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Topic subjectQOD: What's Preventing OKP from becoming a relevant Social Media GIANT?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12836797
12836797, QOD: What's Preventing OKP from becoming a relevant Social Media GIANT?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:23 AM
With all of the opinions, talent, information, insight, energy, passion, and collectiveness available on this site (every board included), Why hasn't OkayPlayer become a driving force behind many of the hot topics within social media? Why haven't we become iconic and massive change agents? Our networking and ability to effect change could be formidable and unstoppable if we applied ourselves. Just think about how many people are on this entire site and then magnify that by at least 30 additional people that we influence within our personal circles and then multiply that and so on.

OKP should be driving trending topics everyday on Twitter and other platforms. News sources should be engaging our feeds looking for the next topic of discussion, leading edge issues and social conversation.

So what's the deal? What's limiting our capacity to become change agents and leaders of relevant conversation on multiple fronts?

When I see this site I see unlimited potential and power that's not being used to do what it should be doing. It's like looking at someone driving a Lamborghini Aventador 80 miles an hr on the autobahn.

We should be making headlines not just posting about them. We should be driving political and social change. We should be organizing movements with precision and elevating real agendas for the betterment of our communities.

What's keeping us and holding us from being what we can be?

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836801, speeches only reaches
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-23-15 08:28 AM
On Twitter, you can reach the world
12836811, Dude, do you know how much OKP can make happen Via Twitter!!!
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:35 AM
Rallies, Marches, Movements, Tends, Conversation, etc. Our messages would be on CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, ESPN, Music Mags, Movies Sites.

Bro. This place is like a Nuclear Hogwarts.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836821, half of the people moving shit on black twitter were born here
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-23-15 08:41 AM
this is/was the incubator.
12836824, We need to be like "BRICK is home and I'm taking my block back!"
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:45 AM
Real talk. Just imagine if we had at least 40 people like Desus to take over Twitter.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836803, the thin line between intelligence and straight up hate speech.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-23-15 08:29 AM
To untrained eyes, OKP could very well be stormfront @ first glance.

I kind of like the space it operates in personally. It's almost like the underground comedy club where the greats go to polish up their game or test out new material.

OKP is an incubator....

"Get ready..for your blessing..."
12836808, this. every word of it
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-23-15 08:33 AM
12836827, True, but that's because the community isn't focused or supportive
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:49 AM
enough of it's users. If we actually championed and encouraged people to do their best in their lanes then we could become a real force for positive change.

Businesses would be born, books written, speaking opportunities created, etc..

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836842, i know what does on in GD, but what goes on in other areas that is so
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 08:56 AM
impressive? or are we only typing about general discussion?

are you making the case that OKP message board admins owe us something? or should be doing more than keeping the lights on?
12836848, Dude, not to be funny, but I was pretty clear in my OP
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:03 AM
>impressive? or are we only typing about general discussion?
>are you making the case that OKP message board admins owe us
>something? or should be doing more than keeping the lights

I'm not talking about any of this. Did you even read the OP?

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836902, you want to turn this place into an MLM system?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:21 AM
12836906, I guess you do taste the salt.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:23 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836804, do we even want that?
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-23-15 08:30 AM
i don't think we do. we seem pretty content in our little okbubble.
12836806, I wish we did. Social Media is the new Shotgun of Choice.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:32 AM
>i don't think we do. we seem pretty content in our little

I believe we can burst the bubble.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837175, i DEFINITELY don't.
Posted by Damali, Tue Jun-23-15 11:58 AM
i like our semi-private space.

even less eyes here now that 15 has "abandoned" us LOL

12836814, We can even put these LURKERS to WORK!
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:35 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836927, put them to work doing what., exactly?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:35 AM
12836816, Fightclub rules in effect, homie.
Posted by Fishgrease, Tue Jun-23-15 08:36 AM
check yo self.

12836820, Remember, Fightclub eventually imploded.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:39 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836974, if only.
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 09:57 AM
we have corny ass #thatsite t-shirts being sold now
12836826, Mobile App
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jun-23-15 08:48 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12836829, Possibly, in conjunction with overpowering twitter.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:49 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837074, why would we need a mobile app to 'overpower twitter'
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 11:02 AM
you mean like shut twitter down?

have the most popular hashtags?

you want an automatic tweet function?

you're a madman.
12836831, OQD = Obvious Question Day?
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Tue Jun-23-15 08:50 AM
12836835, Thanks. Fixed it. Now are you with me on creating a movement?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:51 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836833, i used to think it was lack of social skills.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 08:51 AM
12836837, Me too. a Bunch of awkward folks. But we're past that.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:53 AM
Social media and 140 characters on twitter eliminated the hesitation and fear for awkward people.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836839, #thatsite-ness. The people here barely even say its name in public
Posted by Overqualified, Tue Jun-23-15 08:54 AM
or acknowledge they're even involved. As the demo's gotten older, I'm surprised that aesthetic still exists or that this place is even still around.
12836845, Can we Rebrand the message and influence of the site?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 08:59 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837047, what are some elements to the proposed 'new brand'?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:45 AM
12836841, We were that from 1999 until about 2007, or so.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jun-23-15 08:54 AM
But the internet expanded, and this message board style became somewhat outmoded (even though I still love it and don't want it to change.)
12836846, Well, what's stopping OKP from making that correction and pivot?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:00 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836879, There's not enough 20-somethings here. OKP was the internet
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jun-23-15 09:13 AM
hub of the Neo-Soul movement, and that movement represents the generation that's currently about 33 - 45, or so. Most of the activism we're seeing now is being really carried by people from college age to about 35, or so, so there's not as much overlap.
12836951, Are you kidding?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:46 AM
>hub of the Neo-Soul movement, and that movement represents
>the generation that's currently about 33 - 45, or so. Most of
>the activism we're seeing now is being really carried by
>people from college age to about 35, or so, so there's not as
>much overlap.

Young people have always been on the forefront of the Activist movements in this country. That's not new. But that's not the point or the blockage. I'm making an observation about the sustained potential that can lead to complete awesomeness and relevant voices.

I know that some people can't get past the comfort and apathy of not going beyond the borders of the box. But I'm seeing another opportunity to do something now.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837032, I'm saying those people aren't drawn to this site anymore
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jun-23-15 10:36 AM
because this site represents music and culture that mainly their older cousins (us) and in some cases parents, like, not what they like.

If Kanye or Drake or Kendrick or whoever these kids listen to and consider a thought leader now decided tomorrow to make a site just like this one, THAT site would be what you're talking about.
12837083, I'm not talking about drawing people this site.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:05 AM
I clearly said that the platform was and how OKP can use it in collaboration.
"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837099, Because we're mostly old and old people are often
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jun-23-15 11:11 AM
too settled in their lives to get into that kind of activism.
12836852, because we cant uplift strangers
Posted by godleeluv, Tue Jun-23-15 09:04 AM
And lack of vision.

12836870, do you have a job?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:10 AM
this feels like one of those speeches I get from niggas that's been out of work too long.

not typing that this is baseless, but you kinda just want something to happen RIGHT NOW, and you ain't hardly got 'a plan', more like a rally cry.

there are people growing all around us, so there's no problem there.

do you want there to be more pep rallies? you want us to publish each other's work? someone else typed - what if we don't want that. and that may be the case.

just like my man who ain't had a job in a while, but gets high and then suddenly presents an exciting master plan - that stops just short of the actual plan, but somehow involves all of us.
12836881, Do you taste the Salt?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:14 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836907, only herbamare, for me.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:23 AM
12836877, it is.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 09:13 AM
writers get thoughts from here.
activists refine their ideas here.

people get a sense of what ppl that don't think like them are thinking here.

ppl here dissect religion, mysticism, pop culture, politics, sex, and Blackness here.

it's a collective hive mind of
left of center Black ppl.
it's a place to talk where you find that you are not the only
person in the world that is left of center.

And then we log off okayplayer and get shit done in the real world.

this place is soil. it's bears fruit.

I am glad ppl don't claim it because honestly if ppl did
the shit would become as sterile as buzzfeed.

I mean Black Twitter is a thing.
Those in the know know where the shit comes from.

I dunno what you want. There are limits to what social media can do.

The folks that are pushing for change are out here pushing it...
Talking to ppl, building relationships, and gradually
reshaping society into what we want it to be.

Okayplayer is a place for folks doing that to flesh out their shit before it goes mainstream.

I mean shit, I have seen shit on OKP end up in think pieces.

It doesn't matter who gets the "credit" for an idea.

Ideas are viruses. If they start here and then end up in the public discourse, it's better for ppl to not know where it came from.

Let the soil be soil.

Okp is fine.
12836953, Thanks for your opinion. I chose to look past the self-imposed limits
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:47 AM
>writers get thoughts from here.
>activists refine their ideas here.
>people get a sense of what ppl that don't think like them are
>thinking here.
>ppl here dissect religion, mysticism, pop culture, politics,
>sex, and Blackness here.
>it's a collective hive mind of
>left of center Black ppl.
>it's a place to talk where you find that you are not the only
>person in the world that is left of center.
>And then we log off okayplayer and get shit done in the real
>this place is soil. it's bears fruit.
>I am glad ppl don't claim it because honestly if ppl did
>the shit would become as sterile as buzzfeed.
>I mean Black Twitter is a thing.
>Those in the know know where the shit comes from.
>I dunno what you want. There are limits to what social media
>can do.
>The folks that are pushing for change are out here pushing
>Talking to ppl, building relationships, and gradually
>reshaping society into what we want it to be.
>Okayplayer is a place for folks doing that to flesh out their
>shit before it goes mainstream.
>I mean shit, I have seen shit on OKP end up in think pieces.
>It doesn't matter who gets the "credit" for an idea.
>Ideas are viruses. If they start here and then end up in the
>public discourse, it's better for ppl to not know where it
>came from.
>Let the soil be soil.
>Okp is fine.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836957, how are you telling these people what to do? for what benefit to them?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:49 AM
12836985, lead by example.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 10:06 AM
if you want an okayplayer movement, start it yourself.

decide what you want okayplayer to be, show us an example of what you want done, and then ask others to follow you.

who is stopping you from starting the movement you are looking for?

you don't need our permission.

i told you what okayplayer is to ME. but you can build anything you want for YOU.

you made a post asking why the movement you want hasn't started on okayplayer.

the answer is, you haven't started it yet. but that is YOUR self imposed limitation- not ours.

but you can continue blame us for that if you want to.

I have no problem with that.

12837002, ^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by dapitts08, Tue Jun-23-15 10:14 AM
12837102, yup.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:13 AM
12837115, So the first person that was cold should have created fire making?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:21 AM
With your logic scientist would never do anything.

You can't even understand that the question is the source for the solution. Questions are what start progress and the asker of the question is just as important as the inventor of the solution. Therefore SMART GUY, I am leading by example, you're just to limited at this time to understand that fact.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837253, youre not leading if you're not doing anything
Posted by GirlChild, Tue Jun-23-15 01:18 PM
anybody can ask a question but if you don't have any follow through and constantly ask why why why, then you don't have much room to complain.
12836923, Cause Lord KNOWS this is how I get #thescoop
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Tue Jun-23-15 09:31 AM
I be busy as a mugg...not much time for surfin', but thanks to y'all, over the last 14/15 yrs....I GETS the scoop.

Wifey be like, "Did you hear...?"...and mid-sentence I cut her off, "Yep"!
12836955, Just imagine if that #thescoop was magnified 100 fold.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 09:48 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836959, that wouldn't be a scoop.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 09:50 AM
12836970, the world is much bigger than OKP. like MUCH bigger
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 09:55 AM
people who never visit here are involved with bigger things, some of us are winning in those regards
12836978, Reading some of these passive replies makes me SMH.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 10:00 AM
Real talk. It's like telling someone to look at an apple tree and asking them to tell me what they see. I get disappointed when they tell me they see an apple tree.

Y'all just see an apple tree. I don't.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836986, how many people have you put onto OKP?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:07 AM
12837045, Do you evens see the issue with your question? Probably not.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 10:44 AM
But to answer you, several. Real talk. They didn't stay because of the negativity or they were not comfortable with the format. Some still ask about it though. But that's not the proposal or question.

I'm talking about going forward. but there are so many people stuck in the past.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12836994, don't ask ppl to start a movement, start it yourself.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 10:09 AM
you are always the hero you are looking for.

that advice goes for everybody, especially me.
12837001, i think this is his idea of starting it.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:13 AM
12837019, "what YOU PEOPLE need to do is start a movement."
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 10:25 AM
but YOU PEOPLE are so unimaginative,
you can't even see what YOU need to do.

Somebody that is not me needs to get this movement going.

Explain yourself!

Tell me why YOU haven't done the thing that I haven't figured out how to do.

I don't even know what it is YOU need to start, specifically.
But if I were to start it, it would certainly be better than this bull crap you ppl are doing.

If only somebody ELSE would get off their ass and do something.

You people are so blind."

12837049, I posed a series of questions and outcomes.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 10:46 AM
I guess you want to handed to you. NO. Why don't you join in with some productive ideas and we can mover forward.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837101, no, you want it handed to you.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 11:12 AM
i don't want or need okp to be different.

i don't think okp is the best vehicle to get anything I am building off the ground.

It's a great place to think out loud before I take things onto the real world, but that is all I use it for.

YOU are the one that thinks it could or should be different.

Well, that's great.
Maybe you're right.

So do it.

Don't ask me to use my creative juices to build YOUR vision.

Why should ppl help you do that
when you haven't even started the movement you want?

Jesus showed his disciples miracles before he asked them to follow.

What have you shown us?

We don't even need a miracle.
Just start building and ask others to build with you.

Or just keep begging for us to give you what you can't imagine.

Your choice.

>I guess you want to handed to you. NO. Why don't you join in
>with some productive ideas and we can mover forward.
>"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
>with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
>and believe in your heart that
>God raised him from the dead,
>you will be saved."
12837109, You are the epitome of why this site can't go past it's potential
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:17 AM
or harness the power that it has and you can't even see it.
"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837112, show us.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:19 AM
what do you think can OKP be that it's hasn't been?

what are you doing to get it there?
12837117, See POST #74 and the OP.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:22 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837127, so you're just asking questions?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:27 AM

so that's what i'm doing too - i'm asking questions and by doing so i'm helping move OKP into the next phase of what it should be according to your vision.

b/c all i have to do is ask questions.

can i do it again?

^^ it's already done.

didn't i do it?

12837129, Questions helped us reach the stars.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:28 AM
But I'm sure you would have hated on that fact too.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837133, aren't questions the whole reason we're here?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:30 AM
^ that's so deep i just blew your mind.

he who asks the questions controls the universe.

i am your god.

of course you can't see it b/c you have a limited mind. but i see it - i control all things. i am god. b/c i ask questions.

who says i'm not god?


it's already done.
12837142, You're here as normal, to be a source of confusion.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:35 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837144, only b/c your mind is limited.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:38 AM
you can't see where i'm going w/this b/c you don't have the vision.
12837240, satan is always trying to ruin god's plan by asking questions.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 01:00 PM
"did god tell you can't have that fruit, eve?"

see... the question is what did it. the question is an attempt to be god.

Satan asked Jesus questions to tempt him in the wilderness.

Jesus answered his questions with questions, because whoever asks the questions is defining the universe, becoming a god.

Look at case, trying to be God.

12837262, your mind is open, brother.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 01:28 PM
you see it.
12837147, do you discuss OKP outside of OKP?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 11:39 AM
do you talk about OKP to your congregation?
12837131, a Florida law just passed that expands the civil citation program.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 11:29 AM
Kids that get caught with a joint can get a civil citation
instead of an arrest record for life.

We met with legislators,
went to subcommittee meetings,
kept the pressure on until it passed.

Some of the talking points we used came from ppl on this site.
Those ppl don't know it,
but their ideas influenced republican legislators to pass a law.

Now tell me...

What's wrong with okayplayer?
And how can we use it better?

You should set the example.

We are doing us just fine.

What's your plan?
12837134, Ok. You have been seen.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:30 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837172, Right. And we did it by organizing churches.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 11:57 AM
Pastors did it.
Church goers did it.

We did it by getting off our ass and changing ourselves first.

Like Jesus did.

What you got?
Show us the way, if you can.

Or keep complaining about what we're not doing.

Your choice, player.

12837135, you're doing it wrong.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:32 AM
you're just supposed to ask a question and then VOILA!! you've done it.

just ask the questions. don't do anything else. that's enough. put the question in the universe and sit back and enjoy the glow.
12837042, I've never heard this apple tree analogy before
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 10:42 AM
>Real talk. It's like telling someone to look at an apple tree
>and asking them to tell me what they see. I get disappointed
>when they tell me they see an apple tree.
>Y'all just see an apple tree. I don't.

if you show someone an apple tree, what do you see that they are missing?
12837048, selling the apples to make money.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:46 AM
12837079, RE: I've never heard this apple tree analogy before
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:03 AM
>>Real talk. It's like telling someone to look at an apple
>>and asking them to tell me what they see. I get disappointed
>>when they tell me they see an apple tree.
>>Y'all just see an apple tree. I don't.
>if you show someone an apple tree, what do you see that they
>are missing?

Think about out. Most people See an Apple Tree. I see more. I see the potential for more Apple Orchards - Seeds!

The potential for other products and goods such as :

Plain apple slices for food
Apple butter
Home-canned apple pie filling
Fruit leather
Apple sauce
Apple Kuchen
Apple jelly
Fried apples
Apple pancakes
Dehydrated apple slices
Apple chutney
Baked apples
Apple juice
Apple pectin
Plant apple trees
Apple cider vinegar
Apple crisp
Apple cobbler
Apple turnovers
Apple cider
Apple strudel
Apple jam
Apple cake
Apple fritters
Indian Relish

All most people can see it the obvious. They have no imagination.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837093, this sounds about as well thought out as Bubba Gump.
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 11:10 AM

>Think about out. Most people See an Apple Tree. I see more. I
>see the potential for more Apple Orchards - Seeds!
>The potential for other products and goods such as :
>Plain apple slices for food
>Apple butter
>Home-canned apple pie filling
>Fruit leather
>Apple sauce
>Apple Kuchen
>Apple jelly
>Fried apples
>Apple pancakes
>Dehydrated apple slices
>Apple chutney
>Baked apples
>Apple juice
>Apple pectin
>Plant apple trees
>Apple cider vinegar
>Apple crisp
>Apple cobbler
>Apple turnovers
>Apple cider
>Apple strudel
>Apple jam
>Apple cake
>Apple fritters
>Indian Relish
>All most people can see it the obvious. They have no
>"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
>with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
>and believe in your heart that
>God raised him from the dead,
>you will be saved."
12837111, or, we could leave the tree alone, enjoy an apple, and sit in the shade.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 11:18 AM
the apple tree might be fine as it is.

ever think of that?
12837126, I never said do anything to the tree. Man you're so much fun.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:27 AM
Limits. Some people embrace them.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837121, i see a space ship that runs on apple juice.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:25 AM
i see a whole town powered by apple core compost.

i see major motion picture franchises built around Apple Man - a superhero who draws his strength from apples.

...it's fun to just sit around making up random stuff about an apple tree w/o considering logistical matters. especially when i've invited ppl to join me but didn't tell them i want them to brainstorm about possible uses for an apple tree. it's fun for me b/c i get to feel smarter and more imaginative than them even though i kinda hid the ball when i invited them to join me where i didn't reveal my goal for the interaction. it's pretty great.

anyway, i also see a whole civilization built around worshiping an apple as a god figure. temples and such...an entire belief system w/the apple as deity. all life created and sustained by the apple.
12837265, you're good at this.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 01:32 PM
12836992, to those who say the msg board format is dead...
Posted by double negative, Tue Jun-23-15 10:09 AM
reddit is going strong as fuck and thats all msg board
12836996, this isn't about technology.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:11 AM
12836999, >change agents and leaders of relevant conversation on multiple fronts?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:12 AM
why don't you think that's the case right now?

do you want them all to be wearing OKP t-shirts when it happens?

do you, personally, want to be notified of every advancement that happens involving people who have a screen name here?

why do you think we all want the same change to act as one entity?

are you high?
12837003, i don't want that.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 10:14 AM
if i wanted that i'd post somewhere else.
12837064, ^^^
Posted by Ashy Achilles, Tue Jun-23-15 10:58 AM
12837010, i'll be honest. i hate conversations like this.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 10:19 AM
especially ones where the speaker seems out of touch.

out of touch with what's happening.

out of touch with what needs to be happening.

and out of touch with being able to really understand other people.

speakers like you always like to talk about taking over the world, but they themselves have no real ability to start doing so.

yes, one man can't do anything alone, but really, what is your role in this.

you're expressing frustration and disappointment with everyone else, but there's nothing really to do.

are you suggesting we create a hashtag that will take over the forward thinking world?

okp will get all the credit as an institution for higher learning??

the more i think about it the more i think this post is silly. it's not a new post.

i think a simple acknowledgement of 'hey, you guys are really great - and im glad im here' would've sufficed.
12837107, Dude. You are rambling, looking for attention and have no point.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:16 AM
You're just here running around with a spirit of confusion and anger. So, hear's a good suggestion to help you. Leave. But you won't because you need the energy of attention. Have a good day.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837132, sometimes, but not this time.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 11:30 AM
in that last reply, i'm really addressing all of your 'points' and youre ignoring them.

I've had this conversation countless times offline.

have you?

why did you carry this conversation here where EVERYBODY KNOW WE LOOKIN FOR ATTENTION.

you're confused because you think this is the place for that.

you're so impressed with all these people but you don't know them in real life.

you have no influence on us. especially not offline.

because if you did, you be talking to us/them there.

and not on this here message board that you're so enamored with.

get it?
12837145, Have a great day.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:38 AM
One track minds are cool, but not today.

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837015, it's just another message board...need to realize that
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-23-15 10:23 AM
12837085, Dose your BOX fit?
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:06 AM
If it does then you need to get a new one.

If your box in life fits you, then you need to get a different and bigger box. ~ J. Case
"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837181, ???
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-23-15 12:04 PM
>If it does then you need to get a new one.
>If your box in life fits you, then you need to get a different
>and bigger box. ~ J. Case

english muthafucka..do you speak it?-Jules
12837183, he saying you aint living unless your clothes dont fit..
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 12:05 PM
and if you're wearing a box, you need to have two.
12837185, or. do your dick fit inside your woman's vagina?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 12:06 PM
if so, she need a bigger vagina.
12837217, lol
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-23-15 12:39 PM
>if so, she need a bigger vagina.
12837120, This is a microcosm of the Black Community - full of naysayers and haters
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:24 AM
"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837125, You buggin', I was practically raised on Sal's Famous...
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jun-23-15 11:27 AM
12837291, lol
Posted by Mr. ManC, Tue Jun-23-15 02:20 PM
12837130, i see a whole universe populated by just black ppl.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:29 AM
w/a big ol' black man in the sky as the deity. the creator of all things in the universe.

and hover cars created by black ppl and run on apple juice.

who says we can't have our own universe?

didn't i do it?

it's already done.

12837136, Ok.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:32 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837141, when will you join us in the apple temple?
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:35 AM
you didn't even SEE an apple temple, did you?

your mind is closed.

OPEN sesame!

12837143, When you bring back Apple Bottom Jeans.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:37 AM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837148, oh, i won't. but i will ask the ppl who make them
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:40 AM
when they will bring them back.

and i'm asking magazine writers and bloggers why they haven't brought back Apple Bottoms?

^ it's already done.
12837156, What was I think, trying to have a conversation about transformation.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:48 AM
"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837163, you wanted conversation and got it. Now DO something.
Posted by Mike Jackson, Tue Jun-23-15 11:51 AM
Or don't.

I don't care.
12837169, you need to get on my level b4 you're ready.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-23-15 11:56 AM
you are pushing back b/c you can't see my vision. i wish you could b/c it's glorious.
12837178, i still own a couple. man, i loved those jeans
Posted by akon, Tue Jun-23-15 12:01 PM
this could be our impact, OKP!

bring back applebottoms
cut fresh erryday
12837146, or your idea doesn't spark anything in us
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 11:38 AM
you have some epic idea of OKP's potential, you want us to come together and complete your vision for you. that's not how being a true visionary works, go out there and prove your "naysayers and haters" wrong (I do so frequently, but this isn't about me)

also: your bright idea was proposed years ago. people have organized tons of things together from parties (Donuts Are Forever has made quite an impact) to a documentary that was filmed about this site. OKPs have kids together who will hopefully go on to make great impacts in this world

someone from here made it on MTV, someone else was recently interviewed on either CNN or MSNBC

it just seems like you woke up today excited, but it's just Tuesday for everyone else
12837149, Yeah that's it. OK. Cool. Stay Stuck.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:44 AM
>you have some epic idea of OKP's potential, you want us to
>come together and complete your vision for you. that's not how
>being a true visionary works, go out there and prove your
>"naysayers and haters" wrong (I do so frequently, but this
>isn't about me)
>also: your bright idea was proposed years ago. people have
>organized tons of things together from parties (Donuts Are
>Forever has made quite an impact) to a documentary that was
>filmed about this site. OKPs have kids together who will
>hopefully go on to make great impacts in this world
>someone from here made it on MTV, someone else was recently
>interviewed on either CNN or MSNBC
>it just seems like you woke up today excited, but it's just
>Tuesday for everyone else

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837173, how am I stuck?
Posted by atruhead, Tue Jun-23-15 11:58 AM
you dont need to reply if you're left without anything sensible

no one seems to care about your idea as much as you would like us to, mostly because you dont have a real plan

there are thousands of rappers sitting around talking about how big they will be if only someone would recognize them. there are tons of Kickstarters and GoFundMe pages that fail everyday, because no one cares enough about the creator's vision

did you make posts about how OKP could help you realize your dream of ministry or did you go out there and make it happen?

if anyone's stuck here, it's you
12837174, are you able to define an OKPer?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 11:58 AM
12837177, oh shit. i thought we were typing about taking over the world.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 12:00 PM
you're actually typing about taking over 'social media?'

heee haw.

to what end?

to what gain?




what are we doing here?
12837186, dog, this post should've been made alongside a kickstarter
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 12:07 PM
i would've really enjoyed that.
12837187, QOD: why dont case have a clue?
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-23-15 12:08 PM
12837219, QOD: 307
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-23-15 12:40 PM
12837536, Up for reasonable ideas and responses.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-23-15 11:14 PM

"Romans 10 : 9 says, "If you declare
with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,”
and believe in your heart that
God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved."
12837540, there are people here who cannot work together
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Jun-23-15 11:51 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at