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Topic subjectKalief Browder spent 3 years in jail for allegedly stealing a backpack.
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12789951, Kalief Browder spent 3 years in jail for allegedly stealing a backpack.
Posted by Kira, Fri Apr-24-15 03:45 PM


In May, 2010, Kalief Browder, a sixteen-year-old high-school sophomore, was arrested in the Bronx for allegedly stealing a backpack. He insisted that he was innocent, but he was taken to Rikers Island, New York City’s four-hundred-acre jail complex. Browder spent the next three years at Rikers, awaiting trial while his case was repeatedly delayed by the courts. In May, 2013, the case against him was dismissed.

12789996, 3 years and no trial?
Posted by Fishgrease, Fri Apr-24-15 04:46 PM
12790001, Bruh (no offense AT ALL) but I'M SUING EVERYBODY.
Posted by Kira, Fri Apr-24-15 05:08 PM
I'm citing (off the top of my head) the sixth amendment aka the right for a speedy trial as my defense.

I got my asswhupped by guards AND gang members because y'all couldn't send me to trial. FUCK EVERYBODY WITH A LAWSUIT.
12790006, you read the article? He ended up trying to commit suicide numerous
Posted by Fishgrease, Fri Apr-24-15 05:15 PM
times once he actually got out.


man, that whole thing made my stomach hurt and my heart sink. Dude was only 16 going in and then 20 when he got out. He missed everything that was fun about being a teenager behind this sh*t.

He lost a job due to someone finding he'd been in a psyche ward.

He deserves to sue everything and everyone involved.

He also needs to leave NY.
12790019, He's suing for $20 million
Posted by Actuals, Fri Apr-24-15 05:51 PM
12824358, Kalief Browder (1993 -2015)
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jun-07-15 07:20 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12824362, smh, rest in peace young man
Posted by murderbear, Sun Jun-07-15 07:34 PM
12824369, poor kid.
Posted by b.Touch, Sun Jun-07-15 07:56 PM
12824380, to go through that could break anyone.
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jun-07-15 08:06 PM
how can the judges, prosecutors and anyone else involved look themselves in the mirror?

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12824383, Between this and the pool story
Posted by b.Touch, Sun Jun-07-15 08:09 PM
I'm pretty messed up.

Especially this though.

They stole that kid's life and allowed him to be subjected to things no prisoner at all should go through, but especially not a teenage boy who was, in the end, not found to have committed a crime in the first place.
12824428, :(
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sun Jun-07-15 09:39 PM
12824431, damn
Posted by sweet ruffian, Sun Jun-07-15 09:47 PM
12824532, fuuuck!!!!
Posted by thegodcam, Mon Jun-08-15 05:51 AM
12825386, and this could happen to any of our kids, man....
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Jun-08-15 05:17 PM
I have a son who is about to turn 14. I'm gonna go home and just hold him. I would probably lose it right now if I wasn't at work.
12825794, not really .the problem was his parents didn't have the money
Posted by ndibs, Tue Jun-09-15 08:10 AM
for bail or the the wherewithall or maybe know how to r aise the funds.

Before people go crazy I'm not blaminng the parents OR saying this could never happen to the rest of us or middle class or upper class people. Bail could be several million.

But, the reason he spent time in jail for 3 years for something like stealing a backpack was because he was poor which is shameful.

12825798, that too.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-09-15 08:15 AM
12825847, good point. I was kinda amazed when I read the amount...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 09:02 AM
of the bail...and that they didn't have that much...but some folks just don't have it.
12825911, how much was it?
Posted by labcoat, Tue Jun-09-15 09:48 AM
12825961, three thousand dollars
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 10:23 AM
12826041, think about this y'all. 3K. that's it
Posted by astralblak, Tue Jun-09-15 11:23 AM
12826075, see...I will openly admit...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 11:40 AM
when I read it I was like "that's all? 3 grand?" I mean, if my son was being held with 3k bond, he's be home in 30 minutes. Then I realized that not everyone has the means. It's still kinda hard for me to grasp, though. I don't want to sound insensitive, so I'll end it.
12826082, he was held WITHOUT bond b/c of a probation violation.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-09-15 11:46 AM

Kalief was on probation when he caught the new felony case. originally he was held on a cash bond - $3000. but after the state filed a petition to revoke his probation the judge ordered him held w/o bond. his attorney filed several motions for bond review - all were denied.
12826091, thanks
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 11:53 AM
12826103, so, I'm asking you cuz this is your expertise...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 12:03 PM
at this point in the paragraph below...could he have come home? Or am I reading it wrong?

Late on Saturday, seventeen hours after the police picked Browder up, an officer and a prosecutor interrogated him, and he again maintained his innocence. The next day, he was led into a courtroom, where he learned that he had been charged with robbery, grand larceny, and assault. The judge released his friend, permitting him to remain free while the case moved through the courts. But, because Browder was still on probation, the judge ordered him to be held and set bail at three thousand dollars. The amount was out of reach for his family, and soon Browder found himself aboard a Department of Correction bus. He fought back panic, he told me later. Staring through the grating on the bus window, he watched the Bronx disappear. Soon, there was water on either side as the bus made its way across a long, narrow bridge to Rikers Island.
12826107, for sure.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-09-15 12:06 PM
if the bond had been posted before the state filed the petition he'd have been out.

but once that petition was filed there'd have been another bond hearing where the judge could've set a higher cash bond or converted the bond such that he was held w/o a cash bond.
12824376, RE: Kalief Browder spent 3 years in jail for allegedly stealing a backpack.
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 08:04 PM
Yes I read this a while ago, this story is horrendous. Reminded me of the teen in Paris Texas sentenced to 7 years in jail for shoving a teachers aide
12824385, He didn't even get the justice of being declared guilty or not guilty
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Jun-07-15 08:13 PM
Went through all that. Stood on his principles by not taking a plea deal only a crazy man would refuse.

Only to have no result at the end.
Sad sad deal to the very end
12824387, This whole story just fked me up.
Posted by Binlahab, Sun Jun-07-15 08:17 PM

I mourn with this family this boy was failed at every step I. the system...I personally failed him by not raising more hell. Everybody. What a tragedy.

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12824410, Kalief Browser RIP.... the brotha is gone
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 08:51 PM

12824413, I can't believe it. R.I.P.
Posted by after midnight, Sun Jun-07-15 09:06 PM
I remember reading his story some years ago. And how he had attempted suicide a couple of times, after he got out of jail.

I thought that he had gotten past it. It's a damn shame.
12824419, RE: I can't believe it. R.I.P.
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 09:15 PM
A 16 year old in Rikers ????? I can't even imagine what happened to that kid in there. A whole list of folks need to be jailed over this.
12824415, The stories that black people can tell about this place...man.
Posted by kayru99, Sun Jun-07-15 09:07 PM
yeah, i'm almost in tears
12824418, sometimes it feels like the best thing we can do is follow suit
Posted by godleeluv, Sun Jun-07-15 09:13 PM
At least we will be free. And they wont make any more money off our backs.
12824442, once you get past the fucked up cops, the fucked up judicial system
Posted by BigJazz, Sun Jun-07-15 10:03 PM
is waiting to fuck you up some more...

this shit is broken
12824486, RE: once you get past the fucked up cops, the fucked up judicial system
Posted by neuro_OSX, Sun Jun-07-15 11:19 PM
Yup and the wallstreet bankers been fucking us all for years.. System isn't broken, its working exactly as intended, by those in power, ie; the corporate masters and their 1% overlords.
12824548, This broke my heart this morning to read. I hope this sparks change.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jun-08-15 07:26 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12825375, My eyes are mad watery.
Posted by TheUltimate, Mon Jun-08-15 05:08 PM
This whole thing is disgusting. Heads need to roll because of this. Bloomberg was busy outlawing super-sized drinks and placing chairs in Time Square when this was happening, instead of raising awareness and using his influence to stop this injustice.
12825384, John Oliver : On Bail (video)
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jun-08-15 05:16 PM
12825387, damn. Damn. DAMN.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jun-08-15 05:17 PM
12825439, I don't get how people can still act like everything's ok.
Posted by Starbaby Jones, Mon Jun-08-15 05:59 PM
At this point, if you're ignorant of how slanted the justice system, it is willfully so. So sad.
12825456, This story damn near made me cry & fills me with RAGE
Posted by astralblak, Mon Jun-08-15 06:11 PM
fuck every mother fucker who aided in the destruction of this young man's mind, body and soul.

12825473, they killed his spirit...basically took away who he was
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Jun-08-15 06:24 PM
12825752, This is one of those stories where you get so entranced with that
Posted by Fishgrease, Tue Jun-09-15 07:21 AM
you cant help but be mad when it results in something less him getting proper justice.

I read this yesterday and it truly phucked up my afternoon.

I feel like Binlahab in believing that I myself failed him by not speaking out, doing more but by the time that I discovered his case and his plight, it was already too late. I just want to hold my son and tell him that it is gonna be alright.

But it wont.

the system is broke. One minor infraction and being in the wrong place in the wrong time for not only my son but any black male could result in a sentence of long unprocessed ail terms and/or death.

12825851, this is exactly what I meant in my reply...re: our sons....
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Jun-09-15 09:05 AM
but you said it much better than I did. It would only take being in te wrong place, with the wrong people, at the wrong time to get caught up in a similar fashion as a black teen male.
12825755, This story makes me glad I'm working today.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jun-09-15 07:25 AM
The job helps me combat the helpless feeling I had when I read this after work yesterday.
12826095, knock em out the box.
Posted by PG, Tue Jun-09-15 11:56 AM
12825770, FTS n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Tue Jun-09-15 07:41 AM

. . . If I have something to say when there is a reason involved, I am perfectly willing to talk. Katherine Hepburn
12825781, Tragic
Posted by AFRICAN, Tue Jun-09-15 07:54 AM
He was just a kid.
12826046, rest in peace, young man.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-09-15 11:25 AM
12826112, this hits too close to home right now
Posted by blackrussian, Tue Jun-09-15 12:09 PM
i can't read it. RIP.
12916757, So they can't let this guy become the Bronx DA right?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Oct-26-15 03:39 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star - https://goo.gl/jBHbVv
Appropriate Behavior - http://goo.gl/isCzTM
12916810, This is exactly why I refuse to live in NYC.
Posted by Kira, Mon Oct-26-15 04:49 PM
The idea that this happens and no one says shit is frightening. Imagine this happening to your seed.
12916812, as is the case w/many other things, this ain't unique to NYC.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Oct-26-15 04:52 PM