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Topic subjectSex abuse: 178 celebrities, 76 politicians and 7 sportsmen investigated
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12810720, Sex abuse: 178 celebrities, 76 politicians and 7 sportsmen investigated
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed May-20-15 04:02 PM
This is how big the problem is and why people often don't come forward immediately. This is also why victims need more support rather than wilful doubt.


The figures, from the new police coordinating hub Operation Hydrant, reveal for the first time the massive scale of inquiries in to historic and current sex abuse cases.

Speaking separately, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, told rank and file officers that the picture was the "tip of the iceberg".

Mr Bailey, the head of Norfolk Police and lead on child sex abuse for the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), said the scale of child abuse was "stark".

"The referrals are increasing on an almost daily basis so the numbers I refer to today are a snap shot in time," he said.

He said the figures suggested more sex abuse was being perpetrated.
Officers have identified 357 different institutions linked to the alleged abuse, including 154 schools, 75 children's homes, 40 religious institutions and nine prisons.

Forces have had to shift resources from other departments to focus on historic sex crimes.

Several celebrities have been convicted for historic sex abuse, including children's entertainer Rolf Harris, 85, and PR guru Max Clifford, 72.

But public confidence in the Crown Prosecution Service's (CPS) willingness to prosecute VIPs was shaken when it announced that it would not prosecute Labour peer Lord Greville Janner, 86, despite having enough evidence, because he has dementia.

Mr Bailey also warned the arrival of superfast internet is likely to see "more and more" abuse of youngsters, including the live-streaming of abuse on the internet. He said predators have attempted to groom hundreds of thousands of children in Britain through internet sites and chat rooms.

"We assess there might be 50,000 people who are viewing indecent images of children online," he said.

Speaking at the Police Federation annual conference in Bournemouth, Mrs May said: "We will need to face up to the changing nature of crime and the impact on police forces, including the much greater reporting of previously ignored or under-reported crimes such as child sexual abuse.

"I have said before that what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg.

"So let me be clear, I am committed to ensuring the police have the resources they need to investigate these appalling crimes and bring perpetrators to justice."

But Jon Brown, the lead on tackling sexual abuse at the NSPCC charity said: "There is not enough provision, and as far as adult survivors of abuse are concerned it is extremely patchy."
12810721, what?
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 04:03 PM
this article lacks context. i have no idea what it's talking about.
12810825, Swipe fail, my apologies
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed May-20-15 06:43 PM
This is the full article.

Some 261 celebrities and politicians, including sports, TV and music stars, are being investigated for alleged child sex abuse, UK police have revealed.

They are among more than 1400 men suspected by police of being sex predators as Britain's Home Secretary warned it is only the "tip of the iceberg".

The rogues gallery includes 135 TV, film and radio stars, 43 musicians and seven sports figures as well as 76 politicians, the officer in charge of the issue has disclosed.

Hundreds of schools, religious institutions, children's homes and sports clubs are also implicated.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey said reports of child sex abuse were increasing on a daily basis and expected police to receive some 116,000 allegations before the end of this year.

The surge is partly a result of the Jimmy Savile scandal in 2012 and Mr Bailey warned victims will run "in to the thousands".

He said superfast internet connections, such as 4G, are making it easier for perverts to groom children online and feared hundreds of thousands of youngsters have already been targeted.

The figures, from the new police coordinating hub Operation Hydrant, reveal for the first time the massive scale of inquiries in to historic and current sex abuse cases.

Speaking separately, Theresa May, the Home Secretary, told rank and file officers that the picture was the "tip of the iceberg".

Mr Bailey, the head of Norfolk Police and lead on child sex abuse for the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), said the scale of child abuse was "stark".

"The referrals are increasing on an almost daily basis so the numbers I refer to today are a snap shot in time," he said.

He said the figures suggested more sex abuse was being perpetrated.
Officers have identified 357 different institutions linked to the alleged abuse, including 154 schools, 75 children's homes, 40 religious institutions and nine prisons.

Forces have had to shift resources from other departments to focus on historic sex crimes.

Several celebrities have been convicted for historic sex abuse, including children's entertainer Rolf Harris, 85, and PR guru Max Clifford, 72.

But public confidence in the Crown Prosecution Service's (CPS) willingness to prosecute VIPs was shaken when it announced that it would not prosecute Labour peer Lord Greville Janner, 86, despite having enough evidence, because he has dementia.

Mr Bailey also warned the arrival of superfast internet is likely to see "more and more" abuse of youngsters, including the live-streaming of abuse on the internet. He said predators have attempted to groom hundreds of thousands of children in Britain through internet sites and chat rooms.

"We assess there might be 50,000 people who are viewing indecent images of children online," he said.

Speaking at the Police Federation annual conference in Bournemouth, Mrs May said: "We will need to face up to the changing nature of crime and the impact on police forces, including the much greater reporting of previously ignored or under-reported crimes such as child sexual abuse.

"I have said before that what we are seeing is only the tip of the iceberg.

"So let me be clear, I am committed to ensuring the police have the resources they need to investigate these appalling crimes and bring perpetrators to justice."

But Jon Brown, the lead on tackling sexual abuse at the NSPCC charity said: "There is not enough provision, and as far as adult survivors of abuse are concerned it is extremely patchy."
12810723, Cliff's Notes?
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed May-20-15 04:06 PM
12810750, please
Posted by Cenario, Wed May-20-15 04:38 PM
12810870, UK's Big Brother has info that says that a lot of their public figures...
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed May-20-15 07:46 PM
... are pedophiles or hebephiles.

"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12810759, Talk about being general and appearing random.
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-20-15 04:46 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12810785, ive read extensively about the happenings in the UK
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 05:17 PM
mostly during the 70's and 80's

its terrible stuff
12810836, oh!
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 07:00 PM
that Gary Glitter shit?

i have heard about this.
12810838, The impetus for the latest efforts has been Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Wed May-20-15 07:02 PM
Savile went to his grave before people felt comfortable to come on en masse to talk about what happened to them.

I didn't know about the Lord they refused to prosecute.
12810845, ya there are a few MP's that somehow escaped
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 07:17 PM
alot of people point to cover up by thatcher and what not
12810948, OkI know as wondering if it was connected
Posted by lfresh, Wed May-20-15 10:41 PM
Cause I was like again?!?!!!
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12810844, ya thats one of em
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 07:16 PM
basically it revolves around orphanages and these gay brothel type places that were frequented by all kinds of imporant people back in the day

its quite over reaching type thing so theres a lot of info out there

i went down the rabbit hole one day reading old news paper clippings from the UK in this online archive about these series of murders/disappearances that kind of broke it open in the 80's
12810847, yikes!
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 07:19 PM
'leave them kids alone' indeed!
12810851, this is a good place to start
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 07:23 PM

12810949, thanks
Posted by lfresh, Wed May-20-15 10:43 PM
I haven't dived in because...well ugh
So I've been hesitantly and peripherally aware
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12811664, if you can find the online news paper archive
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu May-21-15 01:21 PM
that has all these articles grouped together its worth reading
12811697, It's a bigger problem than most imagine
Posted by Vex_id, Thu May-21-15 01:33 PM
Pedophilia is a hallmark of the perversion which has infected wide-ranging sectors of global culture - be it high-ranking government, religious figures, celebrities/entertainers, business moguls etc....

Obviously many of us know of the scale of human trafficking but less know about the ritualistic initiation that takes place for many of these willing adherents who initially observe, and then later participate in sex abuse/trafficking/pedophilia - and other degenerate practices that feature entire black markets of luxury/high-priced accommodation and facilitation (Epstein's island of pedophilia for example which Clinton himself visited and participated in).

First the problem has to be acknowledged for what it is, then the occult nature of it has to be confronted.

12811829, I don't think I'll ever comprehend the scale.
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Thu May-21-15 02:49 PM
>Pedophilia is a hallmark of the perversion which has infected
>wide-ranging sectors of global culture - be it high-ranking
>government, religious figures, celebrities/entertainers,
>business moguls etc....
>Obviously many of us know of the scale of human trafficking
>but less know about the ritualistic initiation that takes
>place for many of these willing adherents who initially
>observe, and then later participate in sex
>abuse/trafficking/pedophilia - and other degenerate practices
>that feature entire black markets of luxury/high-priced
>accommodation and facilitation (Epstein's island of pedophilia
>for example which Clinton himself visited and participated
>First the problem has to be acknowledged for what it is, then
>the occult nature of it has to be confronted.

It's weird how people will accept that people who believe in God exist and operate together to achieve their aims but won't really accept that the flip side exists, and those people can be very powerful.

I think reasonable people can argue about the actual power of occult imagery and practice, but for me it's hard to deny that those images are pretty prevalent, and I know there are people who do have faith in their power.
12812703, it's one of those issues that is so uncomfortable to fathom,
Posted by Vex_id, Fri May-22-15 11:40 AM
that most people tend to block it out and not want to really delve into the depth of the problem.

>It's weird how people will accept that people who believe in
>God exist and operate together to achieve their aims but won't
>really accept that the flip side exists, and those people can
>be very powerful.

Exactly - and it's not even about whether these "evil" forces empirically exist in our world (which is a separate discussion in itself) - instead - it's about recognizing that there are people who subscribe to, perform rituals to, exercise mantra, and control whole quadrants of the planet with their belief systems and practices which have *very real* verifiable effects on global society. It is not benign. It has teeth.

>I think reasonable people can argue about the actual power of
>occult imagery and practice, but for me it's hard to deny that
>those images are pretty prevalent, and I know there are people
>who do have faith in their power.

It's very difficult to have a discussion with those who reflexively dismiss the occult as simply hogwash and dope artistic imagery for rihanna and jay-z. Like everything else, it's a serious course of study - and requires education, investigation, and contemplation of cosmology, metaphysics, and other difficult subjects that have become outside of mainstream society in terms of where our collective consciousness is presently at.

Of course - that would be by design, wouldn't it?

12813227, So, so hard to fathom
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Fri May-22-15 06:15 PM
Just reading about Josh Duggar now. It's sickening to see him smiling like that next to so many high profile Republicans.