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Topic subjectCops called on pool party when too many black teens show up
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12824142, Cops called on pool party when too many black teens show up
Posted by GameTheory, Sun Jun-07-15 10:49 AM

One guy even pulls his gun out. Wild stuff.

Apparently he just got "put on leave"
12824144, FTP.
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Sun Jun-07-15 10:50 AM
12824147, Fuck the Ho-lice! (c) Big Boi
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Sun Jun-07-15 11:11 AM
12824150, He got the usual "placed on leave"
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Sun Jun-07-15 11:17 AM
12824154, given the situation they felt the officers did what was necessary
Posted by BigJazz, Sun Jun-07-15 11:25 AM
that's what the article said the neighbors said.

a cop pulled a gun out on an unarmed preteen. and people are cool with that.

society is fucked up...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12824417, The best part about the "neighbors" thing is that...
Posted by Brew, Sun Jun-07-15 09:10 PM
>that's what the article said the neighbors said.

...the woman who was on the news sticking up for the cops refused to let them show anything but her hands on the news video! If you're too afraid to show your face on video when defending a cop you KNOW what you're saying is fucked up. You're saying "I don't want everyone to see that I'm a disgusting, worthless racist" without saying the words.
12824271, What about the two cops that chased the kid in grey...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 03:29 PM
then (5:50) came back to the scene hobbling & spitting blood.

12824152, this right here is just crazy.
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jun-07-15 11:24 AM
i dunno how i'd respond if i pulled up to my son prostrate and my daughter getting yanked around like a rag doll

there has to be better training for law enforcement this could have easily ended in tragedy because of a clearly overzealous abusive police officer

12824153, I can't wait for them to spin this one too
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 11:25 AM
12824157, it's never going to stop.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sun Jun-07-15 11:30 AM
it will get worse.

because we're not going to do shit.

becuase we fail to understand that we live in a system of racism/white supremacy.
12824163, huh?
Posted by atruhead, Sun Jun-07-15 11:44 AM
>becuase we fail to understand that we live in a system of
>racism/white supremacy.

people aren't willing to give up their lives, but who doesn't understand what's going on?
12824771, A lot of folks don't seem to get it. Like these kids and their parents.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Jun-08-15 11:05 AM
It's some shit that the police can't be expected to change, but we all should know what time it is now. The kids should have some course of action to resort to when the cops show up and their parents should be giving them those instructions and asking about shit. Like how many black kids are going to be there? Or if the cops show up here's what you do.
12825429, if you don't understand white supremacy, which is racism-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Mon Jun-08-15 05:53 PM
what it is and how it works, everything that you think you understand will only confuse you.

plain & simple.

this type of shit is business as usual for race soldiers.
12824160, in MCKINNEY??? are you serious right now
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 11:39 AM
fucking cops

12824161, notice how all the "good cops" ran in to stop him from abusing the girl?
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jun-07-15 11:39 AM
yeah, me neither
12824174, i think that part was more so disgusting
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 12:04 PM
hot head cops running around trying to exert control ok hes a piece of shit

but these other dudes? just standing around almost pretending like its not happening

fuck those guys
12824188, grown fucking men just standing there watching this shit...WTF!!!
Posted by DJ007, Sun Jun-07-15 12:43 PM

"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12824164, we should know by now to show up in small groups
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 11:44 AM
And stagger it over time so no one is scared.

Come on black people!!!!
12824220, there was a legitmate reason for the cops to be there
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 01:37 PM
and it wasnt because it was too many black people
12824256, jeez this other article on buzzfeed is telling
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 02:48 PM
one report was of "kids fighting" the other was "people that dont belong"
jeez people suck

wouldnt surprise me if it was some uppity parents instigating the whole thing
12825015, this is exactly what the problem was
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Jun-08-15 01:19 PM
>wouldnt surprise me if it was some uppity parents instigating
>the whole thing


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12824169, that roll was straight outta reno 911. - the. fuck?
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 11:51 AM
12824173, i stopped watching after that
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Sun Jun-07-15 12:03 PM
i don't even want to see what other ridiculousness they were on after that
that shit was unreal
12824177, i wish i stopped cause i am sitting here seething
Posted by dapitts08, Sun Jun-07-15 12:09 PM
this is some straight bullsh*t
12824190, u did right. sh#t abt to fuck up my sunday.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 12:44 PM
12824184, I thought I was watching a parody video @ first.
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jun-07-15 12:37 PM
12824246, were it not for my years of expert training in the sounds of black distress --
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 02:17 PM
i woulda cut that shit off, because after that roll i totally stopped looking at the vid & started doing something else.
12825430, that's prob why he ultimately got so pissed-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Mon Jun-08-15 05:54 PM
because he busted his ass.
12824172, Disgusting and criminal. The cops are just as brazen as ever.
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Sun Jun-07-15 12:02 PM
The really don't give a fuck and see Black ppl as animals. If there is any justice he will be fired and charged with something
12824178, to be fair to the cops though, Black people can't swim
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 12:10 PM
they were just tryna keep folks from drowning
12824183, not funny
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 12:31 PM
12824198, at all
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 12:58 PM
12824203, after laughter turns to tears
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 01:02 PM
12824208, The fuck is that suppose to mean?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 01:05 PM
12824211, oh good lord, i'm sorry
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 01:09 PM
i thought it was funny in the moment, i was wrong & now i'm sad with white guilt & regret
12824359, RE: oh good lord, i'm sorry
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 07:22 PM
You should head on over to Stormfront, I'm sure they're keeping a spot warm for you
12824405, they'd end up hating me way worse than y'all do
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 08:39 PM
12824231, speeding up the video and adding benny hill music STILL
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 01:58 PM
wouldnt make this funny
12824241, as noted i had not watched the video before this very ill advised joke
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 02:08 PM
12824459, Grab a gun
Posted by RS, Sun Jun-07-15 10:26 PM
Place it in your mouth, pull the trigger.....
12824463, ok
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 10:35 PM
12825403, no...he's excused...
Posted by The3rdOne, Mon Jun-08-15 05:39 PM
because he knows music better than us.
12824179, fucking McKinney!!!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 12:14 PM
hahahaha i cant get over that its of course in some random ass super middle class suburb.

probably the most exciting day in that piece of shit cops career

dudes whole day is probably spent writing tickets to housewives or directing church traffic

12824181, I'd be a dead nigga
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 12:30 PM
It's no way I could handle a grown ass man putting his knees in my daughters back while she cries & pleads for help or my son hobble & spit up blood
12824210, let me tell you
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 01:08 PM
i love guns and will have my CCL by the end of the month

im not worried about shooting myself on accident or anyone else because i practice proper fire arm safety
im not afraid to have to use it if my life is in danger

what i am afraid of?

what i might do if that was my kid

or if i come home to find cops have jumped in my back yard and killed my dogs because they were a "threat"

or any of the million other scenarios like that involving police
12824185, Kudos to the video recorder(s).
Posted by SoWhat, Sun Jun-07-15 12:38 PM
Keep that up!
12824226, ya notice the cop he initially approaches is quite affable
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 01:44 PM
probably helped a little in that regard
12824187, that was somebody's fucking daughter man!!!!!
Posted by DJ007, Sun Jun-07-15 12:41 PM
"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12824191, salute to those 2 other cops for stopping a possible murder at 3:13.
Posted by tingum, Sun Jun-07-15 12:45 PM
12824195, The same ones that beat the shit out of him @ 5:50?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 12:55 PM
12824230, ?
Posted by tingum, Sun Jun-07-15 01:55 PM
12824233, RE: ??
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 02:00 PM
12824197, Did that nigga just roll on the ground for no reason?
Posted by normal35762, Sun Jun-07-15 12:56 PM
That was a move str8 out of a rent a cop movie. Floodin pants and all.
12824221, that little midget ass test tube baby cop...smdh
Posted by DJ007, Sun Jun-07-15 01:37 PM

"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12824222, i was about to say of course its the little one!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 01:39 PM
12824228, nah breh busted his ass and tried to style out of it.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sun Jun-07-15 01:53 PM
12824435, nah, kid recording said he tripped
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Sun Jun-07-15 09:53 PM
"oooooh shit... dis nigga fell."
12824678, lmao yes!
Posted by labcoat, Mon Jun-08-15 09:56 AM
12824207, " yall think its funny to have me running around in all this gear"
Posted by SimplyHannah, Sun Jun-07-15 01:04 PM
Right after the roll.... Lmmfao. What?
12824225, wtf?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jun-07-15 01:43 PM
disgusting shit, that happens on the reg

and dude was like "no i didn't (pull out my gun)," FOH it's right there on the damn tape.
12824227, hadn't watched the vid until now, what a gaping pussy that pig is wow
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 01:52 PM
12824229, fuck you bitch don't try to be sensitive bout it now. creepy ass cracka
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 01:55 PM
12824238, this is the point you go too far, but it's fair
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 02:06 PM
12824243, I went too far??
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 02:12 PM
You make light of a serious issue where MY PEOPLE have been tortured & killed& in all your whiteness & glory tell me I'm taking it too far for calling you a bitch & cracka?!

Man fuck and your honkey ass horse you rode in on.

And I pray I took it even further, bitch
12824248, you have a right to be upset with what i said
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 02:20 PM
it was wrong in retrospect & i apologize sincerely
12824266, damn the video must be terrible. i refuse to watch tho
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 03:14 PM
I just can't anymore.

I can't get emotionally involved in any more stories like this for a while. Nothing good (and definitely no justice) comes from my anger and sadness.

12824294, it's some white punk cop abusing a Black minor female
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 04:21 PM
you're right that it's not worth watching if you already know cops are abusive cowards
12824235, so you got jokes about some shit that you hadn't even bothered to watch?
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jun-07-15 02:02 PM
12824236, yes & i'm sorry
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 02:05 PM
12824249, Spoiler Alert
Posted by Ms_MynTight, Sun Jun-07-15 02:31 PM
Someone in this video should be locked up.....and its not one of the kids.
12824250, Technology and social media have done so much to equal things out
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jun-07-15 02:35 PM
Nine times outta 10 we have first hand video of bullshit going down used to be anecdotal evidence

12824252, the WHITE kid that shot the video was even quoted as saying
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 02:37 PM
"it was like i was invisible...the only people on the ground were arab/latino/black"
12824308, ^^^ the WHITE kid that shot the video was even quoted as saying
Posted by bentagain, Sun Jun-07-15 05:11 PM
kinda thought he was white when he was talking to young bol


the cops looking dead into the camera and not saying shit to him

12824253, RE: Technology and social media have done so much to equal things out
Posted by murph71, Sun Jun-07-15 02:38 PM
>Nine times outta 10 we have first hand video of bullshit
>going down used to be anecdotal evidence

So true....
12824267, first time in history that it isn't being told by the victors
Posted by J_Stew, Sun Jun-07-15 03:22 PM
12824254, the cop was upset he was running around with a belt full of bullshit.
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun Jun-07-15 02:41 PM
the roll stole the show.

jb smoove's joke was spot on with this one:


12824258, FUCK those cops.
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sun Jun-07-15 02:49 PM
Fucking singling out black kids.
Throwing a girl into the ground and shoving her head into the ground because she kept talking???

Fucking disgusting abuse of power.

How dare you draw a weapon on kids!

Damn, man. This is so sickening.

12824261, That cop singled out and brutalized that young girl cause she black
Posted by kevlar skully, Sun Jun-07-15 03:01 PM

white people don't even see black people as humans who feel pain as much as they do
12824262, man listen...a pig puts MY daughter on the ground--
Posted by Somnus, Sun Jun-07-15 03:06 PM
GUARANFUCKINGTEE he wouldve been laying down right next to her, only difference is he woouldnt be getting up back up. Point blank (absolutely no pun).
12824284, *fixed*
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sun Jun-07-15 04:04 PM
>GUARANFUCKINGTEE " I " wouldve been laying down right next to
>her, only difference is "I" woouldnt be getting up back up.
>Point blank (absolutely no pun).
12824290, not even. trust, homeboy. *edit*
Posted by Somnus, Sun Jun-07-15 04:17 PM
and even so, he definitely would've been coming with me. At the very least.

I ain't afraid to die fighting the good fight.
12824779, Ain't a good fight homey. Your daughter ain't got a daddy and the cop
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jun-08-15 11:09 AM

The better fight is knowing your rights and suing.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12827640, Better to die with courage than to live with cowardice
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Jun-10-15 03:37 PM
I'd rather my kid(s) see me die fighting for them rather than their living with the fact that their dad is too scared to bleed.
12824264, Knowing that area, it's not surprising, but I'm so fatigued with this
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Sun Jun-07-15 03:09 PM
Like how much more evidence is needed for some type of reform.
12824269, biker gang has gun battle in restaurant parking lot
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 03:28 PM
STANDS around checking their phones while "Detained"

girl gives cop some lip as she walks off

12824274, Well, they did gun down 9 of them.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 03:47 PM
12824275, so they were sufficently cowed
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 03:47 PM
12824279, Not sure if thats snark or not.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 03:55 PM
12824283, it absolutely is
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 04:02 PM
because its ridiculous that the cops felt secure enough to allow hardened 1%ers to stand around leisurely while on their phones

but certainly cant have two black kids standing up
12824292, Cops vs 1 short Reno911 cop.. but I feel you.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 04:20 PM
Not trying to defend cops in this thread so I'll walk away from this one.
12824307, ya clearly this cop is "special"
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 05:04 PM
i just found it funny (sad) that the cops are putting out APB's that the bikers are calling in reinforcements WHILE publishing pitchers of cops standing around with the bikers lounging on their phone

i was like heres an idea, take their phones...
12824278, And people still talking about reforming the police
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Sun Jun-07-15 03:52 PM
Disempower, Disarm, and Disband. We need to be moving towards abolishing police and creating alternatives. That cop would've been dead if those were my kids.
12824281, Why cant they just fire cops when they see shit like this?
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 04:00 PM
I know why but just sayin'.. if they would remove cops from the force when they fo this shit it would probably send a message.

Instead they protect them which gives them more power to terrorize us.

I would love to say I would fuck a cop up if I saw him doing this to my daughter but the reality is I would be killed by the cops.

I would love to catch him off duty tho.
12824286, probably the same reason they cant just fire people at my work lol
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 04:13 PM
12824583, even if he's fired he can be hired by some other department.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 08:32 AM
or he can work in the private security industry.

one or both of those are likely outcomes if he's terminated.

12824287, Kid got his ass beat for running away from a crazed man w/ a gun
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Jun-07-15 04:15 PM
The psycho drew his gun on him and he smartly and instinctively got the hell out of there.
1 minute later he comes back to the scene bloodied.

Do they train cops to use guns as a compliance devices.
It seems like once things start to get a little out of control, the guns start to come out.

12824295, I wonder how many cops served in Iraq/Afghan
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jun-07-15 04:22 PM
cause it sure seems like cops have ramped up in the last 3 or 4 years. I know cops aint been shit for a while but these last few years have been crazy.

Or maybe its always been this way and phones are shedding light.
12824301, Eric Casebolt is ex-military.
Posted by GameTheory, Sun Jun-07-15 04:35 PM
His linked-in page shows he has extensive military training
12824302, kinda off topic but on topic: Muhfuckas got all the heart in the world--
Posted by Somnus, Sun Jun-07-15 04:39 PM
when it come to taking it to the another A-alike that look just like you/me but when it come to the Gustavo these tough ones chump the fuck out...alls I'm saying is given the day & time in which we exist with all the bullshit straight up wholesale racism we got going on both convert and overt EVERY MUHFUCKING BLACK & BROWN INDIVIDUAL SHOULD HAVE A BUILT-IN KOMIKAZI BUTTON...TAKE IT TO THEIR FACE CAUSE THEYRE SURE AS HELL DOING THAT SHIT TO YOU AND YOUR KINFOLK!
12824316, kid at 3:11 really did look like he was reaching for something
Posted by Kevin26_2, Sun Jun-07-15 05:28 PM
that said, all these cops were out of order. drawing guns and cuffin folks for a pool party gone wrong. shame.
12824320, ok just saw it on the news. i was trying to NOT see this
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 05:49 PM
I really have no words for this.

I guess id tell my son that if the police come, don't run, don't talk back, and follow whatever instructions they say. If u can't get clear instruction just lay on the ground and play dead. Yeah, its come to that.
12824324, complycomplycomplycomplycomply
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 05:55 PM
fucking sucks that this is becoming our only option other than our assured death/imprisonment

12824326, dont think, just stop, listen for instruction and follow it
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 05:59 PM
Even if no one else is listening...just listen, and if u can't hear anything lay down and play dead.
12824468, c'mon now fam, we've seen that even compliance ain't working
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Sun Jun-07-15 10:42 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12824480, ya but that doesnt change the fact that its still the ONLY
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 11:13 PM
option that doesnt immediately lead to do not pass go do not collect 200
12824340, that fucker is a real ass Paul Blart
Posted by double negative, Sun Jun-07-15 06:37 PM
12824341, what asshole called the cops? lets get to that
Posted by double negative, Sun Jun-07-15 06:37 PM
12824342, these were straight up CHILDREN
Posted by double negative, Sun Jun-07-15 06:37 PM
12825393, That cranky old bitch I spoke about in my other reply
Posted by Jon, Mon Jun-08-15 05:28 PM
HATES kids

Her words verbatim

"I hate kids" (she has said this many times when she didn't think anyone was listening)

And she's regarded as one of the good folks, has a job overseeing the common area of this apartment complex

She's a hateful nutcase on the inside
12825391, I know a bitch like that
Posted by Jon, Mon Jun-08-15 05:22 PM
A cranky old hag who hates most people, especially young people, foreign people, Muslim people, homeless people, most likely xenophobic and racist in other ways too...has issues with males

Anybody that doesn't come off like part of her little exclusive old hag club, she assumes is a filthy rotten scoundrel

She's always telling stories about the latest scumbag criminals who she called the cops on. They're always "clearly on drugs" (as if thats a reason to jail them) or "up to no good" or whatever

She saw a young dude laying in the grass one time and called the cops cuz he must be on drugs. I was like "how did you know?" She looked at me all pissed that I'd ask such a thing, like "why else would a kid lie in the grass!" I said maybe he was relaxing or needed medical attention. She dismissed it and said he's a druggy like all of them. I suggested maybe he needed help instead of the cops, she said "that's not my problem!"... Oh but a person on drugs is your business.

So many stories like that with her. She's accused me of stuff. She's accused my mom of stuff. She says we should "deport them all" if someone who looks like an immigrant is in the news. She thinks we should turn the middle east into a parking lot.

There area shitload of psychopathic attitudes floating around in middle america among the "normal people"

I wish this woman would go away and drink herself into Bolivian or find Jesus or something
12825379, just saw this.. That's exactly what I said
Posted by Jon, Mon Jun-08-15 05:09 PM
12824348, that old-head w/the (short-sleeve) pink polo = scourge of our race.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 06:47 PM
no fortitude to be found.

i mean i get it, aint noone tryna get capped & officer psycho is clearly to be avoided, but fuck that if sitting idly by while that goes down is price of livin', take me now.

now that i think on it - he mighta been the one that called 12
12824351, reminded me of the Pac outro on TPABF
Posted by bentagain, Sun Jun-07-15 06:52 PM
'you don't see alot of loud 30 Y.O.s'
12824356, what should he have done?
Posted by SooperEgo, Sun Jun-07-15 07:08 PM
12824360, i agree he was a great example of what to do, unless
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 07:24 PM
He called the police in the first place.

If he was just there then i think he was leading by example. When people get visibly angry and are black, it is often mistaken as revolt. The best thing to do in that situation is stay calm no matter what and try to keep others calm. Otherwise everyone will get hurt.

No one wants to see young kids massacred by rouge cops.

Now if he had anything to do with the police showing up, he needs his ass kicked. Lol.

I'm all for fighting injustice, but only if adults are fighting. Those poor kids just got a taste of real reality, buy honestly, someone could have lost their life.

I hope I'm being clear, because these were teenagers and pre teens, I believe every adult should have stayed calm. That cop was totally wrong for cursing and provoking the kids and making his job and his feelings personal. He is unprofessional at least, and racist for referring to the kids as a mob.

If I were there I would have been glad cameras were there to give him all the rope he needed to hang himself.

12824390, as calmly as i could i'd ask the cop 2 (pls) let the 90 lb girl breathe
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 08:21 PM
pls boss man

pleeeease, suh

i knows deep down you'se a nice po'lease man

pleeee let the guhl git sum air

(we good? how'd i do?)
12824781, what else could you do.
Posted by spades, Mon Jun-08-15 11:10 AM
12824363, ^I knew this shit was coming
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jun-07-15 07:44 PM
lol @ scourge

You don't know that man.
12824366, we know he's a sad excuse of space like the rest of those adults who stood
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 07:52 PM
By & watched our children get man handled & abused by these overseers...I mean cops
12824377, no, he is a man, who was alone out there. he made his choice
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 08:05 PM
And I believe he made the right one.

I'm so glad no ones mama or dad showed up, shit woulda got ugly quick.

At least now they can press charges and hopefully get justice that way.

No one needs to die because one cop showed his ass.

That cop needs to lose his job and be charged for the crime he committed.
12824384, Really though. What is he to do?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Jun-07-15 08:09 PM
The best thing he could possibly do is calm everyone down. Either that or take meticulous notes of what is happening.

You probably want him to rush the cop, right?
Doing that only hurts himself and puts the kids in more danger than they are already in.

12824386, does he do any of those things in the video?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 08:15 PM
To answer your question, yes he should.

I'm willing to go to jail & risk it rather than having a child be unjustly treated & thrown around like a rag doll by a grown ass man.

>The best thing he could possibly do is calm everyone down.
>Either that or take meticulous notes of what is happening.
>You probably want him to rush the cop, right?
>Doing that only hurts himself and puts the kids in more danger
>than they are already in.
12824558, easy to say on a computer...
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-08-15 07:51 AM
I would like to think I would walk up on that cop and risk it but this is Texas. You see how that cop reacted when 2 teens walked up on him when he was tossing the girl around

let a,grown as black man do the same and you might make it to jail. more than likely tho, you getting shot.
12824601, easier to do in person
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Jun-08-15 08:49 AM
I've spent majority of my life in the south, I know what it's like.

I respect how you roll, but im down for mines
12827219, so have I, how many cops have you rushed?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-10-15 10:22 AM
I have talked more than enough shit to cops but I never rushed one.
12824798, what? You want to live forever or something ?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Jun-08-15 11:22 AM
12827215, I want to live as long as possible bruh...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-10-15 10:21 AM
that being said, I already stated I'm 50/50 on this...

I want to believe I would run up on the cop but I'm honest enough to admit I'm not sure I would.

Once my daughter arrives tho, I will prolly adopt a different mindset.

but umm, you talk a lot of revolutionary shit, how come you aren't dead already proving you are about it?

12828023, There aren't a lot of things I'd pay that price for
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 07:14 AM
but seeing a loved one be attacked unjustly-- it could easily push me that far.
12828671, this asshat did absolutely nothing
Posted by akon, Thu Jun-11-15 05:04 PM
he could've tried to de-escalate the situation with the cop

speak, say something.
no one is talking extreme rush the cop
but at least act like you have common decency and feelings
and acknowledge there's a young woman who's back might have been fucked up
while he's standing around whistling in the wind


and why cant okper's nowadays not talk without taking extreme viewpoints?
like if someone doesnt agree with something it means they are suggesting the extreme other end
wtf happened to nuanced discussions?

12828666, seriously. i couldnt believe adults just stood and watched
Posted by akon, Thu Jun-11-15 05:00 PM
like no one is even trying to talk to the cop and
try and de-escalate the situation
man, when that dude put BOTH knees on that girl's back/

fuck what anybody here says, that shit would've taken me off the edge
im glad no one did
but standing around and not saying anything while this motherfucker
got his feet on this young woman's back?
i dont even know what to call that
its beyond scourge
those are pathetic ass excuses of human beings
12824403, gonna b tough 2 color me mr unsympathetic after a re-read of my 1st post.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 08:37 PM
12824365, you are joking. thats it. you must be.
Posted by double negative, Sun Jun-07-15 07:52 PM
12824367, What makes you think that isn't possible?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Sun Jun-07-15 07:55 PM
12824758, sure, it's possible to attack the cop
Posted by denny, Mon Jun-08-15 10:55 AM
It's not smart though.

That young girl looks exactly like my SO's 17 year old daughter. I'm mad too. But if I was there and of sound mind....I would try to be calm and tell her to comply just like dude did. That cop looked like he was on greenies or something. Attacking him would've put her in more danger. It fucking sucks....but what he did was the best that he could do. I can only hope that I'd have the mental fortitude and restraint to not escalate the situation if it were my daughter.

I think he certainly has a responsibility to follow-up though. He's in a perfect position to assist her in bringing charges against the cop.
12824804, i disagree, someone has to stand up for our children.
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Jun-08-15 11:27 AM
12824815, in. court.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 11:34 AM
i bet it would've felt GREAT to get some licks in on that officer b/c his conduct was THAT outrageous. that good feeling would've been temporary and would've likely resulted in that brother losing his life or at least being injured and possibly jailed - which would've removed him from whatever life he has (family, work, community). and it wouldn't have gained him or that woman much of anything worthwhile.

'standing up for' that girl on the street in that situation would've looked good on video. it would've been nice for us to have a high-five over the fact that the brother lost his life after he attacked a cop who was attacking a young girl. and that brother's death wouldn't have solved any long-term problem w/police brutality. it wouldn't have taught that cop anything - except that he was right to react as he did b/c clearly was actually in danger considering he was attacked by one of those nigger bystanders as the cop rightly suspected would happen. the police and their supporters would spin the facts to support their position.

that brother did the right thing - he counseled the young woman in an attempt to calm her so she wouldn't do anything the cop could reasonably misinterpret as violent or otherwise aggressive or resistance. and the video recorders did the right thing - they created evidence that can be used in court to defend the woman if she's charged w/resisting the officer, and/or can be used in her civil suit against the officer if she chooses to file one, and/or can be used if the officer is prosecuted criminally or is punished administratively.
12824843, i can respect that but, i got just as much faith in the courts...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Jun-08-15 11:45 AM
as i do the boys in blue at this point.

All your points are valid but I still feel that his actions were passive.

>i bet it would've felt GREAT to get some licks in on that
>officer b/c his conduct was THAT outrageous. that good
>feeling would've been temporary and would've likely resulted
>in that brother losing his life or at least being injured and
>possibly jailed - which would've removed him from whatever
>life he has (family, work, community). and it wouldn't have
>gained him or that woman much of anything worthwhile.
>'standing up for' that girl on the street in that situation
>would've looked good on video. it would've been nice for us
>to have a high-five over the fact that the brother lost his
>life after he attacked a cop who was attacking a young girl.
>and that brother's death wouldn't have solved any long-term
>problem w/police brutality. it wouldn't have taught that cop
>anything - except that he was right to react as he did b/c
>clearly was actually in danger considering he was attacked by
>one of those nigger bystanders as the cop rightly suspected
>would happen. the police and their supporters would spin the
>facts to support their position.
>that brother did the right thing - he counseled the young
>woman in an attempt to calm her so she wouldn't do anything
>the cop could reasonably misinterpret as violent or otherwise
>aggressive or resistance. and the video recorders did the
>right thing - they created evidence that can be used in court
>to defend the woman if she's charged w/resisting the officer,
>and/or can be used in her civil suit against the officer if
>she chooses to file one, and/or can be used if the officer is
>prosecuted criminally or is punished administratively.
12824848, right on.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 11:48 AM
12828429, We've seen how well the court route works.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 01:39 PM
Devils can't cast out Devils. And a system can't protect those it was never meant to serve.
12825203, we all soldiers, but not all of us are supposed to be front line
Posted by double negative, Mon Jun-08-15 02:50 PM
12825484, NO WE RE NOT ALL Soldiers. Most folks are cowards
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jun-08-15 06:28 PM
me included, but at some point we gunna have to stop being cowards
12825716, ^^^
Posted by Reuben, Tue Jun-09-15 04:37 AM
until we do everything necessary to secure our future free from oppression and abuse by the global white patriarchal system

we are cowards and its okay to admit it

but lets be real, we are all cowards right now

its why we beat our kids within an inch of their lives and call it 'discipline' its cos we're scare to do what we need to do
12826905, ^^^ x2
Posted by astralblak, Wed Jun-10-15 12:02 AM
12824354, The one with the STRIPES at that
Posted by lazyboi, Sun Jun-07-15 06:58 PM

"If you wanna help us, fine. Sit down with your kids and make 'em study at night...otherwise, shoot THIS mothaf*cka!" (c) Morgan Freeman,
12824361, Here's the details on what went down from the Teens at the party (SWIPE)
Posted by nipsey, Sun Jun-07-15 07:29 PM

Teen Speaks Out About What Happened When Cops Broke Up A Texas Pool Party
Posted: 06/07/2015 4:50 pm EDT Updated: 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

It was after this incident that the cops showed up and “started cursing and yelling at us,” Thomas said. He described an officer manhandling a young girl, as shown in this video embedded above.

“So a cop grabbed her arm and flipped her to the ground after she and him were arguing about him cursing at us,” Thomas said.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

About 20 people were handcuffed during the incident, Thomas estimated. McKinney Chief of Police Greg Conley said in a press conference that one arrest was made, according to BuzzFeed News.
12824364, good old Barney Fife fuckhead pig
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jun-07-15 07:52 PM
I mean, what did he really prevent?

He was engaging/arguing with children,lol.
12824373, he escalated the situation and should be held accountable
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 08:01 PM
Calling the kids a mob, cursing at them, talking to them like they were less than human, all that...all that was a crime imo.
12824368, not to beat a dead horse but philpot's comments let me down
Posted by Mash_Comp, Sun Jun-07-15 07:55 PM
it just makes me not ever want to read anything you might have an opinion on, especially regarding my people, ever again.
12824371, not me, his comments actually prompted me to watch the video
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 07:59 PM
Because I was making jokes based on the fact that I was fatigued with hearing about injustice, and had no idea what even happened.

It made me check myself.

Can't be mad at him. I am not aware of him making rude comments after he watched the video. So I'm not mad at him.

I'm not. Everyone has the right to their opinion tho.
12824372, dude is a habitual line stepper.
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Sun Jun-07-15 08:00 PM
12824378, links???
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 08:05 PM
12824379, lol
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Sun Jun-07-15 08:06 PM
12824394, yo THAT was funny n/m
Posted by Mash_Comp, Sun Jun-07-15 08:28 PM
12824445, ^she got me
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 10:05 PM
if i owe anyone on okp an apology it's sha
12824446, just search me i'm a surly dickhead
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 10:06 PM
12824443, not to beat a dead horse but you're right
Posted by philpot, Sun Jun-07-15 10:03 PM
dumb comment & I shouldn't've said it, this shit is wrong & making light of it before i saw the video was just plain stupid on my part
12824605, to be honest though, I read it in my Patrice O'neal voice and
Posted by Fishgrease, Mon Jun-08-15 08:53 AM
actually thought that in a different situation (not involving kids), it was a funny line.

great joke, just bad timing and delivery.
12824381, Well...
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 08:08 PM

12824388, Check out this HuffPo article. A racist white woman stated it all
Posted by b.Touch, Sun Jun-07-15 08:19 PM
as well as a security guard.

Remember, this all happened on Friday, not on June the 7th of 1965.


Teen Speaks Out About What Happened When Cops Broke Up A Texas Pool Party
Posted: 06/07/2015 4:50 pm EDT Updated: 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

It was after this incident that the cops showed up and “started cursing and yelling at us,” Thomas said. He described an officer manhandling a young girl, as shown in this video embedded above.

“So a cop grabbed her arm and flipped her to the ground after she and him were arguing about him cursing at us,” Thomas said.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

About 20 people were handcuffed during the incident, Thomas estimated. McKinney Chief of Police Greg Conley said in a press conference that one arrest was made, according to BuzzFeed News.

This story is developing and will be updated as we hear back from people involved in the incident.
12824414, black kid's party, this is his twitter
Posted by DontEvenTryIt, Sun Jun-07-15 09:06 PM
and a video of part of the fight that happened before the police were called.


if you go back in the timeline, looks like kids was hype about the party for days.

i can tell that white lady in the vid was racist. i don't doubt she said something sideways to start that fight.
12824416, Sigh...This Shit Infuriates Me
Posted by RexLongfellow, Sun Jun-07-15 09:08 PM
Black kids can't come to a pool without being threatened
Black kids get cuffed and sit on the grass for literally doing nothing
A young black girl gets mistreated violently by the police, and her cries for help just hurt - aside from that, the fact she's in a 2 piece made me think what if that got ripped off during that altercation with the police...that young woman would be scarred for life (moreso than she already is)
A racist white woman started everything

I feel so helpless about this dumb shit. No matter what we do, we're seen as threats and are lives are disposable.

I'm so pissed right now watching that shit...and I can't blame white people completely because thanks to the white kid filming everything and some of the white teens at the party telling the truth, this terrible shit comes to light

But I'm so pissed right now...FTP forreal
12824594, Im right there with you. I can't anymore n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Mon Jun-08-15 08:43 AM

. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12824421, So at what point will the dam break?
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 09:19 PM
Something is building up, I feel that something is about to happen, how long ? Almost seems like a concerted effort on someone or some groups part to create a mass racial disturbance.


12824423, its going to happen when armed citizens witness something crazy
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Sun Jun-07-15 09:23 PM
and intervene with justified deadly force as outlined in our state laws

thats when its going to be really bad
12824425, Kraków style uprising
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 09:29 PM
12824424, So the cop added this video to his youtube playlist... (*LINK*)
Posted by CaptNish, Sun Jun-07-15 09:28 PM
12824426, who is writing this shit
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Jun-07-15 09:31 PM
12824437, https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11393059_10203206391561079_1810056954281823996_n.jpg?oh=c98dd32b0454cfc6be49dbc94f60fd77&oe=55F08420
Posted by rdhull, Sun Jun-07-15 09:55 PM
12824450, GOTDAMN!! well fucking done!!!!
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 10:09 PM
12824578, It's a stupid meme
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Mon Jun-08-15 08:28 AM
mostly because it's cherry picking... if you really want to compare how the different groups were treated, you have to include the several bikers that were likely killed by police and the 170 that were arrested and charged.

The pics are comparing apples and oranges because the bike footage is AFTER everything was under control while the pool party footage was during the incident.

This isn't to make light of what that police officer did at the pool party; he grossly overreacted. But the footage that came out of the biker incident really isn't representative of what went down there.
12824861, I agree... but I didn't want to fight that fight.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-08-15 11:53 AM
12825097, Somebody going to go to war with that meme and lose
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Mon Jun-08-15 01:48 PM
12824989, this Mr. Peabody mutherfucker
Posted by rdhull, Mon Jun-08-15 01:11 PM
>mostly because it's cherry picking... if you really want to
>compare how the different groups were treated, you have to
>include the several bikers that were likely killed by police
>and the 170 that were arrested and charged.
>The pics are comparing apples and oranges because the bike
>footage is AFTER everything was under control while the pool
>party footage was during the incident.
>This isn't to make light of what that police officer did at
>the pool party; he grossly overreacted. But the footage that
>came out of the biker incident really isn't representative of
>what went down there.
12825355, God forbid people objectively look at the facts
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jun-08-15 04:48 PM
Let's keep promoting these ignorant ass memes so more people can take them all as gospel instead of the contextually vapid sound bites they truly are.
12825369, how about this one then?
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Jun-08-15 05:00 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12825377, or this one?
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Jun-08-15 05:09 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12824471, dude's u tube page lol https://www.youtube.com/user/decase73/discussion
Posted by lazyboi, Sun Jun-07-15 10:45 PM

"If you wanna help us, fine. Sit down with your kids and make 'em study at night...otherwise, shoot THIS mothaf*cka!" (c) Morgan Freeman,
12824476, Eric Casebolt: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 11:07 PM


12824485, Adminstrative leave ??
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 11:18 PM
Yet the cop who pepper sprayed the white man got suspended without pay.. and might be fired

12824494, thats what happen when they embarrass themselves
Posted by beatnik, Sun Jun-07-15 11:49 PM
I dont know what all videos you have seen, but there is one where the pig in question is seen running at the beginning of the video. He trips and falls, loses his flashlight.

I once had a cop pull me over and ask why I switched lanes, "because you were tailgating me with your brights on", lil boy got mad and tried to get me out the car.

Theres one simple thing people forget about these cops, they're children, they literally reach adulthood and still want to be cops for the same reasons they pretended to be cops as children, "hold a gun and chase bad guys".
12824496, RE: thats what happen when they embarrass themselves
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 11:53 PM
I can't bring myself to watch that pool party video yet.. I'm already pissed off from reading the stories...
12824522, and then there's the final thing:
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Jun-08-15 02:48 AM
12824541, can you imagine how funny it'd be if no one told him he wrote ''keeping''
Posted by Big Kuntry, Mon Jun-08-15 06:59 AM
wrong on his first try? Idiots
12824602, This is not going to stop until WE MAKE IT STOP.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jun-08-15 08:50 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12824603, This is not going to stop until WE MAKE IT STOP.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jun-08-15 08:50 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12824604, They will start stealing phones next
Posted by neuro_OSX, Mon Jun-08-15 08:51 AM
12824661, This os the fight that started it. Two middle aged yt women hit a girl
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Mon Jun-08-15 09:41 AM
12824822, Looks more like a middle aged Mom w/ daughter to me
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Jun-08-15 11:37 AM
12824863, you prolly right
Posted by Laz aka Black Native, Mon Jun-08-15 11:54 AM
12824762, "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jun-08-15 10:57 AM
spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content"

Oh really youtube? That's what that clip was?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12824772, it's all over the news now anyway.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 11:07 AM
12824793, don't think the o.p. posted the original (link)
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Mon Jun-08-15 11:22 AM

no idea why they took it down though *shrugs*
12825389, probably because it was a duplicate & didn't credit the original kid
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Jun-08-15 05:21 PM
not because of the content.
12825745, ok yea makes sense, then. thx for that.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Tue Jun-09-15 07:05 AM
12825328, RE: "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against
Posted by neuro_OSX, Mon Jun-08-15 04:25 PM
bunch of police/ racist white folks probably flagged it most likely
12824858, hope they find the identity of the idiot who called the cops in the first place
Posted by Dr Claw, Mon Jun-08-15 11:50 AM
the one whose face they wouldn't show on TV.

she deserves to get grifted/trolled/Anon'd, IMO

needless to say, FUCK THOSE POLICE
12825213, To Be Fair
Posted by RexLongfellow, Mon Jun-08-15 02:56 PM
The police were originally called because 2 racist white chicks were jumping a black girl.

However, we both know more people probably called because there were black teens at a pool
12824870, Why was it necesarry to slam her head in the dirt tho?
Posted by spades, Mon Jun-08-15 11:59 AM
All of it was just disgusting. He IMMEDIATELY tears into the black kids, lines them up for what reason, I don't know. Pulls a gun on two youth who are only seeking to help their friend.


12825193, Yah.
Posted by denny, Mon Jun-08-15 02:38 PM
Even the beginning of the video. Dude looks like he's trying to seize hamburger hill or something. It's a disturbance at a pool party for christ's sake. Why on earth is he so jacked up....sprinting as fast as he can, yelling 'MOVE!'.

It's American police mentality. He even posted these videos on his own youtube channel as examples of 'police tactical force manuevers'. He actually thinks he did a good job! It's not about peace-keeping....it's about getting bad guys. There was no reason to scream....no reason to sprint....the situation became MORE chaotic after the police arrived. That's the opposite of peace-keeping. This is a cultural problem in American law enforcement.
12825266, And Spades the kids that he told to sit down where respectful ...
Posted by DJ007, Mon Jun-08-15 03:41 PM
the WHOLE TIME calling that little maggot motherfuckin cop "Sir"...every time they talked to the cop it was Sir this Sir that.

Even when the cop was cussing at the kids they were still respectful!

But who was the fat white guy standing around helping the cop fuck with the kids.He was probably one of them that called the cops.

"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12825150, McKinney Pool Party Teen Interview*video*
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon Jun-08-15 02:00 PM

12825360, I'm glad he made her clarify that they do live in the development
Posted by CaptNish, Mon Jun-08-15 04:52 PM
...to shut up this trespassing bullshit narrative that'd being floated.

Also, I know it ain't the time nor place for it... and I know I ain't shit for it.... but....

Tatiana got some nice jams.
12826418, CAPTKELLY^^^
Posted by Pete Burns, Tue Jun-09-15 02:49 PM
12826900, She's 19. I ain't proud but there it is lol
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-09-15 11:42 PM
12825210, Y'all going Bill O'Reily in here
Posted by handle, Mon Jun-08-15 02:54 PM
Good for you.
12825288, interview w/ the white kid who shot the video:
Posted by poetx, Mon Jun-08-15 04:00 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12825306, damn.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 04:11 PM
12825441, wow
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon Jun-08-15 06:01 PM
12825503, and there it is
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jun-08-15 06:40 PM
12825698, Damn
Posted by RexLongfellow, Tue Jun-09-15 01:41 AM
Kudos to that kid
12825340, That shit looks comical and disgusting at the same time
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jun-08-15 04:36 PM
the roll on the ground. the overzealous way this clown was running around trying to wrangle every black kid he saw. it played like a comedy sketch, but it was very real, and very sickening. especially with the young girl.
12825376, Dude looked like Ace Ventura Paul Blart Mall Cop
Posted by Jon, Mon Jun-08-15 05:08 PM
12825505, running around like Tackleberry
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jun-08-15 06:41 PM
what a piece of shit
12825365, I wonder what the tipping point will be
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jun-08-15 04:56 PM
Despite a barrage of high profile cases with clear documentation, there are still plenty of people defending these pricks to a point of hero worship. Something has to give at some point, but I fear that something will be costly.
12825368, The racism deniers are like real life irrational sports fans
Posted by J_Stew, Mon Jun-08-15 05:00 PM
they think their team never commits any fouls, and if the other team does the slightest thing wrong they are the worst people ever and deserve whatever they get
12825380, the reaction at this point is mostly to blame the media
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jun-08-15 05:11 PM
the mindset is that, yeah these unfortunate things happen sometimes, but it's the media making it look like this is a bigger issue that it is, and that they're the ones playing up the race angle. that and... "but what about black on black crime?"

funny coming from the same people who believed the knock-out game was a national epidemic
12825372, The part that would've got me killed was seeing her hair
Posted by Jon, Mon Jun-08-15 05:04 PM
grabbed and yanked, taking her head and neck along for the ride. Right there in that moment I had the strongest visceral impulse to go Jack Tatum that asshole and probably get myself shot in the process

This motherfucker Kyle Turlys a girl for what? Could've fucked up her neck severely.

I wish no harm on even the guiltiest people, now that its over, I pray for him like everyone else, but in that moment I wanted to send his flesh flying and scatter his bones across the Texas sky
12825385, that's what I'm saying too.. A FUCKING TEENAGE GIRL
Posted by DJ007, Mon Jun-08-15 05:16 PM
she was no threat to that motherfucka !

"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto
12825395, and she was already sitting down!!
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Jun-08-15 05:31 PM
12825432, nah b, I'm hoping that her father, uncles, cousins, and brothers
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon Jun-08-15 05:54 PM
"go see him". Catch that bitch ass cop slippin and beat him to within an inch of his life.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12825506, ^^^
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jun-08-15 06:41 PM
12825650, so they can die?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jun-08-15 10:54 PM
12826713, dude resigned from the force so this might could happen.
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Tue Jun-09-15 06:21 PM
12826722, Unless he's prosecuted, he'll almost certainly move to some other area...
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Jun-09-15 06:36 PM
...of Texas or elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if a GoFundMe page for him pops up soon.
12826916, he'll be found at some point like they found Tawana Brawley
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jun-10-15 02:13 AM
I think at this point he's prolly going to end up living on the run unless he gets a high profile job where he can be like "fuck all y'all"

I said earlier in this thread that he may end up working for a private security firm like Blackwater/Academi.If that happens, he'll prolly end up with an even worse attitude.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12825491, White Kid that shot the video gives his chilling account.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jun-08-15 06:33 PM
15-Year-Old Who Shot McKinney Pool Party Video Speaks Out


"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12825524, There it is
Posted by rdhull, Mon Jun-08-15 07:01 PM
>15-Year-Old Who Shot McKinney Pool Party Video Speaks Out
>"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he
>can be your's too."
12825533, Kid who shot the video speaks out!!!
Posted by GameTheory, Mon Jun-08-15 07:24 PM
12825537, march and protest in the neighborhood:
Posted by b.Touch, Mon Jun-08-15 07:35 PM
12825549, Proud of the turnout
Posted by luvlee2003, Mon Jun-08-15 08:13 PM
People hate on Dallas continuously but part of why I moved here is because the minority communities can and will organize and speak up for themselves when a situation requires it. That's something I never experienced growing up in Austin.

12825557, DAYUM!
Posted by RobOne4, Mon Jun-08-15 08:26 PM
that is awesome. They freaked out over them being in their pool. Shit I wonder how scared they are now.
12825578, I bet that you not one of those racist told them to go back to section 8
Posted by Case_One, Mon Jun-08-15 09:05 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12825757, what are you trying to say?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-09-15 07:26 AM
12826042, he's implying that there's strength in numbers.
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-09-15 11:24 AM
12825583, i wonder if they will be out tomorrow....
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Jun-08-15 09:08 PM
i would like to go
12825664, In Suburb streets that's awesome
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jun-08-15 11:16 PM
12826001, Good stuff.
Posted by denny, Tue Jun-09-15 10:56 AM
this made me feel great to see this. I wish I could part of it.
12826894, awesome
Posted by wluv, Tue Jun-09-15 11:23 PM
12825667, no debate here. racism with a raging hard on.
Posted by initiationofplato, Mon Jun-08-15 11:21 PM
12825691, https://scontent-lax1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11267192_10101894302000402_1511486755183082397_n.jpg?oh=493e81fc72349aab0cac74e51018b65f&oe=55FAE2CE
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-09-15 01:15 AM
12825694, Ooooohhhh I need a T shirt!!
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 01:17 AM
12825753, I finally watched the entire thing
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Tue Jun-09-15 07:24 AM
Im on the verge of tears.

That girl was on the ground. Yes she was talking shit but she was on the ground. You mean to tell me that a grown ass man couldnt ignore her blah blah blah hand clap clap.

OMg then her friends ran up to help...they all could have been killed.

Why does it take the white child to lend creditability.. I hate this shit. . .

And that fucker in the jorts and tan shirt. . . he can go straight to the mythical hell.

. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12825985, What's crazy to me is I feel like any black parent could have handled that
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jun-09-15 10:47 AM
situation better than those white cops. If the kids were getting out of hand at the pool, and it's not clear to me that is the case, could just be white folks mad all those black kids were at the pool, but if that were the case, a black parent with a stern voice would have been "cut that horseplaying out!!!" and those CHILDREN would have behaved accordingly.

instead you got some crazy cop running around like a maniac acting like that white woman who Sofia had to work for in the color purple at the holiday party when she was surrounded by all the black folks EXCEPT he had a gun.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12826038, RE: What's crazy to me is I feel like any black parent could have handled that
Posted by murph71, Tue Jun-09-15 11:21 AM

>instead you got some crazy cop running around like a maniac
>acting like that white woman who Sofia had to work for in the
>color purple at the holiday party when she was surrounded by
>all the black folks EXCEPT he had a gun.

Damn...get out of my head.....I was thinking the same thing....
12826300, I mean the shit was comical at first when dude was running screaming
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Jun-09-15 01:48 PM
move! move! and did that Barrell Roll like an overzealous mall cop.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12826370, Bill Maher gon have a field day with this
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-09-15 02:28 PM
>move! move! and did that Barrell Roll like an overzealous
>mall cop.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>"One of the most important things in life is what Judge
>Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to
>whether you're
12826394, i thought it was a joke when he fell and rolled...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-09-15 02:37 PM
cause there was no one in sight in the direction he was running.
12826504, i still haven't seen paul blart mall cop
Posted by lfresh, Tue Jun-09-15 03:24 PM
>move! move! and did that Barrell Roll like an overzealous
>mall cop.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>"One of the most important things in life is what Judge
>Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to
>whether you're

and it reminded me that i haven't
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12826675, Please dont. It is beyond terrible and you deserve better.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Tue Jun-09-15 05:45 PM
12826456, i'm not even a parent and i know i could have
Posted by lfresh, Tue Jun-09-15 03:05 PM
ask anyone at the NY RE BBQ


shenanigans happen

first cut off the music
second make an announcement
third have people/kids you know from the area identify those who are not
then in turn have them identify who they are a guest of
then tell them the rules as an invited guest
if not invited and acting up
its time to go
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12826656, The cop resigned. (Link)
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-09-15 05:21 PM
12826663, i.e. He is now eligible for a job in an adjacent suburb
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Jun-09-15 05:30 PM
12826667, he goes by his middle name, he could resurface soon.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Tue Jun-09-15 05:33 PM
... and most likely it'll be as "David Casebolt".

Chances are he'll pop up with some private security firm that appreciates heavy handed tactics... like Blackwater.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12826670, Bye, Pol-icia!
Posted by Damali, Tue Jun-09-15 05:37 PM
12826775, damn...NICE!!!
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 08:01 PM
12826864, lol
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-09-15 09:58 PM
12826681, Just hope this isn't part of a deal to spare him from prosecution
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Jun-09-15 05:55 PM
On some, "If you resign now, we won't charge you with anything."
12826706, RE: Just hope this isn't part of a deal to spare him from prosecution
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 06:15 PM
I bet it is...
12826711, kick rocks, little guy
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Jun-09-15 06:19 PM
enjoy working security
12826716, forced but Good!...Mckinney been paying attention
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Jun-09-15 06:29 PM
12826751, Dickstarter or Gofuckyourself campaign for this asshole in 3... 2...
Posted by poetx, Tue Jun-09-15 07:11 PM

but this is a good start toward justice, nonetheless.

and i'm glad if he's living in fear, now.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12826766, This photo says it all
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 07:52 PM
Wow.. a group of teen girls in bathing suits.. clearly a serious threat.. roll eyes...

12826834, fuck youtube!
Posted by PG, Tue Jun-09-15 09:16 PM
"This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content."
12826866, RE: fuck youtube!
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 10:03 PM
its everywhere now though

12827468, good but still... I fail to see how this video meets their censorship criteria
Posted by PG, Wed Jun-10-15 12:59 PM
since videos from private citizens, witnesses and such seem to be about our only form of police oversight these days... it is imperative that there be the ability to share the information... It's unrealistic to expect that there be no censorship especially somewhere like youtube but sites that offer this type of service need to be very clear and accountable for their censorship criterea imo.
12826842, But when she start asking for her Mama...
Posted by OrangeMoon, Tue Jun-09-15 09:27 PM
that's when my heart broke b/c as a Mom, this coulda been my child for him to show her such disregard was just despicable. My daughter is only 3 but she talks back and at the wrong time so this was like seeing into the future and it scares the shit outta me.

How do I teach her to be less of herself, even though who she is, is magnificent but might get her killed?
12826876, https://www.facebook.com/urbancusp/photos/a.563575667035189.1073741827.162612440464849/911975745528511/?type=1&theater
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jun-09-15 10:24 PM
12826877, GET 'EM!
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-09-15 10:29 PM
12826883, I love the internet era for this.
Posted by denny, Tue Jun-09-15 10:56 PM
There is a new kind of accountability nowadays.
12826884, RE: https://www.facebook.com/urbancusp/photos/a.563575667035189.1073741827.162612440464849/911975745528511/?type=1&theater
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 10:57 PM
I hope thats the right person, other wise is gonna be another Reddit style witch hunt.
12826888, https://twitter.com/DallasforChange/status/608400936487284737
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-09-15 11:13 PM
12826890, RE: https://twitter.com/DallasforChange/status/608400936487284737
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Jun-09-15 11:17 PM
Well.. there it is.. Folks using their real names on social media stay fucking them up.. Or using the shit at all... lolz

BOA (and their slavery profiting asses)gonna catch flack for this shit as well.. Betta get some popcorn
12826906, :)
Posted by astralblak, Wed Jun-10-15 12:09 AM
i love that in some instances they can no longer hide
12826891, THANK YOU JESUS!!!
Posted by maryhattalillamb, Tue Jun-09-15 11:19 PM
I am so happy this policeman resigned and they are getting this lady fired.

They did NOT have to do that to that girl!

I've literally been sick since the day I saw that video.
I could not go outside because I couldn't stand to look at a white person.
I work in an environment where people are defending the policeman!

I have family that live in Frisco and The Colony and neither of those places are any better.
12826904, LOL 37 posts in 9 years and THIS is what brings you back.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jun-10-15 12:00 AM
welcome back to OKP.

And, FWIW, I'm glad I work from home. I doubt I could have held my tongue if I had overheard even ONE of my old coworkers standing up for the cops.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12827268, she should come back for some bullshit QOD nonsense? lol
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-10-15 10:53 AM
>welcome back to OKP.
>And, FWIW, I'm glad I work from home. I doubt I could have
>held my tongue if I had overheard even ONE of my old coworkers
>standing up for the cops.
>"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the
>peace when we were getting laid out?
>Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances?
>Where is the peace then?
>They don't want to call for peace then.
12827801, RE: she should come back for some bullshit QOD nonsense? lol
Posted by maryhattalillamb, Wed Jun-10-15 08:00 PM
funny enough, I only come here when I'm about to go to a SoulQuarians show.
D'Angelo will be in Dallas next week.
12826915, tis truly a wonderful thing to see a day when these racists can't hide
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jun-10-15 02:05 AM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12826882, I would have died for my daughter that day.
Posted by daryloneal, Tue Jun-09-15 10:49 PM
Fuck that.
12826899, yup
Posted by wluv, Tue Jun-09-15 11:39 PM
there is no way i could have come up on that scene and not instinctly move that officer off my daughter.

its easy to think rationally when youre not in the moment, but instincts take over when its your kid laying there crying out and whatever happens happens when you are protecting your kid.
12827042, exactly. He had his knees in her back. Both of them. Nah man.
Posted by daryloneal, Wed Jun-10-15 08:29 AM
I see you possibly on the verge of paralyzing my child and I'm unsure of what you will do next??

I'm supposed to stand there on some "hold on baby it'll be okay just stop moving"?


Parental instincts don't work like that.
12827057, what happens after you attack the cop?
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-10-15 08:37 AM
what's the outcome?
12827066, whatever happens, happens.
Posted by daryloneal, Wed Jun-10-15 08:43 AM
12827495, uh huh.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-10-15 01:19 PM
12827181, I'm sure that daughter can finish raising herself.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Jun-10-15 10:06 AM
Gotta be some half-decent replacement male role models out there...

12827193, You would be assuming in the moment she would survive...
Posted by daryloneal, Wed Jun-10-15 10:11 AM
the interaction. Good for you.

I wouldn't be.
12827269, Tbh, I'm probably just a bit of a pussy.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Jun-10-15 10:54 AM
I'd most likely be standing there saying "I'm not kicking your ass because you're a cop, but you'd better know I'm filming and the Internet will ruin your life if you so much as scratch her. The next ten years of your life will be spent in court being spat on by strangers if you fuck this up, officer."

Sure, it might escalate to shots-fired on its own, but jumping in all red-blooded and alpha male seems like a really great way to *ensure* it escalates... and if it does escalate, believe there's only one side coming out on top.
12827753, The daughter is probably more likely to get hurt if he does attack
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-10-15 06:19 PM
12828057, That's false.
Posted by daryloneal, Thu Jun-11-15 08:08 AM
12827145, and how exactly would that have helped your daughter?
Posted by Damali, Wed Jun-10-15 09:50 AM
last i checked, daughters prefer dads that are alive than a lifetime of trauma, bad memories and depression after seeing them killed.

i could be wrong tho.

12827177, how exactly do I know he wasn't going to kill my daughter?
Posted by daryloneal, Wed Jun-10-15 10:05 AM
You would really just stand there?


Eric Gardner was killed in broad daylight in front of a crowd. Remember?

You don't know what was about to happen next.

I'm not going to just stand there and watch.

You can kill me and let her live.

You can kill both of us.

You can kill her with me going to jail trying to stop it.

But you're not going to kill my daughter with me watching.

Again, I'm operating with the assumption that this officer would potentially kill my daughter.

It was obvious to everyone he was a loose canon.

So that's what I'm basing my response on.
12827200, FATHER OF THE YEAR!!! I agree 100%
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-10-15 10:13 AM

cops out here shooting people AFTER they have them on the ground and saying "oops, my bad"
12827332, you don't because what he was doing was not in anyone's control.
Posted by Damali, Wed Jun-10-15 11:37 AM
>You would really just stand there?

if there is a choice between just standing there and being dead, of course i would choose the former. Because the latter does not help my child. that's the way I see it. My death, especially right in front of my child, is a terrible thing to risk. So if my inaction has the potential to calm the situation, and save the lives of both of us, i'm choosing that. and clearly, in this case, the situation eventually calmed and no one was shot. obviously that doesn't always happen, but in this case, it did.

you are free, however, to twist that into that i somehow don't care about my child as much as you care about yours though. :)


12827446, You're operating under the assumption/hope that your child..
Posted by daryloneal, Wed Jun-10-15 12:41 PM
will survive, so you feel you're risking more by intervening than not.

That's on you.

I'm not operating under that assumption given history, the circumstances of that scenario, and what happened up to that point.

That's the difference.

It's okay to know NOW that everyone lived, but we're talking about in the moment.

The same way the cop may have pulled the gun because he may not have known that the boys that approaching him during the mess were unarmed, my reaction would be based on what I see and what could possibly happen to my daughter.

I'm not going to sit back and watch that, so yes I will risk my life for it.

12828164, you and your daughter both would be dead
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 09:38 AM
12828170, See 274.
Posted by daryloneal, Thu Jun-11-15 09:43 AM
12828186, oh I feel you, but still
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 09:52 AM
12826938, Incident is the perfect indictment of MANY issues with police/society
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Jun-10-15 06:12 AM
a) Fight starts between older white woman, her daughter and teenage black girl; likely instigated by older white woman by the sounds of it.

b) Racist white adults pull ranks and call cops to remove black teenagers.

c) Cops arrive *assuming* black fault.

d) Cops segregate by race in order to determine suspects and bystanders (black people are suspects, white people are bystanders)

e) Over-zealous, military-minded cop from the "War on Drugs" generation acts like he's turned up to an ISIS insurrection in Fallujah rather than a pool party in a sleepy suburb of Dallas.

f) Wider society and the media tie themselves up in knots trying not to see points a-e because they don't want to admit American society is racist to the fucking core.

Cop should be fired and prosecuted for assault and abuse of power. Woman who punched a teenager should be fired and prosecuted.

Cop's picture should be included in every copy of Webster's Dictionary next to the words "Racist" and "Bully".

I don't know how you fix all these things, but disbanding and reforming the Police from the ground up is a good place to start. The whole philosophy is wrong.
12827197, add to this list:
Posted by b.Touch, Wed Jun-10-15 10:12 AM
g) black kids discouraged from being _kids_ (see also: Tamir Rice)
12827239, That's probably the saddest part for me.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Wed Jun-10-15 10:35 AM
>g) black kids discouraged from being _kids_ (see also: Tamir

Like the comments by Godleeluv above about behaving around Police (paraphrasing "just get down on the ground, say yessir a lot and pray") totally make sense and are absolutely sensible in the current climate, but there is NO WAY kids should have to think about this shit. Not if you're really a "post racial" society like the media love to say.

They're kids. They were at a birthday party. What the fuck kind of society thinks kids wearing bathing costumes are enough of a threat to anything or anybody that they need weapons drawing on them?

When I think of the shit me and my friends used to get up to as kids... man... if we had 50% more melanin we wouldn't have made it to 16 and we were pretty nice, rural, middle class children. We still got up to all manner of shit, far worse than "crashing" a pool party, if that's even what this lot did. Kids NEEEEEEEED the space to be kids. They need the safety and understanding to fuck up and not have their entire lives ruined, to be too loud in public and only have to worry about community elder's shouting or giving them a clip round the ear, to have the occasional fight without it ending with someone in a bag.

My girl and I both have 7 year old nephews. Mine is a lower-middle class white kid from rural England, hers is a lower-middle class black kid from suburban North Carolina. They LOVE each other right now... all the same interests, about as smart as each other (both VERY switched on for their age), they even independently got the same toy with their Christmas money last year and they take over the damn Skype call when we're joining the clans, but the paths they're about to take are SO depressingly removed from each other... I wonder if they'll even be able to connect properly when they're both 15...

I don't know what there is to do but cry.

And leave...
12827238, Open&shut case, Johnson!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Wed Jun-10-15 10:34 AM
You was on point.

There's a storm brewing right now.

Ima stay close to Yansa's breath and ride the wind 'cus
the proverbial "other foot" is finna drop REAL soon.


12828041, Nailed it. 100% cosign, especially your last statement
Posted by Jon, Thu Jun-11-15 07:46 AM
Needs to be wiped away and reimagined from the ground up
12827279, bias isn't going anywhere
Posted by MiracleRic, Wed Jun-10-15 11:01 AM
on either side of the issue either

if you compile all the stories...

it sounds like the DJ selling tickets on twitter is what attracted the kids who weren't supposed to be in the private pool (and were allegedly hopping the fence)

pool staff and guests were unable to get them to leave

but bc whoever called the police pointed out (or made up) that it was black kids that were hopping the fence...the cops started targeting solely them based on that biased account and clearly doing an excessive and poor job of it

the fight that occurred between the 2 white chicks and the black host doesn't appear to be a catalyst for why the cops were called which is one of the common narratives but it may have happened as a racist reaction to the black fence hoppers...

everything about this pool party was mishandled...there needed to be security...if there weren't any white folks hopping the fences it at least explains the "profiling" but then the obvious excessive and disorganized approach by the police is ridiculous

were either of the women fighting charged?

its a clusterfuck

12827713, RE: bias isn't going anywhere
Posted by murph71, Wed Jun-10-15 04:53 PM
>on either side of the issue either

Sure...this^^^can def. happen....But I don't see any bias on both sides in this pool party incident. The only bias I see is black kids having what people would view as very AMERICAN fun and not being given the benefit of the doubt because they are....Black....
12828073, some of the reactions are biased
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jun-11-15 08:22 AM
people are reacting as if the cops were called over the fight that was shown...

but it sounds like that's not quite the case

the bias of the reactions are still a reaction to bigger slights so it's not a big deal but it still mutates the narrative in a way that really makes discussion useless #TEAMUS hashtag battles

it's clear who the biggest offenders of bias are...but if someone calls the police about a bunch of black kids hopping a pool fence (i'm not totally convinced that part is true but it sounds like something that would make even the most casual of racists rage out)...it at the very least explains the sloppy display of profiling
12828159, yeah
Posted by labcoat, Thu Jun-11-15 09:34 AM
like people just dismiss the "i heard about a party on twitter"

that made me go Ooo Ooo

like if all these people come to my private pool
being all rowdy
jumping fences while im there with my 4yr old
i would be pissed too
and would have called the police

so i get why the residents were like
"oh no"

i get how the police profiled the black kids
(not saying i agree)

but through your narrative
it makes sense the events

12827734, Principal in Miami got shitcanned for defending Casebolt. Dummy. *swipe*
Posted by CaptNish, Wed Jun-10-15 05:36 PM

June 9, 2015
Miami-Dade schools remove principal after his post about police controversy
Alberto Iber, principal of North Miami Senior High School

Alberto Iber, principal of North Miami Senior High School | Miami-Dade Public Schools

By Christina Veiga


Order Reprint of this Story

The principal of North Miami Senior High School inadvertently injected himself into the racially charged national debate over police treatment of blacks with a social media comment — and it wound up costing him his position at the school.

The Miami-Dade County school district announced Wednesday that Alberto Iber had been removed as principal after going online to defend a white Texas police officer who waved a gun at black teens while responding to a call about an unruly pool party.

In a brief statement, the district said employees are required to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the school district’s core values. The district said a replacement would be named shortly and that Iber would be reassigned to administrative duties.

“Judgment is the currency of honesty,” said Superintendent of Schools Alberto Carvalho. “Insensitivity — intentional or perceived — is both unacceptable and inconsistent with our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity of all, beginning with children.”

Cellphone footage from McKinney, Texas, caught white officer David Eric Casebolt throwing a black teenage girl to the ground, then briefly drawing his gun while responding to a call about an raucous pool party. The incident last week was just the latest in a string of encounters that have sparked charges of abusive police treatment of minorities.

Iber — in a brief public post on a story on the Miami Herald’s website — defended the officer’s response.

“He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”

Iber’s stance quickly prompted a passionate online response from Ambrose Sims, a black, retired Miami Beach Police veteran who joined the force at a time of racial strife in Miami in the 1980s. He also came out as gay and led a campaign for equal rights. Sims wrote, in part: “Such a comment reveals to me that you’re a serious part of the problem.”

Iber’s comment — which was removed after a few hours but not before being captured in screen grabs that were circulated in the community — also raised eyebrows in North Miami, a diverse city in northeast Miami-Dade where a majority of residents are black. The student body at his school also is 99 percent minority, according to state records.

Alix Desulme, a recently elected councilman who is Haitian-American and also a school teacher, said he was “appalled.”

“For him to make such a comment is insensitive to the community,” Desulme said.

Iber responded to a reporter’s questions on Tuesday by reading a prepared statement.

“I support law enforcement, and also the community and students that I serve as the proud principal of North Miami Senior High,’’ he said. “The comment I posted was simply made as the result of a short video that I watched and my personal opinion.”

Iber, who just finished his first year as the head of North Miami Senior, said he meant to write the comment anonymously.

“I regret that I posted the comment as it apparently became newsworthy and has apparently upset people,’’ he said. “That was not my intention in any way.”

Casebolt’s behavior was not viewed favorably by McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley, who in a Tuesday news conference called the officer’s actions “indefensible.” Shortly after, the officer announced his resignation.

Miami Herald reporter Lance Dixon and WLRN News reporter Nadege Green contributed to this report.

Follow @Cveiga on Twitter.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article23616994.html#storylink=cpy
12827743, lol
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-10-15 06:03 PM
>June 9, 2015
>Miami-Dade schools remove principal after his post about
>police controversy
>Alberto Iber, principal of North Miami Senior High School
>Alberto Iber, principal of North Miami Senior High School |
>Miami-Dade Public Schools
>By Christina Veiga
> Tweet
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> Order Reprint of this Story
>The principal of North Miami Senior High School inadvertently
>injected himself into the racially charged national debate
>over police treatment of blacks with a social media comment
>— and it wound up costing him his position at the school.
>The Miami-Dade County school district announced Wednesday that
>Alberto Iber had been removed as principal after going online
>to defend a white Texas police officer who waved a gun at
>black teens while responding to a call about an unruly pool
>In a brief statement, the district said employees are required
>to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in
>a manner that represents the school district’s core values.
>The district said a replacement would be named shortly and
>that Iber would be reassigned to administrative duties.
>“Judgment is the currency of honesty,” said Superintendent
>of Schools Alberto Carvalho. “Insensitivity — intentional
>or perceived — is both unacceptable and inconsistent with
>our policies, but more importantly with our expectation of
>common sense behavior that elevates the dignity and humanity
>of all, beginning with children.”
>Cellphone footage from McKinney, Texas, caught white officer
>David Eric Casebolt throwing a black teenage girl to the
>ground, then briefly drawing his gun while responding to a
>call about an raucous pool party. The incident last week was
>just the latest in a string of encounters that have sparked
>charges of abusive police treatment of minorities.
>Iber — in a brief public post on a story on the Miami
>Herald’s website — defended the officer’s response.
>“He did nothing wrong,” Iber wrote in a comment that
>showed his Facebook picture, name, school and title. “He was
>afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”
>Iber’s stance quickly prompted a passionate online response
>from Ambrose Sims, a black, retired Miami Beach Police veteran
>who joined the force at a time of racial strife in Miami in
>the 1980s. He also came out as gay and led a campaign for
>equal rights. Sims wrote, in part: “Such a comment reveals
>to me that you’re a serious part of the problem.”
>Iber’s comment — which was removed after a few hours but
>not before being captured in screen grabs that were circulated
>in the community — also raised eyebrows in North Miami, a
>diverse city in northeast Miami-Dade where a majority of
>residents are black. The student body at his school also is 99
>percent minority, according to state records.
>Alix Desulme, a recently elected councilman who is
>Haitian-American and also a school teacher, said he was
>“For him to make such a comment is insensitive to the
>community,” Desulme said.
>Iber responded to a reporter’s questions on Tuesday by
>reading a prepared statement.
>“I support law enforcement, and also the community and
>students that I serve as the proud principal of North Miami
>Senior High,’’ he said. “The comment I posted was simply
>made as the result of a short video that I watched and my
>personal opinion.”
>Iber, who just finished his first year as the head of North
>Miami Senior, said he meant to write the comment anonymously.
>“I regret that I posted the comment as it apparently became
>newsworthy and has apparently upset people,’’ he said.
>“That was not my intention in any way.”
>Casebolt’s behavior was not viewed favorably by McKinney
>Police Chief Greg Conley, who in a Tuesday news conference
>called the officer’s actions “indefensible.” Shortly
>after, the officer announced his resignation.
>Miami Herald reporter Lance Dixon and WLRN News reporter
>Nadege Green contributed to this report.
>Follow @Cveiga on Twitter.
>Read more here:
12827748, This is why I never comment on anything publicly online...
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-10-15 06:10 PM
Dude said pretty much nothing. Definitely nothing inflammatory or controversial. All he said was:
“He did nothing wrong. He was afraid for his life. I commend him for his actions.”

Is it the fact that he posted anything at all that got him in trouble? If he posted similar comment but opposed to the police, would he be disciplined?

12827762, this part:
Posted by wluv, Wed Jun-10-15 06:30 PM
... I commend him for his actions.”

He, being a public official, had to know that applauding actions that included the shoving of a 85lb girl to the ground and pulling his guns on unarmed teenagers wasn't going to go over well. Actions that were called "indefensible" by the Mckinney police chief and for which the officer had to resign.

If he left that part out, he probably would have gotten away with it.

12827764, Eggzackly
Posted by rdhull, Wed Jun-10-15 06:32 PM
>... I commend him for his actions.”
>He, being a public official, had to know that applauding
>actions that included the shoving of a 85lb girl to the ground
>and pulling his guns on unarmed teenagers wasn't going to go
>over well. Actions that were called "indefensible" by the
>Mckinney police chief and for which the officer had to
>If he left that part out, he probably would have gotten away
>with it.
12828028, If he is a principal of black teens and is scared of black teens...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jun-11-15 07:25 AM
Then he is in the wrong job.

It's just so crazy to me that white people look at that situation and start talking about "scared for his life". Are you kidding me?

I can see from 2 minutes of footage that these were young teenagers, that weren't anything to be afraid of.

This goes to my point, any black parent could regulate that situation while White folks are terrified and think their lives are in danger.

You really saw that footage and thought those were a bunch of life threatening thugs?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12828061, RE: If he is a principal of black teens and is scared of black teens...
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 08:10 AM
>Then he is in the wrong job.
>It's just so crazy to me that white people look at that
>situation and start talking about "scared for his life". Are
>you kidding me?
>I can see from 2 minutes of footage that these were young
>teenagers, that weren't anything to be afraid of.
>This goes to my point, any black parent could regulate that
>situation while White folks are terrified and think their
>lives are in danger.
>You really saw that footage and thought those were a bunch of
>life threatening thugs?

Basically^^^^^.....People are thinking too hard on this....It's not about no longer having freedom of speech or some slippery slope. Context....That's all...
12828162, Dead on.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Thu Jun-11-15 09:35 AM
>Then he is in the wrong job.
12827750, Some will celebrate, but I'm concerned about the punishment.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Jun-10-15 06:16 PM
No one should be punished for exercising their free speech even if we don't agree with their written opinion. The more we are censored the more we will lose our freedoms to protest and or support a cause.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12827795, RE: Some will celebrate, but I'm concerned about the punishment.
Posted by murph71, Wed Jun-10-15 07:53 PM
>No one should be punished for exercising their free speech
>even if we don't agree with their written opinion. The more we
>are censored the more we will lose our freedoms to protest and
>or support a cause.

If dude was a circus clown, ad executive, or a grocery worker he wouldn't got clipped....

But since he's the PRINCIPLE OF A HIGH SCHOOL which will surely have students the very same age as the young 15 year old girl who was being man handled by an out of control cop, then his comments take on an entirely different light. Not to mention said school is largely African-American....

It's all about context here....Not free speech....
12828074, i dont know
Posted by labcoat, Thu Jun-11-15 08:22 AM
this kind of sets a precident
that you cant give your opinion about anything
which does violate freedom of speech

it's dude's opinion
i dont agree
it's a slippery slope
12828081, RE: i dont know
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 08:31 AM
>this kind of sets a precident
>that you cant give your opinion about anything
>which does violate freedom of speech
>it's dude's opinion
>i dont agree
>it's a slippery slope

It's only a slippery slope if u r not paying attention to details....

12828083, nah, principal is a position of authority over other black teens
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jun-11-15 08:31 AM
it's directly related to your job

if a police officer tweets the same tweet...we'd be calling for his head...

a principal has just as much power at a school...that was not only idiotic of him...it clearly brings into question his ability to do his job...all it takes is one situation that vaguely looks like discrimination for him and the school to get sued...

this is a clear CYA fail
12828092, The school district, i.e. the government, punished him for his speech
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-11-15 08:41 AM
I think he's got a case if he wants to pursue one... assuming Florida has it's own Freedom of Speech laws.

12828099, RE: The school district, i.e. the government, punished him for his speech
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 08:48 AM
>I think he's got a case if he wants to pursue one... assuming
>Florida has it's own Freedom of Speech laws.

U have been reading too many anti-government conspiracy blogs....lol

12828102, for his bigoted and biased speech
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jun-11-15 08:50 AM
they typically have conduct restrictions written into their contracts...

so it's highly unlikely he has a case at all

people seem to think free speech means there aren't consequences...not the case

in certain positions...you cannot say things that will compromise your ability to do your job safely...the end
12828147, Here's a good article that establishes the limits of teacher speech
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-11-15 09:25 AM
>they typically have conduct restrictions written into their
>so it's highly unlikely he has a case at all
>people seem to think free speech means there aren't
>consequences...not the case
>in certain positions...you cannot say things that will
>compromise your ability to do your job safely...the end


"The main U.S. Supreme Court case is Pickering v. Board of Education, which held that freedom of speech—while not absolute—gives employees Constitutional protection if they are speaking about issues of a public nature, rather than those things about which they have a personal stake. Pickering overturned a school district’s decision to fire a teacher for commenting on school expenditures through letters in a local newspaper.

For example, if a teacher criticized a building’s weak leadership and lax coordination between grades, it would likely be considered a comment about matters of public interest. If that same teacher complained publicly that she thought she was being unfairly targeted for classroom observations and undesirable assignments, a school district would likely be within their rights to react.

But even standing on principles of public concern is not sacrosanct. Employees can still be disciplined based on that expression (like publicly criticizing supervisors) if the district believes that it will impede the employee’s ability to perform assigned duties, or the speech will undermine supervisory authority, disrupt the school, or destroy close working relationships.


Essentially, you have a point. I agree his statement was biased towards the police but I think you'd have to infer alot about the man to say they were bigoted.

Either way, the outrage surrounding the incident is surely disrupting the school so the school system likely has grounds to do what they did. He should've known better than to comment at all.
12828108, he's been reassigned but not terminated.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 08:55 AM
i assume he was reassigned b/c there's going to be a hearing - due process and all that jazz.
12828120, RE: The school district, i.e. the government, punished him for his speech
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 09:04 AM

Think of it this way.....If I was a bank executive and I was watching a story about how banks are now more leery to give out loans to a certain segments of minorities, it would be absolutely foolish of me, AS A BANK EXECUTIVE, to post the following:

"I can def. identify with the point of that story....I support the piece..."

Like Ric said, the same can be said in the case of a high school principle in a largely black school saying that he supports and COMMENDS the actions of a white cop putting his hands on a 15 year old girl who was no threat....

Ya dig?
12828160, I was focused more on the fact he worked for teh government
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-11-15 09:35 AM
Most of the freedom of speech laws are more focused on protecting us from the government so I thought the principal likely had more protections than someone working for a regular company (even a CEO).

After a little research, I saw that there are some limits when it comes to the impact on the person's ability to their job.

I do kind of wonder about the flip-side... could a principal be re-assigned in the bible belt for writing a post supporting evolution over creationism?

It's a view most on here would support but would certainly be extremely controversial in some areas. Would the outrage surrounding a religion-hating, atheistic principal (adding hyperbole to highlight a separate point about the leaps people are making in the florida case) be sufficient grounds for removing them from their post? It sounds like it and it sounds wrong-headed when it's a view I agree with.

I mean, if this principal has a track record of antagonism against his community, I get it that this was the final straw. But if he's just an average principal that just walked into oncoming traffic this one time, I've gotta wonder if the reactin of the school district really helps.
12828195, RE: I was focused more on the fact he worked for teh government
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 09:59 AM
>I do kind of wonder about the flip-side... could a principal
>be re-assigned in the bible belt for writing a post supporting
>evolution over creationism?

In our separation of church/state laws of the land? No...That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. That would not happen...

The only way your scenario would take place is if said principle was the head of theology school and in its contract it was written that talking up evolution over creationism was against THEIR written rules....
12828488, Arggh, shoulda known better than to use an analogy lol
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-11-15 02:32 PM
Anyway, the internet outrage machine claims another scalp.
12828548, RE: Arggh, shoulda known better than to use an analogy lol
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 03:23 PM
>Anyway, the internet outrage machine claims another scalp.

12828576, I think it's mob "violence" so I'm wary of it
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Jun-11-15 03:44 PM
It's all good until the pitchforks and torches are at your "door".
12828602, RE: I think it's mob "violence" so I'm wary of it
Posted by murph71, Thu Jun-11-15 04:11 PM
If u ever find me jumping a 15 year old girl as an adult and screaming how she or he should go back to their section 8 dwellings then I should expect to get push back from the public at large...
12828105, there is no precedent set by this.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 08:54 AM
'precedent' is only set in appellate courts.

this is not an appellate court decision.

and i don't think there's a free speech violation in that he hasn't lost his job. he has been reassigned due a suspected violation of the district's code of conduct. i assume he is entitled to some sort of administrative hearing @ the school district before he can be terminated. but i dunno about that.
12828142, i understand what you are saying
Posted by labcoat, Thu Jun-11-15 09:19 AM
like i said

i just dont know

i know that i didnt have a good feeling about him
"losing" his job
like something isn't right
but i cant pin point what exactly it is

i just got this feeling
12828207, it may feel weird that employers are acting against employees for
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 10:16 AM
conduct unconnected to job duties. But them's the breaks. Many of us have jobs where we can be fired in similar situations.
12828123, He has a right to his opinion and a right to voice it
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Jun-11-15 09:08 AM
he doesn't have a right to keep his job after he expresses it.

Free speech doesn't mean you're absolved of repercussion.

Besides, in education there are morals clauses to employment contracts (specifically in public schools). There are certain things you cannot do publicly and keep your job. Expressing an insensitive opinion online that makes local or national headlines opens you up to discipline. In essence, he said: "I agree that if an officer feels that unarmed teenagers that are not committing crimes are a threat to him, it's ok to pull a deadly weapon on them and apply as much force as he deems fit. I commend his actions as such, way to go!"

They actually didn't fire him from the district, he just has to take an administrative job which in this situation could be considered a W.
12828766, Man FUCK freedom of speech and the whole constitution.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu Jun-11-15 07:32 PM
That was not made for us, beloved. If we aint free to go to a damn pool party without being terrorized, you damn right your "freedom" to speak hatefully towards us is voided.

Fam, are you white or something? You stay defending sideways ass white people and Im trying to understand.

12828999, Lab you're right. The issue is people love biased and fake outrage
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jun-12-15 08:42 AM
Folks are making silly comparisons, just so that they can have something provocative to say.

No one should be fired, demoted, or even jailed for stating their opinion that is viewed though the lenses of their social location.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12829053, RE: Lab you're right. The issue is people love biased and fake outrage
Posted by murph71, Fri Jun-12-15 09:13 AM
>Folks are making silly comparisons, just so that they can
>have something provocative to say.
>No one should be fired, demoted, or even jailed for stating
>their opinion that is viewed though the lenses of their social

No one is doing any of that silly shit, Rev....lol

We are just using nuance coupled with some common sense.........I can't say 100 percent whether or not the adult white woman deserved to be put on "leave" because she put her adult hands on a 15 year old girl and allegedly made some racist comments towards some black kids....

But that white high school principle who said he commended that crazy ass cop for his actions on a bunch of black kids at a pool party? His administration "relocation," as they are calling it, was bound to happen....That's a no brainer...

It's not just an opinion if you have certain guidelines in your contract like most government/city jobs do....And again, u have to look at the specifics of every case. One size does not fit all...

U guys are doing way too much trying to bring political correctness into THIS debate....
12829057, The problem is that Social Media has become a common way to -
Posted by Case_One, Fri Jun-12-15 09:16 AM
communicate in real time. People speak though twitter and FB juts like they do in person. The problem is the lack of context and the unreasonable expectation of being measured.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12828119, RE: Some will celebrate, but I'm concerned about the punishment.
Posted by neuro_OSX, Thu Jun-11-15 09:03 AM
His speech wasn't suppressed, he wasn't jailed for what he said. He was demoted.
12828233, Naw govt. demoting a person for stating an opinion is easily a violation
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jun-11-15 10:46 AM
of free speech.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12828205, no. his free speech was not punished
Posted by Damali, Thu Jun-11-15 10:14 AM
he was removed for holding beliefs that are a direct contradiction and/or threat to the job that he is expected to perform

If i'm employing a kindergarten teacher and he/she says online that they hates kids, that is their right to feel that way, but i don't want them to work as teacher at my school. period.

a factory worker can hate kids all he/she wants and it has nothing to do with their job.

12828238, He was totally punished for his speech.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jun-11-15 10:49 AM
The question was whether it was permissible. I hear your argument but I doubt it carries water. Dude wasn't talking about his kids.
And it's not clear that it was a direct contradiction and/or threat to the job that he is expected to perform.

I think argument is a stretch.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12828613, It's clear to me.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-11-15 04:19 PM
He thinks that officer's life was in danger. As a principle....he might find himself in a similar situation. So his judgement and perception of the matter is directly relevant to the expectations that we have in his duties as a principle. Ie: To not overreact and attempt to de-escalate any tumultuous situation involving teenagers.
12827813, One of the broads involved in the initial fight has been suspended
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jun-10-15 08:27 PM


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12828079, ain't that a bitch?
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 08:29 AM
12828151, okay once again im asking you the lawyer
Posted by labcoat, Thu Jun-11-15 09:27 AM
how do we know she started it?
how to we know that she actually said those thing? without taped evidence?
how do we know that she wasn't just defending her friend
who was fighting?

now im not saying that the lady is innocent
but once again
this is just crazy
we are in weird times
something aint right

12828177, she can be fired without just cause.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 09:45 AM
Homegirl was employed in Texas - an at-will employment state. That means she can be fired forany reason without notice.

>how do we know she started it?

I dunno and I'm not sure it matters at this point.

>how to we know that she actually said those thing? without
>taped evidence?
>how do we know that she wasn't just defending her friend
>who was fighting?

I dunno.

>now im not saying that the lady is innocent
>but once again
>this is just crazy
>we are in weird times
>something aint right

At-will employment. She has not been charged criminally.
12828196, okay
Posted by labcoat, Thu Jun-11-15 10:02 AM
i was just asking
i dont know how this goes at all
12828103, sheeeesh.
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu Jun-11-15 08:51 AM
12828169, Eric Casebolt: "My bad..."
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 09:43 AM
12828208, dude must have done those stunt rolls when responding to the
Posted by poetx, Thu Jun-11-15 10:17 AM
two alleged suicide calls.

his lawyer said he handled two suicide calls in the hour preceding the pool party, and that's why he was acting all extra.

1) does this department do any paperwork? i can't see getting off two conference calls in one hour in time to go buckwild at a pool party

2) supposedly, the first one was an actual suicide, and he had to take pictures and console a widow. i've seen fender bender accidents and the cops been out there a good 40 minutes. dude was at a death scene, actively doing police work, AND consoling a widow, AND got ALL that done in an hour? (supposedly his shift only started an hour and five min before the pool party, that's why i keep harping on that).

AND he had time after that (including travel time) to talk down another potential suicide on the 2nd call?

based upon all of this we have to conclude that this cat is a combination of Quicksilver/The Flash + Nightcrawler. And maybe has some telepathy and speed-empathy powers.

he teleported to crime scene 1, took mad fast pictures. consoled the widow for like 10 minutes (but it seemed to her like an hour), teleported to the attempted suicide. talked that person down off the ledge in around 15 minutes. and then teleported to the pool party.

but all of his empathy powers had worn off, so he had to use his normal personality, and curse out the kids.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12828323, LMAO @Nightcrawler....Gyllenhaal was wildin in that joint
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jun-11-15 12:14 PM
12830439, Lol um... That's a different Nightcrawler. But sure.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Sun Jun-14-15 08:58 PM
12829031, Goddamn man. LMBAO! ! !
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Fri Jun-12-15 09:02 AM
12828242, I don't give two shits what he did before he got there
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jun-11-15 10:50 AM
I'm sure other cops on the scene there were also involved in the other shit too (Mckinney is only so big).

He's trying to play the "woe is me" sympathy card. Nigga if you can't figure out how to decompress quickly, you don't need to be a cop.

... oh, he ain't a cop anymore. He doesn't need to worry about that anymore.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12828243, Im surprised he apologized
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Jun-11-15 10:50 AM
isnt this admitting guilt? Does it open him up if charges are filed?
12828247, he apologized "if anyone was offended"
Posted by daryloneal, Thu Jun-11-15 10:53 AM
that's not an admission of legal guilt.
12828252, apparently he and his family have received threats
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 10:57 AM
12828430, Well that's half the equation-- now we just need the actions.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 01:41 PM
12828436, Be careful.
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 01:47 PM
12828521, true-- not the right thought process.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 03:03 PM
*looks at chicken coop*
12828433, he didn't apologize-- he just said some words.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 01:43 PM
12828389, Fuck him, his 'apology', and the horse he rode in on.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 01:14 PM
He wouldn't be sorry if the cameras weren't there.
12828517, a cop copping pleas
Posted by wluv, Thu Jun-11-15 02:59 PM
how convenient

12828220, to me the funny-not funny part is when that fool pulls out his gun and...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 10:37 AM
the other 2 officers run up and grab him like "hey, wtf boss?!" then they tried to play it off, lol
12828515, remember hes the supervisor
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu Jun-11-15 02:58 PM
and you see the guy put his hand on his elbow?

ive never seen that happenb before, a cop actually intervene like that
12828536, right, normally when 1 cop pulls his gun out they all do but the other...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-11-15 03:14 PM
2 seem like they were saying "yo, chill dude!"

>and you see the guy put his hand on his elbow?
>ive never seen that happenb before, a cop actually intervene
>like that
12828538, When they say Twitter will get you out the paint:
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu Jun-11-15 03:14 PM
It will get you out the paint.

FIRED! Texas teacher let go after saying McKinney pool party ‘almost’ shows need for racial segregation:

I feel like this pool party is the equivalent of the lights being turned on in a house full of roaches. Folks with racist inclinations can't help but speak out about it.

And folks are responding like "I 'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish but- ummm NOPE. Not in 2015."

12828571, but wait...the whole thing didnt....ok. yeah. people. wow.
Posted by double negative, Thu Jun-11-15 03:40 PM
12828586, Not the worst idea, racists aren't going to stop being racist.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jun-11-15 03:49 PM
Or rather supremacists aren't going to stop practicing supremacy.
12828601, folks openly bitching about swimming w/coloreds. in 2015.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 04:11 PM

anyway, i wanna bring up these cases the next time some fool complains that we Blacks should be more like the Jewish ppl or the gays - they clap back whenever someone comes at them sideways w/some bullshit statement. but...WE Blacks don't have to clap back in 2015 b/c we have whitey in check. whitey does the clapping back FOR US. these folks making these comments in support of racism are facing negative consequences from employers - and they're employed by whitey. THAT is progress. WE DID THAT. the Jewish ppl and the gays are following our example. we taught them this shit.

glory be!

now we just need to get the court system all the way together. we'll get there.
12828616, In 2015!
Posted by luvlee2003, Thu Jun-11-15 04:23 PM
>anyway, i wanna bring up these cases the next time some fool
>complains that we Blacks should be more like the Jewish ppl or
>the gays - they clap back whenever someone comes at them
>sideways w/some bullshit statement. but...WE Blacks don't
>have to clap back in 2015 b/c we have whitey in check. whitey
>does the clapping back FOR US. these folks making these
>comments in support of racism are facing negative consequences
>from employers - and they're employed by whitey. THAT is
>progress. WE DID THAT. the Jewish ppl and the gays are
>following our example. we taught them this shit.
>glory be!
>now we just need to get the court system all the way together.
> we'll get there.

I was so proud of the response, locally, after this happened. We gonna protest in these streets (nonviolently), we gonna show up at these city council meetings and complain, we gonna show up at this police station and have multi-culti prayer circles, we gonna argue with local news anchors on twitter to make sure they are talking about the correct things and best believe we gonna lawyer up.

What we aren't gonna do is not attempt to check people in positions of power when they get loosie goosey with bigotry. In 2015.

12828683, I like it.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Jun-11-15 05:15 PM
>>anyway, i wanna bring up these cases the next time some fool
>>complains that we Blacks should be more like the Jewish ppl
>>the gays - they clap back whenever someone comes at them
>>sideways w/some bullshit statement. but...WE Blacks don't
>>have to clap back in 2015 b/c we have whitey in check.
>>does the clapping back FOR US. these folks making these
>>comments in support of racism are facing negative
>>from employers - and they're employed by whitey. THAT is
>>progress. WE DID THAT. the Jewish ppl and the gays are
>>following our example. we taught them this shit.
>>glory be!
>>now we just need to get the court system all the way
>> we'll get there.
>I was so proud of the response, locally, after this happened.
>We gonna protest in these streets (nonviolently), we gonna
>show up at these city council meetings and complain, we gonna
>show up at this police station and have multi-culti prayer
>circles, we gonna argue with local news anchors on twitter to
>make sure they are talking about the correct things and best
>believe we gonna lawyer up.
>What we aren't gonna do is not attempt to check people in
>positions of power when they get loosie goosey with bigotry.
>In 2015.
12830444, Tell'em Sun!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Sun Jun-14-15 09:04 PM
12828687, RE: When they say Twitter will get you out the paint:
Posted by neuro_OSX, Thu Jun-11-15 05:21 PM
HAHAHA. I had the same thought.. The lights have come on and the roaches are scurrying... SMH

12832932, Police Broke 12-Year-Old’s Jaw and Rib at Ohio Pool Party
Posted by bentagain, Wed Jun-17-15 01:12 PM
for all the outrage in McKinney

I haven't heard jack about this...
