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Topic subjectQuestion of the Day: Do you still feel guilty about some past mistakes?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12779322
12779322, Question of the Day: Do you still feel guilty about some past mistakes?
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-13-15 10:43 AM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12779329, not guilty, regret
Posted by j., Mon Apr-13-15 10:46 AM
I regret a couple of things I done and I know my life would be different (better/worse is another story) if I had chosen door number 2 instead of 1. But holding on to guilt or regret is serious as cancer and will likely kill you faster so I just KIM
12779332, guilt vs. regret.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Apr-13-15 10:47 AM
it's not healthy to hold onto guilt.

but of course there are some things i can admit to regretting.
12779342, No. No regrets either.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Apr-13-15 10:52 AM
Life happened and if I made a mistake I learnt from it and won't repeat it.

Living in the past is a great way to waste the present.
12779345, you're a real inspiration, superhuman.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Apr-13-15 10:53 AM
12779371, My sarcasm-meter is apparently failing.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Apr-13-15 11:05 AM
But I suspect this was sarcasm.

Honestly, I can't think of a single event from my life that I'd change... I've failed exams, lost women, missed chances, lost jobs, missed flights, I've spent nights in cells, I've taken girls to the 'clinic'... I can't think of any single event that I'd go back and change given the capability.

Maybe in the 10 mins following the mistake I wish there was a Ctrl+Z available... but 5 years? Nah. It's just not a concept that makes sense to me. What would I gain from feeling shitty about something I can't change?

I'm gonna dip before I get all initiationofplato.
12779378, you shouldn't want to change the past. but you have to own it.
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Apr-13-15 11:09 AM
owning is guilt.

you were guilty of making those 'mistakes'.

no, you don't have to hang on to it forever.

but you can't walk around with your chin up and chest out like you're infallible and free of all guilt and all regret.


and it's too late. you're already on that 'itchyplato'.

how old are you?
12779452, No deferring of ownership here.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Apr-13-15 11:57 AM
Regret implies dwelling on an action you wish you could change to me... guilt implies some sort of moral failing you feel ashamed of... I'm certainly not saying the things I've failed at weren't my failures - they were and most hurt at the time to some extent - what i'm saying is all the failures, successes and reactions when viewed in retrospect almost always left me in a 'better' or at least 'wiser' position... how can I regret a failure if it led to me choosing a more enjoyable future?

The one I held onto longest was fucking up exams at 18 and not being able to go to my first choice University. I ended up not going at all and getting a job. If I compare myself to friends that went though, I earn more and have vastly more security... I'm incredibly glad I 'fucked up' now despite being the son my parents thought had the most gif, because it forced me down a road less traveled.

Tbh, most of my failures are just stories to tell now. I've had so much more enjoyment telling my stories than I ever lost experiencing them.

Maybe I've just had a charmed life...
12779414, Yup. Most aren't baaaad but some just bug the hell out of me
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Apr-13-15 11:25 AM
A lot were like in High School, even some as a kid.

12779457, Yup I know the feeling.. Thanks for keeping it real.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-13-15 11:58 AM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12779455, People, We ALL KNOW that quilt is different from regret.
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-13-15 11:57 AM
This post is about quilt, not regret.

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12779462, when will this post become about jesus?
Posted by Deadzombie, Mon Apr-13-15 12:01 PM
12779919, Smh
Posted by kingjerm78, Mon Apr-13-15 04:43 PM
12779519, You go for synthetic or an old fashioned duck down filling?
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Apr-13-15 12:35 PM
I've gotta have the hypo-allergenic shit, but I love the feeling of a real eiderdown.
12779622, guilt, not quilt.. I hate my fingers for setting my for these LULZ!
Posted by Case_One, Mon Apr-13-15 01:19 PM

"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12779645, Our lives would be poorer without them.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Mon Apr-13-15 01:29 PM
Don't be feeling guilty, Case!
12779627, lmfao
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Apr-13-15 01:20 PM
12780044, lulz
Posted by luminous, Mon Apr-13-15 07:35 PM
12779626, yeah
Posted by rdhull, Mon Apr-13-15 01:20 PM
12779896, Every minute of every day
Posted by BootyGreen, Mon Apr-13-15 04:22 PM
I was supposed to have graduated college (undergrad) in May 2000. Messed around, failed a few classes, applied for financial aid too late my last semester there, and ended up owing a grip to the school. Fast fwd 15 years later, I'm a 37 year old without a bachelor's, when I should have had a PhD by now. I desperately want to go back and finish but my school won't release my transcripts until I pay them the money I owe them in full. One mistake will f#ck you up for the rest of your life. Please tell your kids to graduate from college on time unless they want to be broke and destitute. Does this classify as guilt lol?
12779897, I slept wit my best friends girl when i was 18
Posted by Heat, Mon Apr-13-15 04:22 PM
Most definitely regret that...destroyed our friendship....dude was a good dude too.