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Topic subjectJust a vent
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12856370, Just a vent
Posted by JellyBean, Fri Jul-17-15 10:05 AM
So I'm a trained chef right...but I don't work in a restaurant. I work for social services. Every once in a while I like to get my culinary on...it's usually at breakfast time--and only on weekends.

My baby told me the other day that she wanted a restaurant breakfast. I was like you know mommy can make you a restaurant breakfast, right? She was like no you can't...you're a mommy not a chef--that hurt the hell out of my feelings. It lead me to believe that I'm not living up to my potential. Like Kilan. He's doing the damn thing in this culinary world, I envy him. He's been able to create a balance in his life and his dreams. Props to him! Here I am still doing taco (and not even fancy schmancy tacos) Tuesdays in my own kitchen.

It makes me sad. It was while I was in culinary school that I felt the most fulfilled. Then I became a mother...while fulfilling in it's own way...I, Jessica the person, am feeling empty.

I said all of this to say, I think it's time for me to tap into my potential. If you have something that you're good at or something that you have/had a passion for...you owe it to yourself to at the very least pursue and explore that part of who you are.
12856391, kids have terrible taste-buds.
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Jul-17-15 10:19 AM
i think she should see you as moms, first.

how old is this child whose words hold so much weight?
12856444, she's four
Posted by JellyBean, Fri Jul-17-15 10:43 AM
but it's not just her words. It's from conversations I've had with others...her words were just the straw that broke the camels back...
12856846, go for it. good luck
Posted by Riot, Fri Jul-17-15 05:47 PM
the fulfillment / 'i spend all day talking kiddie talk' issue is pretty common it seems
12856906, Kids are brutally honest
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jul-17-15 10:44 PM
12857495, culinary school really does NOT prepare you for the real world
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Mon Jul-20-15 09:05 AM
that's what every chef I ever worked for has told me
and my own time in that world has confirmed it time and again

I find myself thinking this a lot
But then I remember how hard that life really is
I just couldn't hack carrying $50k in student loans...while having to fight to be paid just $10/hour.
Then on top of that
fighting depression
and the everyday business of life
You gotta keep it alive any way you can.

do you still have your whites?
checkered pants?
crocs/work shoes?
the hat?
One weekend you're off, get up before she does
dress up
and fix her the nicest breakfast possible
show her there's mommy and Chef Mommy
confession: I've thrown on my whites just to get that feeling back when the mood struck me.

your struggle is felt, sis. know that.

12857534, RE: culinary school really does NOT prepare you for the real world
Posted by JellyBean, Mon Jul-20-15 09:34 AM
>I just couldn't hack carrying $50k in student loans...while
>having to fight to be paid just $10/hour.
>Then on top of that
>fighting depression
>and the everyday business of life
>You gotta keep it alive any way you can.

All of this! and then some! especially the having to FIGHT to get paid a decent wage.

>do you still have your whites?
>checkered pants?
>crocs/work shoes?
>the hat?
>One weekend you're off, get up before she does
>dress up
>and fix her the nicest breakfast possible
>show her there's mommy and Chef Mommy

I do! And I will! I've decided to have an end of summer tasting party. Not for my friends, but for me. Give me the chance to flex my culinary muscles.

>your struggle is felt, sis. know that.

<3 <3 Thanks :-)
12857555, my niece is in culinary school
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-20-15 09:51 AM
I tried to warn her about that debt but she is focused.

she works at a 4 star restaurant while she is in school and she also has a mentor who is good at helping her realize her worth when she applies to jobs.

12857560, she's more ahead of the game than many folks
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Mon Jul-20-15 09:55 AM
that experience/education debate is a BITCH
never-ending in our world
plus getting a good mentor
3 aces in her pocket right there
12857584, 2 things:
Posted by placee_22, Mon Jul-20-15 10:06 AM
1. Just do it; By any means in the beginning, who knows you doing some side hustle work may turn into something big.

2. She probably sees you cooking and thus doesn't think you're a chef. The whole seeing sausage being made analogy. I bet if she woke up or came home to a meal that looks restaurant quality she'd change her tune. Then you can just drop your utensils and just walk out the room.

But yeah, kids especially ones that aren't even school age yet are the most brutally honest people on the planet.
Posted by ThaAnthology, Mon Jul-20-15 11:30 AM