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Topic subjectyou ever been to one of those clubs that take your drink out your hand?
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12847838, you ever been to one of those clubs that take your drink out your hand?
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-07-15 06:32 PM
at a certain time at night?

shit's baffling to me.

i've only been once and i still haven't resolved that shit.

that was three years ago, in bah-ginia.

is it just some backwards-country shit?

does it happen north of the mason-dixon?
12847842, City Lights, Killeen TX
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-07-15 06:37 PM
12847846, :-\ That's only a mile or two from where my parents grew up
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-07-15 06:42 PM
I'm sure they spent many a night there.
12847850, I didn't know that was a thing until about a month or more ago
Posted by Regina Rose, Tue Jul-07-15 06:47 PM
apparently legally here (Toronto) you can't have a drink in your hand at a bar after 2:45am Last call is 2am
12847852, they come through with the trash cans?
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-07-15 06:50 PM
i wanted to fight those clowns.

ruined my whole day.
12847861, in Texas, no one can have a drink in their hand at 2:15
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-07-15 07:04 PM
if TABC comes through(and they stop by all the time), they shut your bar down, and the fine is 5 figures. So it's pretty SOP to pull drinks at 2:05 or 2:10.
12847865, why hasn't the peoples of texas voted that out yet?
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-07-15 07:13 PM
12847872, Texas still has dry counties
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-07-15 07:17 PM
And counties where you have to buy a club membership to get a drink at a restaurant.
12847873, TABC has REAL political power, man.
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-07-15 07:17 PM
They make so much money off taxing bars, it's crazy. Tax you when you buy it, tax you when you sell it, it's a freaking racket. That's apart from paying sales and income tax.
12847890, ... endless stings if you don't pay the "tax"
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-07-15 07:47 PM
12847906, this is terrible news. the drunk have rights, too!
Posted by Kwesi, Tue Jul-07-15 08:34 PM
12847870, Interesting. I don't ever recall having my drink taken in Austin
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jul-07-15 07:16 PM
And I probably partied there a couple hundred times
12847875, most customers here are pretty good and know the law
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Jul-07-15 07:18 PM
I've only had to forcefully take a person's drink 4 or 5 times over the years.
12847992, man they take your water even
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Jul-08-15 12:04 AM
i was playing a foosball tournament its 230 am its the finals, they say they have to take all of our drinks

wtf man im sweating buckets here
12847948, Indian casinos in cali
Posted by Playa_Politician, Tue Jul-07-15 09:26 PM
145am they come around taking drinks of the tables. 2am curfew here.

that's why i like quick trips to Tahoe (nevada side), reno or vegas. drink 24/7
12847952, i manage the security of a hotel with bars
Posted by justin_scott, Tue Jul-07-15 09:34 PM
we let people know to finish their drinks at 2am, but if they don't, we will remove the drinks from them a few mins later. I'm not getting in trouble with ABC.
12847959, naw they just hounded me to throw it back quickly
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Jul-07-15 09:53 PM
So I did.

Then they watched me stagger to my car and waited for me to drive off so they could call the cops.

So I sat on the hood of the car and flicked them off.

*drunk stories*
12847998, ahh last call from the same people that brought you
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Jul-08-15 12:21 AM
blue laws, dry counties and 3.2 beer
12848153, naw
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jul-08-15 08:56 AM
12848170, you're lucky, it's absolutely de-humanizing.
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Jul-08-15 09:05 AM
especially if you're not familiar with the practice ... or law, whatever.
12848190, Do they do this in DC too, or is this more of a southern thing?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Jul-08-15 09:15 AM
Here, we just kick folks out at a certain time, and they can't take drinks outside. Not sure about spots that stay open past 2am, but I've never seen any enforcement beyond *last call* and shutting the bar down.
12848202, DC? hell no. I'd have been moved outta this shit-hole.
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Jul-08-15 09:20 AM
it happened to me in virginia.

im never going back.
12848205, never heard of this...i'd be so confused
Posted by gumz, Wed Jul-08-15 09:21 AM
always thought last call was just about when they can serve the last drink...never been to a place that made you finish or toss your drink as well
12848211, i was ready to start the revolution immediately that night.
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Jul-08-15 09:23 AM
looking around at everyone thinking to myself 'yall just gonna stand for this??, these our drinks!'

everybody just fell in line.

i spent the rest of the night smoking in the parking lot.
Posted by janey, Wed Jul-08-15 11:53 AM
My husband & I used to own (dive) bars (before "dive" was hip) in the San Fernando Valley (CA)

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
12848500, i fight you.
Posted by Kwesi, Wed Jul-08-15 12:49 PM
12848421, nah..never seen or heard of that
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jul-08-15 11:55 AM
12848424, I kind of remember being in an argument saying "why'd you sell me this
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jul-08-15 11:57 AM
drink if I can't finish it?"

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12848494, hell nah... i have been pressured to knock a drink back or give it up
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-08-15 12:47 PM
but take it out my hand? I would be heated
12848537, yeah but if someone asks you politely a couple of times and you refuse
Posted by J_Stew, Wed Jul-08-15 01:19 PM
the worst case I ever had was some frat boy type dude with his gf and I told him we needed to take up drinks but that I'd give him time to finish it, he said he would finish the drink when he felt like it. At this point when you say this to a door guy, you've basically sealed your fate. As I reached for the drink, he threw it on me. So, now he's getting walked, I'm still not really mad, but it's getting there. So I'm behind him walking him out and he tries to hold onto a railing by the front door in attempts to resist me. I had to use necessary force to get him to let go of the rail, which resulted in him getting body slammed a little bit, somewhat accidentally, he was only like a little 180 pound dude, and not a fighter's 180 pound build, a weak, sloppy 180.

In Texas, on private property, and that's what a business is, private property, not public, when a representative of that property asks you to leave and you don't comply, you can practically shoot them(not really but you get the idea), and when you have witnesses that see him refusing to leave and being belligerent you can physically remove them.

I'm so glad I don't work in a bar anymore, enough people are horrible pieces of shit that you start to hate everyone.
12848566, that's the standard practice here
Posted by Nodima, Wed Jul-08-15 01:47 PM
I've never taken a drink without someone conceding it to me first, and the place I work in now closes at 1AM at the latest so I don't have any legal right to force people to hurry up (I just won't serve them anymore), but when I was open until 2 there was definitely a really strong push to get drinks out of people's hands by 2:05. I'm not sure if this is actually the law but that's what I was told; at any rate, we certainly couldn't allow anyone drinking on the patio to stay on the patio where they could be seen by police passing by.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
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12848577, Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh stops serving at 1:30... i was mad.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jul-08-15 01:54 PM
apparently they had a hard time getting drinks out of hands by 2AM so they had last call around 1:15.

12848590, I hate the ones that stop the music & turn the lights all the way up...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Jul-08-15 02:03 PM

...until all the drinks are finished.

They send the staff around to collect all the bottle, glasses etc. And they absolutely will not continue the party until they're 100% sure that all the drinks are done.

That well-lit, musicless period of time is pretty pathetic.