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Topic subjectDoes The NOI/Scientology connection taint the upcoming MMM for you?
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12866086, Does The NOI/Scientology connection taint the upcoming MMM for you?
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jul-29-15 08:16 AM
I kinda don't want to fuck with anything involving Farrakhan.
12866090, not more than the org's continuing virulent homophobia.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:18 AM
12866097, would/will you attend?
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jul-29-15 08:23 AM
12866102, not even if they offered to put me on a lazy susan in front of a million men.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:24 AM
12866101, Why is it that when people object to homosexuality you scream homophobia?
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:23 AM
I'm just asking. Not looking for a debate. Why can't someone just find homosexuality objectionable and not be labeled as homophobic or a closet homosexual?

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866103, objecting to homosexuality = homophobia.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:24 AM
12866107, Naw. I disagree.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:25 AM
You have to provide a better response than an equal sign.

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866109, i'm sure YOU do.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:26 AM
12866126, You know, I try to have a real dialog with you and you play it off.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:31 AM
Right. Nothing.
"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866129, i don't want to have dialogue w/you on this issue.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:32 AM
12866136, Well, pretend it's not me.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:35 AM

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866161, LMAO
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-29-15 08:49 AM
12866811, +1
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jul-29-15 03:32 PM
12866820, +2
Posted by guru0509, Wed Jul-29-15 03:38 PM
12866887, one thing I can at least respect about Case...
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jul-29-15 04:49 PM
he OWNS up to his homophobia

like he's in post after post talking about he hates the "f@gs" - you

but you on the other hand...
12866912, you admire & revere a known homophobe in Farrakhan
Posted by guru0509, Wed Jul-29-15 05:05 PM
im sure you respect case, as well.

your hypocrisy (& idiocy) is endless lol.

yea, i used to say faggot on OKP (about a decade ago). i realized i was wrong and stopped saying it (along with retard). i grew up. it happens...(to *most* of us, clearly there are some exceptions)

run along rupinder dolezal.

12866862, fear of homosexuality = homophobia
Posted by Ron, Wed Jul-29-15 04:18 PM
12866866, We worked this out 10 yrs ago, player.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 04:21 PM
I'm not doing it again.
12866872, like, by definition and shit.
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Jul-29-15 04:26 PM
12866119, Why is it such a hot button issue for you?
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jul-29-15 08:28 AM
Anytime there's a post on sexuality its the same players acting out the same scenes and you're always in them.
12866125, What? Man gone with that mess.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:30 AM
>Anytime there's a post on sexuality its the same players
>acting out the same scenes and you're always in them.

Now even so, but if it were, why do you even care? I'm asking this man a question since HE BROUGH the matter up. And I as the question because the Lable Keeps Getting Toss on folks without any validation.

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866146, Because it gets old reading the same arguments ad nauseum
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jul-29-15 08:40 AM
And if there was an ignore feature I'd have hit it long ago.
But as things stand I'm constantly finding myself skipping over lines and lines of unrelated text to get past your "genuine curiosities" that you seem to not find here.

It's as simple as I hate scrolling past your same arguments about the same subjects particularly if I'm in a slow network area.
12866155, So let me get this straight (no pun intended)
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:47 AM
You seem to love exaggerating the facts and are bothered rather easily. Crying about having to skip over ... get a grip.

Anyway, someone can blatantly make wrong character statements in a general manner and you're cool with that. I asked a dude to explain his consistent motive for such bad practices and you're mad at that.

Really my dude? You sounding like Meek now.

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866577, any examples? I'm completely ignorant on their practices these days.
Posted by placee_22, Wed Jul-29-15 01:07 PM
are you talking propaganda or physical violence, or both?

and is this primarily a Chi-town thing you're referencing?

12866817, nothing recent or specific.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 03:34 PM
just old stuff the org never disowned.
12866128, the MMM is/was bigger than Farrakhan. so no. no taint here.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-29-15 08:31 AM

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12866130, this is what I struggle with. I don't want to prop him up
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jul-29-15 08:33 AM
and the MMM will, in fact, restore him to a position of prominence
12866137, Why not? What's your objection to him?
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-29-15 08:36 AM

"Love your haters until they can love themselves and then love them further." ~ J. Case
12866138, i haven't heard anything about the MMM except for this post.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 08:36 AM
i dunno that this march is going to be as large as the one in 1995.
12866147, and there's that too. There's virtually ZERO buzz about it...compared to
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-29-15 08:41 AM
this time in 1995.
I'm going to be here.....
Hope i'm joined by at least a few thousand others....

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12866145, I see where you're coming from, but I just believe that the push to attend
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-29-15 08:39 AM
will be more driven by the desire to reunion and remember and renew the fever of 20 years ago. For me it's that anyway.

My mindset on a LOT of issues has done a complete 180 since 1995 when I was a freshman at an HBCU surrounded by like minds and not initiated into the way the world REALLY works.... But there's still a strong undercurrent of "Me and my Brothers gotta keep pushing forward and being the Men that we're supposed to be" despite our differences and different opinions and beliefs.

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12866150, Which part is bigger?
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jul-29-15 08:46 AM
I just found out about it through this post, questioned myself for being disinterested, went to the page to find out what else is going on during the event, clicked the features link and they're all about him.

www.justiceorelse.com is the url I came up with.
12866158, If it wasnt for OKP I wouldnt know about it
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-29-15 08:49 AM
no buzz at all...

12866260, this shit is definitely news to me
Posted by mikediggz, Wed Jul-29-15 10:15 AM
12866875, Gets in this line.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Jul-29-15 04:32 PM
12867371, Yeah, I hang out with BlackLivesMatter folks and it hasn't come up once
Posted by Goldmind, Thu Jul-30-15 10:17 AM
12866160, Also the site doesn't have time, location, or list of speakers.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jul-29-15 08:49 AM
It says it'll be on the mall but there's a pretty big chunk of the mall torn up and will be until I think 2017.
12866172, yup. also...take it from me...believe me...because I'm privy....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-29-15 08:56 AM
that project was timed to start when it did for several reasons....
one of them was indeed the 20th anniversary of the MMM. Coupled with the construction of the National Museum of African American History & Culture being constructed 1 block away from the washington monument.

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12866166, for me, the visual & symbolic show that despite the ills of the past 20 years..
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-29-15 08:53 AM
there's still a mass of Black men that haven't forgotten what that day meant for them.

I think one of the biggest things that happened that day was the show of solidarity amongst that many Black men. We coulda all just shown up and stood around for 20-min...and I believe that would have been PLENTY... i'm glad more when on...but the minute I walked onto the mall and was surrounded by that many of my brethren??? shiiiiit...I was good. I didn't need to hear any speeches or nothing.

I think a lot of the Black youth would benefit from that same experience today. Sometimes you just need to be around your people, in a positive setting. Kinda like church I guess...

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12866173, That's legit.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jul-29-15 08:57 AM
12866176, i feel you
Posted by Big Kuntry, Wed Jul-29-15 08:57 AM
12866239, Well, yeah.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 09:56 AM
12866869, definitely.
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jul-29-15 04:24 PM
lets not forget who got the ball rolling for that to happen in the first place tho

Ministers done some great things. Some questionable things. Fortunately, most of us can hold both of those thoughts in our head at the same time
12866151, exactly, niggas will attend all types of shit but make up
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-29-15 08:46 AM
a shit load of excuses when it comes to something like the MMM.

that being said, I won't be attending th8s one because it's too close to the birth of my first born.

I was at the first one tho...
12866236, bang.
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jul-29-15 09:55 AM
12866238, solidarity versus personal belief.
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jul-29-15 09:56 AM
very interesting slippery slope.
12866552, farrakhan is awful.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Wed Jul-29-15 12:57 PM
12866581, I almost guarantee there will be 999,999,999 men there
Posted by ThaAnthology, Wed Jul-29-15 01:09 PM
that are not Farrakhan.
12866585, There might be 9,999 men there. Total.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-29-15 01:11 PM
12866807, lol
Posted by guru0509, Wed Jul-29-15 03:30 PM
Posted by ThaAnthology, Thu Jul-30-15 08:33 AM
12867377, i don't think so.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jul-30-15 10:20 AM
12867153, ^^^^^ Yup
Posted by Sofian_Hadi, Wed Jul-29-15 11:44 PM
12866882, Taints it further for me. I don't have a lot of trust for NOI or him.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Jul-29-15 04:42 PM
Post 9/11 when people are blowing up hella shit it might not be so wise for as many black men as possible to not be at work, but instead gathered in one place where the security will be focused on the threat they believe the group of men represents as opposed to the security and safety of the group.

In other words let's just make it easy for whatever negative elements of the dominant culture to attack us.
12866905, Does it promote the dismantling of homophobia and misogyny?
Posted by Goldmind, Wed Jul-29-15 05:01 PM
If not, then I aint marchin anywhere with them.

12867092, Count me out.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Wed Jul-29-15 09:41 PM
I think the criteria to establish solidarity between people extends far beyond skin color
and I refuse to listen to Farrakhan or his advocates speaking at length over issues that
I think they're ill-equipped to address.
12867380, nah you cant turn this sugar to shit.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jul-30-15 10:22 AM