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Topic subjectin person? no, not yet.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12807259&mesg_id=12808359
12808359, in person? no, not yet.
Posted by Bombastic, Mon May-18-15 06:03 PM
Of the club/theater comics, I generally just catch people by luck of the draw outside of someone that you'd have to plan ahead for tickets for like a Chappelle.

Because in LA you'll probably catch them on the rebound at some point.

I mean I've seen Jeff Ross and Sarah Silverman probably four times and on none of the occasions did I plan on seeing them.

Burr had a few strikes against him as far as me investigating deeply:
1) his podcast doesn't have guests, I typically listen to comedy pods that are interview/convo/thematic format rather than just one person talking
2) the Boston thing.....I just see/hear from too many Boston people out here, particularly when out in Santa Monica.
I used to live in Boston once upon a time too.
I can talk with them but their overall Boston-ness grates and becomes insufferable after awhile.
If you love it that much Sully, please go back there, I'm tired of talking about your new sporting fortunes and Dunkin Donuts sucks.
3) Everyone has been sending me that video clip of him going in on Philly.

All that being said, I know he's a solid comedian and I have heard funny things from him.