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Topic subjectDude in the car in front of mine was slumped over, dead...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12755744
12755744, Dude in the car in front of mine was slumped over, dead...
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Mar-18-15 04:27 PM
....or at least I thought he was dead. This happened early in the morning. Light turns green and everyone is moving except the car in front of me. I honk the horn two separate times but dude did not move at all. I mean he was coffin stiff. Not even the slightest of movements. So my friend and I started wondering was something wrong with ol' boy because we noticed he was slumped over.

I pull into the turning lane next to his car and turn on the emergency lights. We saw that dude was a gray haired older white man with his head bowed down, mouth partially cracked open, and he had absolutely no movement. My friend and are like "please don't tell me this dude is dead". I'm about to throw the car in park and call 911 when all of a sudden ol' boy pops up his head coupled with an "oh sh#t!" look. He immediately pulls up to the now red light. I'm like "this nigga"! Anyone ever had someone fall asleep at the wheel while waiting on the light? Have you ever done it yourself?

Since 1976
12755748, a client did that.
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Mar-18-15 04:28 PM
he was suspected of DUI. i got the DUI dismissed and he plead guilty to improper lane usage.
12755757, What kind of a fine can you get for that in Chicago?
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Mar-18-15 04:33 PM
I didn't know you could get in trouble for that.

Since 1976
12755770, ILU?
Posted by SoWhat, Wed Mar-18-15 04:42 PM
it varies. i negotiate.
12755753, I pulled up on my own cousin once, 2am in the bronx....
Posted by murderbear, Wed Mar-18-15 04:32 PM
he was at the intersection where i make the turn to get onto my block, just sitting on green.

he lives nowhere near me, by the way.

i just happened to recognize his car cuz he was pushing the old training day Monte Carlo at the time, and it was fly as shit.

he was drunk than a motherfucker, i woke him up, let him go on his way (dumb) and followed him halfway home, where he proceeded to pull over in a secluded spot and sleep some more.

i just watched over his ass til daybreak.
12755755, i used to get out of high school go to my gf's house then go to work
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Mar-18-15 04:32 PM
man let me tell you

going from school..to certain...activities

id be tapped out leaving on my way to work

I fell asleep at a stop light one time cause of it lol
12755764, I ain't gon' lie....
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Mar-18-15 04:36 PM
....with the running around I've been doing lately, I've had to remind myself a few times that I'm waiting at the light and I'm not in bed. I can see how a cat can get a little too comfortable while at the light.

Since 1976
12755766, you start rationalizing it
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Mar-18-15 04:38 PM
ok i can just close my eyes for just a second until the light turns...
12755758, I knew someone that once smoked wet, took xanax then went driving...
Posted by 8-bit, Wed Mar-18-15 04:34 PM
Long story short, he ended up like dude in your story, but didn't wake up. Fire Dept. had to bust the window out and remove him. Then he got booked. I think he earned a DUI off of that. In reality, he got lucky. That little adventure could have turned out MUCH worse.
12755771, Yeah, better to catch that fine....
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Mar-18-15 04:42 PM
...than to be tumbling off someone's bridge. That nigga should've waited until he was home where he could afford to chill before gettin' smashed. Then again, I knew niggas that would get both drunk AND high during our lunch break at my old job, only for them to be sluggish the rest of the time. It shouldn't surprise me your boy pulled that stunt.

Since 1976
12755769, driving THAT sleepy is dangerous too though
Posted by Selah, Wed Mar-18-15 04:42 PM
just sayin
12755775, True. I hope ol' boy isn't narcoleptic.
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Mar-18-15 04:44 PM

Since 1976
12755777, I saw it one time in DC at a light. I though the dude was dead.
Posted by Case_One, Wed Mar-18-15 04:45 PM
We just drove pass. I was in the back seat...
"And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." ~ 2 Tim 2:4
12755779, saw something similar
Posted by wluv, Wed Mar-18-15 04:46 PM
Was driving home from work on this major roadway when i saw this car up against a pole and a man with his head on the steering wheel.

Mind you its rush hour traffic and nobody stopping to see whats going on. I get out to walk up to the car and call 911 when dude starts twitching. Police station was right across the street so they were there in 2 mins.

Turns out dude was having a diabetic episode and he zonked out because his blood sugar was too low.

Shit was weird.
12755792, Honey..one time I stopped at a green light looking at the red light ahead of it
Posted by ThisIs_ATruthThang, Wed Mar-18-15 05:05 PM
I was so sleepy that night that I passed my turn. I was just driving getting lost. I started smacking myself. What was supposed to only take me 10minutes to get home, took 30minutes.
12755947, Work 3rd shift for a while, it'll happen to you.
Posted by Doronmonkflake, Wed Mar-18-15 08:45 PM
12755955, A bus driver back in Pittsburgh was obviously hung over...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Mar-18-15 08:51 PM
this guy fell asleep at every red light on his way downtown.

We had to yell everytime the light turned green.

Pretty sure he got fired because everyone who got off the bus swore they would report him.

12755966, Margart worked night shift. Margaret fell sleep on the freeway. Margaret got a ticket
Posted by rdhull, Wed Mar-18-15 09:09 PM
We worked night shift and got off at 7.

Just in time to go home with the morning traffic rush

One day Margaret was going home via the fwy. The fwy came to a stop due to the morning traffic rush.

She closed her eyes and fell dead asleep

The traffic let up and she stayed asleep with the cars going around her

A cop woke her up by banging on the window

He gave her a ticket for impeding traffic or something like that

Margaret lol
12755978, Whoa, that's wild
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Wed Mar-18-15 09:20 PM
Glad that you didn't see a dead guy. That's always kinda jarring, I saw one (he hit a big rig and got sent flying through his windshield, dead on impact) and that shit still sticks with me.

As for sleeping in the whip, I did a severe head nod on the freeway once and realizing it woke my ass up like an eightball would.

One time I got a migraine while driving and kinda blacked out. I was young, 17 or 18. My mom was in the car and she shook me. We had driven onto a median with some little ass trees (recently planted) and I swerved around one, kept it moving like nothing happened. That was really weird though, I was lucky nothing worse happened.
12756065, Driving on 695 near Baltimore
Posted by Pamalama, Thu Mar-19-15 04:56 AM
It was around 530 am, this car kept drifting in and out of the slow lane. I could see her head sleep-bobbing, so I slowed all the way down. Next thing you know she kept on drifting until she hit the concrete wall on the other side of the fast lane. She popped off that thing like a pinball. And ended up pulling over into the slow lane.

I didn't stop because I had to go to work :(