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Topic subjectCigarette smokers: what's your brand?
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12813274, Cigarette smokers: what's your brand?
Posted by philpot, Fri May-22-15 07:14 PM
i was Newports back in the day, i'll pretty much smoke anything but Winston Lights are my joint now & yellow Spirits when i feel like it
12813283, "Nu-Poes" shorts, besides that, American Spirits (light blue) but--
Posted by Somnus, Fri May-22-15 07:45 PM
mostly any brand when I'm buzzzzzzed.
12813293, cigarette smoking in 2015 is the wackest of wack-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Fri May-22-15 08:11 PM
you're all a bunch of fucking oxygen thieves.
12813395, worst thing is i quit for 3 1/2 years & started again
Posted by philpot, Sat May-23-15 06:46 AM
anyways, the advice i always give my kids is simply not to ever start
12813294, I was just thinking "what kind of fucking loser smokes cigs in 2015"
Posted by Anonymous, Fri May-22-15 08:15 PM
Thanks for answering my question phil.
12813301, go play in traffic.
Posted by Somnus, Fri May-22-15 08:41 PM
12813306, or I could just smoke cigs and fuck my life up that way
Posted by Anonymous, Fri May-22-15 09:06 PM
12813309, you so wise - Gina
Posted by Somnus, Fri May-22-15 09:34 PM
12813506, lol i love a well placed martin quote
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Sat May-23-15 01:07 PM
12813396, or you could just be a miserable prick, i taught you well my son
Posted by philpot, Sat May-23-15 06:47 AM
12813561, Quite the opposite but whatever helps lift your self-confidence
Posted by Anonymous, Sat May-23-15 03:02 PM
12813677, keep running that mouth & you won't get to go to the pool tomorrow
Posted by philpot, Sun May-24-15 06:36 AM
and no xbox for a month


12813705, Considering you smoke cigs in 2015
Posted by Anonymous, Sun May-24-15 10:21 AM
I'm assuming you make a habit of taking away your poor kids' Xbox so you can use it to play teenagers around the world and talk shit on the headset like an old ass cig smoking loser would.
12813743, i'm a Sony dude & i barely play my 4
Posted by philpot, Sun May-24-15 01:03 PM
my sons play their 3 often however

now clean your room before mom gets home
12813393, you sound mad, maybe a cig would calm you down
Posted by philpot, Sat May-23-15 06:45 AM
12813485, Marlboro Red 72s. used to be light blue spirits.
Posted by Nodima, Sat May-23-15 11:54 AM
red 72s are better for work, can finish one in about two minutes if I have to, and the longer cigs just burn too long for me IMO. 72s are economical for both work and winter/rain.
12813492, NO offense to anyone, but I seriously think
Posted by initiationofplato, Sat May-23-15 12:17 PM
that anyone who smokes on the regular, is either: depressed, or partially retarded.

like I said, no offense, but you know what you're ingesting right? you are literally doing your best to die a horrible and early death. shrug.
12813502, i am depressed
Posted by philpot, Sat May-23-15 12:54 PM
12813551, says the coke head whiteboy that sits when he pees lol
Posted by zaire, Sat May-23-15 02:47 PM
& makes terrible music.

I'm sure he didn't smoke a square on those coke filled nights of making music that sucks lol

gimme a break
12813554, well why dont you just shit on that foos whole life then
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sat May-23-15 02:54 PM
12813559, she didn't need my help. the blow & terrible tunes did the trick
Posted by zaire, Sat May-23-15 02:58 PM
12813570, ctfu...lol at him tryna be sage
Posted by rdhull, Sat May-23-15 03:17 PM
>& makes terrible music.
>I'm sure he didn't smoke a square on those coke filled nights
>of making music that sucks lol
>gimme a break
12813598, LMAO
Posted by Amritsar, Sat May-23-15 04:48 PM
i knew the rest

but sits when he pees??!

12813579, imo it's all random.
Posted by Nodima, Sat May-23-15 03:27 PM
my grandpa's 91 and smokes two packs a day. my grandma died in 2005 from lung cancer and she hadn't smoked in at least a decade.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
12813595, well, its not random
Posted by initiationofplato, Sat May-23-15 04:44 PM
i understand some people do survive but the odds you are playing with are very slim, you might as well play the lottery.
12813659, put a sock in it, tek
Posted by Tommy-B, Sat May-23-15 11:25 PM
12813500, young to middle aged white & black ppl smoke Malboros and Newports.
Posted by SooperEgo, Sat May-23-15 12:49 PM
respectively. on average.

once you get older, you start with the Camels and the Kools and Winstons and all that.
12813563, I quite cigarettes to smoke cigars..
Posted by Fijjy, Sat May-23-15 03:08 PM
I didn't smoke that much before but now it is much less…

Cogito Ergo Sum Shit
12813638, sounds abt right-
Posted by kinetic94761180, Sat May-23-15 08:14 PM
12813704, niggorette gum, 2mg or 4mg
Posted by double negative, Sun May-24-15 10:18 AM
12813744, that shit kills my stomach
Posted by philpot, Sun May-24-15 01:04 PM
12813789, camel lights. i actually hate that i smoke. wont last the year.
Posted by cgonz00cc, Sun May-24-15 04:46 PM
12813797, yuck
Posted by scrollock, Sun May-24-15 05:16 PM