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Topic subjectParents, what is your stance on having your kids drop nigga bombs?
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12807668, Parents, what is your stance on having your kids drop nigga bombs?
Posted by double negative, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
That word was a no-go under any circumstances in my house growing up.

At this point I'm curious where parents are standing with that, I ask because it just occurred to me that we might be on the verge of slowly phasing out that word from our lexicon(not mad at that really)

Poll question: Parents, what is your stance on having your kids drop nigga bombs?

Poll result (18 votes)
Yes: its a term of endearment, its a family heirloom (3 votes)Vote
No: we off that (15 votes)Vote


12807679, THese young mogs let white folx call em that and call white fox niggas
Posted by Geah, Mon May-18-15 09:57 AM
i will never roll with that shit..
12807691, Q-Tip covered this 22 years ago. The subject is old hat
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 10:04 AM
I dont have kids, but they'll be allowed to use it when they understand the concept of time and place. so somewhere around their teenage years

tying the use of black language to a lack of morality borders on self-hatred
12807696, they'll treat it like the rest of the cuss words. not around adults
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-18-15 10:06 AM
12807702, Yeah it's a curse word. Act accordingly.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon May-18-15 10:11 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12807699, I'm not raising any Head Patters or Hoodlums, so hell no.
Posted by Binladen, Mon May-18-15 10:08 AM
12807700, I dont know what a head patter is
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 10:09 AM
but how does using the word nigga correlate to being a hoodlum?
12807723, If you cant figure out what a head patter is you wont understand.. but-
Posted by Binladen, Mon May-18-15 10:26 AM
if my children are freely running around referring to people as "niggas", I've failed as a parent.
Hell, anyone that works for me who uses the word(if I hear it) wont be taken seriously.
12807726, you could have explained but you chose to be uppity
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 10:28 AM
you also seem to think unapologetic blackness is a human failing. have a nice a day
12807735, a head pattter:
Posted by JellyBean, Mon May-18-15 10:38 AM
a weave wearer or one who gets a relaxer who pats their head as a means of relieving an itch instead of scratching.

ex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vTvZTAhR8s
12807739, WOW....so we got insult words for those with itchy scalps
Posted by ambient1, Mon May-18-15 10:43 AM


12807891, yeah...the classism reared its head quickly.
Posted by double negative, Mon May-18-15 11:51 AM
12807955, I'm just explaining what the word meant
Posted by JellyBean, Mon May-18-15 12:30 PM
Y'all can thank Beyoncé for that...she was the one who told the ladies to pat dey weave
12808037, i wasn't sayin that in response to you...u just gave the explanation
Posted by ambient1, Mon May-18-15 01:27 PM
that was moreso for buddy who called em that
12807974, damn
Posted by lfresh, Mon May-18-15 12:47 PM
guilt as charged

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12807940, The lower the socio economic status the more common the word
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon May-18-15 12:17 PM
I'm guessing is the connotation.
12807963, We use it at home. They say it. It doesnt bother us.
Posted by kingjerm78, Mon May-18-15 12:39 PM
Both are honor roll kids btw.
12808043, A lot of bright people use it and on both sides of the colorline.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon May-18-15 01:31 PM
I get that your family is comfortable with it (not like there's much choice) just seems like intelligence isn't any sort of qualifier.
12808067, there's always an exception
Posted by Binladen, Mon May-18-15 01:58 PM
12808022, i use it sparingly. growing up my dad basically use it in negative way
Posted by Government Name, Mon May-18-15 01:16 PM
and my mom didnt/doesnt really at all. basically i'll treat it as a cuss word. dont use it in front of me.
12808026, Waiting on the TOKPR
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 01:18 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808053, and that would be?
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 01:38 PM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12808059, You'll know it when you see it.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 01:45 PM
It will go something like, Sure I smoke weed with and call my kids Nigga

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808310, whatchu expect from one who smokes a joint wit his muvah? (c)
Posted by mikediggz, Mon May-18-15 05:11 PM
12808125, Seems more like a convo that non-Blacks should have
Posted by Grand_Royal, Mon May-18-15 02:54 PM
I taught my kid to be respectful and everything else kinda fell into place.
12808157, we have the strangest matching avatars
Posted by double negative, Mon May-18-15 03:22 PM
12808134, It ain't allowed in the house
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Mon May-18-15 03:04 PM
the wife and I have used it out of disgust and it usually slips out, but in general that ain't said round chea.

Growing up in a borderline militant Pro-Black household it damned sure wasn't said except to explain what whitey really thinks of you and what he calls you behind your back.

I seem to recall my stepfather gettin irritated with George Jefferson saying it a time or two.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
12808316, I leave it up to the mother.
Posted by denny, Mon May-18-15 05:18 PM
The teens say it occasionally. I think it would be inappropriate for me to tell them not to on account of my being white. It bugs the shit out of their mom though.