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Topic subjectIced coffee in all forms , is ridculous.
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12848020, Iced coffee in all forms , is ridculous.
Posted by AFRICAN, Wed Jul-08-15 05:47 AM
Yes I said it.
Came across an article that stated this much more eloquently than i can and so I came here to shit on your tastes.

It makes no sense and tastes like shit.
If sugary drinks are for pussies then iced coffee is for......
In case I'm not clear enough Iced coffee is stupid.
12848021, Lies! All lies!
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Jul-08-15 06:00 AM
12848022, disagree
Posted by teefiveten, Wed Jul-08-15 06:00 AM
not to say it's too hot for hot coffee but iced is a nice break from hot in the summer. in the summer i just want to drink something cold and drink it quickly. hot coffee/beverages in general can be a bit of a chore in the summer

most places make horrible iced anyway. you have to brew it much more strongly than regular and most places just take their regular hot coffee when it's gone cool and use it for iced. that's bullshit

12848055, ^^^^ This right here ^^^^
Posted by soulfunk, Wed Jul-08-15 07:53 AM
>most places make horrible iced anyway. you have to brew it
>much more strongly than regular and most places just take
>their regular hot coffee when it's gone cool and use it for
>iced. that's bullshit

Once you have some GOOD iced coffee that was actually brewed to be iced coffee, it will change your perspective.
12848065, word...me and some folk go on a 50 mile ride on Sundays...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jul-08-15 08:05 AM
at least, most Sundays. We stop at this spot in the city around the halfway point...dope little coffee shop. They make the slammin iced coffee. I'm a coffee head, so I know it's potent...plus when you just rode 20 miles or so, it's refreshing as shit. Folk gotta stop gettin a .99 cent iced coffee at McDonald's.
12848077, If you cold brew your own at home
Posted by Sha, Wed Jul-08-15 08:19 AM
that's the strongest.
I cold brew a bustelo mix.
12848080, nice
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jul-08-15 08:20 AM

>I cold brew a bustelo mix.
12848083, i cold brew my own.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-08-15 08:21 AM
it's instant something. it works. lol
12848092, yeah i do it from time to time
Posted by teefiveten, Wed Jul-08-15 08:27 AM
but i have a tendency to brew too strongly in general. no matter how hard i try not to.

i'd have crazy heart palps and i dont even take sugar w/ my coffee. lol.

so i buy it outside. i also don't drink coffee everyday so this helps to temper my addiction. lol
12848212, damn you brewing diesel fuel and shat!
Posted by Sha, Wed Jul-08-15 09:24 AM
12848369, i need some of that. starbucks stopped working
Posted by GirlChild, Wed Jul-08-15 11:14 AM
12848311, yep!
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Jul-08-15 10:32 AM
12848036, u probably acquire your coffee from low tier establishments like a peasant
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jul-08-15 07:07 AM
I scoff in your general direction......
12848039, I just need caffeine. I give nary a fuck about the distribution method.
Posted by Lardlad95, Wed Jul-08-15 07:11 AM
espresso over ice is the easiest way to get coffee into my gut. I don't have time to leisurely sip a cup of hot coffee, I'm an American.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
12848058, Psychologically speaking, it ain't the same
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jul-08-15 07:54 AM
I just don't feel like I'm getting the same caffeine as with hot coffee.
12848060, then you must not drink that good cold brew dog
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jul-08-15 07:59 AM
Shit will have you wired like a calle ocho cortadito if you know where to get the hipster cold brew no cuts ladled from an unmarked plastic vat covered in tin foil
12848061, Oh, Stop it!
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jul-08-15 08:01 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12848066, i agree
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jul-08-15 08:06 AM
12848070, youve never had a cold brew high? its a whole other ballgame
Posted by double negative, Wed Jul-08-15 08:10 AM
and Im not talking about the starbucks shit

if you have a halfway decent indie shop in your area go there and get the cold brew and sip it slowly (its...just take your time with it)

then time travel and wake up 5 or 6 hours later with your to-do list magically wrapped up and completed.
12848079, disagree and keep ya hot coffee sweats to yourself
Posted by Sha, Wed Jul-08-15 08:19 AM
in 90 degree weather with sticky humidity.
12848082, i used to think this...now i love it
Posted by gumz, Wed Jul-08-15 08:21 AM
granted i thought this before i was a regular coffee drinker...that shit is delicious though
12848133, I am in agreement.
Posted by napturalmystic, Wed Jul-08-15 08:45 AM
12848143, Nope. Nope. Nope. And nope.
Posted by Mongo, Wed Jul-08-15 08:49 AM
Black iced coffee is why God invented coffee and ice.
12848195, ^^^
Posted by placee_22, Wed Jul-08-15 09:16 AM
>Black iced coffee is why God invented coffee and ice.
12848179, RE: Iced coffee in all forms , is ridculous.
Posted by Tiggerific, Wed Jul-08-15 09:11 AM
If you ever had Bulletproof coffee, you wouldn't be saying this.
12848246, Someone prob said this about iced tea at one point.
Posted by Ryan M, Wed Jul-08-15 09:57 AM
12848270, dont pull my boo into this
Posted by dba_BAD, Wed Jul-08-15 10:13 AM
i will cut all of you
12848272, if i drink coffee, i only drink iced coffee.
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jul-08-15 10:14 AM
* shrug *
12848273, ^^^ Official Rep from the home of Starbucks has spoken
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed Jul-08-15 10:17 AM
12848275, At starbucks just order a Doppio Long Espresso Over Ice
Posted by dgonsh, Wed Jul-08-15 10:19 AM
milk/sugar/splenda to taste and *mwa*

Sugar doesnt desolve well in iced coffee/espresso, which is why it's bullshit that Starbucks doesnt offer simple syrup on their bars. Pay for 3 pumps of classic? fuck that shit.
12848303, POST JACK: Anybody try this brewing technique?
Posted by gumz, Wed Jul-08-15 10:28 AM

Might give it a shot...I never make iced coffee at home. This might change that.
12848409, nah, but I did do a modified version of this though
Posted by placee_22, Wed Jul-08-15 11:51 AM

I didn't cut the coke bottle because I had a pitcher that worked just as well for filtering.
12848418, Looks like the same way I use my french press
Posted by bentagain, Wed Jul-08-15 11:54 AM
1/3 cup of coffee grounds

per every 12 ounces of water

throw that jawn in the frig before I go to bed

wake, strain and pour

I'm guessing the recipe you posted is for commercial use

but it looks like the same idea.
12848836, that sounds
Posted by Shimmy, Wed Jul-08-15 04:39 PM
12848825, she doing way too much.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jul-08-15 04:28 PM
12848307, Iced coffee in all forms is delicious. Ridiculously delicious.
Posted by SuiteLady, Wed Jul-08-15 10:30 AM

12848388, I'd rather drink turpentine on the rocks than iced coffee
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jul-08-15 11:35 AM
Gimmie a can of Rockstar, freezing cold, in the black and gold can.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12848833, I think if a person drank 2 rockstars, death is a legit possibility
Posted by J_Stew, Wed Jul-08-15 04:34 PM
12848391, HAHA! I just started making iced coffee = it's too f'n hot for some
Posted by bentagain, Wed Jul-08-15 11:38 AM
HOT ASS coffee son


I don't really see the difference, other than temperature

I steep that jawn overnight

wake and pour

12848400, who knew they had ice in africa?
Posted by ndibs, Wed Jul-08-15 11:41 AM
in all seriousneess, you're probably more accustomed to drinking hot drinks in hot weather as an african.
12848406, coffee + aeropress + mason jar + ice = heaven lol
Posted by dapitts08, Wed Jul-08-15 11:46 AM
12848413, my wife bought me one of these and I love it
Posted by placee_22, Wed Jul-08-15 11:52 AM

it takes a while, but it's totally worth it.
12848551, Damn dude, I thought we were brothers. Who am I gonna sip lattes
Posted by J_Stew, Wed Jul-08-15 01:32 PM
with while going on dog hunts now?
12848666, Its ridculously good!
Posted by KnowOne, Wed Jul-08-15 02:42 PM
12848824, I just drink it too fast for it to be
Posted by sosumi, Wed Jul-08-15 04:25 PM
a daily summer morning replacement for hot coffee

but at night I mix it with brandy
12848838, I'm having one right now
Posted by Shimmy, Wed Jul-08-15 04:39 PM
and it is perfection.