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Topic subject"the only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’"
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12801384, "the only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’"
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 08:08 AM
how do you make sense of that statement?

freedom fighters were some of the wildest.

is misogyny a bi-product of war/freedom fighting?
12801390, prone is on your stomach, its the steadiest position to fire a weaopn
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-11-15 08:18 AM

i mean i think i get the spirit dude said it in, which was misogynystic or however you spell that

but in todays context, w/ women literally leading the movement...that spirit is dead
12801397, that statement wasn't even accurate then
Posted by kayru99, Mon May-11-15 08:26 AM
12801402, tough call. while it's a good position to fire a weapon, it's also:
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 08:33 AM
"likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or unwelcome."
12801416, Because I happened to read Elaine Brown's bios before...
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon May-11-15 08:42 AM
cats like Stokley Carmichael, Bobby Seales and Huey Newton, I've always had not a whole lot of love for Black Panther wave of the Civil Rights Movement because of the misogyny involved.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12801445, Any more or less misogynist than the previous civil rights wave tho?
Posted by Amritsar, Mon May-11-15 08:55 AM
>cats like Stokley Carmichael, Bobby Seales and Huey Newton,
>I've always had not a whole lot of love for Black Panther wave
>of the Civil Rights Movement because of the misogyny involved.
12801528, seemingly more.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-11-15 09:44 AM
Considering a few women had more prominent roles in the BCRM than in the BPM.
12801631, Hmm but there were prominent women in the BPM too
Posted by Amritsar, Mon May-11-15 11:19 AM
>Considering a few women had more prominent roles in the BCRM
>than in the BPM.

Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Davis, Assata, Nikki Giovanni

Now, I'm not sure how prominent their ROLES were within the movement compared with BCRM's women.

But they're still well known figures to this day because of the work they did during that period.
12801660, I think a lot more. There was also a lot of drug use that made it on that
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon May-11-15 11:41 AM
that Marvin Gaye, Richard Pryor crazy paranoid psychotic type of behavior.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12801443, goddammit i was just tryna toss out this bathwater...
Posted by philpot, Mon May-11-15 08:53 AM
forgot there was a damn baby in it smh

still, probably a more fair stance than "my underage secretaries were sent to me by God so i could spread my divine seed" or "the young girls in my fake egypt belong to me"
12801447, They meant supine.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 09:00 AM
12801933, LOL discovering misogynoir n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Mon May-11-15 01:59 PM
I like drinking male tears. . .they give me super strength.
12801942, who knew, it comes complete with a goofy name.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon May-11-15 02:03 PM
black women really are special.
12801951, Dude, check out Gradientlair.com. That woman has maybe the
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon May-11-15 02:08 PM
most somber, most intense, dark, sad (emotionally) blog on the Black internet.

It's like a prose Sade, Cesaria Evora hybrid, but without any kind of musical groove.

*Edited to add: she's one of the bigger proponents of the misogynoir term.
12801948, Stokley was acting like an ass nm
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon May-11-15 02:07 PM
12801993, Meanwhile 3 Black women started the BLM movement.
Posted by Meadow, Mon May-11-15 02:38 PM

and yes, there are Black men out there trying to take credit for it.

To answer your question, it seems like Black men in these movements (as a group) struggle with their own egos and biases to the point where they don't seem to know how to handle having real power in the long-term.

How can you lead/guide/direct anyone if you're already discounting people simply because they don't have penises or because they're gay/lesbian?

The question should be why do Black men try to take/subvert power away from Black women within these movements? What is the thought process there?
12802706, Black men have been behaving terribly in the streets
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Tue May-12-15 12:03 PM
at rallies and protests. At a recent march in Philly, NOI brothers tried to demand that women stand behind them for "protection." They tried to control the direction of the march, despite never attending organizing/planning meetings. In Baltimore some women comrades were calling out the names of Black women who were murdered by cops, and were told "today is about Freddie Grey" by the men at the rally.

The hate for women, gays, and trans folks is one of the reasons why we can't get free as a people.