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Topic subjectDo people still have enemies?
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12801542, Do people still have enemies?
Posted by double negative, Mon May-11-15 10:03 AM
or does that stuff fall away with age / is related to hanging in certain circles?

I cant imagine another human being saying "THEY ARE TRYING TO DESTROY MEEEEEEEEE!"

while another human being says "well, yes of course, I am trying to destroy them...they deserve it"

by enemy i mean someone who is the opposite of family in that you are actively trying to shower them with hate

or they are actively trying to come at you

or did this stuff really never happen and my brain is stuck on a mean girls dvd loop?
12801547, If you have a female facebook friend who works in a call center
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 10:08 AM
she has both enemies and haters.
12801574, I did'nt want to go there.....but LOL
Posted by double negative, Mon May-11-15 10:29 AM
12802234, LULZ. bruh my niece has so many haters and enemies
Posted by astralblak, Mon May-11-15 06:39 PM
so many

and three different father's to her three kids, all of who were friends at some point in life. one's dead. the other is in jail. the other just got out
12801549, my cousin kim
Posted by Ezzsential, Mon May-11-15 10:11 AM
she takes credit for how hood i act when in real life she acts mad white....

i mean, i speak slang and IDGAF!!!

the colors were NEVER accurate!
my music:
12801576, but is she actively trying to destroy you?
Posted by double negative, Mon May-11-15 10:29 AM
12801569, every good hero has a villain
Posted by philpot, Mon May-11-15 10:27 AM
and every villain thinks they're the hero
12801664, I work with folks who are enemies. My Job is like Game of Thrones.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon May-11-15 11:45 AM
I think that actively trying to destroy you type of enemy is from cartoons and the movies but I do see situations where peoples interests and agendas are diametrically oppose. If my division is doing well at work that means your division is doing poorly. Those people go at it. I try to stay out of the fray but folks do try to enlist me to take down the other and I won't have any parts of it (which makes me vulnerable as being seen as an ally of the other).

It's real real here.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12802235, lol. damn. what do you do
Posted by astralblak, Mon May-11-15 06:40 PM
12801667, only online, apparently.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 11:46 AM
12802004, they been banned
Posted by PG, Mon May-11-15 02:45 PM
12802006, Hell Yes. It is so disconcerting dealing with them too
Posted by Castro, Mon May-11-15 02:47 PM
12802239, damn skippy
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-11-15 06:51 PM
There's some people on earth I wish nothing but pain, failure and misery on and I'm sure the feelings mutual. I'm ok with that. Hate and anger make me strong

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12802246, Yup this little stocky Asian dude I went to school with...
Posted by Kira, Mon May-11-15 07:17 PM

We went to school together and worked together. Hadn't seen each other in years. Anywhoo, I saw him walking and gave him a ride in the whip and sensed he had a problem but didn't speak on it. Fast forward six months and I get a call telling me he wants to fight me in a cage match. I laugh it off because if he has a problem now then he should've said something six months ago.

Then there's the time someone spread a rumor that I put a football player in the hospital. Apparently this person is my twin or something or really looks like me. However, I am a law abiding citizen and would never commit such a heinous crime in public at a bar downtown. What nigga you know gon put a football player in a hospital, walk out the venue, and go home with no arrest? EXACTLY. Just because the person looks like me does not mean it was me. I have an idea of who spread the rumor but we don't run into each other for his sake.....