
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 06:34 PM
BLM is a very important movement and Bernie is on board with it, so it would make no sense for him to try and disrupt their message getting across. Bernie handled it with class as he should have.

12876326, Not talking about Bernie, and its debatable that these chicks actions
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 06:39 PM
is cool to the majority of BLM heads

I was talking about the other white guy, and its not about their club or what message they represent, its about bum rushing a stage, getting physical, etc

Really doesn't matter if you came to wish my Mom a happy birthday. You rush the podium, shove and berate me, you're out.
12876145, So the result is he is blackening his campaign
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Aug-10-15 03:57 PM
And rethinking his racial politics to include young black people where they've been wholly excluded before...
Sounds like it was a bad idea to me. <sarcasm>
White liberals and progressives need to be pushed on race hard.... you wanna see a progressive turn into Bill O'reilly, challenge them on their half baked racial politics. Watch those allies jump ship like they sacrificed their first born by attending a rally or sending school supplies to the inner city.

12876149, Pretty much.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Aug-10-15 04:05 PM
I was going to vote for him before this, but I'm definitely voting for him now.
12876174, You seriously think its a result of that? He was already pointing in
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 04:17 PM
that direction, formulating his formulas.
12876184, yeah, PROMO's swipe illustrates the issue more eloquently
Posted by bentagain, Mon Aug-10-15 04:24 PM
Bern's from Vermont

so his focus was on income inquality, etc...

agendas that would impact the AA community, while not specifying that intent

as his campaign goes national

it's an obvious omission that needs to be more of a priority

that is

there is an obvious bridge between the platforms of Bern2016 and BLM

they just need to walk across it.
12876188, ...it's better if he did this as a reaction to BLM.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Aug-10-15 04:26 PM
b/c it shows he's listening to them.

this is a good thing.
12876206, word. he just HAPPENED to lay it all out THIS weekend.
Posted by IkeMoses, Mon Aug-10-15 04:36 PM
12876450, A lot more plausible than he crafted all that in a few hours.
Posted by Jon, Mon Aug-10-15 09:18 PM
12876238, #1 we know who you are, you've made it clear
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Aug-10-15 05:04 PM
so I don't give a fuck what you thought of his racial politics.

#2 - the argument was that they would alienate his campaign. that has clearly, clearly not happened. do not attempt to retcon.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12876335, What is the point of this attitude?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Aug-10-15 06:48 PM
>those allies jump ship like they sacrificed their first born
>by attending a rally or sending school supplies to the inner

Is it fun to be mad at everyone? Is the agenda to give 0 credit to all white people? If so why so much attention to Bernie?

So much energy spent parsing Sanders' impeccable record when he's running against a real shape shifter smh
12876374, The point is constant self examination is required to address racism
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Aug-10-15 07:34 PM
Any one that doesn't want to be challenged on their racism is not as progressive as they would have you believe... Nor are they an ally.
Many in the progressive community feel like they are going to work on their issues and black folks will benefit by default.
"We'll fix the environment and black folks will benefit by default..."
"We'll raise white women's pay and black folks will benefit by default..."
"We'll lower the price of kale and black folks will benefit by default..."
That shit doesn't work. Not only that, black people's well being as an after thought is a major part of the problem.
Some people claiming to be alies are not alies at all. Look how many went from supporting BLM to jumping ship because BLM demanded their guy address their issues directly or deal with consequences...
Suddenly, black people dying at the hands of police is not as important as being polite.
If you're willing to get a divorce after seeing smelling your wife's farts for the first time, chances are you would have never made it to the first anniversary anyway...

12876410, *allies
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon Aug-10-15 08:19 PM


12878718, So the black community should be treated like a "charity case"?
Posted by I. Motion, Wed Aug-12-15 07:28 PM
12879127, kinda...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-13-15 11:57 AM
12877708, LoL @ you using the angry black woman stereotype against SB when she
Posted by no_i_cant_dance, Tue Aug-11-15 10:08 PM
is like, 1 of 5 (I probly missed a couple folks lol) people in this thread making a lick of sense.

The other 4: afrogirl, ikemoses, big kuntry, blkprince
12878535, I didn't do that nm.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Aug-12-15 03:39 PM
12876327, Bernie supporters are hilarisad cause they wanna be progressive
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 06:41 PM
But all it takes is black people raising their voice for them to be one second away from a "those people...." speech.

These interruptions are really groundbreaking cause it shows that the Berners are not far from being cross burners.
12876358, my bad fam - I didn't recognize you at first.
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 07:05 PM

let 'em know Pastor Manning! These boys are Berning Crosses up in Vermont they just don't know!

12879739, Riiiiight, cuz this was about some raised voices
Posted by Jon, Thu Aug-13-15 10:07 PM
12876415, So it's come out that one of the chicks who bumrushed Bernie
Posted by John Forte, Mon Aug-10-15 08:46 PM
Is a former Tea Partier and Palin supporter.
12876425, I want so badly for this to be true. And for the posters in here
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Aug-10-15 09:01 PM
to keep posting.
12876436, And for her to be arrested with Wertheim paystubs in her fannypack
Posted by josetheplumber, Mon Aug-10-15 09:07 PM
>to keep posting.
12876456, Hahahahaha. Thats hilarious.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Aug-10-15 09:23 PM
12876489, please keep posting. Won't you stay for dinner?
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 10:55 PM

12876485, Just when you think it can't get better.
Posted by Vex_id, Mon Aug-10-15 10:27 PM

12877746, https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10207319053157888&id=1332215538&set=ecnf.1332215538&source=49
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed Aug-12-15 03:09 AM
12879131, LMAO.. she forgot to scrub the internets
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-13-15 11:59 AM
12877700, RE: Hillary (swipe)...they coming for her a$$
Posted by bentagain, Tue Aug-11-15 09:34 PM
o' she who walks on the wrong side of history


Hillary Clinton meets with Black Lives Matter protesters
By GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI 8/11/15 4:39 PM EDT Updated 8/11/15 6:35 PM EDT
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KEENE, N.H. — Hillary Clinton met with five Black Lives Matter activists behind closed doors following her campaign event here on Tuesday evening, after the group tried to disrupt the forum but arrived too late to get past security.
The group – affiliated with Black Lives Matter organizations in the Boston area — told reporters afterwards that they asked Clinton about “her and her family’s history with the war on drugs both at home and abroad, and how she felt about her involvement in that violence that has been perpetuated, especially against communities of color and against black folks,” said Daunasia Yancey. “We wanted to know her reflections on her involvement as first lady, as senator, and as secretary of state.”
Story Continued Below
Clinton’s response, which they declined to detail, was not a reflection on “her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence,” Yancey said. “I heard a reflection on failed policy.”
“She did acknowledge that there have been policies that she has been part of promoting that have not worked,” Yancey added, without detailing which policies specifically she meant.
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at the RedState Gathering Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Jeb to appear on Stephen Colbert's first 'Late Show'
While the group was initially not let into the event — a community forum on substance abuse at Keene Middle School — the campaign let them into an overflow room, where they watched on live stream.
Reporters were not allowed into the group’s meeting with Clinton, but the activists said they had recorded the exchange and plan to publish it.
“What we got was a Hillary Clinton who was willing to delve into the issues given her platform constraints, but she was not willing to take responsibility for or give much voice to the anti-blackness current. She validated some of the points that we offered, but she didn’t offer many of her own,” said Julius Jones of Worcester, Mass. “She was intentional about meeting us. She got something out of the meeting, that much is certain. What I feel like I got out of the meeting was to press her in a very real way and probably in a way that she hasn’t been pressed in a long time.”
The Black Lives Matter movement so far has primarily targeted Bernie Sanders, who has been drawing huge crowds as a surging candidate and has seen two of his events disrupted, including one last Saturday. But the grassroots activists have said they plan to take on all the Democratic candidates, in an effort to have them more aggressively address institutional racism in housing, education and criminal justice.
The activists said Clinton understood their problems, but that her answers were similar to what they’ve heard from other candidates.
“It rings similar in that it is a political response, right? They’re politicians, and that it’s a conversation about, again, policy and about drafting new legislation and those things, without, I think, the deep underlying conversation around how those policies were drafted in a way that supports white supremacist violence,” Yancey said, before clarifying later that she felt good about having had the exchange.
Tuesday was not the first time Clinton has been the focus of criticism.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton answers reporters questions about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump after announcing her college affordability plan, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, at the high school in Exeter, N.H. (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
Hillary accuses Walker of raising taxes on students
While she’s made a point of saying “black lives matter” in recent months, she came under fire for saying “all lives matter” at an event outside of Ferguson, Missouri in June. The comment sparked a social media backlash.
The group had initially told The New Republic that they had planned to interrupt Clinton’s event and ask her about her drug platform, and campaign staffers inside the room were aware of those intentions due to the magazine’s publication.
Because the former secretary of state and first lady has Secret Service protection, her events are typically sealed once she enters the building — and the group of activists apparently did not make it to the event by that time. They were standing under a tent outside the school doors as the event began, but eventually made it into the building to watch in the side room.

12877735, very convenient that they telegraphed their plans
Posted by AZ, Wed Aug-12-15 12:53 AM
I'm more and more beginning to believe this is a Hillary-orchestrated hit job on Sanders.
12878539, a hit job of what?
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Aug-12-15 03:43 PM
it's cost him nothing

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12878618, right if anything it is turning him into a sympathetic figure.
Posted by tingum, Wed Aug-12-15 05:04 PM
12879150, because of how Bern handled it. the more I learn about this guy, the more
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-13-15 12:13 PM
I like him

I'm learning he has a reputation for staying on message

IMO, this could have been an attempt to get a howard dean, get off my lawn moment from Bern

he didn't bite

doesn't mean it didn't happen

both can be true

they brought the issue to Bern, Bern addressed it

now what?
12878639, Soros getting his money's worth
Posted by josetheplumber, Wed Aug-12-15 05:32 PM

The list of donors to the Clinton super PAC includes a number of notable Hollywood names, including DreamWorks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg and producer/directors Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams. There are also several major players in the financial industry, including George Soros (who has donated $1 million), Donald Sussman and Haim Saban (who has donated $2 million). The Plumbers/Pipefitters Union also contributed.

Soros also donated $1 million to American Bridge, another liberal super PAC.
12879091, RE: #blacklivesmatter shuts down Jeb Bush rally... err, not really...
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-13-15 11:33 AM

I think somebody is going to have to explain 'shut down' to folks

so Bern gets screamed on at the Netroot event

only get a few minutes to speak

then gets shutdown in Seattle at an afternoon rally

but BLM can't even get in the building for a Hillary event

and wait until Jeb Bush's rally is finished to make a move

12879134, b,b,but...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-13-15 12:01 PM
12879162, circumstances.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Aug-13-15 12:26 PM
they showing up. just getting different results.
12879168, so the tactics have moved from, we're not going to wait
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-13-15 12:33 PM
we're taking this thing over



oh, there's a Q&A session at the end

let's wait

12879350, i'm pretty sure #BLM, the movement loosely associated by a hashtag
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Aug-13-15 02:29 PM
doesn't have a thinktank issuing out tactical orders from on high.
12879274, Hillary = Tanya Harding?
Posted by PG, Thu Aug-13-15 01:50 PM
12879721, In Her Own Words: the Protester Who Interrupted Bernie Sanders
Posted by thegodcam, Thu Aug-13-15 09:14 PM

In Her Own Words: The Political Beliefs of the Protester Who Interrupted Bernie Sanders
by Eli Sanders • Aug 11, 2015 at 5:18 pm

The roar of internet response to what happened in Seattle on Saturday surprised even one of the activists behind the action. But in retrospect, it makes some sense. On that stage in Westlake Plaza, some of the most emotional issues of the moment collided: race, class, age, opportunity, privilege.

Two black women who said they were representing the Seattle Black Lives Matter movement interrupted a rally that had been planned by a multicultural coalition that wanted to celebrate Social Security and Medicare. The main speaker at that rally, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, was an older white man who, two weeks earlier, had tried to communicate his solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in a speech to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and whose campaign had been working on (but had not yet released) a racial justice platform. Sanders says he will fight harder against racism than any other candidate. One of the protesters who interrupted him, Marissa Johnson, says: "If he's our best option then I'm burning this down."

The crowd at the rally was largely white and thought it had come to cheer a surging Socialist candidate as well as important social programs that keep millions of Americans out of poverty. When the rally narrative they expected was interrupted, the response by some in the crowd of thousands turned ugly. When that happened, Marissa Johnson, one of the protesters, said the crowd had just proved its own racism.

The last person to speak at the rally before Sanders, Washington State Senator Pramila Jayapal, has already, and with great multidirectional empathy, outlined what she feels may be among the roots of what happened in Seattle on Saturday. The "anger and rage that we saw erupt," Jayapal wrote, is "not the problem." Rather, she wrote, "it's a symptom of the disease of unacknowledged and un-acted upon racism."

Yesterday, in an interview with the This Week in Blackness podcast, Marissa Johnson outlined, in her own words, what she was thinking and what she believes. Johnson is a familiar face in the local Black Lives Matter movement and has also expressed policy opinions at local protests stretching back many months. Her ideas are worth exploring.

Based on what she's said, it seems clear that her rally interruption did not originate only from the abstract realms of political theory. At the same time, it was a political action, taken at a political rally in a literal public square, and so the political thought involved seems especially important to consider. It's the serious consideration of political ideas—the rejection of some, the acceptance of others, the evolution of still other ideas—that make a democracy (and movements within a democracy) work.

In that spirit, below are a number of things that Johnson—who so far has not responded to Stranger requests for interviews, though we hope she does at some point—has said while describing her policy ideas and politics.

According to the Seattle Times:

Johnson said she wanted to get rid of all police, whom she labeled abusive and authoritarian. And she called the discussion of body cameras a “farce.”

“I don’t need a home video of my oppression,” she said.
In conversation with This Week in Blackness, Johnson said:

Going after Sanders is super, super important because Sanders is supposed to be as far left and as progressive as we can possibly get, right? ... we have hordes and hordes of white liberals and white progressives and yet we still have all the same racial problems. So for us, locally in our context, confronting Sanders was the equivalent of confronting the large, white, liberal Democrat, leftist contingent that we have here in Seattle who not only have not supported BLM in measurable ways but is often very harmful and is also upholding the white supremacist society that we live in locally... What we didn't know was that that idea—of the white liberal, the white moderate who's complicit in white supremacy—that that idea would resonate with people nationally and internationally and spur into this larger conversation.
On why she didn't call the Sanders campaign in advance and ask to be a part of the Westlake event:

Part of it comes out of my personal politics, and out of BLM politics. Everybody keeps saying that black people need to be respectable, that they need to ask permission, that they need to work with the timetable that's been given to them. And I absolutely just rebuke and deny all of that... The un-respectability, and the tactic, the way we went about it—every single part of it was very intentional. ... Black people don't need to be respectable, black people don't need to go on your timetable, black people don't need to reach out to Bernie Sanders. If anything, Bernie Sanders should have been courting—before he went to any other major city—he should have been courting BLM. And even at that point, I haven't seen any politician that's done anything for black lives. I don't have any need to meet with them, period. I haven't seen anybody really willing to step it up. So, there's a lot of ways that politicians are trying to get activists swept up in rhetoric, and sitting around the table, sitting around the table to do nothing but repress movements, and so the work that I do in particular is agitational work. Is agitating the political scene, so that people are having these conversations and politicians are forced to do their own work, and do their own reforms, because of work that I've done on the ground.
What about the argument that her tactics are hurting her own cause?

I don't give a fuck about the white gaze. I'm just in another world.
Is she a Christian fundamentalist? A Sarah Palin supporter?

I do need to address that. That's actually really important for me to address, because part of that is true. My parents are both Tea Partiers. I'm mixed. My mom's white and my dad's black. And they're both big Tea Partiers and that's how I was raised. Clearly I'm not—that's not where I am because people leave high school and they go to college and they, like, become an adult and they change their mind... I'm 24... But I do want to say I am a very devout Evangelical Christian... And people who know me locally and nationally in my organizing work know that that is why I do what I do. And so yes, I did run up there and confront Bernie Sanders because of my religious convictions, absolutely. Are they right-wing religious? No. But they're religious in the fact that my religion says you lay down your life for other people and the most marginalized, and so that's what I do. So I guess I am a Christian extremist.
On calling the crowd at the rally racist:

I would say that anybody who hears me say that, and thinks about their feelings first, is a white supremacist.

Does she hate white people?

Even if I did hate white people, I don't have the political or social power to oppress white people. And it's verifiably false . So flip that. The question is actually, Do you love black people? To the extent that you are literally willing to sacrifice your life. Are you on some Underground Railroad type stuff, or are you not? Because that's the tip I'm on. So I think framing is really important.
On her theory of politics:

I don't have faith in politicians. I don't have faith in the electoral process. It's well documented that that doesn't work for us. No matter who you are. So my gaze is not toward politicians and getting them to do something in particular. I think they will change what they do based off of what I do, but that's not my center. My center is using electoral politics as a platform but also agitating so much that people continue to question the system they're in as they're doing it, and that we start to dismantle it. Because I refuse to believe that the system that we're in is the only option that we have. And so we hear people saying—Bernie supporters—"Well, he's your best option." It's like, If he's our best option then I'm burning this down. I think it's literally blowing up—this is why the respectability thing is so important—is that you blow it up so big, and so unrespectably, that you can show people the possibilities outside of the system that they're stuck in. And so that's why I do agitation work.

So I'm not for any politician. But I'm definitely for anything that pulls people further left, anything that gets people asking more questions, and gets us closer to actually dismantling the system that has never, ever, ever, ever done anything for black people and never will. So I'm really trying to see my people get free by any means possible.
On how she's feeling in the wake of the rally interruption and the intense reaction:

I'm great. I feel good. I helped launch a national conversation around race and electoral politics and respectability that still going strong two days later. I could not be better.
12879725, radio interview
Posted by thegodcam, Thu Aug-13-15 09:19 PM
12880003, I appreciate her honesty in admitting it was about opportunity and
Posted by bentagain, Fri Aug-14-15 10:30 AM
had nothing to do with Bern specifically

most of that interview just sounded like some smart dumb MFers desperately reaching for something that wasn't there

trying to drop some sort of knowledge, days after the event

and it became confusing and contradictory, TBH

she admits her intent is to agitate

but wants to label an entire crowd of 5000 people racists and white supremists

if they react to her agitation

c'mon, I'm not going to retort with analogies where that's a fail, but it should be obvious

and FOH to the interviewers trying to walk her down the road of equating it to a KKK rally

for real

that's the first time I've heard the audio for the event, and I wished it would have been available (or more easily accessible) before we all replied

but after hearing it, some things that jump out at me

the crowd actually cheered her prepared portion

'welcome to Seattle, etc...'

and I believe, having not been there, but if these fools can draw conclusions I'll offer mine, I believe the crowd would have let them talk

and I didn't hear the crowd turn on her, until SHE became emotional, escalated her tone and rhetoric, and started lobbing insults

i.e. they got a reaction, that does not make you a victim when that was your intent

they were obviously unprepared to handle the reaction

and also, IMO, it sounded like a handful of people

maybe a couple within the direct vacinity of the recording

out of a reported crowd of 5000

and they make it sound like a salem witch hunt

all of the additional information about her personally

just adds confused, to being loud and wrong.

12879777, it's a bit un-gangsta to run up on Bernie Sanders...
Posted by Warren Coolidge, Fri Aug-14-15 01:42 AM
I mean whoo-ride on one of them team party mofos and I'll giver you credit..

but Bernie Sanders ain't hurtin nobody....