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Topic subjectIm gonna need people on Facebook to stop comparing Waco to Baltimore
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12810647, Im gonna need people on Facebook to stop comparing Waco to Baltimore
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 03:27 PM
I get it the police look like they are casually just hanging around after people got arrested but the ONE big difference people aren't talking about who keep comparing these two things is that the protestors or people rioting were rioting against the police....the people who were on the opposite side of the protestors were the same people who had to defuse the situation. Thats a big thing. In Waco, the police were there just to defuse the situation, thats it. Nobody had any beef with the police in that situation. The biker gangs were fighting each other they had didn't give a fuck about the police in this situation. HUGE fucking difference. Which is why after people were arrested they could just chill because what else were they gonna do? The two situations have nothing to do with each other and have no place being brought into the same conversation.

Yes im still on the side that the police mentality overall is fucked up and needs huge changes systematically. But bringing up shit like this to make an argument is on some Tea Party, Fox News bullshit that does nothing for the conversation.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810657, Yup. And that shit wasn't a riot, either - it was a gang battle.
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed May-20-15 03:33 PM
I've been reluctant to make these points on FC because mofos' righteous indignation has been on 10 with this since it happened.

When the next white riot jumps off (there WILL be one in the next 2 or 3 years, after a collegiate sports championship somewhere), THEN the comparisons will make sense.
12810679, Me too cause i know the onslaught of garbage clown replies i'll get lol
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 03:46 PM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810661, it's a pretty useless comparison.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 03:35 PM
12810683, yeah
Posted by lazyboi, Wed May-20-15 03:47 PM

"If you wanna help us, fine. Sit down with your kids and make 'em study at night...otherwise, shoot THIS mothaf*cka!" (c) Morgan Freeman,
12810706, Yeah I feel the same way but I let it ride.
Posted by daryloneal, Wed May-20-15 03:56 PM
I will say that it seems that those arrested were arrested without incident it seems (although I don't know for sure), while black people are taken in much more aggressively for less. But I don't have the facts to criticize and don't find any personal value in taking the time to.

But as far as people questioning the national guard not being brought in and whatnot.... they're reaching in a major way.
12810713, -
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 04:00 PM

12810777, Unarmed people angry about unarmed people being killed without
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed May-20-15 05:11 PM
justice are more of a threat than 170+ armed people who just got through having a shootout and killing 9 people?

I dont think the national guard should be sent in for either party, but if they wanna turn up then turn the fuck up all the way. Then niggas weren't even handcuffed, they were texting and chilling on the sidewalk like time out.

Okp is only progressive when it comes to sexuality, any other topic and you niggas turn into middle class white people real quick.

12810781, alladis
Posted by spades, Wed May-20-15 05:13 PM
12810793, RE: Unarmed people angry about unarmed people being killed without
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-20-15 05:38 PM

>Okp is only progressive when it comes to sexuality, any other
>topic and you niggas turn into middle class white people real

Give me dick or give me death ass niggas...
12810811, No, people throwing bricks, bottles, and rocks at police...
Posted by daryloneal, Wed May-20-15 06:09 PM
and setting cars and businesses on fire are more of a threat than people sitting down after a major altercation is under control.

I'm not saying that there aren't overall disparities in justice, I'm saying it's a reach to be on some "why no national guard for this??" shit.

Now if a second round of uncontrolled incidents breaks out, bearing in mind that the National Guard was deployed after the second round of chaos in Baltimore, we can talk.

12810812, remember when the bloods, crips, and bgf were teaming up to attack the
Posted by bentagain, Wed May-20-15 06:14 PM

yeah, me either

but that didn't stop the media from running the story



can you prove the identity of the people throwing rocks, bottles, etc...

bottom line

we were presented with a story line where normal social order was under attack

and we saw the response

but when there is an ACTUAL attack

we see the disparity in responses.

12810824, fuck the media (i.e. cable news). I'm tired of people complaining...
Posted by daryloneal, Wed May-20-15 06:40 PM
about the media.


Report what you want to see and make sure it's shared.
12811021, No we're not. That line of logic won't get you anywhere
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Thu May-21-15 05:28 AM
American media is about a lot more than just reporting stuff and sharing links.
12811044, American media has been reduced to videos and stories from..
Posted by daryloneal, Thu May-21-15 07:42 AM

A local photographer Devin Allen, who just started shooting 2 years ago, captured telling images of the protests that have been shared all over the world, including by the likes of Beyonce and Rihanna, and landed on the cover of Time Magazine. And this all started from Instagram posts.

The "media" didn't pick up the Trayvon Martin story first, social media did.

Fuck CNN and Fox News.

People don't understand the power they have at their fingertips.

People are on their phones WAY more than they're in front of TV screens and newspapers.

The "media" will always be what it is. Change your own perspective and take power into your own hands. It's waiting for you.

12811222, isn't calling bull$hit part of that reporting (c) seymour hersh
Posted by bentagain, Thu May-21-15 09:55 AM
convenient reply

which makes me wonder why you came into this post at all

when the comparison of Waco/Bal is intended to point out the disparity in the coverages.



12811273, No, it isn't. If you feel people are drinking oil, give them water.
Posted by daryloneal, Thu May-21-15 10:18 AM
Complaining about the oil is more promotion for the oil.

Surely you know this.
>when the comparison of Waco/Bal is intended to point out the
>disparity in the coverages.

No, it isn't. There are meme's being shared complaining about the lack of tear gas, national guard and whatnot.

And PART of that is faulty considering tear gas wasn't used in Baltimore when things first popped off. The police actually stood down to a certain extent against the teenagers throwing all types of shit and busting police car windows when they could have very well killed a few of them and gotten off.

Is this a defense of police response? No. They only thing I've pointed out here is the faulty comparison of national guard vs. no national guard if you actually READ my original reply. Somehow you misread that and started talking about the media.

But feel free to keep arguing shit that I am not if it's entertaining for you.
12811060, You see it
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu May-21-15 08:00 AM
12810714, oh they're gonna get you
Posted by Binladen, Wed May-20-15 04:00 PM
12810728, "Nobody had any beef with the police in that situation."
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-20-15 04:11 PM
I may not be following what you are saying but the accounts I have heard is that the bikers were taking shots at the police when they tried to intervene.

Anyway, I think the comparison are silly as well but I don't think for the same reason you do.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12810729, "Nobody had any beef with the police in that situation."
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-20-15 04:11 PM
I may not be following what you are saying but the accounts I have heard is that the bikers were taking shots at the police when they tried to intervene.

Anyway, I think the comparison are silly as well but I don't think for the same reason you do.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12810763, ^^^ came to post this
Posted by bentagain, Wed May-20-15 04:52 PM
also, there have been subsequent reports about threats DIRECTLY aimed at LEOs in Waco

may just be me, but I hate the 'let me point out the ways things are differnet' contingent

the glaring issues are

the media repsonse

i.e., the CNN headline read 'brawl'


yet we saw the extreme labels the media threw on BAL citizens

the fox news types were quick to blame hip-hop

label protestors as thugs, criminals, etc...

and then when you consider the actual LEO repsonse


BAL was under a curfew and infiltrated by militarized agents

I don't see how you can't ask yourself some questions

comparing the responses to a massacre

and a 'riot' (which I think nobody died in...?)

are you saying it's okay to have a shootout with cops, as long you surrender

but protesting police brutality should be met with the extreme exercises of force that we saw

the issue is, IMO, those 2 things LOOK backwards.

12810768, I also remember reading that one of the bikers is a former cop
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 05:00 PM
So for me to think that some of those cops being shot at weren't dirty....c'mon bruh.

theres a difference between dirty cops and the actual aggression of the "riot" or the "gang fight" being directed AT THE COPS...which is the case in Baltimore. So again....you are missing the point.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12811132, You have no evidence to support that only dirty cops were targeted.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-21-15 08:45 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12810739, how many people did cops have to kill when they were
Posted by Mr. ManC, Wed May-20-15 04:20 PM
literally fearing for their lives?

how many thugs were there reported in the media?

It aint an apples to apples comparison, but then again neither is the White and Black experience in America.....I'll allow it.

12810740, Say it to all the people on FB. You tellin the wrong ppl.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed May-20-15 04:20 PM
Are you scared they gon chump you clean the fuck off?

12810746, ^^^
Posted by Bombastic, Wed May-20-15 04:30 PM
12810769, Making sense on FB is pointless.
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 05:02 PM
Apparently like making sense with you is pointless. Cause if that is your reply you are probably one of the dumb fucks participating in those threads or reposting as if it makes sense. So if your reply was to challenge me to say it to someone on FB im saying it to you. Stop being a dumb fuck, you dumb fuck. Happy? *shrugs* lol are u done with your emo feelings to talk about the actual point or you just wanna run around the bush still? Cool beans.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810779, He would call you out your name while he's behind a username
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed May-20-15 05:12 PM
but cant turn up on facebook. The jig is up, Heinz. We see you.
12810791, ok. the jig is up. *shrugs*
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 05:37 PM
geez. some OKPS can be so lame, i wonder how you guys are in real life. lol.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810888, I love how u call *me* emotional while *you* fly off the handle namecalling
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed May-20-15 08:41 PM
But yeah I only got fb to keep in touch w/
my people's...
So you still talking at the wrong person.
Let us know how it goes when you say all
that to your fb friends tho.

12811000, Lol how is name calling emotional?
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 01:35 AM
This place is like a locker room...get used to it.

TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12812272, How is it less emotional than what I said?
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu May-21-15 11:52 PM
Just like always, you can't answer, so you resort to dodging, namecalling or whatever
else is up your sleeve. That, I'm definitely used to.
12810756, From what I have seen, most complaints are against the media
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed May-20-15 04:42 PM
The whole portrayal of the Black rioters as being "thugs" vs the Whites just being...Whites who ride bikes n shit.
12810761, i've seen the term 'biker gang' used to describe the white dudes.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed May-20-15 04:51 PM
'biker gang' is a pretty loaded phrase w/negative connotation.

12810762, Where's Waco's Freddie Gray?
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Wed May-20-15 04:52 PM
12810771, Fam, most black protests against police brutality start off peaceful
Posted by Brotha Sun, Wed May-20-15 05:05 PM
until cops come in with riot gear antagonizing and pepper spraying children n shit.

Yes, people are gonna compare because the media picks n chooses who's character theyre going to assassinate in order to push the "black people are violent savages" narrative. They REFUSE to call these dudes fatherless thugs but....you know what, you got it dog.

P.S. Aint you from Canada? Its very relevant.
12810775, Fam...Waco was a gang ting. Not a protest.
Posted by Heinz, Wed May-20-15 05:10 PM
Calling it a gang thing is attacking their character. They werent doing good. They arent being painted in any good light being call a gang. They are now even connected to a mass murder of bikers up here in Toronto because of that shit......Shits'bad. Not good.

Again. I don't disagree at all with what the media does to black or minorities in general and how they portray us. Not at all. But the direct correlation between these two situations is not there.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810778, plus they are using the texas version of the RICO on ALL
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 05:12 PM
these guys

which is serious stuff
12810772, no police and bikers do have beef
Posted by ndibs, Wed May-20-15 05:08 PM
these are gangs like any other gangs. there are police biker gangs that have beef with the other gangs and do all kinds of shady stuff like sell confiscated drugs to other biker gangs.

if the police didn't seem too nervous it's probably because the real violence came from the cops who decided to show up at the meeting and use the meeting as sniper practice when a fist fight broke out.

Trigger happiness and a woeful disrespect for human life isn't just how they operate towards black. i'm not sure how people are thinking these guys got caught a break from the cops. 9 died and 18 were wounded, while ZERO cops got killed (not sure how many were shot if any).
12810773, im gonna say once these supposed 1%ers heard the sound
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed May-20-15 05:08 PM
of automatic gun fire
and saw their buddies dropping left and right they became QUITE agreeable
12810828, alot of the bikers are claiming SWAT opened up on them
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed May-20-15 06:49 PM
and that that's the real reason so many are dead. that they used the brawl as an excuse to pick them off. They're calling it the "Waco Police Massacre"

Yeah maybe it's all horseshit, but i wouldn't put it past at least a few of them to take some shots. 1%ers and law enforcement despise each other to no end.
12810830, not to be all #actually
Posted by dafriquan, Wed May-20-15 06:49 PM
but from all indications, the bike gangs do have beef with the cops.
especially since it turns out the cops are actually responsible for most of the casualties.
they showed up to shoot fish in a barrel...lol

also check the latest news. the bike gangs have threatened to retaliate against the police.

ps i don't agree with comparing waco to baltimore either. in fact it paints the protestors in a worse light by comparing them to ruthless killers and international drug runners.
12811005, I think you miss the point
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 01:50 AM
And i brought up the fact that the cops, even the dirty one involved and the former cop turned gang member involved obviously were involved violently in some capacity. It wasnt on some Danny Tanner Full House shit when the cops came cue *Full House moment music*. My point was the direct altercation had nothing to do with the police vs gangs it was biker gang vs biker gang feuding. MUCH MUCH different than police vs protestors as the cops were CLEARLY at 1 side of the feud. I don't get how that doesnt make sense to people.

You try and go fight someone and also defuse the situation at the same time vs going to break up 2 people fighting. Its much different situation.

btw I agree comparing protestors to gang members is just dumb too.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810965, You're missing a major part of the problem here, which is the media coverage
Posted by J305, Wed May-20-15 11:28 PM
it's not just the reaction from the police to the bikers, it's the disproportionate coverage.

12811004, Again read the whole thread.
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 01:43 AM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12810982, It's sad - but the polarized tunnel vision blinders are on, heavy.
Posted by Vex_id, Thu May-21-15 12:19 AM
almost impossible to have a productive debate when people are sprinting to sensationalized viewpoints just to try to get twitter-hot.

12810990, Canadians...google "clive bundy ranch" as well
Posted by TRENDone, Thu May-21-15 12:51 AM
i respect your outside opinion tho. i'm trying to grow as a human...please hit me with a link of something going on in your neck of the woods that i can learn from.
12811001, Dear American....stay on topic. Link me to that.
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 01:40 AM
If you wanna take me on a trip to another tangent that isn't directly about the OG post or the two incidents that are being talked about send me the link. BUT...i know you won't cause you have nothing to say but reply back with snark about something else. OH btw...I saw the VICE episode too. Want a fucking cookie? OH.....yeah. VICE is Canadian. Look it up. The only good media these days talking about actual news where you most likely heard about the incident you tried to be snarky about....A Canadian. Learn that.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12811012, It's a running theme, these stories tie into each other
Posted by TRENDone, Thu May-21-15 02:39 AM
U gotta shock ppl to de-program the way ppl think...that's all these "aktibistas" are trying to do.

Now seriously, link me to social justice issues going on in Canada. I need perspective. Cuz journalists that care abt the stuff tie these things together. Look at what happened during the Cairo protests. Journalists took pics of Egyptians supporting Mike Brown & the Black Lives Matter movement.

Crab in the barrel ass flip...let it go. I don't have any beef with u my brother. School me, forreal. I don't really know abt Canadian history. I know USA, C/S America has a history of slavery & imperialism. So does the Philippines. Who are the marginalized ethnic groups in your country?
12811972, The Cliven Bundy thing is a better comparison
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu May-21-15 03:55 PM
Those were defiant whites who pointed guns at authorities out of protest, and no one did shit.

WACO15 was just a gang fight.
12810991, Just ppl seeing how blacks get acceptably dehumanized
Posted by kevlar skully, Thu May-21-15 01:01 AM

by cops, mass media & those fine with the status quo

even in this thread you still in here crying about gotdamn property damage. GTFOOHWTBS

12811002, wtf are you even talking about. are you even in the right post?
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 01:42 AM


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12811008, OK before anyone even tries to waste their breath trying to make sense
Posted by Heinz, Thu May-21-15 02:26 AM
out of that shit narrative that these 2 situations need to be linked together. I get you are your argument is that the media portrayed the protestors in Baltimore as ONLY looting violent people. I get that. They chose that narrative to air on television and print. I never once said i disagreed with that, so stop making that my argument LOL

Footage was only able to be captured on cameras because...well its a protest, whether a protest is violent or peaceful it's pretty much useless if the media doesn't cover it. Not pretty much useless, but totally useless. The whole point is to create a moment where the media shows up so you have a voice and your message is spread. Nobody hears about a productive protest from their friend of a friend LOL the sentence "Hey, I heard what that guy Martin...something King did last Monday at that thing..." has never ever been said by anyone. I totally think the media did the protestors dirty by mostly showing the images of people looting or being violent. Of course, it's ridiculous to not think that.

There was no actual footage of the shit load of people fighting in Waco from the media. I've only seen the aftermath of people being arrested or sitting down on the floor on their phones. I'm sorry the fight wasnt sponsored by the UFC or HBO Boxing and the only the footage or photos shown are the very ones we have all seen so that the argument of "WTF why is the media portraying these white biker gangs like they didnt do anything violent" can be used so that argument could make actual sense. But it doesn't. Because it doesn't.

All you saw were grown men with beards sitting in straight lines waiting to be patted down....because by the time media got there thats all they could get. You don't think the media wouldve loved to have captured footage of the actual fight and be the only station to have that footage? C'mon man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDIDr8MJTbc

Like i said, its ridiculous if anyone doesnt think the media did the protestors wrong in Baltimore or minorities in general whenever they cover us. But to draw lines of comparison to shit that doesnt even make sense like Waco/Baltimore and trying to connect an injustice between the two is just utterly stupid and does not help change things. Its a waste of a time. It's a Tea Party move.

To the idiot who tried bringing up the fact that im Canadian so I can't have an opinion on it is just another stupid Tea Party type argument that is laughable. Trying to bring up news that he most likely heard from watching VICE.....which is Canadian. smh. But he'll deny that fact too.


TWITTER : Heinz21st

IG : H_N_Z
12811015, The Tea Party and Fox News are effective in getting their narrative out.
Posted by Lardlad95, Thu May-21-15 04:38 AM
I honestly don't care if it's a 1:1 comparison.

Liberals and progressives suck at grabbing a narrative and making it their own, and for some reason the Tea Party and Fox news are great at it.

It's great to have the moral high ground and all but as someone who grew up in the Bush years I'm kind of sick of seeing our side take it on the chin just so we can be "technically correct".

Fuck it, if this gets people to point out discrepancies in media coverage, I could really give a fuck if it makes perfect sense. We're always the ones who have to turn the other cheek and do the respectability dance.

Fuck that. Let white people answer for Sons of Anarchy the same way I've had to defend rap. This shit is funny to me.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
12811194, so promote more cognitive dissonance and bias
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu May-21-15 09:34 AM
as long as it combats the other team i guess

sure, that's a smart strategy at winning the race war

it seems to be working in bipartisan politics pretty well too
12811981, White people aren't worried about that one bit though
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu May-21-15 03:58 PM
The only white people who feel unfairly judged over SOA, or WACO are the bikers who aren't criminals.

>Fuck that. Let white people answer for Sons of Anarchy the
>same way I've had to defend rap. This shit is funny to me.
12812295, Good point.
Posted by denny, Fri May-22-15 02:08 AM
In fact....I don't even think bikers are offended by being associated with criminality. Even bikers who aren't down for the criminal aspect of that lifestyle still like to be associated with the intimidation/bad-ass stuff that comes with looking like that.

But yah, white people who aren't bikers don't worry about being mistaken for bikers.
12812297, Sorta agree.
Posted by denny, Fri May-22-15 02:18 AM
They don't make for a good comparison.

But I DO think it's useful to look at the language used by the media in describing the Waco thing. And if the Baltimore riot's are not a good analogy....then just substitute in any coverage of Crip/Blood hostilities. And that's a pretty rock-solid analogy imo.

I went looking after someone mentioned it another post...and sure enough, the first article I read in my city's biggest newspaper used the words 'rumble', 'good ol'fashioned shoot-out', and 'fued'. I don't think it's reaching to suggest that this language is less likely to be used in an article about bloods/crips. And I'd argue that this language sorta normalizes the nature of the violence in the reader's mind. There's a 'boys will be boys' kinda vibe to it.
12812600, well, at least one thing is consistent
Posted by bentagain, Fri May-22-15 10:49 AM

CNN Singles Out Only Black Biker Involved In Waco Shooting
12812691, RE: well, at least one thing is consistent
Posted by murph71, Fri May-22-15 11:33 AM
>CNN Singles Out Only Black Biker Involved In Waco Shooting

I'm laughing at this entire thread....

A white Law Enforcement specialist on CNN just said we shouldn't take reports that the largely white bikers are prepping to attack cops in revenge for "the deaths of their brothers..." too seriously....Very specific..Grenades and C-4 explosives....

But dude on CNN says: "I don't think that the leadership is that stupid"....lol

That's why people are giving this whole story the racial side-eye....lol