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Topic subjectare there any posters you'd like to know better? apart from shenanigans?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12858987
12858987, are there any posters you'd like to know better? apart from shenanigans?
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-21-15 01:35 PM
this isn't the crush post.


but some posters offer a very thin veil of themselves, and it's easy to fill in the blanks, but you're surely wrong.

others just act out in a way, it's hard to imagine them being productive adults.

i wonder if sarah bellum isn't a big a nutjob as i imagine her to be,

or sowhat isn't as stank in-person as he is online.

do people think godleeluv is a space-cadet in real life?

was k_orr ever as cool as i thought he was??
12858999, I think Nikamandela is low key the biggest success here.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-21-15 10:37 AM
Lived in many great major cities, focuses on her art, cool with everyone, super chill in real life too.

I think I'd like to hang out with the Doc, FluidJ, and Poetx once or twice

I'd like to be a fly on bar wall near Mongo and/or Koshersam

And there's a poster here from Austin that used to be a bouncer. I love hearing Austin stories.
12859005, Most of the OKp's I'd like to get to know better ARE crushes lol.
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Jul-21-15 10:39 AM
12859010, I'd like to know you better Zombie Guy
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue Jul-21-15 10:41 AM
I don't have a facebook page and I assume I'd know lot more OKP's better if I did.
12859072, this all you gotta know:
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-21-15 11:33 AM

ok, that was a shenanigan.

and so the second part of this post is how exactly, does that happen?

OKP reunions?

those are a myth.

how we gonna make this happen, lady??
12859085, ask me/ask you posts??
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue Jul-21-15 11:38 AM
inboxes? meet ups?
12859094, Silly question maybe, but have meetups been suggested / attempted before?
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Jul-21-15 11:43 AM

Seems like everyone blows their wad over the reunion and the effort it takes to get one of those going,
but smaller-scale events might be doable, yeah?

Obviously, this doesn't apply to the folks in the tri-state and ATL area. We know ya'll cross paths on the regular.
12859106, they do/did that kickball thing for a while. I meet up with OKPs when I travel
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue Jul-21-15 11:48 AM
12859152, Usually folks meet up when someone comes to town.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-21-15 12:07 PM
12859021, There are a lot of genuinely interesting people here, and
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 10:47 AM
I've liked everyone I've met IRL.

I'm really curious about the real Orbit_Established. Damali seems like a good friend to have. Joe Corn Mo fascinates me. Buddy G and I would either hate each other of be best friends IRL. BSR is going to be my 2nd baby mama, so definitely her.
12859029, Do you drink? If so we good then.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jul-21-15 10:53 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12859028, Deleted message
Posted by Sha, Tue Jul-21-15 10:53 AM
No message
12859075, I don't even know what SoWhat looks like, he might be the only OKP
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Jul-21-15 11:34 AM
that I've never seen post a pic. I feel like he would be different in person, just like many others I've met from here, but who knows.
12859083, legsdiamond.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jul-21-15 11:37 AM
seems like a cool dude, plus someone just said he was a backpack rapper.

if that's true it'd be hilarious if me and my dudes ever booked him for a show.

others: SoWhat, John Forte, DJ R-Tistic, Shastayshigh, Binlahab, BrooklynWHAT
12859087, i wanna know which backpack rapper legsdiamond was
Posted by latenitemix, Tue Jul-21-15 11:39 AM
i think that's it
12859090, My money's on Mike Zoot
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 11:42 AM
12859639, Michael Zoot had some joints man
Posted by micMajestic, Tue Jul-21-15 04:53 PM

His first four singles were pretty good. Impressive for a guy who didn't have any remarkable traits as a rapper. Not sure what he did after that.
12859103, This is his album cover
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Jul-21-15 11:46 AM
12859119, that's cold..
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-21-15 11:56 AM
12859121, lmao
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Jul-21-15 11:57 AM
12859163, i just spit out all kindsa nutrients on my screen.
Posted by poetx, Tue Jul-21-15 12:11 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12859170, Still the best cover ever
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Jul-21-15 12:12 PM
12859227, *muttley laff* nm
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Jul-21-15 12:38 PM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12859292, *RIGHT CLICK SAVE*
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Jul-21-15 01:11 PM
12885114, Rockstar burns like fuck when it shoots through your nose...
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Aug-21-15 10:51 AM
warn a nigga next time!!!
12859088, ive gotten to know most of you pretty well between okp, twitter & IG
Posted by guru0509, Tue Jul-21-15 11:39 AM
12859089, I fux with you. I'd definitely burn one with you
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 11:42 AM
12859115, *salute* , likewise man
Posted by guru0509, Tue Jul-21-15 11:54 AM
12859092, i've not dived into adding many people to those networks.
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-21-15 11:43 AM
i'd feel phoney in the connection.

we can't automatically enjoy each others social content just because we both log-in here.

i have added a few, and boy do i feel like a creep.
12859095, lol your twitter be messing me up sometimes lol
Posted by dapitts08, Tue Jul-21-15 11:44 AM
i follow deepak chopra too and sometime i see your name retweeting something and be like wtf......thinking it was him and then i realize lol
12859117, Lol!
Posted by guru0509, Tue Jul-21-15 11:54 AM
>i follow deepak chopra too and sometime i see your name
>retweeting something and be like wtf......thinking it was him
>and then i realize lol
12859138, yeah, you def get a fuller picture of somebody on twitter and IG
Posted by Government Name, Tue Jul-21-15 12:01 PM
you def one of my most retweeted folks lol
12859489, theres a bunch of ppl i follow who im sort of convicned are okps
Posted by guru0509, Tue Jul-21-15 02:58 PM
but im not sure...its always a funny moment when you place an okp and their twitter handle
12859675, those last two are like my most neglected social media outlets
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue Jul-21-15 05:59 PM
12859098, A Rack of y'all -- Too many to name
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Tue Jul-21-15 11:44 AM
12859128, FWIW, I've genuinely enjoyed the company of every OKP I've met
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 11:58 AM
Most of them were former Loosies. Actually, I think all of them were former Loosies.
12859132, you aint shit.
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-21-15 11:59 AM
12859149, I'm really not, but I also haven't met anyone on this site
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 12:07 PM
who wasn't also on TOS, even those who barely posted there and probably don't even remember meeting me.

Running list of OKP's I've met:

T510, but she doesn't know she met me because I wasn't introduced as an okp









That's all I can think of right now, and they all posted over there.
12859161, aww mang :(
Posted by teefiveten, Tue Jul-21-15 12:10 PM
12859236, Yep. You a cool dude man.
Posted by T Reynolds, Tue Jul-21-15 12:46 PM

I knew a few people off there as well.

Did you meet Jipper while you were in NYC?

I feel like she was with us but maybe not.
12859241, She wasn't out that night. I think Navie was, tho
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 12:48 PM
I had a blast. Can't believe I hadn't been to THE halal cart before that night.
12859294, did you use to go Loosie Weds?
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Jul-21-15 01:12 PM
12859299, Only once
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 01:15 PM
12859171, you was on TOS? as john forte?
Posted by poetx, Tue Jul-21-15 12:12 PM
peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12859180, Gladhands
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 12:19 PM
12859186, shit. i remember you. you was a loosie all star.
Posted by poetx, Tue Jul-21-15 12:21 PM
i'm poetx everywhere, so ion't be having those problems.

i need an alias.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12859297, oh shit you are gladhands.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Tue Jul-21-15 01:13 PM
12859167, I wouldn't mind grabbing a brew with:
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jul-21-15 12:12 PM
John Forte
Spirit (who I am pretty sure I know through fam)

I am sure there are others but that's top of the dome and looking at the first few pages of GD.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12859209, holy shit, i never get a mention in any kind of post like this. haha
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jul-21-15 12:33 PM
sometimes i don't even know if folks know i'm here. good shit. i'm pretty much down to grab a drink with anyone who's interested, certainly you included in that.
12859221, ^consistently good poster
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-21-15 12:36 PM
I'd definitely grab a drink with you
12859230, there's also a VA connection goin' on here.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jul-21-15 12:40 PM
me, you, buddyG. we all came from or have lived in VA. specifically tidewater and Richmond.
12859310, Can't forget my VA peoples. It's easy to get lost in the sauce if you
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jul-21-15 01:22 PM
don't talk crazy from time to time (says the dude who talks crazy from time to time).

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12859335, haha, no doubt. i don't really mind my role as member of the
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jul-21-15 01:34 PM
peanut gallery around here though. i find myself biting my tongue sometimes, but still try to have some sort of presence. nice to see it's at least seen from time to time. haha
12859433, RE: Can't forget my VA peoples. It's easy to get lost in the sauce if you
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Tue Jul-21-15 02:24 PM
>don't talk crazy from time to time (says the dude who talks
>crazy from time to time).

12859168, thr are a few ppl around here that im certain id vibe with on dif levels
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Jul-21-15 12:12 PM
some creative collabs, some romantic, some just to kick it with, some drinkn buddies
12859183, lightworks, she looks snuggly. Chamaqueen for obvious reasons
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue Jul-21-15 12:21 PM
Binlahb just to buy him a couple rounds helping me get A+ credit.
I've met a few of okayplayers in person everyone has been mad cool.
12859213, *likes*
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Jul-21-15 12:33 PM
this is the best thing anyones ever said abt me on here...thanks dude, sentiment is returned

12859194, lotta y'all cool as hell, or seemingly. but i'm antisocial irl.
Posted by poetx, Tue Jul-21-15 12:24 PM
or more like asocial. i fool w/ the fam. aybody else, mostly is collections of carbon or electrons.

there are a few cats from here i kick it with from time to time. i'm delinquent tho, on all my social interactions.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12859210, Folks I'd think I'd really enjoy meeting IRL
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Jul-21-15 12:33 PM
(Crushes and non-crushes alike and in no particular order)

Dr. Claw
John Forte
Ted gee seal

...and none of ya'll are in Texas :-(
12859233, How are you liking Houston? Have you had Tacos A Go Go?
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-21-15 12:44 PM
Send me Shipleys Donuts?
12859245, I consider Houston my hometown even tho I didn't settle here til' I was 9...
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Jul-21-15 12:53 PM
...nine years old or so. It may not be conducive to the kind of life I want to lead eventually,
but it has a helluva lot going for it in the meantime.

Edit* I have not had Tacos a go go... but I've been a vegetarian since 2001.

> Send me Shipleys Donuts?

I JUST bought 2 dozen donuts for my staff this past Saturday. I don't have a sweet tooth but,
yeah - they're good. I * might * be persuaded to trade foodstuffs... what'cho city got to offer?

12859256, I don't feel like there's anything DC you can't get in Houston.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-21-15 12:57 PM
I lived there for five years and enjoyed it immensely. I got to stay there this past December and while fun I'm glad I'm gone.

I used to love Critical Mass rides, Freestyle Tuesday's, Byzantio, Speakerboxx/Rockboxx Thursdays, Boondocks, and a whole slew of other things. I rarely left Montrose area, didn't need to.
12859281, *hugs*
Posted by lfresh, Tue Jul-21-15 01:06 PM
are you on social media?

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12859302, OKP and a soon-to-be-deleted dating profile are the extent of my online...
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Tue Jul-21-15 01:17 PM
...social media attempts. Or, the one's I've been the most active on anyway.

Friends have persuaded me to set up accounts on a handful of other sites and they have literally remained unused for years.

I've never joined the holy trinity tho (facebook, twitter, instagram/tumblr).

I know... I need to do better ;-)
12859734, meh
Posted by lfresh, Tue Jul-21-15 07:52 PM
alot of my offline friends are just offline
it bees like that sometimes

some who are off and trying to get more online its...its a learning curve
i never realize it but i do notice
but then these boards hrm trained me in the oddest way

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12859379, how'd I forget about VAsBestBBW*adds her to the list*
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue Jul-21-15 01:50 PM
12885101, ((hugs))
Posted by wray, Fri Aug-21-15 10:34 AM

Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness.
It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.
-Mary Oliver

�Never forget me, because if I thought you would, I'd never leave.�
12885118, Hey Luv!!! *squeeze*
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Fri Aug-21-15 10:56 AM
12885121, likewise boo
Posted by vik, Fri Aug-21-15 10:58 AM
12859248, Off the top?
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Tue Jul-21-15 12:54 PM
I'd say John Forte, janey, and Vector (does he still even post?),and I guess you too.

I feel like social media has helped me get to know those of you I haven't met. But the list of y'all I haven't met and would like to is pretty short at this point.

But then there's you. Despite being in the same space at least twice, I don't think we've interact much. Idk if that's anyone's fault or just how the cookie crumbled...
12885269, nah, haven't seen vector here in ages. i email with him from time to time.
Posted by earthseed, Fri Aug-21-15 01:19 PM
12859269, Meeting an OKP in real life led me here
Posted by csuave03, Tue Jul-21-15 01:02 PM
He was a provocateur on OKP as well as in real life, so am I but with me it comes from a good place.
12859296, it's probably a few posters on here who know me too well already
Posted by Mongo, Tue Jul-21-15 01:12 PM
12859312, Everyone's cool
Posted by Kira, Tue Jul-21-15 01:24 PM
Are Promo and PG the same person on some Bruce Wayne Batman ish?

I'd like to get to know everyone better even the stalkers/lurkers.

I'm a great guy when I'm not on some agenda shit providing proper balanced perspective to the world.

SoWhat is too messy and stay scouting so Ionno about him.

J Stew is probably a great personal trainer so I need the tips.

KingJerm a Florida dude that so that could go either way.

Murph cool.

Poetx seems too busy ol winning-at-life-multitasking-ass nigga.

I want to get to know the New Zealanders and the Canadians not named ######.

I'd like to engage in nuanced discourse with that person that does podcasts in her car where she rambles for 20 minutes.

12859399, Thanks, but I'm all about getting on these hoes(I mean respectable
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-21-15 02:04 PM
young to middle aged ladies).

I'm probably the most deceptively fun person to hang out with if I'm out and about drinking and stuff. The combo of knowing ridiculous amounts of bartenders and not GAF makes for a fun time(which is why I stay my ass home most of the time).

I'm like the anti-crossfitter, I never talk about working out in real life.

12859407, God bless you, man.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jul-21-15 02:07 PM

>I'm like the anti-crossfitter, I never talk about working out
>in real life.
12859421, saintly behavior here, y'all.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jul-21-15 02:16 PM

>I'm like the anti-crossfitter, I never talk about working out
>in real life.
12859476, I mean, I LOVE helping people that ask for it, BUT HELL NO
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-21-15 02:49 PM
I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT MY PR's and shit like that. I've been lifting weights and doing combat sports for almost 30 years, that's like talking about brushing my teeth for me. I appreciate y'all appreciating that!
12859495, plus, i'm fat. if you talking about working out to me that's...
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jul-21-15 03:01 PM
automatically fat-shaming.

12859423, i have no aliases.
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jul-21-15 02:18 PM
i mean, my original OKP screen name exists in the ether somewhere but i forgot the password.
12859431, I'm a hybrid of NC, GA, and FL.
Posted by kingjerm78, Tue Jul-21-15 02:24 PM

>KingJerm a Florida dude that so that could go either way.

12859414, I wouldn't mind meeting some of the DC area OKPs.
Posted by LeonPause, Tue Jul-21-15 02:10 PM
It's weird because whenever I encounter a brother or sister out in the streets that fits the "okayplayery" profile, I begin to wonder which alter ego they play here on this board. lol. I kinda regret not going to some of the gatherings/reunions that were held in the area back in the day. Somebody should put together a slight meet-up or something.

12859624, We out here!
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-21-15 04:29 PM
12885147, just seeing this response. gotta put something together.
Posted by LeonPause, Fri Aug-21-15 11:15 AM
12859422, naw fuick y'all I tried.
Posted by PG, Tue Jul-21-15 02:17 PM
12859425, Ouch!
Posted by SuiteLady, Tue Jul-21-15 02:20 PM
12859517, I'm joking babe
Posted by PG, Tue Jul-21-15 03:14 PM
I'm down to meet many folks... and you are definitely one of the top listers.
12859665, blackrussian
Posted by GirlChild, Tue Jul-21-15 05:47 PM
12859736, Ted Gee and Moonlit
Posted by lfresh, Tue Jul-21-15 07:53 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12885122, just met up w jeanlouis61 from his 6 months in the bay post
Posted by vik, Fri Aug-21-15 10:59 AM
he lives in the city i work in- good times, good people.
12885131, I wouldn't mind choppin it up political with a lot of y'all over drinks
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Fri Aug-21-15 11:05 AM
I have no animosity towards y'all so I'm pretty open.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12885199, the list of people I wouldn't sit down with from here is shorter
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Fri Aug-21-15 12:04 PM
by a pretty wide margin. There's a contingent of people that are so miserable they enjoy making other people miserable-and they don't hide it.
People like that I want nothing to do with, and I've made a point to no longer interact with them here. But the rest of you I'd definitely hang out with in an instant.
12885208, dang, mang - Sarah Bellum prolly the sharpest female on here
Posted by vee-lover, Fri Aug-21-15 12:16 PM

>i wonder if sarah bellum isn't a big a nutjob as i imagine her
>to be,
12885248, ctrl+f...fuck yall then.
Posted by earthseed, Fri Aug-21-15 12:49 PM
12885253, ⌘+f "double...." FUCK ALL YALL.
Posted by double negative, Fri Aug-21-15 12:54 PM
12885298, i can't blame them
Posted by Big Kuntry, Fri Aug-21-15 01:54 PM
12885656, cant blame em. i have no skin here.
Posted by double negative, Sat Aug-22-15 07:59 PM
12885257, the few ive met irl are really super people
Posted by LAbeathustla, Fri Aug-21-15 12:58 PM
Suite Lady
DJ R Tistic
Nika Mandela

ive interacted with Shawndmeslanted prolly more than anyone even tho we never met in person..Ive also spoken with mopheme and she is also really really good people..

Id like to meet other folks here...too many to name..but first on the list would prolly be the htown homie Binlahab..
12885291, i know who i DON'T fuck with on here.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Aug-21-15 01:43 PM
that's a short list and they know who they are or they should know. the rest of y'all i'd chop it up with.
12885308, Name names like the rest of us.
Posted by Kira, Fri Aug-21-15 02:13 PM
12885336, no.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Aug-21-15 02:38 PM
i don't normally participate in these posts anyway.
12885309, i genuinely want to know why I'm not on anyone's list!
Posted by eclipsedInI, Fri Aug-21-15 02:14 PM
12885334, I am a nut job... Certifiable even. }:)
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Aug-21-15 02:37 PM


12885458, Anyone who thinks im crazy is CRAZY.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Aug-21-15 07:40 PM
Im just me...take it or leave it.
Music is almost everything.
12885542, You cray, cray on here yo...lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Aug-22-15 07:45 AM
12885653, Well on here yeah im extreme but i had to make my mark here some way
Posted by godleeluv, Sat Aug-22-15 07:19 PM
When i first got here thi place was full of celebrities...i had to stand out some way. But irl im very tame. And im a jokester.
Music is almost everything.
12885620, Zaire-- there can be only one.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Aug-22-15 03:55 PM
Wonder what I'd do with all that power after taking his head?
12885659, I'd want to meet everyone
Posted by Heinz, Sat Aug-22-15 08:21 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z