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Topic subjectdoes local honey really help with allergies?
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12781439, does local honey really help with allergies?
Posted by makaveli, Wed Apr-15-15 08:32 AM
I have never taken it consistantly, what are your experiences?
12781449, The real answer: maybe
Posted by John Forte, Wed Apr-15-15 08:37 AM
It will not TREAT allergy symptoms, but it may lessen sensitivities over time. It really depends on what pollen you're allergic to. If it's tree pollens or ragweed, you're not going to find that in your local honey.
12781451, I think it's homeopathy...
Posted by ndibs, Wed Apr-15-15 08:37 AM
>I have never taken it consistantly, what are your

I don't know who with real allergies could forgo any other treatment and just do raw honey, so I'm skeptical of anyone who says it does.
12781473, its said if the allergie is new, local honey will help
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-15-15 08:51 AM
but if you are allergic to peanuts..

honey won't help.
12781480, if it helps at all, it'll only help with allergies to flower pollen
Posted by John Forte, Wed Apr-15-15 08:53 AM
which is WAY down there on the list of seasonal allergens. Grass, tree ad ragweed are the ones that fuck most people up.
12781525, You can get allergic to peanuts at 35
Posted by ndibs, Wed Apr-15-15 09:21 AM
>but if you are allergic to peanuts..
>honey won't help.

Happened to the (white)blonde lady dr on the drs tv show.
12781463, "Hair of the dog" theory.....it might work....might not. Honey's good though...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-15-15 08:47 AM
so it can't hurt...