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Topic subjectQOD: Are you able to truly Love your Enemies? Got any Examples?
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12807590, QOD: Are you able to truly Love your Enemies? Got any Examples?
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 08:54 AM
OH, and if you have not be able to bring yourself to the point of loving an enemy, are you willing to try and make an effort to love them today?

And I'm talking about "Philia" or "Phileo" Love —brotherly love friendship.
"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807594, no.
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 08:57 AM
forgiveness is possible. but cross me wrong and there's pretty much no love ever
12807598, RE: no.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 08:59 AM
>forgiveness is possible. but cross me wrong and there's
>pretty much no love ever

Why? If you truly forgive a person, shouldn't you be able to love them like the next person on the street?

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807608, it doesn't work that way for me
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 09:09 AM
>>forgiveness is possible. but cross me wrong and there's
>>pretty much no love ever
>Why? If you truly forgive a person, shouldn't you be able to
>love them like the next person on the street?

forgiveness for me is not letting it eat away at me to prevent becoming a crazy person

love is reserved for people who have my best interests in mind
12807603, id love to set them bitch ass motherfuckers on fire. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-18-15 09:05 AM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12807614, love, in that i'd like to discover more about them and why we're enemies.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-18-15 09:14 AM
12807620, I don't really have enemies like that
Posted by tariqhu, Mon May-18-15 09:18 AM
but if I did, they would not get enough of my mental space for me to care about them in my daily life.
12807637, I hope people really THINK about this question and answer it honestly.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 09:32 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807643, do you have an example of why/how you'd be 'enemies' with someone?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-18-15 09:33 AM
like, a regular joe.

what kind of enemy would he have?

his child's mother? that doesn't seem right.

the gas station attendant who gave him the wrong change that day?

his coworker?

his mailman?
12807750, I'll make it simple, Haters! Back Stabbers! Liers, Rats, Sniteches, etc
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 10:47 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807771, why would i love them?
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 10:58 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12807805, You should love them because:
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 11:13 AM
1. Your love frees you from ever feeling any stress or contempt for them.
2. Your love shows them the issues that lay within their own hearts
3. Your love can be transformative in their lives and in the lives of the people that see how you are able to love those who were your enemies.

Those three are good starters.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807815, all three are predicated on fucks that i simply don't give...
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 11:19 AM
>1. Your love frees you from ever feeling any stress or
>contempt for them.

i guess i get over things quickly. once i place you in the I DON'T ROCK WITH YOU LIKE THAT bucket, there's no stress or contempt onmy end. i just don't rock with you like that.

>2. Your love shows them the issues that lay within their own

i don't care what's in their hearts or on their minds.

>3. Your love can be transformative in their lives and in the
>lives of the people that see how you are able to love those
>who were your enemies.
i don't care about enough about them to want their lives to transform. i don't even care if they suffer. if i don't fool with you like that, i don't care either way. you can hit the lotto or get hit by a truck and i'm still like \_(ツ)_/¯

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12808537, I've honestly never met anyone like that as an adult.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Tue May-19-15 06:47 AM
I can't think of anyone that fits the description "enemy" since I was about 14...
12807649, this is weird.
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 09:36 AM
im not doing this with you today, but I hope you aren't positing that you're more elevated than anyone struggling to "love their enemies"
12807740, Man, there's two sides to the bed, choose the positive side to get up on.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 10:44 AM
Stop the constant looking for negative all the time and stop trying to lightweight shade me on some BS.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807976, no Im not able to love my enemies
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-18-15 12:49 PM
12807666, love my enemies? for what?
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 09:48 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12807773, haha, well it generally irritates the shit out of 'em, so that's one reason.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon May-18-15 11:00 AM
12807820, im pretty sure that my indifference would irritate 'em more than my love
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 11:21 AM
I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12807794, i mean, the fact they haven't heard from me yet should be...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-18-15 11:08 AM

i love them enough to let them live...what more could i do?
12807829, sounds like some shit u would teach a slave
Posted by thegodcam, Mon May-18-15 11:27 AM
no thanks
12807838, You do know that at the Center of Peace is Love
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 11:32 AM
Is love some Slave ish too?

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12807851, hahaha
Posted by tariqhu, Mon May-18-15 11:38 AM
12808538, you will heap burning coals on his head, And the LORD will reward you
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-19-15 06:47 AM
Excerpt Proverbs 21-22

That is why you are to love your enemy. It will either save them by turning them to your side or it will destroy them by standing as testimony against them.

You are partly correct in that you would teach a slave just the love part and you can see why.
12807839, what does loving an enemy look like? sending e-cards? liking instagrams?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-18-15 11:33 AM
offering to wash his car?
12807857, 'member when Mike Tyson lovingly caressed Lennox Lewis' face post-fight?
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-18-15 11:40 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12807971, Yes, it looks like that, if that's what you want to do.
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 12:46 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808000, how can you have enemies if they cant do you harm?
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon May-18-15 01:02 PM
dont have anyone in my vision who i would consider an enemy
12808496, Up
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 11:12 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808518, ahem...
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue May-19-15 03:13 AM
Considering the bible is a work of fiction your post is an asinine exercise in futility. You might as well ask in the same breath if anyone has had a snake encourage them to eat certain types of fruit.

12808532, Without proof of your claim you sound rather ignorant
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-19-15 06:37 AM
Whether one believes the bible to be entirely true or not is obviously up to them, but seeing as how there is enough archaeological and historic evidence to prove that there are true elements mentioned in the text (e.g. The wailing wall , the Selasie family line , Dead Sea scrolls, and recent discovery of an item with "house of David" written on it) then it would seem that it can't be an entire work of fiction.
12808553, For fucks sakes
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue May-19-15 07:21 AM
jesus tap dancing christ on a cracker, are you serious ? Much of it was taken from Greek and Egyptian mythology for fuck sakes.. SMH.. Look it up if you're brave enough, not my job to resolve the lifetime of religious indoctrination and brainwashing you were obviously subjected to to believe that a collection of books were written by a god.. When a minmal amount of research shows these stories were taken from the myths of other cultures.

Beyond anything else, the fact that people can follow a religion that is based on a god raping a woman is atrocious, twisted and bizarre beyond belief.

You have the audacity to suggest I'm ignorant when you are arguing with me the veracity of a book that features talking snakes and rules indicating you can't touch a woman who is on her period, a god that makes bets with the devil and puts a man through hell for the sake of proving a point.. Or the versions advising slaves to obey their masters. FOH.. a god that continuously throws temper tantrums when the people he allegedly created don't act the way he wants.. GTFOHWTBS!!!

That vile collection of books is nothing more than a guide for misogynistic and devilish deeds.

12810491, .
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed May-20-15 02:06 PM
12810497, Quite the emotional response. Wish I could do more with it.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed May-20-15 02:08 PM
Feelings aren't worth debating though.
12810508, LOL @ Proof being requested, nice one Jonah
Posted by zaire, Wed May-20-15 02:16 PM
12808535, I pray for the forgiveness of those that wrong me
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue May-19-15 06:39 AM
And try my best to not let past actions negatively influence future ones.
12808542, Guys, stop giving him material for his sermons
Posted by MME, Tue May-19-15 06:56 AM
>OH, and if you have not be able to bring yourself to the
>point of loving an enemy, are you willing to try and make an
>effort to love them today?
>And I'm talking about "Philia" or "Phileo" Love —brotherly
>love friendship.
>"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he
>can be your's too."
12808544, Even if that was the case, why would you want to stop it?
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-19-15 07:07 AM
Why would you want to prevent people from hearing the word of God?

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808559, RE: Even if that was the case, why would you want to stop it?
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue May-19-15 07:43 AM
Word of the devil if one exists is what it truly is...
12808637, I still love you too.
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-19-15 08:58 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808560, LOL Nice try
Posted by MME, Tue May-19-15 07:46 AM
307, nigga.

12808633, I still love you.
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-19-15 08:57 AM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808549, My only real enemy is white supremacy
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Tue May-19-15 07:13 AM
So. .. yeah
. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12808554, Yep, because I don't have any.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Tue May-19-15 07:26 AM
Not even sure how folks acquire those.
12808648, people with large egos acquire them.. or make them up
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-19-15 09:00 AM
12808623, i think you mean Agape not Philia
Posted by jrocc, Tue May-19-15 08:52 AM
Philia would indicate a love for someone we're close friends with. the type of love we have for non-family members who are "like brothers". in order to have that kind of love you'd need to have a close relationship with that person. hardly something you'd have with someone who is considered an enemy.

Agape however denotes a general caring for people regardless of the situation. this is caring for other humans whether you know them or not. basically where charity, compassion and things like that come in. the principle of "love thy neighbor" would include your enemies.
12808652, No, I mean Philia which is brother love, not Agape
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-19-15 09:01 AM
Agape could be applicable for a very close relationship, but Philia (a Brotherly love) leaves room for support and general caring without having to engage in an intimately close relationship. So, again, I know what I mean.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808729, you have that mixed up my brother
Posted by jrocc, Tue May-19-15 10:00 AM
from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words: “It is to be distinguished from agapao in this, that phileo more nearly represents tender affection. . . . Again, to love (phileo) life, from an undue desire to preserve it, forgetful of the real object of living, meets with the Lord’s reproof, John 12:25. On the contrary, to love life (agapao) as used in I Pet. 3:10, is to consult the true interests of living. Here the word phileo would be quite inappropriate.”

James Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, in its Greek dictionary (1890, pp. 75, 76), remarks under phi·leʹo: “To be a friend to (fond of an individual or an object), i.e. have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling; while a·ga·paʹo is wider, embracing espec. the judgment and the deliberate assent of the will as a matter of principle, duty and propriety . . . ).”

The Greek noun phi·liʹa (friendship) is found only once in the Christian Greek Scriptures, where James warns that “the friendship with the world is enmity with God . . . Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend (Gr., phiʹlos) of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.”—James 4:4.

The Greek word used at Matthew 5:43, 44 "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" comes from the word Agape.
12808873, No, you even made my point. Thanks.
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-19-15 11:22 AM
Like I said, I know my audience (TOKPR) and my intentions (patient and developing). I know that most people will not even approach Agape Love in it's fullness of self-sacrifice, so I intentionally set forth a conversation about the attitude to love one another in a brotherly manner first. I have no issues with opening the matter further towards agape, but y'all love trying to prove or disprove something that I say and always end up getting the way of the process. But that's par for the course around here and in the end we wind up with nothing accomplished because of that habit.

Shoot in the other post about loans, cat's can't even agree if they give, gift, or loan money, because a mug is always getting in the way of a process or is always trying to prove a point with out cause.

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12810262, one day i'll learn not to respond to your posts
Posted by jrocc, Wed May-20-15 12:03 PM
i don't think you even know what you mean.
12810307, But i'm glad that you did.
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-20-15 12:36 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808826, lol fuck no whenever Ive had them (not exactly 'enemies)
Posted by rdhull, Tue May-19-15 10:54 AM
but fuck loving folks who are considered enemies etc

ridiculous goobly gook
12809147, Would you ask Nat Turner that?
Posted by zaire, Tue May-19-15 12:59 PM
of course you wouldn't

holed up in the house with a bible as usual
12809162, there's a concept in ender's game of all places
Posted by dba_BAD, Tue May-19-15 01:03 PM
that describes the achievement of truly understanding ones enemies (in that case for the sake of combat strategy) as inevitably leading to loving them

theres also a moment when the protagonist is asked would he want to destroy his tormentor, and he clarifies 'i want him to love me'

iono as a sensitive kid i felt like i related to it, which of course was the point