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Topic subjectWhen you know the person you like likes you but...?
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12811808, When you know the person you like likes you but...?
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 02:38 PM
Neither one of you is budging... Yea. I suck at this, because if I know you like me, then I KNOW you know I like you. So if you're not acting on it then maybe something else is up?

Sometimes just because you like someone doesn't mean you want to go out or that you're compatible. Let ALONE means your available! So the fact that you're sleeping on me when I know you like me? I'm leaving you alone.

Nobody wins... Lol I don't need a man right now anyway but I'm not going to lie, it fucks with me.

On another note; Why agree to hang out with me, if I have already placed you in the friend zone with a big fat FRIEND ZONE sticker and then get mad when in fact... We're just friends!

Once again my southern ways in this city make me a target for being considered a flirt... If we're out and about, crossing the street? I'm going to walk on in the inside and hold your arm! If we eat, I'm going to throw a napkin in your lap, pick ya nose, and lick my finger to get the crumbs off ya face....

I do this even with my gay guy friends.

12811824, in 2015, women need to speak up.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 02:47 PM
there are too many rules and regulations as to what guys are supposed to do in these regards.

he is thinking he's gonna get friend'zoned, or bro'zoned; "I like you but not like THAT", etc.

however there is literally NOTHING you can say to him that would be out of bounds. Men have leash from street hollas on up to trying to take a friendship/courtship to the next level. He's sitting there looking for an obvious green light, because if he guesses and is wrong it can ONLY be seen as disrespect.

you gotta tackle that yourself homie.

12811834, Nooooooooooo!!! I don't want to! **pouts** I need him to come to me!
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 02:51 PM
12811845, he's gone alllllll this way to be an upright dude
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 02:55 PM
and not fuck this up.

you see the Super Bowl? you asking him to pass the ball on the goal line. Be his Marshawn Lynch and run it into the endzone then yall both can party.

I've been in that situation TOO many times, on both ends. Sometimes you go a little bit deeper, cause on our end it's still a 50/50 thing. People think they're giving signals, and they are, but they are usually mixed. Be direct and get yours.

12811929, I was so trying to understand the football metaphor lol
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:32 PM
But look I'm throwing green lights, I mean damn! I don't know if I want him, I just know I like him. I want to explore and have fun. I'm not ready for a boyfriend lol.
12811962, cool, now tell HIM that.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 03:50 PM
problem solved, lol

it really is that easy.

I think on the low, when the shoe is on the other foot, women be scurred of rejection. But if his nose was wide open yall be prone to riding it out until he gets direct and then you hit them with that good stiff arm, haha

if he's legit, then you can be legit with him.

12811833, TLDR: you refuse to lose at playing hard to get n/m
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu May-21-15 02:51 PM
>Neither one of you is budging... Yea. I suck at this, because
>if I know you like me, then I KNOW you know I like you. So if
>you're not acting on it then maybe something else is up?
>Sometimes just because you like someone doesn't mean you want
>to go out or that you're compatible. Let ALONE means your
>available! So the fact that you're sleeping on me when I know
>you like me? I'm leaving you alone.
>Nobody wins... Lol I don't need a man right now anyway but I'm
>not going to lie, it fucks with me.
>On another note; Why agree to hang out with me, if I have
>already placed you in the friend zone with a big fat FRIEND
>ZONE sticker and then get mad when in fact... We're just
>Once again my southern ways in this city make me a target for
>being considered a flirt... If we're out and about, crossing
>the street? I'm going to walk on in the inside and hold your
>arm! If we eat, I'm going to throw a napkin in your lap, pick
>ya nose, and lick my finger to get the crumbs off ya face....
>I do this even with my gay guy friends.

http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12811836, TLDR?
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 02:51 PM
12811838, too long didn't read aka cliffs notes
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu May-21-15 02:52 PM

http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12811842, she is flirting with friends and wondering why they are confused
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-15 02:54 PM
but when it comes to a man she really likes, she clams up.

12811933, That's not flirting!
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:34 PM
I am who I am! To know me is to know that's how I am! But I'm very direct in what I say. "I don't want to date you"
12811952, so why not be direct to the guy you like?
Posted by blackrussian, Thu May-21-15 03:44 PM
>I am who I am! To know me is to know that's how I am! But I'm
>very direct in what I say. "I don't want to date you"
12811959, Because I'd be more attracted to him if he did it
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:48 PM
I don't want a guy I have to chase. Lol Or if I have to spell it out? It's no fun.

I mean I'm just whining because it's not like I HAVE to have him. It's his loss.
12811839, one day you will grow up and stop playing games
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-15 02:53 PM
until then, have fun.
12812544, Babe, take these posts with a grain of salt.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Fri May-22-15 09:56 AM
I'm grown and I'm definitely not lying when I post things, but if it's serious then I'm not posting it. I post my random little thoughts or minor frustrations while I'm bored at work.
12811840, FYI ladies - this is how you can think your way out of having a man
Posted by Wonderl33t, Thu May-21-15 02:53 PM

http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12811882, Girl what is you talmbout?
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Thu May-21-15 03:13 PM
I understood none of this.
. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12811909, When you know a guy likes you
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:24 PM
But he's not making a move. Lol

And then the other part is about a guy you've already turned down and then they want to be friends but get mad when you don't want to play like you're dating when you hang out.
12811922, you just answered your own question haha
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 03:27 PM
>But he's not making a move.

>a guy you've already turned
>down and then they want to be friends but get mad when you
>don't want to play like you're dating when you hang out.

^^^how does he know he's not THIS guy^^^

In his head it can go one of 2 ways. Let it be known.

12811935, Because the second part is about guys I have TOLD NO!
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:35 PM
12811968, right, you told them no AFTER they put themselves out there.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 03:52 PM
and hence the mixed signals. Dude is sitting there like either I'm going to be friend zoned, or I'm going to be in there......




.........naw, he gonna wait until them 50/50 chances are at least a 100% shot, cause he's still dreading that "naw bruh" conversation let down, haha.

12811975, Like those, nah sis conversations don't feel worse!
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:55 PM
I hate rejection. Lol There I said it!!!!!!!!!

12811998, It comes with the territory though.
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 04:04 PM
the trend of society and reversing "patriarchy" is to stop with these gender roles and etc.

so on what hand, we need to chill and respect women and back off of the street hollas.

on the other hand yall gotta go the extra distance to let it be known that you wanna be chose. I can think of 4 women right now that I never cashed in on because they wanted to sit in this interim "what are we?" silence as if they were giving off mixed signals. I'd usually go with the ones who were direct with me cause yall can be flirty and cute in your sleep. Nobody knows if that REALLY has anything to do with them.

12812087, Nah, I'm not trying to reverse gender roles
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 05:05 PM
I don't even want to set the tone that I will be running shit, because I'm not. I, in the end want a man's man. One I can fix his plate, let him watch the game, cut grass, and have his shirt extra crispy laid across the bed every morning.
12812154, haha I dont mean it like that, I'm
Posted by Mr. ManC, Thu May-21-15 06:29 PM
Talking good dudes that respect the societal backdrop and will show a little pause in their thirst cause maybe a woman just likes you and doesn't want it to go beyond friendship.

Most guys will respect that, ESPECIALLY if they like you too cause they aren't trying to burn bridges by jumping the gun too fast. He needs a bigger green light. Ask him out lightweight and see what he does then.

12812516, a lot of women aren't into that no gender bullshit bruh
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-22-15 09:46 AM
especially southern women
12812541, You ain't lying... My mama taught me from play school
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Fri May-22-15 09:54 AM
You got to pay to play! Lol Just kidding, she didn't say that. But she always said don't be throwing yaself at no man. If he wants it, he'll come get it.
12812595, shit, I know that, I'm from the South
Posted by Mr. ManC, Fri May-22-15 10:45 AM
we in NYC tho.

if she hitting up one of these NYC socialite types he prolly don't even own a washcloth.

gotta change with the changing times, is all I'm saying, haha or at least understand what rules the field is playing under.

12812538, Sigh... we'll see but I doubt I hit him first.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Fri May-22-15 09:53 AM
If he hits me, I'll do the rest.
12811890, Is this a co-worker or someone you have as a captive audience?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu May-21-15 03:16 PM
Dude may not want to "shit where he eats" for lack of a better phrase. For example there's a woman in my building with whom there is mutual attraction however because she lives in my building I'm hesitant to extend things beyond words in the hallway. That and she's not really my type even though she's pretty and nice enough. However, our being in the same building is reason enough for me to not pursue but would otherwise.
12811936, Nope... not at all.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:35 PM
12812594, He should be the one asking if your encounters are random
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri May-22-15 10:45 AM
How else is he supposed to show initiative?
12811910, you pick my nose, you better be ready to carry my children
Posted by Government Name, Thu May-21-15 03:24 PM
> pick ya nose, and lick my finger to get the crumbs off ya face....
12811960, Lol
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:49 PM
12811973, ^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-15 03:55 PM
12811911, **Skates by post w/Superman draws on**
Posted by ambient1, Thu May-21-15 03:24 PM
12811913, He has a gf or isn't willing to pay your price.
Posted by ndibs, Thu May-21-15 03:25 PM
Guys will look at women and be like nah she's not the type to put up with a lot of bullshit it and pass in favor of women who look like you could date them and never leave the house with them. Just do chinese food and netflix 4x a month and they're satisfied. Or not return their calls and they'll chase them. You don't seem like the low maintenance low self esteem type. You also 30 with no kids which means you're not letting everyone and possibly no one run up in you raw.... Men be doing these calculations.
12811955, you're not wrong
Posted by ambient1, Thu May-21-15 03:45 PM
12811963, I don't doubt it... That's why I'm not saying anything
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:50 PM
12811971, Snitches get stitches!
Posted by melmag, Thu May-21-15 03:54 PM
12811978, I am NOT 30 yet!!! Hey man!! Lol But you are right!!
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:57 PM
No babies round here, no skeet, skeet got damn!
12811924, Dickslexia?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-21-15 03:28 PM
12811941, Wiping my face for me means we married in 84 countries.
Posted by Monkey Genius, Thu May-21-15 03:39 PM
12811950, ^^^^
Posted by spades, Thu May-21-15 03:43 PM
12811947, RE: When you know the person you like likes you but...?
Posted by melmag, Thu May-21-15 03:41 PM
12811966, Look if I had space and opportunity and was feeling good?
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 03:51 PM
If my hair was done and I looked scrumptious? I might! But I can't be out here asking out every guy I "like".
12812014, I don't really understand the problem cuz if you're not tryna be cuffed....
Posted by bonitaapplebaum71481, Thu May-21-15 04:16 PM
then you're chilling right?

Speaking as someone who's single and (mostly) lovin' it... if we doing what we do when we do it, what's the problem?
12812089, Well with the guy I like, we not doing shit but playing cat and mouse
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 05:06 PM
But with the ones I don't like; I'm cool. But every time I can't hang out or if I post a pic on social media that LOOKS like I went out on a date, they be sour?

12812111, RE: When you know the person you like likes you but...?
Posted by double 0, Thu May-21-15 05:40 PM
A.) Speak up. If ya'll can't communicate on simple shit like this now any relationship you have with them is doomed to fail cuz ya will never solve any real problems

B.) Dudes are friends with girls because they want them (in the horizontal hokey pokey sense). If you try and make em platonic that doesnt mean anything they felt before changes. We operate most of life on slivers of hope (and cracks we can see a little light through) so if you like hanging around them and invite them out that's what you are giving them. They will use that opportunity to buy time to hopefully bring you to the dark side.

12812224, I just want to hang out right now
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Thu May-21-15 08:53 PM
Hang out with all the guys I like. That's as far as I'm throwing it. I don't want to think or worry about a relationship.
12812500, RE: I just want to hang out right now
Posted by double 0, Fri May-22-15 09:37 AM
So then enjoy the ambiguity...

2nd dude aint gon let that ride though.. lol
12812322, Are you talking to dude in Part 1 about the dudes in Part 2?
Posted by gumz, Fri May-22-15 06:00 AM
you probably scared dude with them stories. It's 2015...go out and get yours:
12812507, she knows what she is doing...
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-22-15 09:40 AM
12812534, I do, trust me
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Fri May-22-15 09:52 AM
lol... If I REALLY wanted said guy, I would have him. I still wouldn't holla, holla but I have my ways.

This particular guy I like, I don't really have access to him like that though. But I just like him, so I'm not stressing it. These are just random things that run through my brain, nothing that keeps me up at night.