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Topic subjectLadies: Why come you just can't be wrong?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12770702
12770702, Ladies: Why come you just can't be wrong?
Posted by Geah, Thu Apr-02-15 01:40 PM
This chick wants me to put her son through some hoops drills. Monday she text me asking if I'll be able to if she gets the gym...

Her: when u gonna work out H
Me: When can I...

No response.

Til today
Her: I never heard back from u Monday
Me: I asked when I could and u never replied
Her: SCREENSHOTS our convo and says "U didn't ask u said "when I can" so I didn't know how to reply to that!!! I don't know when ur available man"
Me: Please go back and re read the exact pic you sent me and then apologize
Her: I am so sorry....that you didn't use a question mark

I ain't replying
Fuck her and her son(muhfucka swear he cold anyway)
12770707, LOL she's funny
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 01:41 PM
can you imagine being married to her though. *finger gun to the head*
12770711, lolol well your text was a little confusing but she shoulda said huh? or
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 01:42 PM
something instead of saying you never replied and then showing you the response where you clearly replied. lol
12770718, his text is not confusing lol
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 01:44 PM
shit is clear as day.
12770754, no it isn't...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 02:07 PM
when is he available...

when is he free...

tomorrow at 8.

when can I... without punctuation comes off like "yo, I never agreed to do it"
12770760, jesus christ.
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:11 PM
"when can i"

is unclear to you?

hooked on phonics bro. i hear it works.
12770761, She's asking for the favor, though. It's on her to go the extra
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Apr-02-15 02:11 PM
mile to clear up whatever confusion she might have had.
12770766, that we agree on, but th at doesn't mean it wasn't confusing
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:12 PM
12770777, doesnt seem remotely confusing to me
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Apr-02-15 02:19 PM
you are in here talking like text messages got a copy editor. man fucking with these young bitches everything is a mystery of abbreviations, misspellings (often intentional), poor grammar, etc. punctuation is a luxury. as someone who typically has to be super anal about everything (yesterday at work a coworker had a 5-minute argument with an editor over COMMA USAGE), i actually find it refreshing and, surprisingly, seldom do i find myself unclear on what's being said
12770798, and i'm the opposite...if your text is confusing or coulld mean multiple
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:26 PM
things, i'm disregarding it until i have time to deal with it.

unless of course, i'm asking for something.

But that fact that YOU understand it, don't mean its any less confusing.
12771895, when can ... is it ... are you ... these are all the start of QUESTIONS
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Apr-03-15 04:52 PM
no statement begins with "when can ..." ever, not once in history
12770811, ^
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:31 PM
12770820, Oh, I woulda hit him back ASAP because IMO it wasn't clear
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 02:36 PM
12770853, ur right. if she needs the favor it's on her to pursue said favor.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Apr-02-15 02:55 PM
but yeah, his reply was confusing with the "..."
12772051, "When can I?" is confusing to you?
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Apr-04-15 09:28 AM
12770716, lol the first time I read this I read "when I can" as well
Posted by SuiteLady, Thu Apr-02-15 01:44 PM
12770721, lol...they gotta gene that won't allow em
Posted by ambient1, Thu Apr-02-15 01:46 PM
12770742, you aren't wrong but text better dude...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 02:00 PM
when can I...

man, that reads like "hold up, I didn't say I could"

ionno... that was a shitty exchange.

12770762, She gets the gym. She has to tell me when I can. She asked a question first
Posted by Geah, Thu Apr-02-15 02:11 PM
with no ?
12770771, lmao...yeah the irony that she gonna ding you for no ?
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Apr-02-15 02:14 PM
when she didn't use one.

If she was reasonable, she woulda just said "my bad" and picked the convo back up.

LOL at you punting over it tho.
12770773, Yeah I don't know what she thought he meant but no response wasnt
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:16 PM
The answer...and then claiming he didn't response when he did...was wrong too
12770793, Yeah...punting might be a better response
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Apr-02-15 02:25 PM
than what I'd do. I get too caught up in 'training'.


Guess it all depends on who 'she' is to me too. I'd go straight adult on her if I felt compelled though:

"Look, I don't mind helping your lil man out but let's be grown about the communication. If you didn't use a ? and assumed I'd understand your question, don't get technical with my question. You're responsible for getting the gym so you'd need to coordinate the time and provide me options/info right?"

She probably wouldn't respond but I'd feel 110% vindicated for exposing her to communication with a grown man. lol
12770823, OK, I she gets the gym it makes more sense
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 02:38 PM
12770866, it didn't make sense when i wrote it up top?
Posted by Geah, Thu Apr-02-15 03:02 PM
12770903, nah, I skimmed.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 03:21 PM
12771088, Lulz
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Apr-02-15 06:38 PM
12771876, I wuz wrong but I can admit it
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Apr-03-15 04:19 PM
12770782, "When can I" is a question. Every time, without fail, by nature
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Apr-02-15 02:21 PM
There is nothing unclear here.
12770804, when can I....
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:28 PM
I was waiting for the rest of this thought lol

and like legs said...It could come off like "when can I????" on some passive aggressive when did i agree to this.

Putting the "?" is actually simpler than the damn "..." anyway lol
12770810, dude, he said "when can i"
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:31 PM
to a question regarding a specific thing. there is no confusion.
12770816, he said "when can I..."
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:33 PM
as long as we are being factual.
12770845, come on man.
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:53 PM
a capital I and an ellipse really threw you for a loop?

12770849, of course not.
Posted by Cenario, Thu Apr-02-15 02:54 PM
just the ellipsis.
12771897, i think there was the rest of a sentence like "when can i pick you up"
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Apr-03-15 04:54 PM
and that is a question, period, no other way to interpret it
12770808, i thought i was taking crazy pills
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:30 PM
how are people this dense? lol
12770933, I'm saying - what's confusing here?
Posted by spades, Thu Apr-02-15 03:40 PM
12770750, Dyslexia + text void of punctuation = text communication FAIL
Posted by auragin_boi, Thu Apr-02-15 02:05 PM
12770789, i am dumbfounded people needed a question mark to understand that
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:24 PM
like, seriously. i can't even deal with this.
12770828, cry about it
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 02:39 PM
12770846, ^ not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 02:53 PM
12770891, They call me the hammer
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 03:18 PM
12770864, For all that arguing up top she thought i said when i can
Posted by Geah, Thu Apr-02-15 03:02 PM
because she didn't read.

wasn't no ellipses throwing her off, wasn't no confusion. She got dis leck sick and assumed

now we got a tit for tat in here lol..
12770878, people struggling with 3 lil ass words, smh
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 03:11 PM
making it a big deal, come on.

okp's LOVE to rock their capes.
12770898, will you STFU and let us get to 5PM
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 03:20 PM
go shine your Doc Martins or re-cuff your jeans.
12770957, smh
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 03:52 PM
u mad cause you can't extrapolate the meaning from 3 tiny ass words. lol
12771068, yeah, i'm mad..lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-02-15 06:04 PM
12771077, lol, listen fam
Posted by initiationofplato, Thu Apr-02-15 06:12 PM
insult me, but NOT MY DAMN SHOES!

that's where i draw the line. haha
12771875, lol..true
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Apr-03-15 04:17 PM
12770913, lol @ only one lady being in here
Posted by teefiveten, Thu Apr-02-15 03:28 PM
12770928, What's your assessment, second woman in this post?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Apr-02-15 03:36 PM
Dudes flocking to this post because we're bitter and angry or women ignoring this post because they're ignoring any possibility they are capable of being wrong?
12770952, his texting sucks
Posted by teefiveten, Thu Apr-02-15 03:50 PM
12770954, but being she's asking him to do something
Posted by teefiveten, Thu Apr-02-15 03:51 PM
she should/could be more proactive

maybe that's just me though. when i am getting a favor i'm extra diligent about the moving parts
12770943, *lady #3 steps in*
Posted by lfresh, Thu Apr-02-15 03:47 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12770959, I hate how people read into text messages
Posted by Kim Jong Trill, Thu Apr-02-15 03:54 PM
only flaw of texting is you can't interpret tone.

all in all, she sounds like she did you a favor

Fuck your fort!
12770980, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Apr-02-15 04:11 PM
12770995, Including the son in the last line makes me laugh everytime
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Apr-02-15 04:16 PM
Out of curiosity, were you going to charge her money for these drills or was this going to be something done for free?
12771078, Full disclosure
Posted by Geah, Thu Apr-02-15 06:15 PM
she pays 35 for an hour of a half court.

I don't charge her
I require that her sons have at LEAST 2 other guys with him and charge them
Most times its 4 of them


105 for an hour of easy work
Twice per week.

12771142, cause dudes will equate wrong with dumb
Posted by sosumi, Thu Apr-02-15 08:27 PM
no matter how much they claim dudes like to joke…
or that they do not remember, only chicks have such memory…
chicks are just dumber or dumberer
12771872, Babydoll is hopeless.....
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Fri Apr-03-15 04:08 PM
And the fact that she obliviously SCREENSHOT'D her wrongness?

Shit is sad, Bruh...