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Topic subjectRE: Not trying to argue or debate but want to clarify something
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12806708, RE: Not trying to argue or debate but want to clarify something
Posted by philpot, Fri May-15-15 05:28 PM
>>this is not primarily because of individual white racism
>>or just the fallout of "slavery" and "jim crow" but much
>>examined and forgotten government policies relating to urban
>I think I understand what you're saying, but the government
>policies were created by individual racists so I'm a bit
>confused as to how it's not primarily the result (in part) of
>individual racism.

fair & good point but my answer would be what you (correctly) said to me the other day: "white supremacy is the monolith"

individual racism is often used as a way to dodge the reality of systemic racism & IMO individual racism is the only form that has truly decreased in our society even if many are oblivious to racism encoded in our institutions

>>there's a quote in the podcast from a former Baltimore mayor
>>who literally said Blacks needed to be "quarantined" from
>>rest of the city...considering what Baltimore looks like,
>>math is clear.
>The first drug czar said jazz music, black, and Latino people
>were a threat to white folks and promoted drug use among
>whites and thus the war on drugs was born. There's also plenty
>of folks in senate records and such quoted as saying much
>worse. I guess I mention that as a result of being somewhat
>saddend that such information is so well hid apparently.

Anslinger was a gigantic devil, just recently learning myself what a depraved individual he was