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Topic subjectWas anyone underwhelmed by Lettermans finale?
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12811030, Was anyone underwhelmed by Lettermans finale?
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 06:33 AM
I kind of forget other talk show finales to really have a sense of real expectations but the last two weeks were more emotional than that finale. Ray Romano, Howard Stern, Mike Myers, Adam Sandler and Norm McDonald etc had really nice goodbyes the previous eps. I gotta rewatch I was doing other things when it was on.

Regardless he'll be missed he's the GOAT. I haven't really given the new host Jamss Corden of the Late Late Show a chance yet. I need to watch a few eps.

TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12811075, I thought it was perfect.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu May-21-15 08:12 AM

I posted my thoughts in the PTP thread.

Carson's finale was also basically a clip show, if I remember right. I think it's impossible to find any one thing to do that could live up to the expectations, so kind of a losing proposition even to try.

But the behind the scenes video was revelatory. The old clips were some of the funniest things they ever did. The thank you's were touching. The top ten list was funny.

And all those super short clips and stills at the end. Pretty much every one brought back a legitimately great memory. And they just kept coming, more and more and more.

He went out with the same kind of humility and dignity that he's always had. I almost feel guilty for feeling so satisfied with it.