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Topic subjectOKFit: 5 day challenge
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12772638, OKFit: 5 day challenge
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
let's have a strong first week, guys!

i turnt myself up too much and worked out the last 3 days so i may actually take today off lol.

but let's get it! post your workout under each day after you've done it. the goal is to have worked out 5x by Sunday night.
12772639, Monday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
12772736, still getting over the flu or something like it. taking today off..
Posted by earthseed, Mon Apr-06-15 10:33 AM
kind of thinking about just doing some treadmill speed walking, but i think i should rest my body more.

back to it tomorrow though!
12773475, RE: Monday
Posted by Overqualified, Mon Apr-06-15 09:00 PM
4 x 10 Flat Dumbell Press (45lb)
4 x 25 diamond push ups

4 x 10 Incline Dumbbell Press (45lb)
4 x 15 Decline push ups

4 x 15 Incline Iso chest press (140 lbs)
4 x 20 Pec Fly (90 lbs)

12773482, I started Madbarz this week. I feel like Ivan Drago.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Mon Apr-06-15 09:22 PM
Y'all heard of this app, right? Free, customizable, quiet, pretty tough.

Today, i did shoulders on it. Tomorrow, I'll do chest, I guess.
12773491, I didn't sleep well last night, so no gym this morning
Posted by MEAT, Mon Apr-06-15 09:37 PM
Got back to biking to work (was on travel last week), set a new PR coming home today.

8.8 miles each way. We'll see how it goes with the weather coming up.
12773661, walked 3.84 miles
Posted by lfresh, Tue Apr-07-15 09:18 AM
did too much
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12773679, RE: Monday
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Apr-07-15 09:34 AM
went ham on medicine ball situps last night. Ate a few strawberries and some scallops and shrimp for dinner.
http://i.imgur.com/81XSukd.jpg <-- Happy trails
12773683, took the day off cuz i was sore AF. going in tonight...
Posted by nayaa, Tue Apr-07-15 09:43 AM
12773690, 60 minutes of cardio: 45 on Elliptical/15 on treadmill
Posted by Very-Effortless, Tue Apr-07-15 09:47 AM
12773706, Did nothing, but I always log at least 3 miles walking
Posted by John Forte, Tue Apr-07-15 09:57 AM
12773738, Pull workout 1A
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-07-15 10:14 AM
Leg Press
Bench Press
Incline Press
Military Press
Skull Crushers
Lateral Raises
Front Overhead Raises
Calf Raises
20 mins of cardio
12773739, RE: Monday
Posted by Tiggerific, Tue Apr-07-15 10:15 AM

Back Squats 5 sets of 7 at 60% of my 1 RM
Band work to rehab my shoulder/rotator cuff
Romanian Dead Lifts
Barbell Squats
Hollow holds for 30 sec.

Being injured sucks BALLS!
12774927, no gym but BJJ/grappling work
Posted by ALmighty44, Wed Apr-08-15 07:30 AM
Hit the mat for about an hour to work on my smash/ground game
12789377, RE: no gym but BJJ/grappling work
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Fri Apr-24-15 08:44 AM
12774929, worked out. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Apr-08-15 07:31 AM
12776120, Lower Body- Hypertrophy routine
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Apr-09-15 06:57 AM
3 sets of 10 pullups (should be 2 sets of 15 but barely can get to 10 for now lol)

2 X 15 squats
2 x 15 deadlifts
2 x 15 Rows
2 x 15 Ham curls
2 x 15 Calf Raises
2 x 15 Leg raises
2 x 15 Delt Flys
12772641, Tuesday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
12773691, Workout #1: Ran 2.15 miles OUTSIDE in 30 min
Posted by Very-Effortless, Tue Apr-07-15 09:49 AM
which isn't great time, but I haven't run outside in YEARS.

#2: I have an hour scheduled with my personal trainer and I usually do 30-45 min of cardio before our session.
12774776, Workout #2: 45 min cardio - 35 elliptical/10 treadmill
Posted by Very-Effortless, Tue Apr-07-15 09:38 PM
Circuit 1: 7 min of ropes - 30 seconds alternating, 10 seconds rest, 30 seconds slams, 10 seconds rest, 30 seconds oblique slams
Circuit 2: 3 rounds - 20 each resistance band rows and chest presses
Circuit 3: 2 rounds - 60 seconds heavy bag, 10 one-sided deadlifts with 32kg kettle bell, 10 keytlebell shoulder presses, 10 keytlebell squats, 10 step up slams with a 20 lb ball
Circuit 4: core, 2 sets of 10 oblique crunches, 3 sets of ten yoga ball crunches with my trainer providing resistance to my shoulders

Fucking tired.
12774819, I'm trying to be like you!
Posted by Niq96st, Tue Apr-07-15 11:17 PM

12773697, Did 3 reps of the 7-Minute HIIT workout:
Posted by Niq96st, Tue Apr-07-15 09:51 AM

someone was nice enough to share it on the boards. It's quick and effective.

Want to see if I can get some running in this evening after work.

12773704, Did 2 this morning. Hopefully 2 more this evening
Posted by John Forte, Tue Apr-07-15 09:56 AM
12773708, It's good, right??
Posted by Niq96st, Tue Apr-07-15 09:58 AM
I definitely feel like I got a good workout when I was done.

12773715, that looks awesome. bookmarked!
Posted by nayaa, Tue Apr-07-15 10:03 AM
12773741, Pull Workout 1B:
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Apr-07-15 10:16 AM
Front Squats
Bench Press
Decline Press
Incline Dumbell Press
Machine Shoulder Press
Tricep Overhead Press
One-Armed Tricep Overhead Press
Tricep Cable Pushdowns
Overhead Tricep Cable Pulls
12774748, Swim class!
Posted by lfresh, Tue Apr-07-15 08:55 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12774813, Mardbarz push up routine
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Tue Apr-07-15 10:57 PM
5% improvement in overall output.

I really love this app. It has so many bells and whistles.
12774823, Once again
Posted by Overqualified, Tue Apr-07-15 11:23 PM

4x12 wide Grip Lat Pull down
4x15 close grip lat pull down

4x15 iso upright row
4x10 pullup

3x15 bent over row
3X failure back extension

4 X 25 weighted crunch

12774930, cardio time
Posted by ALmighty44, Wed Apr-08-15 07:32 AM
-30 minutes on the stairmaster
-3 sets of weighted sit ups
-3 sets of 30 second bridges
12774931, worked out. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Apr-08-15 07:32 AM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12774959, RE: Tuesday
Posted by nayaa, Wed Apr-08-15 08:11 AM
mostly upper body:
chest, upper/lower back, bicep, tricep, shoulders

lots of ab work

30 mins on the step machine
12774974, another off day.
Posted by earthseed, Wed Apr-08-15 08:22 AM
12774987, Final Tuesday tally
Posted by John Forte, Wed Apr-08-15 08:29 AM
4 sets of 7 minute workout; 2 am, 2 pm. 4.6 miles walked.
12776123, Basketball
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Apr-09-15 07:01 AM
about 2 hours...ended up being about 7 games
12776479, RE: Tuesday
Posted by Tiggerific, Thu Apr-09-15 11:32 AM

Band work

12772642, Wednesday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
12774932, worked out. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Wed Apr-08-15 07:32 AM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12776068, No Tuesday PM or Wed AM workout b/c meetings, Wed PM:
Posted by b.Touch, Thu Apr-09-15 12:48 AM
deadlifts (new best w/ 425 and full ROM)
stiff leg deadlifts
leg curls
T-bar rows
lat pull downs (overhand and underhand)
barbell curls
dumbell curls
incline dumbell curls

Going back again at noonish.
12776090, 3rd day of new routine
Posted by Overqualified, Thu Apr-09-15 01:48 AM
4x12 standing dumbbell curl
4x15 tricep curl

4x15 cable curl
4x20 tricep press down

4x15 rope curl
4x20 rope tricep press down

4 sets of 21s
4 sets of dumbbell tricep overheads to failure
12776098, Slacked off but I'm bout to do push ups. lol
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Apr-09-15 02:03 AM
12776101, 21% improvement. I'm officially motivated. Thank you for this post.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Thu Apr-09-15 02:26 AM
12776122, Upper Body - Hypertrophy
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Apr-09-15 07:00 AM
2 x 15 Incline Bench Press
2 x 15 Lat raises
2 x 10 Dips
2 x 15 Bicep curls
2 x 15 Shoulder Press (seated)
2 x 15 Tricep Pulldown
12776158, ain't do shit
Posted by John Forte, Thu Apr-09-15 08:27 AM
12776430, personal training - core workout
Posted by earthseed, Thu Apr-09-15 11:06 AM
nice easy-ish transition back into working out, since i had the flu or whatever.

12776484, RE: Wednesday
Posted by Tiggerific, Thu Apr-09-15 11:34 AM
I did an hour of Cardio on the arc trainer. Man, my explicit workout playlist was pumping in my ears and I did almost 2 miles on that thing at a high resistance. 😊.

12776562, 60 min cardio: 45 elliptical/15 treadmill
Posted by Very-Effortless, Thu Apr-09-15 12:04 PM
12776603, work got the best of me. couldn't squeeze one in
Posted by nayaa, Thu Apr-09-15 12:19 PM
been up since 4:30 today..i doubt a workout will happen tonight =/

next week, i guess?

12777362, Leg Day
Posted by Overqualified, Thu Apr-09-15 09:19 PM
4 Sets: 12,10,8,6 reps

Leg press
4 sets: 15,12,10 reps, drop set 10

Leg extension
triple drop set: 12,10,10 reps

Leg curl
4 sets: 15,12,10,10

Hex Bar Deadlift

12772643, Thursday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
12776124, Lower Body- Hypertrophy routine
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Apr-09-15 07:04 AM
2 x 15 Leg Extensions
2 x 15 Deadlifts
2 x 10 Pullups
2 x 10 Calf Raises
2 x 15 Seated Rows
2 x 15 Hamstring Curls
2 x 15 Leg Raises
2 x 15 Lat Pulldowns
12776132, worked out. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Apr-09-15 07:29 AM
12776828, Total body strength building routine
Posted by spades, Thu Apr-09-15 02:01 PM
Latt Pull
Military Press

all for 3 sets of 5 at the heaviest weight possible.

Followed by a 3/4 Mile run.

1st day out....
12777370, Thursday PM (should be Thursday AM, blame work):
Posted by b.Touch, Thu Apr-09-15 09:26 PM
Front squats (superset with back squats, but not at my regular numbers for those)
Bent over rows
Cable seated rows (one and two handed)
Lat Pulldown )one and two handed)
Curls in the lat pulldown station
Curls in the seated row station
Cable curls
12777424, RE: Thursday
Posted by Tiggerific, Thu Apr-09-15 10:45 PM

Back Squats
Dumbbell Lateral Raises

400 m run

Toes 2 Bar

All of these were scaled (except the back squats) due to me being broken, but eventually, I will get my groove back. :)
12777542, Swim class!
Posted by lfresh, Fri Apr-10-15 07:19 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12777644, Leg Day (Responded in the wrong spot)
Posted by Overqualified, Fri Apr-10-15 09:05 AM
4 Sets: 12,10,8,6 reps

Leg press
4 sets: 15,12,10 reps, drop set 10

Leg extension
triple drop set: 12,10,10 reps

Leg curl
4 sets: 15,12,10,10

Hex Bar Deadlift
12777647, boxing class and ab work HIIT intervals
Posted by earthseed, Fri Apr-10-15 09:09 AM
jump squats
mountain climbers
jump rope

20 minute abwork

side planks
12772644, Friday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:04 AM
12777648, worked out. nm
Posted by Binlahab, Fri Apr-10-15 09:10 AM

does it really matter?

wonder what bin's doing?
12777930, RE: Friday
Posted by abcdmetrius, Fri Apr-10-15 11:48 AM
Couldn't ride today. Supposed to storm here soon.


Week wrap up. I was shit on my diet this week, but I kept the exercise going.
12777997, Not a cotdamned thing.
Posted by spades, Fri Apr-10-15 12:35 PM
12789431, Day 5 of 6 completed. I'm always dead tired by Friday morning
Posted by napturalmystic, Fri Apr-24-15 09:27 AM
Leg day.
My quads are coming along nicely.
Hamstrings and glue tie in ghosting under this last thin layer of fat.
Leg day is my fav! Tho these good mornings have my lower back extemely tight today :(
12772645, Saturday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:05 AM
12772647, Sunday
Posted by nayaa, Mon Apr-06-15 09:05 AM
12773694, NY OKFit: Want to run a 5K with me on May 3rd?
Posted by Very-Effortless, Tue Apr-07-15 09:50 AM

I have started training for it using the Couch to 5K App.
12776426, did we decide if we were going to add an IG component to this
Posted by earthseed, Thu Apr-09-15 11:05 AM


12789443, I will. I pretty much only use IG for fitness.
Posted by napturalmystic, Fri Apr-24-15 09:36 AM
I dont have many pics there tho lol