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Topic subjectMost valuable lesson you learned from an ex?
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12862910, Most valuable lesson you learned from an ex?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 12:42 PM
Spend more time getting to know them, and brush over none of the negatives.
12862923, after sex, wipe her pussy with a warm, wet cloth.
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Jul-24-15 12:57 PM
12862936, Anyone outside of your parents can be replaced.
Posted by MEAT, Fri Jul-24-15 01:11 PM
12862994, Do you mind sharing how you learned that one?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 01:45 PM
I respect it if it's too personal, so no pressure
12863067, I got replaced.
Posted by MEAT, Fri Jul-24-15 02:29 PM
Thought I wouldn't heal considering the circumstances.

And then I did.

The space that had been filled for years got replaced by another.
12863035, nope... that street continues to your kids.
Posted by PG, Fri Jul-24-15 02:09 PM
12863043, *hits a tree*
Posted by PG, Fri Jul-24-15 02:13 PM
12863508, oh they can be replaced too...
Posted by ndibs, Sat Jul-25-15 08:38 AM
if need be.

parents can suck and sometimes you need to move on to bigger and better pastures if they're not getting the job done.
12862937, dont trust them
Posted by Big Kuntry, Fri Jul-24-15 01:12 PM
12862939, you got to live your life for you
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Jul-24-15 01:13 PM
theres no medals or trophies for that i sacrifice my shit for your shit shit. all you do is create resentment on both sides. do you. and if they can fit doing them inside that, awesome...if not, adios. either way...do you. at least then if nothing else YOU are straight.

12862949, hell yeah. word.
Posted by Somnus, Fri Jul-24-15 01:20 PM
12862970, winner, winner...
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-24-15 01:33 PM
12862977, Real shit, bruh
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 01:39 PM
12863503, dammit bin. fucked my morning coffee up w/ this. on time.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat Jul-25-15 08:34 AM
12863580, YUP, almost missed out on my 30's
Posted by Mori, Sat Jul-25-15 11:41 AM
My ex had me waiting in the wings during all of my 30's trying to decide if he was ready for marriage, kids, etc..

One day I just ended it. He then suddenly was ready to get married, save for retirement etc.. But I had already moved on.

12863698, Came here to post this
Posted by bnicedh, Sat Jul-25-15 04:35 PM
so much wasted time.
12862946, dont date anyone with kids
Posted by rdhull, Fri Jul-24-15 01:18 PM
12862954, What are your reasons?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-24-15 01:21 PM
I HATE that I can never say this during a convo without having to defend myself for 30 minutes. Even women without kids say I'm wrong for this.
12862971, RE: What are your reasons?
Posted by rdhull, Fri Jul-24-15 01:34 PM
>I HATE that I can never say this during a convo without
>having to defend myself for 30 minutes. Even women without
>kids say I'm wrong for this.

Because deep downn inside soemtimnes when it gets tough you think to yourself: why the fuck am I doing this when I can be free doing my own thing and here I am with ready made family when their own dad aint shit..thats an added albatross that nobody really wants to admit to

And because you become attached and if it doesant work out you feel the pain of not seeing them again..even though you eventually get over it

Now I will caveat this by sayuing I was 21..so there's that lol. I felt dman near doomed and that my youth was over.

Thank god we both came to our senses.

And who cares what women think? Once you have children, be you the woman or man, if your relationships doesnt work out, then the rest of your life until they are 18 is FOR THEM! not for you to find someone else and YOUR OWN happiness.

Kids dont need to be going through that blended family shit and then sometimes it doesnt even get to that point but all they see is mom or pops dating someone else once again, fucking up their own mindset etc

12862998, good advice when you're young.
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-24-15 01:47 PM
I was in no way capable of dating a woman with children when i was younger.

fast forward. I ended up marrying a woman with a daughter. the dad was pretty much out of the picture. One of the best things I ever did, and I love her like she was my own.
12863176, Male lions won't even fuck with female lions with cubs
Posted by TheStandard, Fri Jul-24-15 03:52 PM
They literally kill them little niggas and proceed to make their own....

I'm not raising some other nigga's seeds......I'm starting my own family from scratch.
12863483, Such an animal.... RAWR.
Posted by Meadow, Sat Jul-25-15 07:52 AM
12863581, from my POV thats a tough one.
Posted by double negative, Sat Jul-25-15 11:42 AM
on one hand, i wouldnt be here if my step father didnt do what he did...i was 13 when he started dating my moms...20 years later they are still at it with no plans to stop

on the other hand, i know im not built for that situation. maybe when i hit 40 but right now the arrow is hovering over nope.
12863583, Not the same for women, Not possible over 35
Posted by Mori, Sat Jul-25-15 11:44 AM
If I meet someone over 35 without kids, I wonder if he is infertile, gay or has never been in a serious long term relationship.

If he hasn't met anyone worthy of starting a family, then I wonder what is up with him.

I am open to men without kids, but I prefer men who have experience with being responsible for someone else.
12863933, lol if a man is 35 with no kids, id assume he's been responsible with his sperm
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Jul-26-15 02:43 PM
the same way I've been responsible with my eggs.

for me, the line i draw is whether or not they were married to the mother of their child(ren). no (more) baby daddies for me. i'll just keep dating younger dudes.
12862951, Watch out for the "best friend"
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-24-15 01:21 PM
I understand why people are always suspicious when their partner or even someone they date has a best friend of the opposite sex. I know that I have some close homegirls where neither of us have ever been into the other, but it's a lotta folk who don't operate that way.

12862955, word me and my wife were best friends
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-24-15 01:22 PM
i slept with my prior best friend too while she was engaged smh
12863075, SHITTTT
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-24-15 02:33 PM
12863443, Ol' Taye Diggs in 'Brown Sugar' ass nigga...
Posted by ODotSoHot, Sat Jul-25-15 01:23 AM
12862966, don't fuck with another stripper
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Jul-24-15 01:29 PM
shit just ain't worth it.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12862968, don't trust a big butt and a smile
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-24-15 01:32 PM
seriously tho...

if they haven't cleaned up their old relationship, they aren't ready for a new one.

12862985, That would be my number 2 actually... fuck serial dater
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 01:41 PM
>if they haven't cleaned up their old relationship, they aren't
>ready for a new one.

Always give them time to get over the last. If she can't wait, she ain't worth the time.

12862984, One ex taught me so much about credit, personal finance that it's
Posted by Fishgrease, Fri Jul-24-15 01:41 PM
stuck with me to this day.

Before her, I was reckless with my money.

When she and I broke up, I had money in my savings account. My bills were current. Man, I actually had car insurance (that was a big thing for me--I was ridin' dirty like a mug). Those credit cards I got while at that HBCU were paid off in full. she definitely made me better for the women that came after her.

12862991, Lol, yo... very similar shit happened to me
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 01:44 PM
Had shit lingering on my credit and she was adamant about helping me clean it up.
I've kept that great score to this day.
12863008, and even with all that...she and I just weren't meant to be. Of all the
Posted by Fishgrease, Fri Jul-24-15 01:52 PM
exes that cross my mind---she seldom does but she definitely had the biggest impact on my future. She taught me the things about finances that my parents tried to but her approach and sexbox made it all sink in.
12863015, This was hilarious to me. A+
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-24-15 01:55 PM

>her approach and
>sexbox made it all sink in.
12863071, Lol, I feel it
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:31 PM
>She taught me the things about finances that my parents tried to but her approach and
>sexbox made it all sink in.
12863584, Specifically, What did she do?
Posted by Mori, Sat Jul-25-15 11:46 AM
I meet men who are so wild with their money. I want to help but I don't want to be like a mom.
12864229, She literally took my bills, my money and paid my sh*t. Then sat
Posted by Fishgrease, Mon Jul-27-15 08:21 AM
me down, worked out a budget and told/taught/showed me how to do it myself.

Because of her, I'm now pretty good with my money.

I still use a variation of the excel spreadsheet she made for me way back in the late 90's. .
12862992, I'm happier alone, than with the wrong person.
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-24-15 01:45 PM
12863073, +1
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:32 PM
I was blessed to really like my alone time tho
12863147, I was a bit scared of it when i young, but alone time is dope.
Posted by GOMEZ, Fri Jul-24-15 03:20 PM
12862995, Make sure see her family before you do ANYTHING permanent
Posted by DVS, Fri Jul-24-15 01:45 PM
that latent fat gene is a monster.

12863076, And know their relationship with the family too
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:34 PM
Fuck around and have extended family on the couch every other week
or be dealing with an upset woman because she don't know how to say 'no' to family. UGH

sorry, had a flashback
12863167, you=====>here<=====me m,
Posted by DVS, Fri Jul-24-15 03:40 PM
12862999, RE: Most valuable lesson you learned from an ex?
Posted by double 0, Fri Jul-24-15 01:48 PM
Sometimes (most times) the shit aint permanent...

and that's ok... it was perfect for that phase of your life but you gotta be ok with it being over and not seeing that as a failure
12863081, This perspective helps in self-discovery, because you can see how
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:36 PM
we often mirror the people we attract or are attracted to
or how they we pushing or pulling you to a new place

>and that's ok... it was perfect for that phase of your life
12863001, Satisfaction will likely not come my way.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-24-15 01:50 PM
12863084, well damn
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:37 PM
12863011, It's better to be yourself and find someone who can deal with that....
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Jul-24-15 01:54 PM
than trying to be someone you are not.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12863085, One of my life philosophies
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:38 PM
12863017, if you got a big dick she gonna put up with more bullshit than usual.
Posted by tingum, Fri Jul-24-15 01:56 PM
12863029, i can't swallow my feelings
Posted by teefiveten, Fri Jul-24-15 02:07 PM
if they can't/don't respond to me being legitimately upset, then they are not the person for me
12863091, Word. Dealing with them raw feelings isn't for everyone.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:39 PM
12863047, It's hard to date someone with a very different family background
Posted by Wonderl33t, Fri Jul-24-15 02:15 PM
Like how close are you with your family, are your parents still together or divorced, do you get along with your siblings, etc. The more similar, the easier it is to get along.

Basically I'm tight with my family, and I believe it gives me a certain outlook on life and relationships, and I've had my feelings hurt a couple of times by women who have either a cold relationship with their family or a split up family, and I feel like the burn was incidental because I had a different disposition on family and relationships.

http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12863094, Dude, this is crucial
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Jul-24-15 02:42 PM
>Like how close are you with your family, are your parents
>still together or divorced, do you get along with your
>siblings, etc. The more similar, the easier it is to get

And whether they come from a small or large family (used to having a house full
of people or having shit all to themselves)

>Basically I'm tight with my family, and I believe it gives me
>a certain outlook on life and relationships, and I've had my
>feelings hurt a couple of times by women who have either a
>cold relationship with their family or a split up family, and
>I feel like the burn was incidental because I had a different
>disposition on family and relationships.
12863052, watch out for shivs
Posted by PG, Fri Jul-24-15 02:17 PM
12863056, Finding someone who puts up with your sh*t and you put up with theirs
Posted by Wonderl33t, Fri Jul-24-15 02:20 PM
is immeasurably important
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12863058, sounds cliché but...
Posted by Somnus, Fri Jul-24-15 02:20 PM
if someone gives you the slightest indication that they arent willing to roll w/ you thru the muck & mire 'you drop 'em and you drop 'em fast!' (c)
12863083, When someone tells you they can be an asshole,
Posted by Latina212, Fri Jul-24-15 02:37 PM
Believe them
I thought he would never be that way with me
We are great
It's only a matter of time
Before that shit gets turned on you
12863935, aint this the truth.
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Jul-26-15 02:45 PM
12863087, don't compromise yourself for a man
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Jul-24-15 02:39 PM
and never give more than you get
12863166, you dont just date the person you are dating their friends and family
Posted by double negative, Fri Jul-24-15 03:39 PM
12863171, If what she's telling you doesn't add up..it's cuz she's not a very
Posted by fluicide, Fri Jul-24-15 03:47 PM
good liar.
12863195, Never subject yourself to someone's emotional instability
Posted by Street Poet, Fri Jul-24-15 04:17 PM
People change, the change is usually unpredictable and totally irrational from your point of view. Once you see this, leave and let them go. You may still love them, but you'll hate yourself even more for trying to make a relationship work with someone that no longer feels the same way about you.
12863495, if she starts dealing with u while she's already in a relationship...
Posted by thegodcam, Sat Jul-25-15 08:22 AM
u r getting a glimpse of how ur relationship with her will probably end
12863507, if the ho wanna ho nigga let it go © j.t. money
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat Jul-25-15 08:37 AM
12863585, Thinking like this could of saved me a lot of trouble over the years
Posted by fluicide, Sat Jul-25-15 11:48 AM
12863528, DON'T ARGUE!!!! The worst comes out in an argument.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Sat Jul-25-15 09:35 AM
I learned from ex that an argument is never that serious. I can be upset but wait until I've thought about it and cooled off to discuss it.

Giving myself time allows me to weigh whether whatever I'm mad at is worth the relationship. If it's not worth the relationship then when discussing whatever it is I don't need to bring up certain things or hit below the belt, bring old shit because at the end of the day I still want to be with this man. I've learned when you say certain things, even if you make up afterwards you can never take it back.

Now I know I would never belittle a man that I still at the end of the day want to be with. Doing so only makes me look stupid. I used to be the QUEEN of telling my ex he wasn't shit or that he was "so stupid!!" when I was mad or in the mist of an argument. Only to be praising him and being with him for a total of 4 years.

You're either the King or not my man.
12863532, I don't get along well with men who didn't have fathers in their life.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Sat Jul-25-15 09:47 AM
After my ex it was very clear why I had issues in past relationships as well.

Example: I used to have a bad habit of locking my keys in my car. I called my pops one time to come help me fish them out. My pops was like, "Nah you got a man now, have that nigga come help you!". So I called my ex and he tried to give me a 100 and 1 excuses as to why he couldn't come. I flat out told him what my pops said. He came.

As the course of the relationship went on, certain situations he just had no clue how to handle. He didn't know how to treat me to my expectations. Not because he was an asshole or didn't want to because he simply had no male references. He was winging it! One time he said, I don't know if I can be like ya Pops. My Dad and I don't EVEN get along and he knew that but I knew what he meant.

My pops always fixed shit, he handled it, he got his hands dirty, made a way out of no way, protected his family, took FULL responsibility for our family. In relationships I find it hard when my man is just as clueless as I am... I'm not good at asking for help either and I just expect a man to volunteer or at least suggest.

I always feel like I'm wearing the pants when I date men who grew up without a father. I can always tell when a man had his pops around.
12863578, so...you only date white guys then?
Posted by double negative, Sat Jul-25-15 11:39 AM
12863582, Aww you're wrong for that! lolol No!! nm
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Sat Jul-25-15 11:44 AM
Posted by double negative, Sat Jul-25-15 03:59 PM
12863586, Men Move On Their Own Time
Posted by Mori, Sat Jul-25-15 11:49 AM
Sometimes men were ready to move into a relationship and I wasn't. Sometimes I was ready and they weren't.

Be either way, if a man felt like it wasn't his time to do something (get married, have sex, meet the family) then it wasn't happening.

This was a real wake up call because I thought I could persuade, influence, convince and massage a man into doing something. But it ended up only turning into a mess because he just simply was not ready.
12863936, yes indeed
Posted by NikaMandela, Sun Jul-26-15 02:48 PM
>Sometimes men were ready to move into a relationship and I
>wasn't. Sometimes I was ready and they weren't.
>Be either way, if a man felt like it wasn't his time to do
>something (get married, have sex, meet the family) then it
>wasn't happening.
>This was a real wake up call because I thought I could
>persuade, influence, convince and massage a man into doing
>something. But it ended up only turning into a mess because he
>just simply was not ready.

its funny because I've had multiple men tell me that a woman holds the power to get any man's heart. even a man who i wanted but didn't want me back as much has said that.
12864060, Women hold the keys, if he is trying to get in
Posted by Mori, Sun Jul-26-15 08:32 PM
But a woman can't convince any old random dude to fall in love with her. The man has to have a shred of desire, fascination, longing, mysterious pursuit for her. Then she can wield her power.

Otherwise, it aint happening. I've been on both sides.
12863549, just because someone says they are committed it doesnt mean
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Sat Jul-25-15 10:40 AM
they necessarily know what that means.
next serious relationship i am in expectations of what commitment means
will be discussed ad nauseum bc theres no way im dealing with that foolishness again.
12863685, If her FRIENDS say she's crazy....
Posted by Dyskoteknowlegy, Sat Jul-25-15 03:29 PM
I mean, like...ALL of them....
and if she has a pharmacy in a tupperware container under her bed...
12863724, the importance of straight fwd, honest communication
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Jul-25-15 06:32 PM
sometimes u gotta just lay shit out there straight no chase...and then work thru it
12863774, to never second guess my instinct
Posted by scrollock, Sat Jul-25-15 10:46 PM
12863779, When you meet their friends and family and they give you...
Posted by Seven, Sat Jul-25-15 11:02 PM
'that look'.....walk away very slowly and don't look back
12863799, How to look past the package
Posted by RS, Sun Jul-26-15 12:57 AM
Im a libra. I like pretty things. The girls I dated were dimes and if the boys don't look like they live in the gym, next....

My ex is not cute, is over weight, had a strange body oder sometimes, and had chicken legs (imma calf man), but if I didn't fall for homie the moment we met.....

I've had many exes and don't think about any of them...but there's always someting to remind me of him daily.....
12863941, wait...are you playing both sides?
Posted by double negative, Sun Jul-26-15 02:51 PM
12863807, That "don't go to sleep mad" rule is stupid
Posted by im_freshhh, Sun Jul-26-15 02:23 AM
it's more of a bandaid than actually dealing with whatever the issue is.
If you're hot at me, and you could say some shit you might not mean if we press the issue, maybe it's best to just chill until we're ready to have a conversation.
If we can talk about it in an hour, cool.
But if you gotta sleep on it & talk about it in the morning, that's cool too.
I'm all about resolving issues as quickly as possible, but don't just say we fixed it just to say I love you & go to sleep but have the same issue again tomorrow.
I think that's one of the biggest reasons why my longest relationship ended.
We (I) HAD to say I love you & be happy before we went to sleep.
12863930, Don't Say Things That You Can't Take Back
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun Jul-26-15 02:34 PM
No matter how pissed off you are in an argument, if you start going below the belt and saying some truly hurtful shit...some people can NEVER get past that. Not only that, there are some things where an apology just doesn't cut it.

One more things, if you DO decide to say some shit, BE PREPARED for the SO to say some inappropriate shit back
12864041, Kill your ego
Posted by Nappy Soul, Sun Jul-26-15 07:35 PM
...And ovecommunicate. Make sure you know what you want from each other.Relationships is all about expectations.Don't settle when you're not happy.
12864246, get out after two red flags
Posted by atruhead, Mon Jul-27-15 08:42 AM
one crazy or damaged incident is a quirk, more than one is a pattern
i was guilty of being overly patient through toxic situations in the past, probably as a means of punishing myself for doing someone wrong
12864269, Good friends + great sex don't mean you'll be great together
Posted by Ralo13, Mon Jul-27-15 09:14 AM