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Topic subjectDo you know guys who left when their kids were 1 or 2
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12801100, Do you know guys who left when their kids were 1 or 2
Posted by ndibs, Sat May-09-15 09:47 AM
that went on to start a family and be happily married to someone else? I don't know. I always judge guys with new newborns - 2 year olds who are actively dating as the type I wouldn't bet on sticking around.
12801128, The answer doesn't matter
Posted by samsara, Sat May-09-15 08:28 PM
You don't want to date a man with a young kid
The end.
12801148, Maybe I do, if my assumption is wrong.
Posted by ndibs, Sat May-09-15 10:15 PM
>You don't want to date a man with a young kid
>The end.
12801243, so 10 OKPs give you an anecdote
Posted by samsara, Sun May-10-15 02:31 PM
about a guy they know who got married after leaving the mother of his kid at age 1
and you go back to match.com and press send on that one?

seems unlikely

and i do have one

someone i know from college

got someone pregnant decided they weren't going to be together
had another child with someone else born 6 months later
got married to that woman
had another child with her
and were married a long time
until they got divorced 5 years ago

all of the people in this story have mild forms of crazy going on
but none of that has to do with the price of tea in china
everybody is different
if it's not the kids you'd be judging for something else
which is of course your prerogative
12801270, then i will reconsider my judgment yes...
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 05:51 PM
...is that okay with you?
12801275, you sound upset
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun May-10-15 06:03 PM
12801276, k
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 06:05 PM
12801130, RE: Do you know guys who left when their kids were 1 or 2
Posted by denny, Sat May-09-15 08:35 PM
You do realize it's not always a choice right? If the mother dumps the father....what else is he supposed to do? Not date?
12801146, Do you know any guys who got dumped when they had newborns...?
Posted by ndibs, Sat May-09-15 10:07 PM
That went on to be successfully married with kids to other women?
12802106, Me....kinda.
Posted by denny, Mon May-11-15 04:14 PM
I am a parental figure to 7 kids. My SO's kids, extended family kids, my bio-daughter. My daughter's mom split when she was 2...then came back and took her away when she was 4. So I don't live with her full-time.

Do you really think that there's not men who've separated with their kid's moms who are good parents/good men?

See...this is my problem with perceptions like this. The single mother is the 'hero'....the father is a bum. That's true sometimes....but certainly not all the time. The fact that women get the kids de facto in separation is a PRIVILEGE....not a burden. Oftentimes, kids are TAKEN from fathers cause the mother wants to re-up. Then she's a hero and gets all the 'single mother praise'? I see THAT just as often as I see the 'deadbeat dad' scenario.

If a guy is acknowledging his kids from a previous relationship on a dating site....chances are he is a loving father that's letting people know that his kids are a part of his life. If he was a deadbeat....he'd be more likely to not mention them.

12801153, No
Posted by Teknontheou, Sat May-09-15 11:05 PM
12801260, He didnt leave, she left him
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun May-10-15 04:59 PM
she was white, he is Black.

when his kid was 13 he asked to live with his father and lived with him until he was 19.

he isn't married
12801267, so your answer is no?
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 05:39 PM
>she was white, he is Black.
>when his kid was 13 he asked to live with his father and lived
>with him until he was 19.
>he isn't married
12801273, i think that was obvious
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun May-10-15 06:02 PM
12801278, k
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 06:05 PM
12801290, I know two
Posted by GirlChild, Sun May-10-15 08:50 PM
12801310, Our generation?
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 09:41 PM
Or parents or older when everyone was married?
12801339, my dad and his son
Posted by GirlChild, Sun May-10-15 11:51 PM
my dad married my mother
12801343, His son as in your brother or half brother?
Posted by ndibs, Mon May-11-15 12:05 AM
>my dad married my mother
12801347, half
Posted by GirlChild, Mon May-11-15 12:35 AM
I don't claim him
12801329, Yes, my dad
Posted by murderbear, Sun May-10-15 10:59 PM
When I was a youngster, I found my parents marriage license/certificate and was surprised to see that my pops was listed as divorced on there...so I started asking questions.

Came to find out that he had three kids with his wife and bounced when they were 2,1, some months....now, I don't really know the circumstances around it, but I always felt weird that he had zero contact with them to this day, but was an ever present figure in MY life.

My folks just celebrated 45 years of marriage, btw.
12801334, Wow and damn...
Posted by ndibs, Sun May-10-15 11:38 PM
But who wants to live with 3 babies? He probably hadn't had any sleep or attention from his wife for 2 yrs and wasn't going to get any for another 2. There might be guys who stick through it, but I doubt any of them are enjoying it.

Are you an only child?

Did your mother know about the left behind kids?
12801346, who want to live with 3 babies?
Posted by seasoned vet, Mon May-11-15 12:29 AM
was that sarcasm?
12801348, I'm dead ass serious....
Posted by ndibs, Mon May-11-15 12:55 AM
....3 children or under age 2?

I'm not making any judgment calls on why he left. Maybe he was a terrible person or maybe he realized none of them kids were his.

But 3 kids under age TWO in diapers does not sound like a good time.
12801372, that's life, though...no one forced that on him....
Posted by Dstl1, Mon May-11-15 07:52 AM
unless I'm reading wrong, I can't believe this is a serious reply.
12801647, yeah i'm scratching my head too
Posted by GirlChild, Mon May-11-15 11:33 AM
bc that was a pretty shitty thing to say
12802100, But....................he did that though.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon May-11-15 04:10 PM
12801359, Yes, I'm an only child, but..
Posted by murderbear, Mon May-11-15 06:44 AM
That was a product of my mothers ability to have kids, apparently she had two miscarriages before I came.

And I guess she knew the whole situation, she's the only that explained it all to me before my pops came home from work.

Weirdly enough, I visited my aunt (his sister) in another country about 8 years ago, she made mention of seeing one of his kids ( who would have been 40+) on the bus all the time.
12801540, did hearing any/all of that...
Posted by morpheme, Mon May-11-15 10:01 AM
change your perspective of your dad?
your mom was brave, yo.
12802271, Not then, but now...
Posted by murderbear, Mon May-11-15 08:31 PM
I wonder what kind of man leaves three kids and has ZERO contact with them for close to 50 years, but then I realize that the kind of man that does that can also be the kindest, hardest working man I've ever known, a role model of a husband, a man that others speak about with respect, a father that taught me things that make me stand out in a good way.

I think that's why I've never asked him for great detail, because I realize that he is defined by so many other things
12802383, So maybe he didn't leave, he was forced to go.
Posted by Fishgrease, Tue May-12-15 07:36 AM
12801354, i dont know ANY men who left their kids...period.
Posted by Binlahab, Mon May-11-15 04:40 AM
a few who left the mamas of them kids...but leave the kids? never. thats what bums do...& i dont associate with bums

12801360, Right, I feel like this with my crew...
Posted by murderbear, Mon May-11-15 06:46 AM
I might know OF guys like that, but MY GUYS? Good fathers, every last one of them.
12801624, i think it would be hard to track the activity of every
Posted by ndibs, Mon May-11-15 11:08 AM
sperm cell from just one single man. I commend you for tracking comings and goings literally of sperm cells of every man you know. most men are not forthcoming about the children they have out of wedlock or the ones they don't take care of. So this is an impressive feat you've accomplished.

I applaud you binlahab!
12801649, you doubt he knows whether his folk are fathers or not?
Posted by morpheme, Mon May-11-15 11:35 AM
i think it would be HIGHLY rare for a dude to not disclose a CHILD to his boys no matter the circumstance.
12802268, my dad did that
Posted by j., Mon May-11-15 08:16 PM
I had zero contact, never even seen or spoke to him from my earliest memory (4 years old) until I was 11. Saw him once. Then didn't see or hear from him ever again until I was 32, and that was because one of my cousins on my dad's side found me on fb.

According to my mom he broke out and remarried before I was a year old. So basically I've only seen my dad live in the flesh two times in my entire life.
12801548, The first year of a child's life is HELL on a relationship
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-11-15 10:11 AM
I can see a lot of struggling relationships faltering during that time-frame.
12801589, yeah, i see that. I totally wouldn't expect any guy..
Posted by ndibs, Mon May-11-15 10:44 AM
to stick around if he's not married.

do you think these guys are likely to learn from their experience and are more prepared second time around?
12801627, The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon May-11-15 11:16 AM
12802225, My dad, my bros' mother to my mom
Posted by astralblak, Mon May-11-15 06:20 PM
but years had passed

he was touring, not being faithful and she asked him to bounce and not come back. a story my bros years later corroborated. that they'd see my pop in his Lac on the street or at the park and he'd hit them with small gifts here and there, but their mother was always the one who was like hell nah, leave us alone. My oldest brother even remembers a time she broke new records my pop had given them

years later my pop took my mom in with her four girls and then had me and my lil big sister.

he and my brothers had found piece with each other before my pop passed and I build with both of them on a weekly bases through FB, text, phonecall, etc
12802265, my dad before my first birthday
Posted by j., Mon May-11-15 08:11 PM
divorced my mom, got married right away, and has lived happily with his wife for 36 years. My half sister is a year and 3 months younger than me.
