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Topic subjectMale Fox News guest, defends Feminist with that quality SNARK.
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12806464, Male Fox News guest, defends Feminist with that quality SNARK.
Posted by BlackSun, Fri May-15-15 01:48 PM
Gavin McInnes, Fox News Guest, Says Women Are 'Less Ambitious' And 'Happier At Home'


Primal Music For Life!
12806477, Im sorry I wasted 4 minutes of my life on that tripe.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri May-15-15 01:56 PM
I don't watch cable news bs for a reason - that just confirmed I have no reason to watch any of it.
12806494, That was set up. She was in on it
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri May-15-15 02:16 PM
There's no way they would let that segment go in that direction if it wasn't set up
12806783, uhh not one bit of her looked comfortable kimosabe
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-15-15 07:18 PM
12806634, DAMN!....Ninja took the safety ALL THE WAY off!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Fri May-15-15 03:38 PM
Dude cold rapelled out da chopper already buckin shots before he even touched the ground.

Muthafukka was like, "I got dis!"......*adjust belt-strap magazine*...*plants feet*.....http://oi54.tinypic.com/qq1rp1.jpg

12806753, ROTFL...
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-15-15 06:42 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him can be your's too."
12806784, LOFL
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-15-15 07:19 PM
12806816, LOL
Posted by The Wordsmith, Fri May-15-15 09:34 PM
EDIT: Bruh, I was already laughing at what you posted prior to watching the clip but wow, you ain't lyin', lol. Dude was tossin' pineapples before he even repelled while bussin' the Glock, lol.

Since 1976
12806681, So over the top, it came off like a comedy skit
Posted by dafriquan, Fri May-15-15 04:28 PM
Is this how TV / Fox normally is?

12806687, Typically, yes.
Posted by spades, Fri May-15-15 04:48 PM
>Is this how TV / Fox normally is?
12806785, yes. I like when people tell themselves they dont believe what
Posted by astralblak, Fri May-15-15 07:20 PM
They're saying
12808248, Gavin McInnes is a comedic writer
Posted by SsenepoD, Mon May-18-15 04:17 PM
I've never seen anything this over the top in regards to women before which leads me to believe he pulled a fast one on Fox & was so out there that it makes them look dumb.
12808249, Yeah, I think he caught'em off guard a bit. The studio dudes..lol
Posted by Case_One, Mon May-18-15 04:19 PM

"Jesus is my Lord and Savior. And if you believe in him, he can be your's too."
12808255, Nah, he's been on that far-right shit since he left Vice.
Posted by BigReg, Mon May-18-15 04:22 PM