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Topic subjectRE: Obama is more special than Bernie, right?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12840599&mesg_id=12958498
12958498, RE: Obama is more special than Bernie, right?
Posted by murph71, Sun Jan-17-16 02:36 PM
>>The rise of Obama was viewed heavily as a transformative
>>moment in politics..A black man running for President who
>>proved to be the perfect candidate...
>>His run was marked by one history-making first: The First
>>Black President...This trumped Clinton's FIRST FEMALE
>>PRESIDENT angle...
>There was already two previous presidential elections with a
>black man candidate.
>Even one of them had a black female (double dipped HRC)

Those other black candidates weren't taken seriously....And they didn't have that background story that made Obama such a perfect sale (half white, half black; brilliant legal mind; being tagged as the next political star in the Democratic party; that Chicago backstory....It was all there...)

>Very few are voting for a "novelty vote" of voting for a woman
>president (because Fiorina is a woman as well just as Palin is
>a woman)
> when our economy is in such bad shape (and getting worse)
>HRC has a few major hurdles to get over with undecided
>Email Server
>Her Husband
>Her out of touchness but still trying too hard to relate.
>GWB did not try to "relate" to anyone outside of middle aged
>southern white men who liked to hunt and drink beer.

This is what's going to happen....Clinton will inch out a very close race in Iowa....And lose in NH....From there, Clinton's much varied and diverse voting block should carry her in a very close, hard fought battle for the Democratic nomination....

As for the laundry list u just through up there? Democrats should ONLY be concerned with the Email server....That's a real issue....


Benghazi? Don't believe that Right Wing chatter. Clinton dusted them fools off with after that partisan marathon grilling she went through...

Her husband? If Bernie starts using that Trump angle Democrats will never forgive him...

The rest is just talking points...

I'm pretty much an old school Democrat. I don't feel comfortable with Bernie running in a general election with the lack of a diverse voting coalition behind him AND the socialist tag attached to him....

Bernie is capturing the imagination of the hardcore--mostly white---liberal base to a lesser degree than what George McGovern did during his heartfelt run...

We know the ending to that movie....