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Topic subject'Active shooter incident' reported in Chattanooga
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12855513, 'Active shooter incident' reported in Chattanooga
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Jul-16-15 12:13 PM
12855689, 5 dead
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Jul-16-15 02:11 PM
Including the shooter and 4 marines at a reserve center and a recruiting center. 3 wounded.
They are calling it domestic terrorism. Cbs has gone out of their way to say it is not Isis aka not a Muslim, because you know they consider the two as synonymous. The mayor has already said he hopes its a "crazed" individual also shots were fired from a Ford Mustang leading me to think...nevermind.
But they haven't given information on the identity of the shooter.

12855731, Now they are backin off of domestic terror
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Jul-16-15 02:28 PM
I'm not sure how a person can attack two different military instillations an it not be terrorism.


12855744, White?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Jul-16-15 02:31 PM
12855765, All we can do is pray he's not black
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Jul-16-15 02:42 PM
The called said his name is something like Muhammad adziz something or other. What worries me is they way they are being cagey about the domestic terrorism label. I'm not sure if it's because we've progessed as a society and understand that every one with a Muslim name or brown skin is not a Muslim terrorist or they don't wanna hear black folks mouths about declaring this terrorism immediately. They seemed to be saying over and over that this was not Isis linked terrorism when it first happened. I hope it's not. Muslims in the US don't need their lives to be any harder then they already are.


12856392, Seriously? Praying not for the innocent victims and their families, but
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Fri Jul-17-15 10:19 AM
for the hope that whoever committed the ruthless crime is not black???

I mean shit, not even an ounce of respect or sympathy for the victims and their families??? I'm not offended, I just find the reaction a bit odd.
12856622, Know your audience.The victims were white and this is Okayplayer.
Posted by ScooterBug, Fri Jul-17-15 01:00 PM

But seriously, I doubt she meant it in a disrespectful way.
12856642, Bitch, have a whole seat.
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Jul-17-15 01:17 PM
This is not fox news where that kinda bulshit false equivalency flies and scores you points. The amout of racism black people face and islamaphobia muslim people face when this kind of violent is unfortunaly commited by a person of color and is real and constant. If you dont like that I mentioned it...suck a dick.
After dylan roof the most violent black people got is talking down a damn flag, mean while people still retaliating for 9/11 by pushing muslims in front of trains.
You are welcome to pray any time you want and for who you want, but your alias doesn't get to police me.
_________________________________________________________ __

12856650, You forgot something http://media.giphy.com/media/13py6c5BSnBkic/giphy.gif
Posted by ScooterBug, Fri Jul-17-15 01:24 PM
12856689, Lmao. Okay then.
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Fri Jul-17-15 02:04 PM
I clearly stated I wasn't offended and just found your comments a bit odd. Blacks are well represented in the military so I wasn't sure where you were going with the comments. Appreciate the classy response though!
12856819, Trolls don't get niceties.
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Fri Jul-17-15 04:32 PM


12855735, Ut oh... The shooters name is Muhammad
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Jul-16-15 02:29 PM


12855806, ... Welp.. HERE WE GO.....
Posted by Kira, Thu Jul-16-15 03:05 PM
Agenda wise let's talk about it:

White male intentionally tries to start a race war by shooting up a church and killing a US Senator... not terrorism.

Allegedly this individual named Muhammmed emphasis on ALLEGEDLY, shoots up a military center and now it's terrorism. <---- GOAL POSTS NEED TO BE MOVED.

Info is still coming in so hopefully ^^^ this is wrong.
12855823, Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez - Kuwait
Posted by bentagain, Thu Jul-16-15 03:19 PM

how f'd up is this race lottery we play nowadays with these mass shootings


intial report, naturalized citizen from Kuwait - whatever that means

I'm going to assume that means

=/= black

=/= mexican

can we talk about gun control now?
12855871, RE: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez - Kuwait
Posted by Jay Doz, Thu Jul-16-15 03:56 PM
"intial report, naturalized citizen from Kuwait - whatever that means"

It means he was born in Kuwait as a Kuwaiti citizen and is now an American. How is that unclear?
12856660, I wasn't clear if from = born
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jul-17-15 01:30 PM
and this was the initial report

i.e. before photos were posted

we were still just sepculating race, nationality, etc...

so there was a possiblity that somebody from Kuwait might not have been born there

just sayin'
12856144, = not white = terrorist
Posted by Allah, Thu Jul-16-15 11:24 PM
12856359, read an interesting article that went further with the misuse of the term
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jul-17-15 09:58 AM

i.e. is it terrorism when the targets are military sites?
12856460, They talked about it on the senate floor and said nah
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-17-15 10:55 AM
The guns will control us-- we will not be controlling the guns.
12856495, yes we can talk about gun control what do you suggest?
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Jul-17-15 11:17 AM
12856578, the statistical return on Portugal's decriminalization of drug possession
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jul-17-15 12:21 PM
IMO, helped champion that cause state side

I've heard plenty of anecdotes about Australia's gun control policies


but there appears to be a clear statistical trend for those policies as well


i.e. the gun control issue is literally gun control.
12856866, Police: Weapons Spotted With Group On Staten Island...
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jul-17-15 07:49 PM
...May Be Paintball Guns


this is striking me as just overtly racist

I'm going to go ahead and assume, based on the head wrap and other features, these folks are of middle eastern decent

i.e. if that Jim Bob and them, this wouldn't be a story

these MFers are broadcasting license plates on the air

and I didn't see a crime

if these gun nuts are going to advocate for owning assault rifles

what crime was committed?

BOLO for what?

citizens exercising their rights?



straight called em terrorists, c'mon
12856139, ^
Posted by kinetic94761180, Thu Jul-16-15 11:07 PM
12856176, Another young muslim male? Hilarious
Posted by GameTheory, Fri Jul-17-15 01:04 AM
Who didn't see this coming?
12856182, Well the Navy Yard shooting back in 2013 was Black
Posted by mind_grapes, Fri Jul-17-15 02:45 AM
Named Aaron Alexis...
12856181, This guys yearbook quote: "My name causes national security alerts."
Posted by mind_grapes, Fri Jul-17-15 02:42 AM
"What does your do?"


At the very least, how can he not see that he is fucking it up for other Muslims, especially on the eve of Eid. Including his sister, who told a local newspaper back in 2010: "I’m not afraid to go straight toward them and ask them, ‘Do you really know what Islam is?’” she said. “There’s this misconception that Islam is a violent religion. Muslims are actually peaceful."
12856190, he was kinda cute, too bad he was a killer.
Posted by godleeluv, Fri Jul-17-15 04:38 AM

Music is almost everything.
12856365, without the beard he kinda looks like the dude from Kick ass
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Fri Jul-17-15 10:03 AM