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Topic subjectI am losing my most prized material possession. What's yours?
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12871820, I am losing my most prized material possession. What's yours?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Aug-05-15 10:00 AM
For the last 5 years I have had a parking spot in the lot right next door to my building in Brooklyn. Those who deal with street parking in NYC know how great of a thing that is. I got world they are closing the lot to build a hotel (damn you gentrification). I think today I am going to just got outside and look at that spot for a couple of hours. Can you hug an empty space?

What is your most prized material possession?

Now that I have lost the spot it will probably be my computer hard drive with all my pictures, music and documents.

How about you?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12871842, my motorcycle
Posted by ALmighty44, Wed Aug-05-15 10:19 AM
it's my first bike and i REFUSE to let it go. me and that machine have soooooooo much history. i bought it brand new out the dealership, dropped it the first day i got it but me and the Silver Streak have put in work together. we street raced the roads of anchorage together, almost got taken out by the mounted .50 cal on a secret service detail together, took down an r1 on the i-95 together...i mean, the stories i have from riding up and down i-95 are priceless. i haven't started it in 2 years and everybody keeps asking me why do i still have it. i can't get let it go. i just can't. i don't want anybody else to share those memories with my machine. i don't want to part it out and share the parts that make my machine whole. i just can't.
12871887, You don't ride anymore?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Aug-05-15 10:52 AM
I still have my first bike. Hoping to keep it in running shape for the next 8 years until my son is old enough to ride it.
12872000, Don't have the time
Posted by ALmighty44, Wed Aug-05-15 11:43 AM
I'm doing the full-time student/full-time work thing right now so I don't bother trying to make time for riding.
12872027, Wow, good luck with that, man.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Aug-05-15 11:55 AM
I took an after-work & weekend class a few weeks back. WORE ME OUT. I was telling my pop how hard it was and I couldn't imagine doing it for a long time. Fortunately my class was only a week long.

I hear you on the time to ride too. 90% of my riding is work commuting. If it wasn't for that, my bike would be quite lonely.
12871851, music and photos
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-05-15 10:23 AM
every time I see someone on the news who lost their house they always talk about the photos
12871854, It used to be my vinyl collection
Posted by BabyYoda, Wed Aug-05-15 10:26 AM
And turntables/mixer. But, I gladly gave them up because I had no use for them anymore. I sold them to a good friend and know he will take care of them. I am sure the next set of items to go will be my old furniture and bedroom set flowed by vehicle. I shall see what happens in the future.
12871889, My bass.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Aug-05-15 10:55 AM
Pops gave it to me. It's about 50 years old. I still play it.
12872008, my laptop
Posted by GirlChild, Wed Aug-05-15 11:48 AM
i'm going to be pissed when i have to replace this bastard
and now my battery ain't worth shit
12872009, i dunno probably my mountain bike or my shotgun
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Aug-05-15 11:49 AM
of course exclusing pets, those are more like family members
12872015, Was your shotgun passed down?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Aug-05-15 11:51 AM
12872045, My old camera. I don't shoot with it anymore and technically it's a replacement.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Aug-05-15 12:05 PM
When I got laid off in 2008 I was spending way too much time in my house, drinking, sleeping, and watching the first 48.

I got up one day and bought a bicycle and a used camera and both have totally changed how I interact with the world.

The bike is gone. I got hit once and also ended up replacing it with a much lighter one. But the camera is still in the house. I replaced the body because it had died and eventually got a completely new one. But every now and then I pull it out to hear familiar clicks of lenses.
12872051, My pocket watch
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Wed Aug-05-15 12:07 PM
It's an old school, winding pocket watch. My grandfather gave it to me. I've been meaning to get a chain for it, but haven't gotten around to it. For right now, I have it in a fire-safe suitcase that I store all my important documents in.
12872079, Damn, this post made me realize that I have no attachments to
Posted by Fishgrease, Wed Aug-05-15 12:19 PM
anything tangible.

I have nothing that I can't just up and walk away from.

that's troubling in one sense and refreshing in another.

12872197, That sounds nothing but great news.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Aug-05-15 01:33 PM
I mean now that nmy new prize possession is a hard drive which I can back up and never have to worry about losing it makes me feel pretty good.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12872239, yeah, i wanted to say pictures but I have them backed up to
Posted by Fishgrease, Wed Aug-05-15 01:55 PM
numerous hard drives and cloud accounts, but even those pictures only do so much. It seems that most of the memories I have there were no cameras around at the time to even document them. My sister and I often go back and forth with just stories of "remember when...." rarely do we break out pictures or anything.

12872249, My youth... Lol
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Wed Aug-05-15 02:00 PM
12872288, My video game collection
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Aug-05-15 02:25 PM
I have systems ranging from the Atari 2600 to the PS3 with all kinds of gameboy goodness in between. My games and my comics. I would say my action figures but they've been in storage for some time now so I can't honestly say I would miss them if they were gone for real.