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Topic subjectDo you have Life Insurance? If not, why?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12862640
12862640, Do you have Life Insurance? If not, why?
Posted by Case_One, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
If yes, then what kind?

Poll question: Do you have Life Insurance? If not, why?

Poll result (6 votes)
Whole Life Insurance (1 votes)Vote
Term Life Insurance (5 votes)Vote
Variable Life Insurance (0 votes)Vote


12862747, blue. my family won't need a fish fry & gofundme campaign to bury me
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Jul-24-15 10:47 AM
and i need to leave them more than just a pile of bills and good memories...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12862873, This n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Fri Jul-24-15 12:13 PM

. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12862749, I have it through the job.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Jul-24-15 10:51 AM
need to look for additional as well.
12862768, Nope. I'm single. I got some work thing, but whatevs.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-24-15 11:03 AM
12862878, now that i have a kid we plan on getting it
Posted by gumz, Fri Jul-24-15 12:17 PM
12862906, I have burial insurance
Posted by BabyYoda, Fri Jul-24-15 12:39 PM
Just in case something happens to me, my mom can be a lil at ease when dealing with my burial.i need to do some other stuff regarding beneficiaries and stuff, but I feel good t know that I got one of the main things taken care of.
12863062, Term...work pays for it.
Posted by Wonderl33t, Fri Jul-24-15 02:23 PM
Whole life is an investment I am considering. I'm stacking cash right now to buy a house, but I think I will do whole life if I can do it within the next few years. Because it will return less the later in life I start it.
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12863078, 4x salary through work. 500k of my own
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-24-15 02:34 PM
12863101, We have whole life...the policy is enough to bury either one of us and
Posted by Cenario, Fri Jul-24-15 02:52 PM
pay off the crib.

Additionaly, I get something small from my job maybe 10k...my wife's job gives 200k i think