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Topic subjectRE: Another question as far as entering exhibits as evidence
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12794008&mesg_id=12794109
12794109, RE: Another question as far as entering exhibits as evidence
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Apr-29-15 04:46 PM
>The witness that testifies to the authenticity of the
>evidence, if the other side objects that the witness fails to
>authenticate the documents and is sustained by the
>judge...does counsel use another witness to authenticate it or
>are they stuck with that witness?

they can probably try it w/another witness if the judge allows them to.

>I actually had to do this at my last job, to get some notices
>that we sent entered as evidence. They sent my supervisor on a
>prior matter and she failed to get the evidence in causing the
>judge to grant the other side's motion to suppress the
>notices. I'd assume a murder case wouldn't be so cut and dry

at that point it's going to be about whether there's another person on the witness list that can authenticate the documents. if there is such a witness the judge will likely allow the attorney to try authenticating the evidence w/that witness. if not the attorney may be stuck.