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Topic subjectATL: 3 APS administrators get 7 years...SEVEN. [link]
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12780500, ATL: 3 APS administrators get 7 years...SEVEN. [link]
Posted by placee_22, Tue Apr-14-15 10:34 AM

I'm taking that deal if I'm them. IDK WTF kinda advice they got, but it was wrong.

EDIT: The three that got 7 yrs weren't classroom teachers, but central office personnel.
12780505, One of them, Sharon Davis-Williams, just got 20 years.
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-14-15 10:38 AM
12780506, Tamara Coleman, 20 years.
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-14-15 10:38 AM
12780516, Oh, I see. 20 yrs 13 yrs probation
Posted by placee_22, Tue Apr-14-15 10:48 AM
12780518, I think some of them are getting 7 yrs flat. Others 7 + 13 probation
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-14-15 10:52 AM
12780522, Donald Bullock was like...NOPE! Gimme that deal your honor.
Posted by placee_22, Tue Apr-14-15 10:54 AM
12780523, fuck you Georgia!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-14-15 10:55 AM
12780542, I don't understand
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Apr-14-15 11:07 AM
what benefit there is to jailing these folks. seems like they're being made examples for others, but it won't matter if the school system and testing priorities change so that its not so incentive based.
12780944, why shouldn't they go to jail tho?
Posted by NikaMandela, Tue Apr-14-15 02:15 PM
i mean to be honest, i dont know much about the case, but they stole money no?
12781082, this is what I don't understand
Posted by MzOnyxVI, Tue Apr-14-15 03:49 PM
people are oversimplifying this case

'they changed test scores'


but they also prevented hundreds of thousands of dollars in aid from being used at certain schools to help kids who REALLY, REALLY needed it

they accepted bonuses based on lies

and did NOT serve the kids they were hired to serve

why is this okay?
12781105, And a ton of other teachers just maned up and admitted it
Posted by B9, Tue Apr-14-15 04:06 PM
These few decided to fight it the obvious, and guess what?
12780558, I feel Sick about this. It's Racist and Political.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Apr-14-15 11:18 AM
On The Atlanta Public School Scandal

This is by far the most willful example of a miscarriage of justice in the name of seeking justice. So far teachers have been sentence from 1 yr, 2 yrs, 5 yrs (serve 1, 5 yrs probation, $1000 fine), 7 yrs and 20 yrs (serve 7). The DA is giving people 5 yrs probation and 1 year home confinement 7pm-7am (that's a trap). All of this is for teachers being involved with cheating practices on a state test that fails prove anything in the first place. This is the same testing platform that has to be revised constantly.

The D.A.'s office should be ashamed of this matter and its tactics in an effort to gain point with politicians. The DA never wanted justice, he just wanted retribution.

The Fulton County Superior Court Judge is taking this APS case personal. He's overly theatrical, disrespectful, and emotional. And I hope that he is thoroughly investigated after this is over. As I watch the live sentencing he is clearly displaying grave amount of hubris. The fact that he called the APS scandal "The sickest things that's ever happen to this town." is crazy and just plain wrong. This judge wanted people to accept a plea deal that waived their right to an appeal. WHAT! And the DA created the plea.

Yes, the teachers should be punished for their actions, but these sentences are crazy.
"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12780603, we really need some sentencing guideline reform....
Posted by BigJazz, Tue Apr-14-15 11:35 AM

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12780611, apparently the defendants had multiple chances,
Posted by Kevin26_2, Tue Apr-14-15 11:38 AM
after the verdict was given, to arrive at a deal. the judge signaled that anyone who didnt take a deal would get a harsh sentence. some of the defendants, against all common sense, decided to roll the dice. and they lost, big time. sometimes you just have to take the deal.
12780631, killer cops walk but we throw the book @ teachers #murica
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Tue Apr-14-15 11:44 AM

good job
12780666, each one, teach one
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-14-15 12:02 PM
12780642, Aptitude testing is evil, but I have little sympathy here
Posted by B9, Tue Apr-14-15 11:49 AM
There are avenues and ways to affect change in regards to standardized testing; conspiring to change scores to pass under-prepared students and inflate school achievement numbers isn't one of them. Backing what they did and on the scale they did it is as shitty and wrong as that approach to teacher/student assessment. What's worse, by dragging this along as far as this handful of pig-headed dumbasses did, they lost the chance for that dialogue. Remember, when this all started back in 2011, there were 216 (!) teachers and administrators implicated in the scandal. Most quickly admitted to what they had done and all of them faced paltry punishment in comparison to today's sentencing.

But for four years now, the remaining few were offered ranges of deals by the state that they refused to listen to, and Cotmam in particular wasted so much of the county's time and money with frivolous motions. Even after their verdicts, they refused to take the last-second deals on offer despite Baxter and the DA pleading for them to do so multiple times. Had they entered guilty please way back in 2011 or fessed up like so many of their colleagues did, this would already be past them.

So, no. I really don't give a damn other than the amount of time and money the county is going to have to waste, again, hearing the appeals.
12780674, reminds me of a friend who didn't take the plea of 3 to 5
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Apr-14-15 12:04 PM
and got hit with 15. Dude was 6'3" Black as night and beat the shit out of a white girl in Western PA.

But somehow thought he would beat it because he grew up rich and never heard the word no.
12780775, It's just silly that they fought this to this stage and are now upset
Posted by B9, Tue Apr-14-15 01:03 PM
about sentencing. Clear as day pretty early on that they were caught, other people rolled on them and they had no chance of winning, but they kept on keeping on without taking a deal or changing their plea.
So, yeah, I'm not going to waste my time getting upset at the sentencing when they knew what was headed toward them.
12780643, I think 1 year was the most the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-14-15 11:49 AM
soldiers received.

This countries loves to throw negroes in jail.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12780742, but Lynndie England wasn't charged in Fulton County
Posted by Jay Doz, Tue Apr-14-15 12:43 PM
i don't see how what happened in one jurisdiction has to do with the price of tea in another
12780831, Cause justice and fairness is a jurisdiction by Jurisdiction question.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-14-15 01:35 PM
What's fair and just in Atlanta is also fair and just in kalamazoo.

Regardless of jurisdictional differences, If I kill a man in New York shouldn't I expect more time then for running a red light in detroit?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12781045, I meant "isn't".
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-14-15 03:21 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12780778, they along with their attorneys are idiots
Posted by JAESCOTT777, Tue Apr-14-15 01:04 PM
They had a deal on the table since last year

And still dragged this shit on
Wasting all this time and money

I think they just assumed al or Jessie
Was gonna pop up on that horse
12781111, while i do think the charges and sentence are excessive
Posted by teefiveten, Tue Apr-14-15 04:13 PM
there's probably thousands of kids who are ill equipped now because of them. kids who were not proficient for their grade but got a pass to slide though. maybe subsequent years of schooling got them caught up to speed but how likely is that?

idealistically, it would be great to see "justice" dealt to those who damage children but it's so arbitrary and given this is probably happening everywhere, i don't find it to be fair or really effective. especially when you think about crimes that are violent or robbed folks of their future as well yet went uncharged or were given slaps on the wrist
12781401, re: not proficient for their grade but got a pass to slide though
Posted by BigJazz, Wed Apr-15-15 07:57 AM
that happens in failing schools in every major city in america...

whether teachers are changing scores or not

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...
12781417, yup
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-15-15 08:19 AM

12781286, should have taken the deals
Posted by Lach, Tue Apr-14-15 08:16 PM
12781340, basically. judge was like you know you done fucked up right?
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Apr-14-15 11:14 PM