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Topic subjectBarack Obama should apologize for slavery.
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12837573, Barack Obama should apologize for slavery.
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed Jun-24-15 06:56 AM
No really someone actually considered this.
12837575, 1. He IS the POTUS.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:05 AM
He's in position to do it.

2. He biracial and multiethnic - black/Kenyan and white/American. His ppl were not held as slaves in America AFAIK and some of his ppl may have been slaveowners or have benefitted from American chattel slavery.

3. His wife and daughters likely have slave ancestors.

I see it.
12837576, in the words of Madison, "hell no"
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:06 AM
12837577, Mr. Obama ain't Black. So Madison's point is off.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:10 AM
12837578, doesnt fkn matter. its a symbolic gesture, this symbolism is off
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:11 AM
us kenyans aint responsible for the slavery, either
12837579, he point-five (half-white) though.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:12 AM
12837580, oh so now whitey wants to claim him?
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:13 AM
so he can apologize for slavery?

hell no
12837582, Mr. Obama claims his white ancestry too.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:15 AM
He identifies as black bc he knows what's up but he doesn't disclaim his white ancestry. Most importantly - he ain't Black. If he were Asian I'd have the same position - he can apologize for US chattel slavery on behalf of America.
12837584, he's also half kenyan. that half says hell no.
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:17 AM
so unless he can do a half apology? fuck and no

>He identifies as black bc he knows what's up but he doesn't
>disclaim his white ancestry. Most importantly - he ain't
>Black. If he were Asian I'd have the same position - he can
>apologize for US chattel slavery on behalf of America.
12837591, kenyan != Black.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:21 AM
Sorry but as a Kenyan he has no skin in the game when it comes to this issue. He might as well be Indian or Japanese - same deal.
12837592, didnt you mean to lowercase that?
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:23 AM
>Sorry but as a Kenyan he has no skin in the game when it
>comes to this issue. He might as well be Indian or Japanese -
>same deal.
12837594, Nope.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:24 AM
Kenyan = black
Kenyan != Black
12837609, i see.
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:40 AM
he's the wrong lowercase though
see, we come in multiple identities
we are transblackian
12837611, He's Blacker than Rachel D.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:41 AM
12837614, and now we finally agree :o(
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:43 AM
so now how the fuck do we continue this arguing?

12837646, i hear the Confederate flag is inspired by a similar Kenyan flag.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 08:19 AM

12837667, i actually think its inspired by the south sudan flag
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 08:29 AM
red? check
blue? check
and wtf does that one star mean?

let me go piss off people on fb by suggesting that
the south sudan flag is inspired by the confederate flag
or vice-versa.

12837672, YES.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 08:31 AM
12837695, im headed to s.sudan next week
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 08:43 AM
and before 7am this morning
i've already pissed off two entire tribes on a friend's fb page
and now this

im either going to be disappeared or deported.

but its for a good cause

*stop supporting the confederacy, south sudan*

12837581, lol, i like the .5 usage though. but still, hell no
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:15 AM
12837583, I see it.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:16 AM
I ain't mad if he doesn't but I agree that he can.
12837589, no, we all know he can, as potus
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:20 AM
this is about if he should
and i agree with the hell no

*maybe* if he was half AA

but kenyan?
nah, the luo from Kogelo are not half responsible for this shit
neither are they (still) benefitting from it
12837593, half. white.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:24 AM
And he doesn't need to have ancestors who benefitted - hell, even if his ppl were slaves he could still do it. Bc the apology isn't personal - it's not Barry apologizing to niggers on his behalf, it's The POTUS apologizing on behalf of the USA.
12837597, its the black man apologizing for slavery
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:25 AM
regardless of whether or not he is POTUS.

as i said, these are typically symbolic gestures, this symbolism is OFF
12837598, Well, black men are in part responsible.....
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:26 AM
12837599, ...though they're almost all Central and Western African men. Still.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:26 AM
12837605, lets call up the ghanaian president to apologize
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:33 AM
leave us kenyans alone.

although, we did do a brisk trade as well :o(
(i think most ended up in the middle east)
but these weren't even barack's people
and on that note let me go back to claiming my s.sudanese ancestry
at least *we* are absolved of all this dirty history

12837606, lol
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:34 AM
12837590, lol@ this being a two-person post
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:20 AM
12837595, Its early. Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:25 AM
12837600, at least you are working
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 07:27 AM
i dont have any excuse for being up this early and argumentative

12837602, Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-24-15 07:29 AM
12837649, Barack Obama "shouldn't" have to do it...but if he did it should be on
Posted by vee-lover, Wed Jun-24-15 08:21 AM
behalf of the presidency/American social order that invented and *institutionalized* slavery in America

If he did that that would piss off his critics/large segment of white folx

But to be honest, it would be an empty gesture if the apology is not backed up w/meaningful actions
12837721, half white = half assed apology
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-24-15 08:53 AM
12837752, and the other half is kenyan
Posted by akon, Wed Jun-24-15 09:16 AM
fuck and no

dedan kimathi and jomo kenyatta did not die for this shit