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Topic subjectWhat is the brokest thing you have ever done?
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12796007, What is the brokest thing you have ever done?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Sat May-02-15 07:18 PM
Rummage through the pockets of Thrift Store clothes for change? Ever hide meat under a salad because the salad bar was cheaper than the hot bar?

I begged on the streets of Madrid playing a congo drum. Not my finest hour.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12796095, Fortunately not much
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sat May-02-15 11:52 PM
I remember deciding fuck being broke one day when I was leaving ninth grade and I needed to make a phone call. I had four nickels and I asked some old man if you would be nice enough to give me a quarter for four nickels so I could call for a ride. I very clearly said four nickels and that I was one short. He said, "sure," I gave him the change he counted it and said "there's only 20 cents here." I told him I knew that and I told him that, I was just a little short to make a call for a ride home. I don't even remember what he said but the look he gave me was just so fucking cold; I will never forget it. Over a nickel. I decided right then and there that I'd never be in a position to depend on anybody for SHIT.
12796102, Rummaging through the park grass for loose change, I guess.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sun May-03-15 12:12 AM
12796108, Stealing food
Posted by KingMonte, Sun May-03-15 12:55 AM
12796113, biked 7 miles to pay for a boost mobile $45 phone bill in coins
Posted by Deadzombie, Sun May-03-15 01:06 AM
12796120, slept in an internet cafe for 2 days straight while on vacation
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Sun May-03-15 05:27 AM
Slept outside in a park on the same vacation
12796699, i think the word "vacation" is used improperly here. You were just off.
Posted by Fishgrease, Mon May-04-15 11:11 AM
12800253, RE: i think the word "vacation" is used improperly here. You were just off.
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Fri May-08-15 07:28 AM
12800489, vacation means:
Posted by Fishgrease, Fri May-08-15 11:12 AM
a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel; recess or holiday

you do not seemed to have been enjoying none of it.

you were simply off work.

12800409, HAHAHA
Posted by morpheme, Fri May-08-15 10:26 AM
12800436, hehehe
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Fri May-08-15 10:42 AM
You ain't right, man.
12796129, made a chef boy r d pizza..
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun May-03-15 07:02 AM
Went to sleep at 7 pm on a friday in college so I could dream about food
12796140, Mixed hotwater with lemon pepper and pretended it was soup.
Posted by Lardlad95, Sun May-03-15 08:13 AM
12796148, steal rolls of toilet paper from a public restroom
Posted by thegodcam, Sun May-03-15 08:51 AM
cuz i had barely enough money 2 feed myself
12796208, From work too.
Posted by Kei2Lyfe, Sun May-03-15 01:17 PM
End of the month was HARD.
12796468, yep - i stole mine from the unemployment office
Posted by MzOnyxVI, Mon May-04-15 08:02 AM
12796167, Put two dollars worth of gas in my car when it was on E
Posted by SimplyHannah, Sun May-03-15 11:51 AM
12796171, smh...dat aint shit
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sun May-03-15 11:58 AM
try .091 worth
12796173, When you broke you learn how many miles u can drive on empty lol
Posted by Amritsar, Sun May-03-15 12:02 PM
I remember being shocked that I got like 40 something miles out before the car died

Don't wanna do that to your car on a regular basis or anything tho
12796288, egg zack lee. gotta know how far your car can go after the gas light
Posted by BigJazz, Sun May-03-15 05:53 PM
comes on...

but i got a better broke gas hustle. say you expect to have money on a friday. what you do is go to the gas station on a wednesday and charge your gas. all they'll do is charge your account $1. the rest of the charge won't hit til Friday when your money will be there...

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12796703, I've gone to BP and had the money taken out of my account before I
Posted by Fishgrease, Mon May-04-15 11:12 AM
got back to work some 10 minutes later.
12800425, YES! lol
Posted by Lach, Fri May-08-15 10:40 AM
12796178, stole gas....twice...was shook to try it a third time, lol
Posted by tully_blanchard, Sun May-03-15 12:15 PM

We covered by the Blood which never loose it's power

12796210, i've sold cds for gas money or for food
Posted by gilmore happy, Sun May-03-15 01:20 PM
12796238, payday loans
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun May-03-15 03:00 PM
12796876, yo...in a pinch those motherfuckers saved my life a few times
Posted by MrThomas43423, Mon May-04-15 01:23 PM
more than a few times.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
12800511, Yep.
Posted by spades, Fri May-08-15 11:28 AM
12800634, yup^^^
Posted by CRATEWORM, Fri May-08-15 12:48 PM
12796240, This post makes has me feeling very very fortunate.
Posted by guru0509, Sun May-03-15 03:01 PM
12796245, You found a way to be above it all
Posted by Amritsar, Sun May-03-15 03:35 PM
What a shocker
12796263, During college, I "repurposed" dish soap out of the containers...
Posted by Kira, Sun May-03-15 04:37 PM

Added in some coloring to change the color, mixed in some cologne, added a a few ounces of water and hustled body wash online.

Made a killing for an undergrad too.
12796277, Not Proud of this
Posted by TR808, Sun May-03-15 05:24 PM
1. Taken an item from Grocery store A

2. Return Item to Grocery store B.

3. use money from return to put gas in car.

12796279, Does accepting someone's charity via left over furniture count?
Posted by Kira, Sun May-03-15 05:26 PM
Let's say, hypothetically of course, that someone were moving in and left their couch touching the sidewalk and someone else just happened to come through while they were chilling and swiped said couch/insert furniture.

Let's take it a step further and say someone sold said fair used furniture to a store.
12796287, i still do broke shit even though i'm not broke no more...
Posted by BigJazz, Sun May-03-15 05:48 PM
every time i go to chick fil a, i'm leaving with a bag full of plastic spoons, forks and hot sauce packets.

when i stay in hotels, i scoop up little bottles of lotion and body wash.

i sneak food into movie theaters.

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12796505, I always scrape 10 forks from Wendy's
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon May-04-15 08:35 AM
but I keep them at work for lunch.
12800414, i take lemon wedges from chipotle...
Posted by morpheme, Fri May-08-15 10:32 AM
bring them home and put them into an airtight container.

12800254, man, i have taken PLATES of food in to theaters.
Posted by kayru99, Fri May-08-15 07:38 AM
I wish i might would pay 9.50 for a burger and fries, when I can just lug in this curry chicken and rice in some tupperware in my backpack
12800438, lol my wife does all of the above and loves shopping at thrift stores
Posted by Lach, Fri May-08-15 10:43 AM
It pains her to go to a mall and buy stuff. She grew up dirt poor in Southeast DC and refuses to waste money today on damn near anything yet her pockets are now deep. I tried to buy her a new ford explorer. She said bump that, she wanted a Ford Fiesta because it got 40 miles a gallon. So that's what I bought her and she loves it. I'm fortunate to have a woman like her.
12796292, Drank 211 Steel Reserve....
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Sun May-03-15 06:03 PM
My ninjaz dat been thru da struggle know da fuck I'm sayin.

12800313, RE: Drank 211 Steel Reserve....
Posted by SynsCei, Fri May-08-15 08:55 AM
I feel ya.... at one point $.79 at Wal Mart, but that shit got the best of me (alcoholism -> cirrhosis).

Now I'm about that $.99 Arizona Mango tea lol
12800418, my son loves this stuff!!!
Posted by morpheme, Fri May-08-15 10:36 AM

>Now I'm about that $.99 Arizona Mango tea lol
12796303, banged out a fat chick just to raid her snack pantry as she slept
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sun May-03-15 06:42 PM
Just kidding, but probably the lowest thing I've ever done was live for a week off Toast-Chee crackers. You can get a box of those things for about a buck each in some places, and during a particularly bad time in college I did that a few times. It's not a big deal to me-as long as it's temporary.
12796305, squatted in vacant apartments
Posted by Mynoriti, Sun May-03-15 06:46 PM
slept in the car
slept in a park
waited for a market to throw their leftovers away to eat.

bunch of other shit
12796507, called in sick at work bc I didn't have bus fare.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon May-04-15 08:37 AM
12796683, Edited a song for a stripper for $20
Posted by Wonderl33t, Mon May-04-15 11:01 AM
Via the Craigslist "gigs" section. I didn't know she was a stripper until she brought the CD to my parents house where I was living at the time. This was a few years ago when I was out of a job.

I was also flipping things on Craigslist and eBay constantly...my best come up was a Palm Pilot that my bud gave me because it didn't sell at his yard sale. I got $45 for it on eBay...that was a good day, haha.
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12796684, Tried to sneak into a club I had DJ'd at before bc they charged $5
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon May-04-15 11:03 AM
Walked in through the back...and the manager saw me. I was drunk, not really caring. But being super cheap. She was like "um, sorry honey, you have to enter through the front."
12796702, Picked an extra long cigarette butt up off the sidewalk
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-04-15 11:12 AM
12796776, Better one
Posted by TR808, Mon May-04-15 11:58 AM
Go to the hospital cancer unit and take snacks out the Family Nourishment kitchen.

12796790, I've tried to pay for potato wedges at KFC with a token
Posted by 13Rose, Mon May-04-15 12:10 PM
That's just how we rolled in Brownvsille back in the 90s. Pizza shops and bodegas accepted them. How was I to know the Colonel wasn't down with the plan.
12796793, Yo, this is some vintage, old school NY shit
Posted by John Forte, Mon May-04-15 12:12 PM
I almost forgot about tokens as currency
12796795, Stole tips and silverware off restaurant tables on the way out.
Posted by Mongo, Mon May-04-15 12:12 PM
12800434, low.
Posted by morpheme, Fri May-08-15 10:42 AM
12796797, Bought groceries with a check that I knew wasn't good...
Posted by Creole, Mon May-04-15 12:14 PM
RE: What is the brokest thing you have ever done?

upon its initial run through the process. Dealt with the fees later. In the meanwhile, we ate.
12800468, +1
Posted by JellyBean, Fri May-08-15 10:55 AM
I got so bold once I got cash back off the check so I could get some gas!
12796870, after I first moved to NY, hiked from 28th and 7th to
Posted by Mr. ManC, Mon May-04-15 01:13 PM
160 and Broadway cause I ain't have money for a swipe.

I left one job and was working at the new gig, but my last check from the old job was coming in the mail that day.

Didn't know anybody at the new gig, and wasn't about to ask to borrow money. The new company was supposed to pay for my transit while on work hours, but they didn't. So I used my get home swipe to get back to the office.

Straight hill after like 80th and Broadway, haha earned my stripes that day.

12796874, Bought groceries on a negative bank balance
Posted by Sepia., Mon May-04-15 01:18 PM
with an opted-in debit card.

I figured since they were going to go ahead and charge me for every purchase
that went over balance, I might as well just make it one big purchase.

So I bought a bunch of groceries to last me until my job started (2 weeks away)
and got cash back to put gas in the car. *college struggle*

I keep my cards opted out now, lol. But that really saved me back then.
12796878, i'd steal rides on the Metro by walking really, really close....
Posted by MrThomas43423, Mon May-04-15 01:24 PM
to the person in front of me. i didn't have any Metro money, so when the opportunity presented myself...i had to take it. and it was awkward cause you'd have to be really close up on the person in front of you. now when i see other people doing it, i just laugh.
it's true what they say...people are strange, when you're strangers.

not compassionate....only polite.

I am not like you at all and i cannot pretend.
12797040, took $10 in change to the gas station for dollar bills to pay club cover
Posted by silenttype, Mon May-04-15 03:54 PM
then put drinks on overlimit Credit Card.
12800257, i never bought books in college.
Posted by Binlahab, Fri May-08-15 07:43 AM
id check out the textbook from the library, or borrow somebodies & make copies @ my job.

either way, i learned what needed to get learned.

only downside, is the classes where they'd be like turn to xyz page in your textbook. i'd be looking real dumb those days. oh well

also was the king of ordering plain fried rice from mama san. that & a mystic = $3 and i'd be full for most of the day...& then would go to sleep

between that & walking everywhere i went, no wonder i was under 200

also the king of paying shit off in weed. i dunno if thats broke or not but its 100% ghetto

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12800428, I did this
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Fri May-08-15 10:40 AM
" check out the textbook from the library, or borrow somebody's & make copies @ my job.

either way, i learned what needed to get learned.

I didnt see it as broke I saw it as smart

Fuck them textbook mayne
12800267, These kind of stories build character in a person
Posted by Amritsar, Fri May-08-15 08:00 AM
Imagine the alternative. Spoiled kids who were handed everything have no idea how to fend for themselves
12800275, Opened food at the grocery store so I could get a discount
Posted by Wizdom, Fri May-08-15 08:07 AM
12800389, wow..i feel very fortunate
Posted by Calico, Fri May-08-15 10:12 AM
i think the brokest i've been were


walking to work cause i couldn't afford to drive AND eat....

on an out of town day trip with a homeboy who KNEW i was broke, i watched 3 sets of people eat when i had no money in my pockets, including a family of 5 while i just drank water....THEN...he got lost on the way back home and we ended up over 50 miles off course and HE asked misc people i either didn't know or rarely spoke to in that city for money (turned out he was broke too).....
12800395, paid for gas with the change in my ash tray
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Fri May-08-15 10:17 AM

Fuck your fort!
12800460, sold my plasma
Posted by kevb, Fri May-08-15 10:50 AM
12800615, smoke ciggerettes out of a public ashtray!
Posted by Ezzsential, Fri May-08-15 12:27 PM

the colors were NEVER accurate!
my music: