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Topic subjectwhat is your current level of engagement at work?
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12814202, what is your current level of engagement at work?
Posted by BigJazz, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
where are you and why? i'm also interested in your position in the company.

this poll was inspired by a person at a cookout getting a phone call from their director on the holiday. not only did she ignore the call but she spent the next 15 minutes talking about how crazy the director had to be for contacting her on the holiday...a holiday that she had off from work. cuz if it ain't between the hours of 8am-5pm M-F when she's scheduled to work, she won't answer a call or text about work and she damn sure ain't checking her emails.

it made me think about different levels of engagement. throughout my career i've been in all of the stages listed on the poll...

Poll question: what is your current level of engagement at work?

Poll result (32 votes)
i'm fully engaged. all in. like the Office Space waiter with 37 pieces of flair (5 votes)Vote
for the most part, i'm on board with what goes on here. i usually care (9 votes)Vote
i try to give a damn but they be buggin so to keep my piece of mind i tune out (7 votes)Vote
i couldn't possibly care less about this place. i do just enough to not get fired (10 votes)Vote
i work with Tommy from Martin (1 votes)Vote


12814206, second option blue, sometimes the first (red)
Posted by blkprinceMD05, Tue May-26-15 09:12 AM
ive been at the lower choices too, ALL at this same job

ive risen in the ranks a bit and i care a lot more now because i get a lot of notice and positive feedback

if i received a call from supervisor on a holiday i would probably answer because it very RARELY would occur, 99% of stuff can wait to the next work day so id assume it was really important
12814209, I'm in.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue May-26-15 09:16 AM
But only to a reasonable degree. I'd have answered that call bc I rarely get calls from my supe during off hours and I would've assumed there was an emergency with which I could help.
12814210, on average, blue. today? i giveth not a fuck.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue May-26-15 09:16 AM
having said that, i'm gonna need ya'll to keep these boards moving today. thanks in advance.
12814289, today? i giveth not a fuck.
Posted by JellyBean, Tue May-26-15 10:16 AM
I'm in this line...however, I voted green... I used to be about this job, what I did all of that...now? fucketh this placeth
12814213, Im an engineer, and we are a very young company, so blue is required
Posted by select_from_where, Tue May-26-15 09:20 AM
As we just got acquired recently, I am starting to see more of what you described though.
12814216, Yellow.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue May-26-15 09:22 AM
The last raise I got was a dime. The past 2 years, I've gotten good annual reviews and still was told I wouldn't be getting a raise. I don't do anything wrong for them to take any disciplinary action.

My bright side is that I'm turning in my letter of resignation, along with the written warning for being late during the snow/ice issues.
12814220, blue with hints of red.
Posted by Nodima, Tue May-26-15 09:27 AM
the problem is I think I just gave up on learning anything totally new at some point in the past three years, so while I'm a quick worker and good with cocktails, now that I work in a spot that's got 64 Nebraska and Iowa beers on tap and we're frequented by a lot of Serious Beer Drinkers I find that I'm really not drawn to learning about beer. Not how it's made, not how to describe it, not nothing other than "I like this one, try it".

But when things arise with the cocktails or general service stuff, I'm all over it and pitching ideas all the time, so IDK. Picking my spots I guess. It's just heady at times when one of the other dudes I'm always working with is SUPER into beer (last night he took the only 4 beers home out over 100 we have in bottles he hadn't tried before) and our GM is a certified cicerone, so when they get to talking I'm just so zoned out.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
12814223, I'm a software consultant.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue May-26-15 09:28 AM
which means, I'm fully engaged when dealing with clients. partially engaged with regards to non-client stuff like documentation, process improvement.
12814230, both green and yellow
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue May-26-15 09:30 AM
i try but they annoy the fuck outta me so I just do enough to not get fired.
12814233, we work too much! Millenials gotta push
Posted by Scarface_7, Tue May-26-15 09:34 AM
for a four day work week
12814237, i wouldn't answer the call on a holiday either...
Posted by luminous, Tue May-26-15 09:37 AM
12814245, I'm green and a legal assistant.
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-26-15 09:46 AM
We are in a satellite office with only 20 people. I have a supervisor here but she's just the assistant who's been here the longest. All the important people are in CAlifornia. I don't go out of my way to keep my attorneys happy at all. lol, I just do what i gotta do and at 5:30 i'm out.

If someone from Cali needs something tho, i'm down for it. That's very rare tho
12814284, Red....i been there....cept i took the call
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-26-15 10:15 AM

12814291, somewhere between green and blue
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue May-26-15 10:18 AM
12814295, your position on the totem pole doesn't = your level of engagement
Posted by BigJazz, Tue May-26-15 10:18 AM
and i find that fascinating. i know managers who are mentally out to lunch most of the time while entry level employees go hard.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12814297, i never take those calls.
Posted by MrThomas43423, Tue May-26-15 10:19 AM
well i'd take them from 1 person, but that's cause i respect her, and trust that she wouldn't call unless he ass was up against the fire. and i care about her ass, so...

but anyone else...my immediate supervisor. fuck that.

and i voted green.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
12814366, somewhere between green and yellow
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Tue May-26-15 11:00 AM
it frustrates me, and i don't like to be frustrated. my level of
engagement was high in the beginning but, quickly fell the fuck off.
never seen so much incompetence/laziness in one place, makes me
wonder wth i'm doing.
12814403, Blue but Im the Money lady. BYE n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Tue May-26-15 11:15 AM

. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12814569, Red with my research
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Tue May-26-15 12:43 PM
green with my teaching. Students are annoying.
12814574, Y E L L O W
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Tue May-26-15 12:47 PM
12814586, Red, but I got to that point gradually. I train CPAs and also
Posted by soulfunk, Tue May-26-15 12:53 PM
train our trainers on how to train CPAs, and people from our company as a whole on how to give strong presentations. In that role I have to be ON all the time, and at least have the appearance of being 100% engaged at all times. The thing is, if you fake something enough it starts becoming habit and you aren't really faking it anymore. I've also seen how much my career has advanced in a relatively short time just from having a strong level of engagement, so that added benefit gives me even more incentive to stay as engaged as possible. At all times.
12814684, yellow...
Posted by Steve, Tue May-26-15 01:55 PM
but I'm at a "I just needed a job to keep from being hungry" position and was applying to other jobs before I even started...

12815142, Blue, which is why I be stressed
Posted by MizClayton, Tue May-26-15 10:52 PM
12815145, Yellow, but with flashes of red because FUCK UNEMPLOYMENT.
Posted by ihsanamin., Tue May-26-15 10:58 PM