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Topic subjectA lot of grown men were REALLY hype about that Jay Z concert..
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12807776, A lot of grown men were REALLY hype about that Jay Z concert..
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:02 AM
i'm not here to clown or judge. It is what it is...


I found it a bit odd at the level of fandom that i've witnessed the last 2 days.

Me, myself, personally, I dont fuck with concerts like that.

12807783, What could you really be hyped for?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon May-18-15 11:04 AM
Showing people how you know the lyrics?
Special effects?
Jay standing still on stage doing the pointing out words in the air as he says them thing?
An actual performer coming out?

12807787, lots of grown men refer to the gentleman as "HOV"
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:06 AM
and lots of grown men have lived vicariously through his rhymes for going on decades

12807792, i thought it was just me
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:07 AM
on that HOV shit...

i dunno...


i aint judging(yes i'm is)

but i dunno...
12807804, nah, that referring to dude as "HOV" is weird and questionable...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:13 AM

that idolaltry shit just doesn't move me
12807817, This is because the word "Hov" means something to you.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:20 AM
Perhaps it doesn't to the people who call him that.

12807827, fall back
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:26 AM
you don't have to tell me what words mean to me
12807849, Get off the forum if you that mad over that.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:37 AM
12807885, http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12807291&mesg_id=12807291&page=#12807762
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:47 AM

12807896, Now notice the difference in the progression of this convo
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:53 AM
and that one.
12807904, yo did i personally insult you in here?
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:56 AM
please point out what i did so i can try to not do it anymore
12807856, RE: lots of grown men refer to Shaquille O Neal as Shaq
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 11:39 AM
RE: lots of grown men refer to Christopher Wallace as Biggie
RE: lots of grown men refer to Calvin Broadus as Snoop
12807868, LOL
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:42 AM
u in here with the Lazyboi logic.

yes i put his name in this so he can come in and yes i'm aware of yall's history..
12807871, my point was dude is tripping over a nickname
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 11:44 AM
99% of people who call Shawn Carter "Hov" aren't thinking he's a God of any sort
12807889, lots of people call lots of people lots of things...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:50 AM
i'm not big on referring to another man by a term that indicates God unless there is a proper bond of understanding where my usage of the term is such that we clearly are essentially equal entities

sue me
12808283, Jesus Christ....
Posted by denny, Mon May-18-15 04:52 PM
Are we taking rap monikers literally now? lol
12807799, in fairness, who ELSE should be hype about it?
Posted by woe.is.me., Mon May-18-15 11:10 AM
that's one of the heroes from their era.
i'm not invested either way, but I don't think it's unfair for fans of mid-90s - early hip hop to be excited about it.
12807809, Basically. It's like judging 60's niggas for being hybe for Smokie
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:17 AM

It was the music of their day.

That homophobic mindset in rap is just all encompassing.
So many restrictions.

12807837, RE: Basically. It's like judging 60's niggas for being hybe for Smokie
Posted by murph71, Mon May-18-15 11:31 AM
>It was the music of their day.
>That homophobic mindset in rap is just all encompassing.
>So many restrictions.

^^^^^^^ Basically.....
12807841, lol nigga hurt. Naw fam I aint finna sit and listen to a nigga
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:34 AM
rap about being better than me.

SMokey singing for the hoes. Prolly more hoes at the concert than u can shake a stick at.

I'm there for them

at a jay z concert it's more dudes standing with dudes reciting lyrics a dude is saying about being better than me and u.

no thanks.

12807847, nah, if you don't let that man talk down to you you are a homophobe
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:36 AM
homophobe and you don't want to see another black man getting paid

12807859, Die already Philpot. Ain't no being civil with u.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:40 AM
12807861, yikes
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:41 AM
12807854, It's just the music of their day.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:38 AM
It's really that simple.
12807858, I get that. I just think it's kinda weird.
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:40 AM
like I dont fan out for rap concerts at all. Ever. Thats me.

I'd rather go see Keef Sweat in concert than Jay(or Nas)
12807883, I feel u
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:47 AM
12807806, So it's about fan shaming now. Men are above being excited fans.. SMH
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 11:15 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807808, Rev i'm so happy you a perfect nigga who does no wrong.
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:16 AM
Can i work out my flaws in this bitch please? DAMN.
12808054, RE: Rev i'm so happy you a perfect nigga who does no wrong.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 01:38 PM
>Can i work out my flaws in this bitch please? DAMN.

My Bad G. Work on. And please let us know when you get your tickets... LOL

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807810, thou shalt have no Hov before me...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:17 AM
12807814, Black men creating rules to stop other Black men front getting $
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:19 AM
sounds about right I guess. smh


12807825, well, that's how capitalism works...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:23 AM

by definition being in the position he's in means he's blocking other people from getting money

this is how any pyramid structure works...the higher the get the more you stamp other people down...

which is typically why a select few rich dudes are tossed at you as the aspirational figure to worship and model yourself after...

12807864, Not even responding to any point u try to make anymore.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:42 AM
Tried to give you a chance to come back civil.
But you still a piece of shit.
12807876, i think you're really overreacting but i can respect that
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:44 AM
there is no requirement that anyone egage whatever it is i have to say on here & i'd be an ass to expect you to give a &*^% about my thoughts if you don't agree...
12807886, Yeah yeah
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Mon May-18-15 11:48 AM
12808050, Excited about a Jay Z concert? Might as well call him daddy.
Posted by im_freshhh, Mon May-18-15 01:35 PM
12808051, Ok Dame... LOL
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 01:37 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807807, why not?
Posted by lfresh, Mon May-18-15 11:15 AM

>Me, myself, personally, I dont fuck with concerts like that.

its not a set up
i realized i dont either in the past ten years
tried recently and yeah i make exceptions but i dont really either

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12807812, RE: why not?
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:18 AM
>>Me, myself, personally, I dont fuck with concerts like that.

First of all rap concerts them mugs say 4 words and ask the audience to complete the line.

They stand there and do whatever. IT's silly to me. I mean to each his own but i have always found rap concerts silly.

I'd rather hear the shit on cd.
12807824, ha! i can see that
Posted by lfresh, Mon May-18-15 11:23 AM
the one mos def concert i went to
he had a new album
no one knew the words
and it irked him

i never know the words
i'm actually bad with lyrics
so theres that i never considered LOL
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12807813, I was hype when I heard about the concert....
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-18-15 11:19 AM
until i heard about the Tidal catch.

I probably still pay for freecreditreport.com bc i forgot to cancel it since 06.
12807843, missed the concert. i did hear him and bey paid $ for protesters
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon May-18-15 11:34 AM
bails in BMore.......call him what you want..thas G shit..
12807845, Good on them if they did that
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 11:35 AM
12807867, Im over him now, but I was a huge fan
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 11:42 AM
I think I've been to 2 shows (Best Buy Theater 10 year Reasonable Doubt show & Carnegie Hall in 2011 or 2012) and both were great

I still haven't brought myself to watching the Tidal show
12807895, reminds me of the post about the woman buying Jay a B-day cake
Posted by double negative, Mon May-18-15 11:52 AM
like...she didnt know jay z but she got dressed up, went and got a cake to celebrate his birth

who did she have the cake with? probably herself
12807908, I thought it was cool to see em all 2gether but i dont fuck wit shows
Posted by ambient1, Mon May-18-15 11:58 AM

not my thing

12808110, No one....
Posted by murph71, Mon May-18-15 02:42 PM

should be ashamed for connecting with the music of their youth....

Especially when said artist actually grew up with his audience....

If the issue is Jay Z's 1% content, then make a post about that.

But to say that grown men who was going crazy over Jay Z doing "22 Twos" are bitch made is that good ol trolling...lol

And this^^^^is coming from someone who is more on the Nas side of things....
12808252, More deserving than dudes getting hype to see moneymay shoulder roll
Posted by Riot, Mon May-18-15 04:20 PM
And cheering for the money team

Bruh that's YOUR money they caking on
12808254, Boooo. TMT all day my dude...
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 04:21 PM
"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."