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Topic subjectYou: Then and Now
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12850638, You: Then and Now
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-10-15 02:22 PM
Post a recent picture of yourself and a picture from 10 years ago. Yes, this is a stunt post.
12850640, Age 30 and age 40
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-10-15 02:26 PM


Age showing around the eyes
12850642, weird man. it looks like age 20 and 30.
Posted by double negative, Fri Jul-10-15 02:27 PM
12850643, RE: Age 30 and age 40
Posted by double 0, Fri Jul-10-15 02:28 PM
get that juviderm son! you could be pharrell forever......
12850777, fitna play Pharrell in the Lifetime biopic
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-10-15 04:23 PM
12850733, You look the same with more hair
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Jul-10-15 03:41 PM
12850696, RE: You: Then and Now
Posted by Khalil19, Fri Jul-10-15 03:14 PM


You don't impress me!!

RIP Reggie...I love you!! http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb449/Mynewstuff2011/RegLover.jpg

12850712, RE: You: Then and Now
Posted by placee_22, Fri Jul-10-15 03:24 PM
26: https://instagram.com/p/4-BdxWtDuD/?taken-by=rrichard1
36: https://instagram.com/p/4-B21VtDu2/?taken-by=rrichard1
12850715, LOL
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-10-15 03:24 PM
12850717, lol, pasted the same link 2x by mistake
Posted by placee_22, Fri Jul-10-15 03:26 PM
12850720, you actually look youngER now
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-10-15 03:27 PM
12850729, until I put my head down...grey hair is creepin in up top
Posted by placee_22, Fri Jul-10-15 03:37 PM
12850739, mufucka how you look younger now, lol?
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jul-10-15 03:46 PM
12850755, LMAO basically
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-10-15 03:58 PM
12850762, You on that Benjamin Button yo?
Posted by flipnile, Fri Jul-10-15 04:09 PM
12850731, ok
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Jul-10-15 03:39 PM

12850736, Wait, ten years ago was just 2005, AKA when I got on Facebook. Here.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-10-15 03:45 PM
2005 (Age 20):




2015 (Age 30):





12850740, You look mostly the same, but you grew into your looks,
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jul-10-15 03:47 PM
More hampsome now
12850750, Aha, thanks! I feel like I didn't age too much since then
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-10-15 03:56 PM
I feel it more than I see it
12850742, lol...man, you look super -faded in that last "now" pic
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jul-10-15 03:47 PM
12850749, LOL I'm rarely ever faded, my eyes just HATE camera light
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jul-10-15 03:55 PM
12850757, Hairline, where did ye go
Posted by Wonderl33t, Fri Jul-10-15 04:01 PM
Summer 2005 https://scontent.fsjc1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/1929515_505778963051_2919_n.jpg?oh=c5e6307eb2f7cbfdbcd623ceb12b7821&oe=562A9E2B

A few weeks ago https://scontent.fsjc1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11392819_10153004769853918_6036762411459574470_n.jpg?oh=ac389126eca26a6d88246b3c84f3e1fd&oe=565770CA
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12850776, from kid to family man:
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-10-15 04:21 PM
21: https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/1927707_516052150273_2714_n.jpg?oh=f5728b9340ac671580a812dc7782dc3b&oe=56220D35

31: https://igcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t51.2885-15/11356796_1644150812481688_1652501648_n.jpg

sorry for the janky links. Imgur isnt cooperating w/ me right now
12850786, dope family, dawg
Posted by Dstl1, Fri Jul-10-15 04:33 PM
12850790, thanks man
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-10-15 04:36 PM
12850789, lol sausage fest poast.
Posted by PG, Fri Jul-10-15 04:35 PM
man I'm to immature today to even play..
12850808, Okaplayer is turning into a sausage fest period.
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Jul-10-15 05:06 PM
12850819, yall come here to get ladies? still?
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Jul-10-15 05:27 PM
12850820, naw... I already copped the best one imo... *runs victory lap*
Posted by PG, Fri Jul-10-15 05:28 PM
12850821, Who said that?
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Fri Jul-10-15 05:31 PM
12850803, yours truly.
Posted by Kwesi, Fri Jul-10-15 05:01 PM
then: http://seemenomore.net/images/youngzombie.jpg
now: http://seemenomore.net/images/zombieonthetrain.png
12850807, RE: You: Then and Now
Posted by Monkey Genius, Fri Jul-10-15 05:05 PM
30: https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1751_546524957530_2174_n.jpg?oh=73404c6525c52e60c68bd4d51d8d8e05&oe=561ADEE9

40: https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10356769_10100839596982800_6448849438407618195_n.jpg?oh=7f46a9478b58700b93970661a0d8b9f4&oe=560ECE1B
12850809, 21 / 31
Posted by blackrussian, Fri Jul-10-15 05:07 PM

12850842, you look the same, lol
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Jul-10-15 06:38 PM
12850836, yeah 10 is trivial at 40… but 20…
Posted by sosumi, Fri Jul-10-15 06:24 PM
for women it might be "perm" vs "natural"

for men it is more like luscious hair vs bald, slim vs man chubs
12850840, this is more than 10 yrs ago
Posted by GirlChild, Fri Jul-10-15 06:35 PM
i'm pretty sure i was 21 or 22 in this picture http://tinyurl.com/p3qgkpe this was 2007 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1293186276

me now, except my hair is a darker purple
http://tinyurl.com/pxwolm5 me and my booface http://tinyurl.com/okprqw7
12850843, Afro is 2004 or 2005
Posted by c71, Fri Jul-10-15 06:38 PM

12850913, ya boy
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sat Jul-11-15 03:32 AM





12850915, RE: You: Then and Now
Posted by Moonlit_Force, Sat Jul-11-15 04:44 AM
Boo'd up at 22 (love this pic even tho I'm completely shit-faced drunk) :


Boo'd up at 32 (but currently single...Holla!) :
