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Topic subjectfellas, do you secretly or outright judge other fellas who aren't that--
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12820211, fellas, do you secretly or outright judge other fellas who aren't that--
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 03:51 PM
into sports?

is the lack of knowledge regarding the intricacies (ie player stats & accolades from umpteen years ago) of a particular athletic past time the barometer with which you measure their manhood?

in other words...are you a meathead? lol
12820217, no, but I judge guys who don't like ANY sport
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-02-15 03:57 PM
you don't have to be a sports nut, but you can't find ONE sport interesting?
12820219, ok, agreed. something ain't quite right bout that.
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 03:58 PM
12820233, I have artsy-fartsy friends, hardcore academic friends
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-02-15 04:03 PM
and to a man, they all like sports.
12820238, exactly
Posted by Cenario, Tue Jun-02-15 04:04 PM
12820438, Cats jumping rope during 5th grade recess and shit
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-02-15 07:25 PM
12820218, yes. very much so.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-02-15 03:58 PM
i used to give my ppl (the gays) a pass...but then i played flag football in a mostly-gay sports league. and spent yrs discussing and watching football (and many other sports) w/those dudes (and drinking beers, of course). so now i am fully convinced my being a poofter AND liking sports is not an anomaly. i'm not an isolated case. my brothers have mostly no good excuse for not being into sports.

that opened the flood gate on my judgment of men who don't dig sports.
12820222, call me psychic but I almost knew YOU woulda gave this answer.
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:00 PM
12820223, i've given it more than once.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-02-15 04:01 PM
12820226, I wasn't privy to them times.
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:02 PM
12820224, no too much...but if you have no hobbies you love
Posted by tomjohn29, Tue Jun-02-15 04:01 PM
then i judge
12820225, I think most dudes lack hobbies
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-02-15 04:02 PM
12820237, i dont meet too many that dont...but when i do
Posted by tomjohn29, Tue Jun-02-15 04:04 PM
its very evident something is off
12820261, This baffles me...honestly....
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-02-15 04:14 PM
like, how you ain't got SOMETHING you are passionate about?
12820289, I have nothing I'm passionate about, except pussy and even--
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:40 PM
that's waning.

12820290, that's why God created talk therapy and anti-depressants.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-02-15 04:41 PM
12820295, touche SW, touche. I'll look into it (c)
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:44 PM
12820229, i dont trust guys who dont like sports.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-02-15 04:03 PM
its not fair but fuck it... every guy I met who didn't like sports was douchey and narcissistic.

small sample size but they were all yap, yap yap about their little hobbies or math rock groups.
12820243, RE: i dont trust guys who dont like sports.
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:06 PM
>or math rock groups.

LMAO is that even really a thing?
12820672, There appears to be some truth to that
Posted by Lach, Wed Jun-03-15 08:51 AM
>its not fair but fuck it... every guy I met who didn't like
>sports was douchey and narcissistic.

Cuz damn near every cat I know who doesn't like sports is that way.
12820230, no. i'm into sports (mainly NBA, NFL) but throughout life i;ve had homies
Posted by Government Name, Tue Jun-02-15 04:03 PM
who were non-sports fans. we just talk about music, movies, or a billion other things. i will admit tho, my best best friends are all sports fans and we spend the majority of our time talking about sports when we're together.
12820251, I dig. I mean I watched sports semi regularly...but it ain't like the world--
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 04:11 PM
stops if "my team" is playing nshit, it just ain't that serious for me.

unless we talkin' Knicks in the finals (HA!), Jets going to the bowl or Mets in October.
12820482, I'd try to avoid watching sports too if I was a Jet/Met/Knick fan
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Jun-02-15 08:52 PM
>stops if "my team" is playing nshit, it just ain't that
>serious for me.
>unless we talkin' Knicks in the finals (HA!), Jets going to
>the bowl or Mets in October.
12820234, I'm just not that judgey.
Posted by spades, Tue Jun-02-15 04:04 PM
so no.
12820235, honestly I don't understand men who don't like sports
Posted by final_prospect82, Tue Jun-02-15 04:04 PM
it bothers me when those dudes are talking about the latest episode of sunday's best when the brady vs manning is on tv.

then when superbowl sunday come around they want to be down but actually are only interested in the halftime show cuz Beyonce is on and I need to be shhhhed because I'm talking about....THE GAME!

with that being said I've been the least passionate about sports the previous 12 months that I've ever been.
12820236, yes - especially if you dont know anything about your home team
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Jun-02-15 04:04 PM
12820244, i actually understand this though
Posted by tomjohn29, Tue Jun-02-15 04:06 PM
especially southern cities with major sports
12820249, i dont
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue Jun-02-15 04:09 PM
usually those folks are crazy over the local college teams
12820291, yea after going to a major southern school i get it
Posted by tomjohn29, Tue Jun-02-15 04:43 PM
no pro team in the south can compete with the fandom of a good college team
12820670, I can't stand intense college sports fans
Posted by soken, Wed Jun-03-15 08:50 AM
12820694, I lost interest in college sports because I didn't attend a d-1 school
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jun-03-15 09:18 AM
Without a meaningful attachment for any of the programs, being invested in teen athletes (outside of the olympics) seemed weird to me.
12820722, and having an interest in adults who play games for big money isnt weird?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:32 AM
12820731, it's about watching the best in the world vs watching kids
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jun-03-15 09:36 AM
12820758, kinda like amateur boxing...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:48 AM
12820762, don't watch that shit either
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jun-03-15 09:50 AM
12820861, lol
Posted by Big Kuntry, Wed Jun-03-15 10:36 AM
12820933, damn
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 11:03 AM
12820293, I'm good with dudes who don't fuck with he home team
Posted by John Forte, Tue Jun-02-15 04:44 PM
I got a homie who's a lifelong New Yorker, who probably can't name 5 players from the NY teams combined, but he fucks with boxing and soccer.
12820254, I don't judge em, but it's just hard to click with them for real
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Jun-02-15 04:11 PM
Like, you can't even talk about girls in the same way. "Man this one girl had KOBE poential in High School, but she ended up being Sebastian Telfair!"
12820311, lol, agreed.
Posted by Somnus, Tue Jun-02-15 05:00 PM
12822846, so she had her own friends & didn't come with a rape charge? WIN!
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-04-15 04:35 PM
> "Man
>this one girl had KOBE poential in High School, but she ended
>up being Sebastian Telfair!"
12820257, I'm not into sports. And I'm honest. I feel like as long as the nigga ...
Posted by Deadzombie, Tue Jun-02-15 04:13 PM
isn't being phoney in-the-moment, it's all good.
12820693, I had a feeling you wouldnt be into sports
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:18 AM
12820266, outright.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Jun-02-15 04:17 PM
12820366, I judge myself for not following college sports outside of march
Posted by Cenario, Tue Jun-02-15 05:46 PM
12820374, hell nah, my best friend doesn't like sports at all, everyone's different
Posted by philpot, Tue Jun-02-15 05:51 PM
12820385, This comes up like twice a year
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Tue Jun-02-15 06:02 PM
I think the easy answer was Yes. But as I thought about it more this time around, no.

I have a couple good friends who arent into sports at all. Thats cool, Im into sports as much as anyone I know but I can generally connect in other ways.

I will judge the fuck out of you if you talk like you know sports, and you really dont, though.
12820433, Of course they do, they're americanized negroes.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Tue Jun-02-15 07:20 PM
Sports, rap, capitalism, and misogyny is all we have to make us feel validated.

But to seriously answer your question, it depends on what you consider sports. Im not interested in basketball/football but I practice boxing and martial arts. Im not sure if that counts tho since team sports are respected more for some reason.

I understand people are multi-faceted and don't really care if sports aren't their thing. We can discuss other things.

The look of defeat when dudes try to ask me about random sports team and I tell them "I dont watch sports" is hilarious tho. Like damn, thats all you got, huh?

12820488, love of sport is universal, so stop with that.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-02-15 09:07 PM
12820609, I wouldn't doubt that.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Jun-03-15 07:24 AM
12820441, Not as much as I judge fans of teams from places they aren't from
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-02-15 07:30 PM
More specifically, Cowboys/Yankees/Lakers fans in Philly. I have a boy and those are his three favorite teams. He's lived here his whole life. And he's always been suspect to me for that fact. lol
12820445, To your point though, people who aren't in to sports don't bother me. But...
Posted by CaptNish, Tue Jun-02-15 07:34 PM
...people who actively hate and groan about sports are the assholes that I can't stand. Like, the cats who every Super Bowl go out of their way to say they're not watching and don't care about the game.

Also, people who don't know shit about sports but'll tell you they do. ie - Every WIP sports talk caller.
12820442, No but i judge when you cant throw a ball lol
Posted by Heinz, Tue Jun-02-15 07:30 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12820444, no
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Jun-02-15 07:31 PM
I mean my life doesnt revolve around sports. So it is not that hard for me to connect with other men on things that arent sports.
12820452, Depends on how they carry it...
Posted by daryloneal, Tue Jun-02-15 07:59 PM
To be honest as I get older I'm starting to care less and less about sports, especially considering how ridiculous it has all become.

But if a dude is straight up AGAINST sports.. like they refuse to merely sit down, watch a game and chop it up with dudes... just because they "don't like sports", I may judge that a little.

I've never experienced that though.
12820459, Yep and a bunch of other things too nm
Posted by Binlahab, Tue Jun-02-15 08:09 PM
12820464, I'm more likely to judge someone who takes sports too seriously.
Posted by denny, Tue Jun-02-15 08:18 PM
My BM's father used to cry when our home team was eliminated. Then act like a little bitch for days. I used to love rubbing that shit in.
12820466, It's frustratingly confusing
Posted by Grand_Royal, Tue Jun-02-15 08:21 PM
I know a lot of sports, so normally I can connect with someone on at least one of them, but I don't get someone who doesn't follow ANY sport.
12820568, i judge/clown obnoxious sport fanatics who do not play sports
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Wed Jun-03-15 03:02 AM
and instead talk endless shit about the fantasy universe of commercial spectator sport. it's a bit pathetic to see/hear a tribal sports junkie who couldn't sprint, dribble a soccer ball or hit a jump shot to save his life.
12820570, Yup.
Posted by denny, Wed Jun-03-15 03:29 AM
Fantasy leagues have killed sports appreciation. Guys who know all the stats but know absolutely nothing about the actual game. I'm convinced they'd rather read the line than watch the game anyways.

I like talking about sports.....but I can't think of something more boring than listening to someone talk about their fantasy team.
12820602, nope cuz that's dumb.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Jun-03-15 06:58 AM
fuck I care if you don't like sports?
12820607, I kind of think it's a male requirement to TRY to know what's going on
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jun-03-15 07:20 AM
in sports.

For example, I hate hockey. Have no interest. But I know the Rangers were in the playoffs and I know folks in the office are going to talk about it so I felt compelled to at least know what is going on.

Even at the law firm I would tell young associates (male or female) they should follow football because that's all people are going to be talking about outside of work at work.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12820615, A requirement, why? I understand its an easy networking tool but...
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Jun-03-15 07:29 AM
What exactly are the long term benefit?

12820685, It's a requirement if you want to easily bond with other men.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Jun-03-15 09:09 AM
It's the universal guy handshake.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12820719, there is a guy who sells oils.. he comes in the lil hood sports bar all the time
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:30 AM
he knows nothing about sports but always tried to take it.

shit is sad.

I read a report where a person said it you move to a new city ALWAYS root for the home team. I don't agree with that but I get it. If you want to be normal, have friends and chop it up with the locals... sports breaks the ice.

I'm Pitsburgh everything but since we are everywhere it's easy to meet people. Old ass white women will stop and talk to,me in stores just cause I have on a Pirate hat.
12820794, fuck that team-jumping shit
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jun-03-15 10:04 AM
although, I don't fuck with baseball, so I usually adopt the local baseball team when I move (except when I lived n Boston. Can't fuck with ANY Boston teams)
12820944, i feel you... but I do root for the Panthers when they arent playing the Steelers
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 11:07 AM
I won't buy the gear tho... most Panther fans are idiots and actually hate Cam so it's fun seeing them cry over his new contract.

I'm also a fan of all Black QBs tho...

I'm a free agent when it comes to the NBA
since Pittsburgh has no NBA team.

12821073, Is masculinity so rigid and one-dimensional that we can only bond
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Jun-03-15 12:12 PM
over sports (that we aren't even masculine enough to play, ironically)?

This is odd.

12821644, masculine enough to play? most dudes are smart enough to realize they
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 04:41 PM
no longer have it so they hang up the kicks.

That mindset is foolish, its like saying you can only love music if you were in a band or still play an instrument.

most men love sports because it reminds then of their youth.
12821676, I agree. Judging a man on how much he likes sports *is* foolish.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed Jun-03-15 05:06 PM
We agree. *finger guns*
12821712, Yes. It is.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Jun-03-15 05:46 PM
It is a good default icebreaker with most men.
12820655, Nah - maybe when I was younger when I was soooo deep into
Posted by vee-lover, Wed Jun-03-15 08:38 AM
sports I mighta looked at or felt a certain way abt dudes who were non sports fans

but as I'm getting older my interest in sports overall is waning (except for hoops which is imo the greatest sport ever invented and America's real passttime) so it ain that big a deal when dudes aren't sports fans...few of my friends have never been into sports. I noticed my pops was the same way as he got older, he could take it or leave it; He felt like the purity of sports, mainly the big 3, had fallen off over the years since he started watching sports mainly due to the commercialism that was needed to grow these sports but in many ways adversely affected the competition

Now I sorta admire dudes who have no interest in sports because as men it's hard not to get pulled into being at least a casual sports fan in Americsn society whether you want to or not...so it just makes me curious how they managed to avoid become a fan(atic)

It is men's 'soap opera' or it's our reality tv...which may not be a good thing considering what we think of soap operas and reality television in general

12820665, I have folks who stopped watching sports
Posted by soken, Wed Jun-03-15 08:48 AM
based on a lot of the political BS like for example: my boy boycotted the NBA since the 2002 game Kings vs Lakers. Ever since then he don't F with any sports saying it's "too political, and its like watching a presidential debate and he rather play sports"
12820671, Foghorn Leghorn kept it 100 over 60 years ago (swipe)
Posted by Lach, Wed Jun-03-15 08:50 AM
12820691, sports are boring
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Jun-03-15 09:16 AM
i can't stand watching any sports except the world cup, that is the only one i find interesting due to the weight of the world on these players shoulders and how they carry it, its only event beyond the olympics where people can call themselves "world champions" and it's not marketing hype and bullshit. as far as why i find sports boring its because the game doesn't change. everything is so redundant and derivative of itself i have to struggle to keep the yawns from overwhelming me with unconsciousness. at least with music, art, and science, architecture, etc. things are moving forward and evolving, and in sports you have guys literally training their entire lives to do the same thing over and over again. shrug.
12820698, lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:20 AM
how is that any different than architecture, music or art? Those people also train to do the same thing over and over again.

it's still music, art, architecture when it's all said and done.

the beauty of sports is no 2 games are the same. match ups, injuries, defense and offensive adjustments... it's the same thing IMO.
12820858, architecture, music, art changes fundamentally
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Jun-03-15 10:35 AM
there are "movements" and "trends", new genres are born, new dance moves are invented, literally, new forms of experience are presented.

when it comes to sports, its just the same shit over and again with a slight/minor rule change once in a while. all that changes are the team jersey's and venue. yawn.
12821094, look at basketball in the 40's vs 60's vs now..
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 12:25 PM
white dudes shooting underhand and now it's guys flying over the rim.

while art has different genres and movements it's still paint on canvas or wood, concrete forming buildings.

There aren't any new chords being invented.

it's not really that different IMO.

I'm a fan of both but I also get bored of both of it isn't entertaining to my eyes or ears.
12821730, It's all arbitrary anyway
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Jun-03-15 06:01 PM
i'm just sharing my opinion, it's not right or wrong, it just is. same as yours.
12820702, Boxing has real world champions (although it has its pretenders too)
Posted by John Forte, Wed Jun-03-15 09:22 AM
every amateur sport has annual world championships
12820737, World Cup is the main sport to me
Posted by soken, Wed Jun-03-15 09:38 AM
others I follow on some lightweight, if I have the time
12820862, its the only time i watch every game
Posted by initiationofplato, Wed Jun-03-15 10:36 AM
and to be honest, its because i get a thrill out of the entire world coming together to support these guys, it's an amazing event. the noise level, the crazy goals, its the greatest sporting event ever.
12820713, I cant think of anything more gay than judging other men's interests
Posted by atruhead, Wed Jun-03-15 09:27 AM
I know more about current rap music than 85% of OKP, but I dont care about who doesnt share my passion
12820727, the irony in your statement is thicker than a porn dick
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:33 AM
12820744, im not sure you know what irony means
Posted by atruhead, Wed Jun-03-15 09:41 AM
everyone cares about shit others dont care about. we should all co-exist without being pricks about it

why doesnt he care about hip hop as much as I do?
why does he care about hip hop so much?

^^^both questions a prick would ask
12820761, maybe
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 09:49 AM
12820715, if I were going to judge a man, it wouldn't for anything involving sports
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Wed Jun-03-15 09:28 AM
The only time that sort of thing even enters my mind is when I see people jumping ship, in a "roll with the winners" type of thing. But other than that there's plenty things more important that sports that one could be occupied with.
12820720, Yes..of course...i am a meathead
Posted by ambient1, Wed Jun-03-15 09:31 AM
12820742, Not really. Just amazed at dudes who made it out the hood
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Jun-03-15 09:41 AM
And didn't need sports to keep them outta trouble

I look back at all the pick up ball I'd play from after school til dinner -- shit was keeping me from the devil

12820765, yes but not harshly
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Wed Jun-03-15 09:51 AM
its moreso like finding it odd, but to each their own, its like 50/50 with gays i know so encountering someone with lil sports knowledge is common in my world
12820954, yeah its not harsh, i just dont trust them
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 11:10 AM
I wouldn't leave them around my wife and kids.

type a dude to try and smash your SO.

no type of team loyalty
12823008, i don't know if the last line was intentional or not, but it was funny
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Thu Jun-04-15 09:38 PM

>no type of team loyalty
12820767, I played sports and don't watch. Someone being 'into'
Posted by Bruce Belafonte, Wed Jun-03-15 09:52 AM
sports as an adult doesn't impress me so from the other perspective at least one of us doesn't care if you judge or not. You could be getting judged by them for something far more... significant.
12820789, Not really
Posted by BabyYoda, Wed Jun-03-15 10:01 AM
There are lots of men who aren't into sports. However, I hope they like something manly such as cars, technology, women, etc.

Besides, judging them brings forth what type of benefit to me?

If I was to be on the judgmental tip, then I might as well judge them on more detailed aspects of sports in addition to fantasy sports, sportscasting and other thighs that are not really as important as some sports enthusiasts make it to be.
12820843, neither
Posted by infin8, Wed Jun-03-15 10:29 AM
I like sports, but I don't have a 'team' per se. I root for ALL Michigan teams cuz thass where I'm from...I don't know any of the new Lakers..I was feeling Nick Young til he started fkin with 'that chick'

Judge me.
12820945, Naw....but....
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Wed Jun-03-15 11:07 AM
Ironically its the inverse.

I judge Dudes that predicate their manhood ON sports.

Shit is sad and screams insecurity
12820963, Guys who fight at sportsbars... Fox N Hound in Philly on Sundays
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 11:14 AM
always a fight. Usually those who bet on sports but damn... you really fighting over your team losing?

then again, Philly and Boston fans are the worst. loved seeing Iggle fans cry during the McNabb years.
12821011, Nahmeanz. Out here, it be Kings fans vs Lakers fans at the TGIF n shit!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Wed Jun-03-15 11:30 AM
I've seen it pop off in the parking lot NUFF times
after Kings/Lakers games.

Don't let 'em be wearing the respective team jerseys either, ...that
just expedite the jump-off:

Kings fan: *looks at jersey*...Man fuck LA!

Lakers fan: WHAT! ..*looks at jersey*...Man Fuck Sac!


Shit was REAL for a hot little minute out here around the time when Bibby got elbowed inna jaw(damn...can't remember who elbowed'eem) during that heated playoff series vs the Lakers when we had the ILL squad. *sheds tear*....We came SO close....*grabs tissue

12821609, HAHA...that was Kobe who caught him with that bow...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-03-15 04:17 PM
his nose was bleeding and shit. That was the 02 WCF...Damn, the Kings could have gone to the Finals, yo.
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Wed Jun-03-15 06:00 PM
Bruh, I STILL get tight about dat shit!


12821738, Fuck a edit: Man they had dat shit on front page next morning.
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Wed Jun-03-15 06:05 PM
Bibby face all spaghetti-sauced up n shit.
Whole city was HEATED. Next day Ninjaz was in they cubicles snappin #2 pencils n shit lookin like McNulty when he kicked the desk after Body got popped!

12821757, lol..bruh, they were up 3-2 going into game 6...
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Jun-03-15 06:21 PM
game 6 was the one that Donaghy dude said was fixed. Of course, Stern denied it, but the officiating was fucked. I was pulling for the Kings like shit. Me and my potnas used to call Bibby "Team Dime" cuz we read an article about him saying that's what he called his crew that came up with him and he had "Team" and "Dime" tatted on the back oh is calves, if I'm correct.
12822784, haha word...
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Thu Jun-04-15 03:50 PM
12820999, I'm not really into sports anymore. Except World Cup and UFC.
Posted by dafriquan, Wed Jun-03-15 11:25 AM
and even my interest in the UFC is starting to wane.

I can still enjoy watching NBA/NBA/NHL when I have to but I never go out of my way to watch.
I have not watched the super bowl in maybe 10 years.
Last time I passionately cared about the Raptors, Stoudemire was on the team.

I have no problem carrying on a conversation with other men. I find music is what we bond over not sports.

So for me the awkward thing is talking to people that are not into music.
Type of people that are content with the same 100 song playlist on their ipad nano for three years.
12821108, I had to go on sports detox for a while, and I'm still not at 100%.
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Jun-03-15 12:31 PM
I worked in a sports-themed store for 3 years, where we had to keep all 6+ TV's on something sports related, all year-round. It was mildly tolerable after the Super Bowl, but after the Finals, all there is to see for your whole shift is slow ass baseball. And, you get some days where there's no baseball on TBS or ESPN, and you're stuck watching some unimportant tennis matches, or pool, poker, or some other boring shit.

When I quit, I probably didn't watch sports for years, and I'm super choosy about it now.
12821593, If they are not into sports, but they are building their own rocket
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Wed Jun-03-15 04:08 PM
Or they have every baseball card ever in chronological order who am I to judge? At least you are doing something.
12821621, skeptical of any black man that cant hold a topical convo abt pro b-ball
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Wed Jun-03-15 04:26 PM
12821633, nah, but some of my non-sports friends judge the shit out of sports fans
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed Jun-03-15 04:32 PM
12821649, true
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 04:44 PM
12821647, I try not to...
Posted by Mongo Slade, Wed Jun-03-15 04:44 PM
but yeah I do...

like NO sports?? I can maybe see if there's a few you dont' follow..but NONE??...

AND especially football...in football season..WTF??

but I try to give benefit of doubt...like I know a few dudes who don't watch football because they actually played in the NFL....so there's that...

but yeah....dudes that don't follow ANY sports?? like nothing? cricket? water polo? nothing?

I cram to understand it...
12821657, i suppose so. not too harshly, but i do find it odd when a guy...
Posted by PROMO, Wed Jun-03-15 04:47 PM
has made it all the way into adulthood w/out being into ANY of the 5 major sports.

i don't begrudge them their preferences, but i definitely wonder how they never took an interest.
12821700, No
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Wed Jun-03-15 05:34 PM
12821776, Niggas know all the statistics on every player but don't know
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Jun-03-15 06:48 PM
how many banks were destroyed on Black Wall Street... or that there even was a Black Wall Street.

Ol weapons of mass distraction ass niggas. But wanna judge somebody who read while
you spend 2 hours gathering info on grown ass men who run with balls for a living.

That said, I like boxing and basketball, but I don't have the patience to watch entire
games and matches anymore.

12821797, now that's hilarious.
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-03-15 07:28 PM
I don't know the actual number of Banks that burned but I know about Black Wall St. Hell, I posted a link about Black Wall St on here 6 or 8 months ago

you know, it's possible to know about Black Wall St and other tragedies in Black history and also watch sports.

12821806, The forest, not the tree, fam
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Jun-03-15 07:43 PM
>you know, it's possible to know about Black Wall St and other
>tragedies in Black history and also watch sports.

Of course, Black Wall St itself, isn't the point of the post tho.
12822793, Nah.
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jun-04-15 03:55 PM
But if they ain't into -something-? like, anything?

Corporate Eyebrow.

12822950, You gotta follow SOME sport. At least have a TEAM.
Posted by MistaGoodBar, Thu Jun-04-15 07:02 PM
if not, the fuck outta here

There are really only 3 things that all men can discuss with each other: sports, music and women

I require a moderate knowledge of all three, or we're only cordial.