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12801696, Explain this
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:11 PM
When fat, unattractive men have a preference for attractive, nice bodied women it's okay. Aka " he's entitled to his preferences!!! " cause you know men love crying about being entitled to their preferences in peace.

But if a broke woman "prefers" men with money, it's a problem and the shaming ensues. What's the difference? Both prefer qualities in which they don't possess themselves...

12801700, which dumb people are you having these dumb conversations with
Posted by Rjcc, Mon May-11-15 12:13 PM
in what reality is this a question you have?

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12801711, Its just a pattern that I've noticed.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:17 PM
12801716, there's not a single part of this thought process that's positive
Posted by Rjcc, Mon May-11-15 12:20 PM
I hope that's not how you really feel about the world.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12801749, As far as this topic is concerned, it is.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:39 PM
12801797, I hope you find people who inspire you to consider
Posted by Rjcc, Mon May-11-15 12:58 PM
relationships based on other elements

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12801701, it's dumb in both examples.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-11-15 12:14 PM
and, btw, there are plenty ppl who throw shade on fat dudes who insist they only dig fit women.
12801704, fat niggas ain't tryna 'take' a woman's good looks.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 12:15 PM
12801713, not looks... Pussy
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:18 PM
12801719, after they have sex, she still has her pussy
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 12:23 PM
A man isn't getting back the money a woman takes from him.
12801724, Take? I don't like the term take
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:28 PM
You mean the things that he gives her? As in gifts ect? If I give someone something I don't expect anything in return or for them to give it back. no ones gonna "take" anything from me that I don't want them to have.
12801768, But that's the problem...not saying you...i don't know you
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 12:44 PM
But there are a percentage of women who are gold diggers that are looking at dudes with money for the sole purpose of getting some.
So even though the man is giving her whatever willingly, she still looking to take it.

12801815, men know this and they're still "giving" to those types
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:06 PM
They aren't getting anything from those men that the men don't want them to have. Gifts are gifts.
12802129, What about groupies scheming to have a baby?
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 04:32 PM
12802189, Groupies are something that most men will never have to worry about
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 05:44 PM
And as far as the entertainers and athletes go, they know when they're sleeping with groupies and they know the risks.
12801742, You're touching on a big gender difference re sex.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 12:36 PM
Alot of men see it as a (mostly) infinitely deep and limitless well of joy and pleasure. Women often see it as something more finite - every time a woman has sex with a dude she's giving a piece of herself away to him. Which is almost exactly the same way men view spending money on women.
12801766, pretty much
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:44 PM
12801772, new school women think like this? I had no idea.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 12:46 PM
Sounds like a step away from slutshaming to me.
12801781, I don't follow.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 12:50 PM
These are the classic views of sex, imo. Slutshaming was a way of saying "you, woman, should be ashamed that you give away your valuable endowment (vagina) willy nilly or to too many men." That seems to line up with what I just mentioned.
12801804, but (most) women don't feel that way
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 01:00 PM
12801827, this is news to me
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:11 PM
12801840, Maybe I've just been lucky to be involved with women who like sex
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 01:16 PM
12801849, keep them digs to yourself
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:19 PM
12801857, that's not shots fired. I truly don't believe women feel this way
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 01:24 PM
"Women often see it as something more finite - every time a woman has sex with a dude she's giving a piece of herself away to him."

and if they do, they clearly aren't sex-positive.
12801884, you can like sex and still be meticulous about choosing the people you sex
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:37 PM
They aren't exclusive.

You've had the opportunity to be with women who aren't as meticulous and are more carefree about it which suits you better and that's cool too.
12801920, being selective is different
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 01:49 PM
than feeling that you're giving something up. Sex is a shared experience. You aren't giving anything away.
12801923, In large part, the selectiveness comes from feeling that
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 01:51 PM
giving of their bodies that way will take something from them, physically, mentally and emotionally.

12801931, 'giving of their bodies'
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-11-15 01:56 PM
^ that right there is an increasingly outdated way to think about and discuss women's sexuality.

the idea that sex for women is mostly about 'giving' anything is on the outs. ideally women are receiving pleasure (and other things) as much as they're giving it (or anything else).
12801934, We're talking about the historical perspective, so absolutely.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 01:59 PM
Total co-sign.
12802132, I was talking about now.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 04:34 PM
12801930, Shared experience sure, you're sharing yourself....
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:56 PM
Which may hold value to one person and not the other. Both are fine.

12801860, The issue isn't if they like sex. Most people on the planet do.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 01:25 PM
It's with whom they decide to have it, and under what circumstances. Women have tended to be way more judicious about that than men, at least in Western society in the last couple hundred years.
12801867, i'd take this to be the old fashioned view
Posted by akon, Mon May-11-15 01:29 PM
>Women often see it as
>something more finite - every time a woman has sex with a dude
>she's giving a piece of herself away to him.

i like to think we are shifting to a point where sex (for women) means infinite joy and pleasure

if it doesnt, we are doing something wrong
12801922, hello.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-11-15 01:50 PM
12802134, exactly.
Posted by Cenario, Mon May-11-15 04:35 PM
12801710, to both i say, good luck with that...
Posted by BigJazz, Mon May-11-15 12:17 PM
feel free to have whatever preference you want. if you're able to convince somebody to bring to the table that which you yourself don't possess then my hat's off to you...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12801712, Those kids of guys get slammed for that all the time, though.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 12:18 PM
At least, the ones who are bold enough to say it out loud.
12801714, There are two schools of thought
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 12:18 PM
A) She is effective selling herself

B) She wants what she has not earned (money)

I say, do you.
12801737, RE: There are two schools of thought
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:35 PM
>A) She is effective selling herself

Or maybe she just likes what she likes? Liking men with money doesn't necessarily equate to selling yourself.

>B) She wants what she has not earned (money)

And he wants he cannot attract (usually) without the aid of money or perks. So it's about on the same level to me.
12801715, i don't see a problem either way...people like what they like
Posted by ambient1, Mon May-11-15 12:19 PM
12801717, Its hard to explain dumb ass preferences
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon May-11-15 12:21 PM
12801725, what's it matter to you?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 12:29 PM
12801740, Stfu and get out of my post.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:36 PM
12801858, this is disgusting. your rules of engagement are all fucked up.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 01:25 PM
12801896, thats fine
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:41 PM
And don't act like you came in here trying to engage in a healthy discussion, which is why you got the response you got.
12801747, No, its because he has money & attractive, nice bodied women arent cheap
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon May-11-15 12:39 PM
12801759, obvious double standard. women shouldnt be ashamed to seek security.
Posted by tingum, Mon May-11-15 12:42 PM
12801760, because its easier to prove and call a woman a hoe than it is to call
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Mon May-11-15 12:42 PM
a man shallow

Fuck your fort!
12801795, Preferring men with money makes you ho?
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:57 PM
That equates to promiscuity?
12801800, you only equate a ho with promiscuity?
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Mon May-11-15 12:58 PM

Fuck your fort!
12801809, Yep.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:02 PM
12801765, attractiveness is subjective, being broke is not
Posted by atruhead, Mon May-11-15 12:44 PM
unless she's a trophy wife, no man wants a woman contributing nothing to the bills

but some people are attracted to fat people
12801786, i think they both can be subjective
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:51 PM
>unless she's a trophy wife, no man wants a woman contributing
>nothing to the bills
That's essentially what I'm referring too. Trophy material his physical opposite.

>but some people are attracted to fat people
I said fat and unattractive to contrast it with attractive and nice bodied. ( whatever your definition of it may be ). But I wasn't equating fat to undesirable here lol.

And to someone making hundreds of thousands of dollars, 50k a year might be "broke" to them. Where as 50k a year to someone else might not be
broke. I think they both can be subjective.

12801773, having money is not a quality.
Posted by akon, Mon May-11-15 12:46 PM
lets start there.

12801787, and then there's this
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 12:52 PM
12801791, Quality, asset, benefit ect...
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 12:54 PM
I'm not going to get all technical with the wording, you all get my drift.
12801801, He's saying that it's a status
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 12:59 PM
like wearing shorts or standing indoors.
12801813, ...She.
Posted by Mongo, Mon May-11-15 01:05 PM
12801819, I had no idea all this time. My bad
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 01:06 PM
12801863, there's a subtle difference that makes a difference
Posted by akon, Mon May-11-15 01:25 PM
its not about getting technical but explains it (to me at least)
qualities being particular attributes that are pretty defined and hard to change
and which define what you find attractive in a person

so being fat and broke doesn't qualify
saying 'i wont date someone who is broke'
i assume means its because you attribute certain qualities to this that you would probably find unnatractive (whether or not this is even true)
but being broke is not well defined neither is it static
i could be a broke-ass student but that has nothing to do with my personality
now, if someone else thinks broke=lazy, then thats something else
and talking about shallow, materialistic people is a waste of time

12801900, I can dig it.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:42 PM
12801810, I think it comes down to the point of ignoring stuff
Posted by c71, Mon May-11-15 01:03 PM
like there is a stereotype that a racist white guy will overlook his dislike of black people just to potentially get with a very attractive black woman.

So, his friends might be like: "I thought you didn't like black people?"

and he'll probably be like: "...er, she's not like the rest..." (just because she's attractive - he's ignoring all the stuff about black people he usually is wrapped up in).

So, similarly, if a broke woman is like "I hate wimpy men" and she's dating a sort of soft fellow just because he has money, her friends probably will ask: "I thought you didn't like wimpy men?"

You know, the overlooking stuff thing.
12801824, This is also another thing
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:09 PM
Often time these preferences are annoying because when you see the individuals that these people are actually dating it dosent add up. Nigga whose crying about how he only fucks bad bitches baby mama is a 4 and shorty whose hollering where the ballers at baby's father can't even pay child support.
12801821, Here's something: they're both shallow and deserve each other
Posted by Mongo, Mon May-11-15 01:06 PM
12801861, You knoow?
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon May-11-15 01:25 PM
12801830, one is earned the other comes from luck of the gene lottery
Posted by double negative, Mon May-11-15 01:11 PM
am i specifically saying this? no

but maybe this is how some people view it

really at the end of the day its about the commodification of a woman's body

i.e. beauty = money, money = beauty
12802023, Not all money is earned... I know more than one or two people
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Mon May-11-15 03:03 PM
Living off of a well to do mommy or daddy.
They ain't earn shit, that was the luck of the draw just like beauty.

12802088, yep they hit the genetic lottery too
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 04:03 PM
12801836, The "attractive, nice bodied women" is the broke woman you're talking about.
Posted by Binladen, Mon May-11-15 01:15 PM
12801847, Not necessarily.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:17 PM
There are attractive, nice bodied women that are gainfully employed and like men with money.
12801947, of course their are but they dont count because they already have money
Posted by Binladen, Mon May-11-15 02:06 PM
and they're "attractive" so they do what they want.

>There are attractive, nice bodied women that are gainfully
>employed and like men with money.
12801976, they count lol
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 02:27 PM
I said that just to say that women of all social and economic classes can fall into the category of preferring men with money.

not just the " attractive nice bodied women " that are broke that your pointed out lol
12801845, please show me these fat ugly men pulling attractive women.
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-11-15 01:17 PM
where are they? do they exist? ive yet to meet one.

if hes fat AND ugly*? and his gal is cute? no. has literally never happened. i defy ANYONE to show me a couple that meets this criteria

* - when the man is NOT rich. Money is the great equalizer for men. hes fat, ugly and middle class or below? guaranteed his woman is grimace. @ least. if not worse.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12801852, Ain't say pulling, I said preferring lol
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:20 PM
Which is why it's dumb lol
12801862, touche nm
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-11-15 01:25 PM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12801885, Maybe that's why nobody cares!!!!!!
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon May-11-15 01:37 PM
So many women get with the rich guys, and a good number may play them, or divorce and take half, etc. etc.

Even if a fat ugly guy gets a dime, he can't..."use her for her looks" at the same kind of level.

I mean, it's just different. And it's more of a "stupid" vs "shady" type of issue to me as well.
12801926, I disagree
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:53 PM
>So many women get with the rich guys, and a good number may
>play them, or divorce and take half, etc. etc.

I don't think "so many women" get married with the intention of playing men and getting divorced. Sometimes it happens that way not I don't think it's scheming and shady intentions from the start. At least not for a lot of women.

>Even if a fat ugly guy gets a dime, he can't..."use her for
>her looks" at the same kind of level.

He can use her for her pussy. Which to most women has value.

>I mean, it's just different. And it's more of a "stupid" vs
>"shady" type of issue to me as well.

12801874, Rjcc is right. this thought process and the pondering of it is plagued
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 01:33 PM
with wastes of time.

you too old to be knocking this back and forth with even a small amount of seriousness.
12801911, and yet you're right along with me entertaining it
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 01:45 PM
Please go be above it all elsewhere.
12801921, being territorial of a post is the first sign of needing to take a break.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 01:49 PM
12801941, Id say it was more of a suggestion
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 02:03 PM
You know since you didn't want to discuss the topic at hand, I was suggesting that you get the fuck out and explore other options that are more suited towards your personal interests. You're welcome.
12801952, don't be so lazy with language. i'm very interested in why you
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 02:09 PM
think like this.

you remember me typing: 'what's it to you?'

you turned into a total spazz about that - as if asking 'why you care' is an automatic offense.

are you finding static/negative feedback when you express wanting a man with money?

people calling you a gold digger?

fat men make you made when they express they want a sexy wife?

I thought everybody just wants what they want.

I'm missing something?
12801965, it sounded snarky to me
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 02:20 PM

And not like you wanted to engage in an honest discussion about it, which is why you got that response. I feel as though if you honestly wanted to know those things that's what you would stated to begin with. You were throwing stones and now you're hiding your hands, and I don't like it.

>think like this.
>you remember me typing: 'what's it to you?'
>you turned into a total spazz about that - as if asking 'why
>you care' is an automatic offense.
>are you finding static/negative feedback when you express
>wanting a man with money?
>people calling you a gold digger?
>fat men make you made when they express they want a sexy
>I thought everybody just wants what they want.
>I'm missing something?

BUT to answer your question I think it's stems from men being cool with preferences and constantly defending their right to have these preferences( even the dumb ones) But when women have them, it's a problem.
12801979, 'throwing stones and hands' vs 'immediate defensiveness ....
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 02:29 PM
... based on reputation'

somehow, i've been pigeon-holed into being an asshole.

and that's not okay.

i like to type about things, too.

an asshole reads like this '... this a stupid-ass question, you're crazy as a bag of cats, Hannah.'

read the difference?


gold-diggers come in all sexes. case closed.
12801992, you type slick shit all the time
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 02:38 PM
And it may not be outrightly aggressive, but you do it and I'm not here for it. My response to your shenanigans will not be worded as delicately as your insults disguised as an attempt to engage.
12802009, i wish you noticed how selective i am with this, howjoosay ...
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 02:50 PM
'slick shit'

you're on the cool list.
12802020, Could have fooled me.
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon May-11-15 03:03 PM
> 'slick shit'
>you're on the cool list.
12801898, yup
Posted by Mr. ManC, Mon May-11-15 01:41 PM


and jealousy, cause a woman has a higher chance finding a man with money than a fat nigga landing a nice bodied woman.

end of the day they are both things that people should be allowed to be hung up on. Eventually everybody can find somebody.

12801925, i think its OK to seek in a partner what you lack in both cases
Posted by NikaMandela, Mon May-11-15 01:53 PM
if you broke, find you someone rich. if you're unattractive, find you someone attractive. as long as you have things the other person lacks, it balances out.

unattractive men only get shamed for preferring beautiful women if they're broke. wack looking dudes with money do not get shamed at all for their taste in women. its expected they will pull a dime.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Mon May-11-15 03:01 PM
12802164, http://oi46.tinypic.com/29okef6.jpg
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Mon May-11-15 05:12 PM