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Topic subjectIf you weren't a teen in the 90's, you didn't grow up in the 90's....
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12775314, If you weren't a teen in the 90's, you didn't grow up in the 90's....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 11:17 AM
same for the 80's
and the 70's

If I hear one more 20-something year old say they "remember ______ from when they grew up in the 90's" i'ma have to....

I dunno what i'ma hafta do...but still.
Chill on that youngins....
12775323, or.....
Posted by Selah, Wed Apr-08-15 11:23 AM
if you figure the first half decade of your life to not really be time most people remember much

you *could* slide the "growing up"/formative years from adolescence until you are fully out on your own (paying your own bills, living in your own space, etc)

which could easily make your "growing up" years between 5-ish to 25 (mid-twenties)

just a thought

what do you consider the "coming of age" period (the late teens/early twenties) if not part of "growing up"? I don't know if a 21-year old (especially now in this age of delayed maturity) is really "grown"

I know a GANG of 21-going-on-18s maturity wise

12775361, I'm thinking early teens...13-14. That seems to be when we really start to
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 11:40 AM
become ourselves....and formulate ideals, opinions, beliefs that we can at least partially express in a comprehensible fashion....

Not saying they're set in stone....but we're aware...

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775328, So the cut off is....born in 1985-1986 or what?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 11:26 AM
12775363, I'm gonna say 1979 is the cutoff....maybe stretch to like 1982 because
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 11:41 AM
it's feasible that you maybe ran with some older neighborhood cats.....but it's a stretch even past 1980.

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775374, What???? Nooooope.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 11:46 AM
I'm 84, and being 5-15 in the 90's means I got alllll my culture and upbringing from that time.

I learned the court system from Rodney King and OJ.

I may not have understood all the jokes yet, but I saw In Living Color as it was prime time.

I was older than Lil Nicky, and caught Fresh Prince from start to end.

The first full NBA finals I watched was Lakers vs Bulls...when I asked my dad "we won, why aren't we celebrating like last time?" N he said "it's not like the super bowl, its a seven game series."

Oh, and Super Bowls, I saw Norwood miss the Field Goal.

I didn't get why my baby sitter had on "Poison" shorts Til I went to school and heard kids singing the song, as it was still brand new.

I had a Cross Colours shirt.

We don't die, we just multiply.

It's not spelled Tomatoe.

Oh, and FUCK Susan Smith, the Unibomber, Darryl Gates, and Mark Fuhrman.

Mothersucker, I am from the 90's.
12775385, That's the thing though...i'm aware of a LOT of cultural things from the 80's...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 11:59 AM
but it's more of a "passive" awareness...
There are LOT of nuances and things that mentally you just aren't capable of connecting the dots on & fully "getting" until you're of a certain age.

Just like it sounds like you were aware of a lot of iconic things that occurred in the 90s'...but how deeply threaded into your fiber is it? How fully did you really LIVE and exist in culturally significant events, trends, and movements during the 90's? Not asking critically...just a straight inquiry.... just trying to build on this subject is all....

12775408, Being there to see it happen, then being able to revisit with a mature
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 12:16 PM
and developed standpoint, means it's surely threaded into my fiber. Hell, even then, it was into my fiber.

Not sure if growing up in L.A. makes it even more of a case, but I would say so...Magic Johnson = Lakers, Riots, Biggie/Pac, OJ Trial...all of that was L.A. So it surely impacted me more than a lot of folks who just happened to see it on TV or read about it.

I mentioned it on Twitter last week...I feel like Magic is like, THE reason I've still to this day never had sex without a condom. And many kids my age are the same...we learned what a condom was because of that.

ALL my feelings about Race were developed early, due to the Riots and then OJ case. Seeing my teachers reaction in contrast to my classmates when they let OJ off...I KNEW it was more to it than just "oh, a murderer got off."

And once again, the KEY phrase is: "grew up in"....not "completely developed and solidified in"...growing up = growing up. Like...learning about things, not even understanding some tings until later, while some things were understood RIGHT away.

AND...even to say "you had to be a teen in the 90's"....Teen = 13-17 unless you count the 18-19 adult years. But in most cases, that's 13-17, and I was 13-15 in the 90's, half my teen years.
12775411, Ahh, that's a good point. I feel you......
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:17 PM
>and developed standpoint, means it's surely threaded into my
>fiber. Hell, even then, it was into my fiber.
>Not sure if growing up in L.A. makes it even more of a case,
>but I would say so...Magic Johnson = Lakers, Riots,
>Biggie/Pac, OJ Trial...all of that was L.A. So it surely
>impacted me more than a lot of folks who just happened to see
>it on TV or read about it.
>I mentioned it on Twitter last week...I feel like Magic is
>like, THE reason I've still to this day never had sex without
>a condom. And many kids my age are the same...we learned what
>a condom was because of that.
>ALL my feelings about Race were developed early, due to the
>Riots and then OJ case. Seeing my teachers reaction in
>contrast to my classmates when they let OJ off...I KNEW it was
>more to it than just "oh, a murderer got off."
>And once again, the KEY phrase is: "grew up in"....not
>"completely developed and solidified in"...growing up =
>growing up. Like...learning about things, not even
>understanding some tings until later, while some things were
>understood RIGHT away.
>AND...even to say "you had to be a teen in the 90's"....Teen =
>13-17 unless you count the 18-19 adult years. But in most
>cases, that's 13-17, and I was 13-15 in the 90's, half my teen

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775395, 79 is me
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Wed Apr-08-15 12:05 PM
entered high school just as Midnight Marauders, Doggystyle and 36 Chambers dropped
12775405, fuck, outta here
Posted by astralblak, Wed Apr-08-15 12:15 PM
I grew up in the 90s

sega, super nintendo

bulls championships

end of the Magic/Kareem/Riely Lake show

the Sedal Threat, Ceballos, Elden Campbell, Van Exel years

saved by the bell and cartoon on the weekends

In Living Color and Arsenio as the second wave of Black on TV, actually third after Jefferson and Samford & Son reruns, and Cosby and A Different World.

no computers. riding my bike to comic book and 7-11s

playing ball at parks

getting whooped on / beat by my parents cause that's the way things were

going to swap meets, not malls to get second hand shit.

shit more, getting bullied and bullying and it was just a part of growing up

how the LA Riots were experienced only in accordance to where you lived

experiencing rap go from Black Nationalist to Gangster to Jiggy and the inevitable backpack divide

the first wave of hood cinema Blood In Blood Out, American Me, Mi Vida Loca, Boys In the hood, Menace, New Jersey Drive
12775331, i was born in the mid 70s.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Apr-08-15 11:28 AM
i was in elementary school in the 80s.

i attended high school and college in the 90s.

i grew up in the 80s and 90s.
12775364, ^^^
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed Apr-08-15 11:42 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12775369, same here...but when I look back at the 80's historically......there was a LOT
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 11:44 AM
a LOT going on that I just wasn't really privy to, interested in, capable of fully grasping the impact of in the 80's....

So yeah, I technically was aging during that time frame....but it wasn't until like 1989-1990 that I was really capable of letting the time period be a significant part of my development and growth....

Does that make sense at all?? this is just something i'm building on and trying to unpack honestly.... figured it be good OKP fodder.

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775377, i turned 6 in 1982.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Apr-08-15 11:51 AM
i was pretty aware of what was happening from then forward.

so i feel fine saying i grew up in the 80s and 90s though i didn't become a teen until 1989.
12775711, We're the same age & I agree with you.
Posted by Bombastic, Wed Apr-08-15 03:35 PM
>i was pretty aware of what was happening from then forward.
>so i feel fine saying i grew up in the 80s and 90s though i
>didn't become a teen until 1989.
12775379, I think it may vary for different people.
Posted by Marbles, Wed Apr-08-15 11:52 AM

>So yeah, I technically was aging during that time frame....but
>it wasn't until like 1989-1990 that I was really capable of
>letting the time period be a significant part of my
>development and growth....

I was born in 74 and I feel like I was right there in the mix of the culture & trends of the 80s, even before I was a teenager.
12775393, true dat..... no disagreement here.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:03 PM

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775404, Yep - I have DISTINCT memeories of the 80s
Posted by spades, Wed Apr-08-15 12:13 PM
To say I didn't grow up in the 80s because I wasn't yet in my teens, is silly.
12775412, so i guess the better question is...what ARE one's "formative" years??
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:19 PM
I know I could google it....
but then I wouldn't have a post..
OKP needs more posts...so....

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775424, 5-20
Posted by spades, Wed Apr-08-15 12:28 PM
12775472, ditto... i remember the 80s very well....
Posted by ambient1, Wed Apr-08-15 01:00 PM
well 82ish and beyond
12775517, Almost everything that made me who am I today happened in the '80s:
Posted by mrhood75, Wed Apr-08-15 01:31 PM
Two Star Wars movies, Run-DMC, Public Enemy, Beat Street, '80s comic books, GI Joe, Transformers, anime movies on Showtime, the Niners winning Superbowls, the A's winning the World Series, etc. I may have graduated high school in '93, but all that other stuff was my foundation.
12775521, Gets in this line n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Wed Apr-08-15 01:33 PM

12775367, Similarly: People misunderstood Jay's line re: 80's baby
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed Apr-08-15 11:43 AM
He meant that he was a "baby" in the game in the 80's, not that he was a physical baby.
12775383, That's bull
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Apr-08-15 11:57 AM
I grew up in the 80s and was born in 79. I was a teenager in the 90s sure but my childhood is valid. I just had the child experience of the 80s so I can tell you all about video games, tv, tandy computers, etc.
12775390, Hmmm...that's a good vantage point to look at it from....a HUGE part of the
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:01 PM
80's was video game culture....and yeah....as someone under the age of 13 I can see it being a huge shaper of who you are now...especially from the technology world vantage point....
good stuff!

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775386, I'm in my late 20's, I call myself a 90's baby.
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Wed Apr-08-15 11:59 AM
I mean I was the baby of 5, I was pretty in-tune to everything happening at the time. I remember watching Rodney King's beating on tv and the trial, the verdict. I remember watching the OJ Trials. I had arguments about what coast was better.

Seen every movie when it came out. Yea... I'm a 90's baby. I'm more out of touch with the 00's and on...
12775400, damn......you post like you in your late 30's fam lol...I just thought you were
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:09 PM
older than that....

How much of the 90's is something you actually remember, participated in, lived, experienced first hand....vs. something you began to look back on when you got older and said "Hmmm.....yeah...I KINDA remember that ______ . " ?

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775423, I have an old soul lol
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Wed Apr-08-15 12:28 PM
And a lot of it! I can't say rioted, or participated in let's say "voting". But I wouldn't have even if I were old enough to but I remember the 90's far better than the 2000's.

I grew up in Chicago, it was a different life and times. I hung around all the old folks and chilled in the tavern with my pops. I remember drugs, pimps, and the Bulls. Shootings after the Finals...
12775426, good stuff....now...I'm starting to wonder if there's some regional significance
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:31 PM
to this type of thing?
Like a big city vs. small town vs. country or a N vs. S vs. E vs. W?

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775398, i can rock with this
Posted by wluv, Wed Apr-08-15 12:06 PM
12775399, Dom Kennedy proves you wrong
Posted by atruhead, Wed Apr-08-15 12:07 PM

"Nigga throw your hands up if you grew up in the '90s" with a Biggie tribute sample that would go recognized by anyone 26+ into Hip Hop

also it's weird to put a time stamp on when you grew up. I was born in 1980, I grew up in the 80s and 90s
12775407, nah, I agree...it is kinda weird....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:15 PM
y'all know 90% of my post titles are click bait, I thought y'all knew that by now.........

>"Nigga throw your hands up if you grew up in the '90s" with a
>Biggie tribute sample that would go recognized by anyone 26+
>into Hip Hop
>also it's weird to put a time stamp on when you grew up. I was
>born in 1980, I grew up in the 80s and 90s

I'll venture that the majority of those 26-29 year olds....only remember half that as something they snuck listened to on their headphones and never heard it in a club or house party outside of some 10-min 90's throwback/oldschool DJ set though....

I can recognize a whole GRIP of music from 1970 - 1985...but I can't really say I associate any significant life memories from them outside of maybe family cookouts or stealing cassette tapes from my older brothers stash.... no discounting those memories at ALL...but I'm not sure I classify them in the same way....

bear with me....i'm still working through this theory....

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775410, I'd say my musical knowledge truly starts in 92-93
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 12:17 PM
That's when I really started to connect music to different moments.

I can LITERALLY list out 30-40 different moments from 1993 ALONE, like extremely specific, based on different songs. I wasn't able to party to them yet, but was surely into it all.
12775414, MOMENTS!! spot on...that's a good way to frame it too...I often say....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 12:22 PM
>That's when I really started to connect music to different
>I can LITERALLY list out 30-40 different moments from 1993
>ALONE, like extremely specific, based on different songs. I
>wasn't able to party to them yet, but was surely into it all.

That the timeline of my growing up is embedded/mapped by music...like most people I imagine... A song comes on, I can give you a pretty accurate summary of what I had going on in my life if it's a song from say....1987 on up to around 2006....when I turned 30 I started forgetting a lot of shit..lol...

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775431, Yep. That's why I made those massive 90's mixes focused on a year
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 12:36 PM
vs the entire decade. Hearing 90+ songs from the same year reaally makes you remember so much from that year.

Like...I can hear certain 112/Biggie songs and remember playing NBA Live 96. Or hearing "Rumpshaker" and remembering they remixed it on NBA Jam Session. And hearing "Gin n Juice" and remembering rapping along to it in my mom's new car, and her getting mad that I said "rubbers" although I had no idea what they were.
12775467, The years are very important
Posted by 13Rose, Wed Apr-08-15 12:57 PM
I have some playlists on spotify based on that. Rap singles from 1993 and 1994. The years feel so different production wise and just the vibe. It's interesting to see the progression of the music. The jump from 92 to 93 is significan't. 90 and 91 sound closer to the 80s than to the rest of the decade.
12775473, Yep, I've made 93-98 and 99 is almost done
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed Apr-08-15 01:00 PM
92 up next...and yea, it's WILD how maybe 70% of the songs from 92 wouldn't have dropped in 94. And 70% of the songs in 99 couldn't have dropped in 97, surely not 96 at all....the sound just changed a whoooole lot every year in Rap AND R&B.

12775491, crack babies
Posted by LAbeathustla, Wed Apr-08-15 01:11 PM
12775495, if your childhood had no impact on you, you have bigger problems
Posted by Jon, Wed Apr-08-15 01:17 PM
If you don't remember it, you also have some issues, but remembering something and having gone through it are two different things.

I was born 1981. I was deeply formed by experiences in that first decade of life. I remember life before my sister, who was born just after I turned 4. The 80s are filled with meaningful memories and influences on me. Who are these ppl who get born and stay catatonic for 15 years?
12775501, this post is huff. I'm abandoning it. carry on at your own discretion.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Apr-08-15 01:19 PM

"Seasons may come and your luck just may run out, and all that you'll have is some memories..."
12775522, "Come of age" would have been better than "grow up".
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed Apr-08-15 01:34 PM
Because I grew up in the 80's and 90's but I cam of age in the 90's. Really, the 90's and 2000's (born in '79).
12775634, I remember damned near everything from '75 forward.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Apr-08-15 02:46 PM
.. and I turned 3 that year.

I'm a child of the 70's. I remember the day Elvis died, I enjoyed shows like Shazam!, Isis, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Space Academy, Ark II, Land of the Lost, Wonderbug, and a grip of other live action shows on Saturday mornings along side the cartoons.

I remember Jimmy Carter getting elected and I also remember sitting at my grandmother's crib watching him debate Ronald Reagan before he lost his re-election bid.

I knew all the words to the "edited" version of "Rapper's Delight" that was being played on the radio in '79 as well as the majority of any Disco or Funk on the radio.

I'm a child of the 70's. Fuck alladat other shit.
12775653, Niggas born in Dec. '89 tombout "last of the 80's babies"
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed Apr-08-15 02:55 PM
12775900, RE: If you weren't a teen in the 90's, you didn't grow up in the 90's....
Posted by Corey_Atherley, Wed Apr-08-15 06:48 PM
I was born in 1983.

But it wasn't until the late 80's when I finally grasped what was going on, as far as hip hop culture and fashion. Political and social issues: not so much. I was a kid. All I thought about was staying up to watch MTV and Video Soul.

However in the 90's, I firmly remember these people/events, and their impact that changed America:

Rodney King Beating/ L.A riots

Nancy Kerrigan/ Tanya Harding Scandal

Kurt Cobain's Death

O.J Simpson Trial

Oklahoma Bombings

The end of apartheid in South Africa

The war in Bosnia

Welfare Reform

Louise Woodward

Jeffrey Dahmer

Atlanta terrorist attack

Clinton/ Lewinski Scandal

Tupac's Death/ Biggie's Death

The Matthew Shepard murder

Columbine shooting

I won't believe someone who says they "grew up" in the 90's unless they know either some or all of these people and events.

12776074, i grew up on the 90's in that my young adult life was then
Posted by mistermaxxx08, Thu Apr-09-15 01:36 AM
and when you start actually your spending habbits, IE no family or somebody covering your bills,etc.. you are a consumer and aware.

things in the 90's hit me like Rodney King and being out west.

Magic Johnson and everything that went down.

OJ of course and being from Buffalo.

Buffalo Bills dominance in the early 90's went from my teen age years to early 20's i claim that,

i think in your 20's until you get out on your own, you are still part of the end part of your teens and youth and going into finding out who you are and choices, etc..

put it like this 30's felt different than 20's did and the mental maturation truly kicked in.