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Topic subjectThis crazy emotional affair: You be the judge
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12758679, This crazy emotional affair: You be the judge
Posted by atruhead, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
I couldnt make all this up if I tried

- Dude was confiding in a coworker about his marriage troubles

- I guess the coworker caught feelings.

- Turns out the coworker is insane, she went through the company's emergency contacts and hit up his wife to basically inform her they had been talking.

- Dude never beat, but he kissed the coworker once.

- the coworker told his wife, "he's gonna be with me and my daughter" on some Jerry Springer shit

- the wife said he has to quit that job and leave the apartment while they try to work it out (I say that's her pride talking about him quitting his job and hell no if his name is on the lease)

- he moved back in, the coworker contacted the wife to let her know they were still talking

- also the wife contacted HR trying to get the coworker fired

Poll question: This crazy emotional affair: You be the judge

Poll result (11 votes)
The wife has to cut her losses. (3 votes)Vote
He didnt beat (yet), they can work it out. He shouldnt have move out if his name is on the lease either (4 votes)Vote
The wife has to fight the coworker on general principle (3 votes)Vote
Other (1 votes)Vote


12758682, If you're gonna kiss minus well go all the way.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Mar-22-15 10:17 PM
How you gonna half ass cheat and get the full ass crazy?

12758686, wife might as well take her L now instead of later.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sun Mar-22-15 10:23 PM
dude obv got a foot outside the door.
12758689, Basically. He clearly doesn't know how to act at work.
Posted by ndibs, Sun Mar-22-15 10:26 PM
Next job will probably be the same thing. Let him keep his job and his new woman.
12758693, #actually
Posted by atruhead, Sun Mar-22-15 10:34 PM
the coworker has a reputation for being a homewrecker
12758713, can't wreck a home that doesn't want to be wrecked
Posted by Gangsta Mittens, Sun Mar-22-15 11:40 PM
it's even worse if the husband knew about the reputation and still confided in the homewrecker
12758862, yup. Like the coworker put a gun to his head and made him her confidante
Posted by BabySoulRebel, Mon Mar-23-15 08:21 AM
12758876, LOL.. I had something ALMOST happen before I was married
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-23-15 08:35 AM
lived in philly, bumped into a girl from Pittsburgh who went to my church and she was all grown up now.

My SO and I weren't together at the time so we started kicking it. I went home one time and she was home as well so we went out. Started realizing in casual convo she was crazy so I didn't touch her.

A year later I bring my SO to Pittsburgh and ole girl rolls up on me at a family function and asked "I HEARD YOU BROUGHT SOMEONE HOME, WHERE IS SHE?"

I was thinking to myself "damn, imagine if you touched her?"

My dad even warned me "son, all the women in that family are crazy"

to this day my dad swears I hit it based on the way she acts.
12758909, I think I disagree with this.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-23-15 08:57 AM
I think circumstances can someone fall off who in another circumstances wouldn't even think about it.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12758687, It's not an emotional affair if they've kissed. Kissing is physical
Posted by ndibs, Sun Mar-22-15 10:24 PM
And she's a complete and total fool if she takes him back if he doesn't quit. If he's not willing to do a complete about face/no contact plan, she's wasting her time to continue messing with him. That's not excessive ego and pride to expect that.
12758695, put drugs in cowokers trunk and
Posted by rdhull, Sun Mar-22-15 10:40 PM
oh wait, thats the other thread
12758697, lol
Posted by initiationofplato, Sun Mar-22-15 10:46 PM
12758775, lmao
Posted by Pete Burns, Mon Mar-23-15 05:23 AM
12758704, He shouldn't beat at all. If she's this crazy now imagine later on..
Posted by Kira, Sun Mar-22-15 11:08 PM
>I couldnt make all this up if I tried
>- Dude was confiding in a coworker about his marriage
>- I guess the coworker caught feelings.
>- Turns out the coworker is insane, she went through the
>company's emergency contacts and hit up his wife to basically
>inform her they had been talking.
>- Dude never beat, but he kissed the coworker once.
>- the coworker told his wife, "he's gonna be with me and my
>daughter" on some Jerry Springer shit
>- the wife said he has to quit that job and leave the
>apartment while they try to work it out (I say that's her
>pride talking about him quitting his job and hell no if his
>name is on the lease)
>- he moved back in, the coworker contacted the wife to let her
>know they were still talking
>- also the wife contacted HR trying to get the coworker fired

If I'm in his position here's what I do:

DENY EVERYTHING because this chick cray cray. Seriously sit wifey down and say the following:

Me: Are you really going to believe the words of a woman that hit you up through the emergency contacts? I don't even know this chick and have never talked to her about us.

Me: In addition to that, do you really think I'm throwing away us over THIS CHICK?

Wife: But she told me everything you liar!! *throws show at me*

Me: I'm damn sure not about to talk to her ever again. As proof of my sincerity, I'm filing a restraining order and contacting HR. We need to work this out for our kid.
12758715, Never EVA speak on your relationship to another person!
Posted by boyd, Sun Mar-22-15 11:51 PM
12758720, Dude should become gay or be a eunuch.
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Mar-23-15 12:21 AM
Nah but really it sounds like he strayed from a bad option to a worse one and needs to start fresh.

If he REALLY loves the wife, he should battle it out and stay. I don't think it's irreparable. But it's a tough situation and this is why getting involved in any way with a second person can be so risky. Remember how many crazy motherfuckers you passed over when you were dating? It was easy to just not call back and deal with any fallout solo when you were single. Now you got your family and professional life fucked up behind some frustration and a KISS. L.
12758776, gotta kill the coworker
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-23-15 05:30 AM
12758882, I feel bad for her
Posted by initiationofplato, Mon Mar-23-15 08:37 AM
Dealing with that type of bullshit. She should move on. Duded fucked up. It's over.
12758897, Different "acquittal" rules for marriage than dating.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Mar-23-15 08:46 AM
12758911, ^Right? We don't know if they have kids, how long they been married, etc.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Mar-23-15 08:58 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're
12758947, Sheeeit the more he got invested (time/kids etc)
Posted by ndibs, Mon Mar-23-15 09:13 AM
The more he should be thinking marriage > a job (where he's fucked up his reputation anyway). He's going to be the one taking the lifestyle hit, not seeing his kids, paying child support etc.
12758955, All of which is true.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Mar-23-15 09:17 AM
However, it's still marriage and the rules are different. That said, I plan on cutting ties and going on if it were me & I've already told her that.
12758908, if he is a G he wouldn't be out of the house
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-23-15 08:56 AM
pics or it didn't happen
12758980, definitely not a g
Posted by initiationofplato, Mon Mar-23-15 09:24 AM
i mean, he messed around with someone from work of all places.
12758890, how is it "emotional" if they kissed?
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Mar-23-15 08:43 AM
12759050, i was told his guilty conscience stopped him from going further
Posted by atruhead, Mon Mar-23-15 10:07 AM
so the crux is mostly just confiding in the next woman
12758910, What does the coworker & wife look like?
Posted by 8-bit, Mon Mar-23-15 08:57 AM
12758968, Dog, why are you doing this?!
Posted by Brotha Sun, Mon Mar-23-15 09:22 AM

Shit, im tryna know too.
12758948, Gotta break this down for y'all...
Posted by Tiggerific, Mon Mar-23-15 09:14 AM
The wife should forgive her husband. But, he needs to cut off all ties with that woman. She's nuts!!!!! Like psycho nuts! Why keep talking with her if she contacted your wife?!!!!

This man had a physical and emotional affair. The moment he kissed her, he took it to another level. So, while he got involved with a crazy deranged chick, he has to work that out with his wife. Its good he never slept with her. But, this is why you don't get involved with your co-workers, and understand that some friendships have agendas so you cannot tell all your personal business. ESPECIALLY if it involves your spouse.

12758972, I just keep thinking how fucked that daughter is.
Posted by Mongo, Mon Mar-23-15 09:22 AM
12759055, Whoa, now... we don't know how old this daughter is yet.
Posted by 8-bit, Mon Mar-23-15 10:09 AM
12758985, wtf? Maybe working in a mental institution isn't for this guy.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Mar-23-15 09:26 AM
12758993, Women can't just move on sometimes. So many factors
Posted by Crisco, Mon Mar-23-15 09:33 AM
go into finding a suitable man. I am so glad I'm not a woman. Yall basically, have to put up with some sh*t along the way or take the chance of being cat lady with no man in the future.

That sh*t is scary...

A single man ALWAYS has other options out there. We date younger and we are the pursuers of relationships. A single woman eventually will reach her expiration date. At that point the amount of settling for a man's missteps increases ten fold.

Good luck ladies.
12759005, lmao
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Mar-23-15 09:41 AM

>Good luck ladies.

overall i think you are right
but there are hella variables involved
some women are way more likely to get chose regardless of baggage, age, etc
12759232, True. But sometimes knowing the devil you with is better.
Posted by Crisco, Mon Mar-23-15 11:31 AM
>>Good luck ladies.
>overall i think you are right
>but there are hella variables involved
>some women are way more likely to get chose regardless of
>baggage, age, etc

The next dude won't necessarily be anymore faithful.
She gotta way the pros and the cons.
12759013, Certain Jobs You Don't Quit
Posted by RexLongfellow, Mon Mar-23-15 09:48 AM
If it's a call center type job, be out
But if it's a career, can't just quit because of emotions

The job market got better, but not THAT much better, to the point where you quit a job and another one is just an interview away.
12759237, i agree but in this case the coworker may end up
Posted by teefiveten, Mon Mar-23-15 11:35 AM
trying to get him fired by claiming he did something inappropriate
she's already crazy and now that the wife is trying to get her fired, im sure she's willing to go that extra mile too