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Topic subjectAtlanta garbaage man jailed for 30 Days for picking up trash too early
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12746404, Atlanta garbaage man jailed for 30 Days for picking up trash too early
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Mar-10-15 12:02 AM
Whiteness unchecked! Chief Solicitor Bill Riley should be fired and put in jail for this racist bullshit. Folks calling 911 if the trash is picked up before 7am??? 911 ? I would fine every asshole who called 911 for that shit


12746422, Sandy Springs.
Posted by b.Touch, Tue Mar-10-15 01:47 AM
12746430, RE: Sandy Springs.
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Mar-10-15 02:30 AM
Exactly, and the initials are "SS" so ya know...
12746447, Fuck this town...somebody needs to dump garbage there everyday
Posted by gumz, Tue Mar-10-15 06:04 AM
for 30 days
12746457, That's some racist mess.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 06:47 AM
And I hope that prosecutor gets back all of his nasty efforts 100 fold.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746471, that's not racist fam....it's fcked up...but not racist. stop abusing the term.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 07:30 AM

12746485, FOH...that is racist. Someone looked out the window and called.
Posted by Castro, Tue Mar-10-15 07:50 AM
If they looked out the window and Bubba Ray Grant's white behind was picking up the garbage, it they would not have picked up the phone, period.

That man and his family just got kicked in the teeth for no reason other than the color of his skin.
12746500, how many white garbage men work for Waste Management in ATL??
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 07:58 AM
I don't think i've EVER seen a white garbage man on the Waste Management crew that contracts my neighborhood here in VA...
Not saying there aren't any....but the odds are...it's gonna be a Black man or Latino out there putting in work...

I mean...
I dunno...
I think it's more an issue of classism and entitled rich people than anything....
12746503, yeah.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 08:01 AM
that's it. i don't think this has much to do w/race. it's about an out of control, privatized court system which exists to serve the interests of out of control, entitled rich ppl.
12746517, Yeah. Racism.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:14 AM
>that's it. i don't think this has much to do w/race. it's
>about an out of control, privatized court system which exists
>to serve the interests of out of control, entitled rich ppl.

The Justice system is a racist system and this is an prime example.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746520, The problem is; we've really exhausted the race card in the past
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 08:17 AM
few years....
in the mega sense...of course it's racism.....
we need to get more finite and meta with our criticisms and highlighting of injustices....jumping immediately to the mega does more harm and completely deflates buy-in on the injustice from the larger populace that we need assistance from in the struggle...
12746527, Shoot! The Race card is Diamond Encrusted Platinum.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:20 AM
>few years....
>in the mega sense...of course it's racism.....
>we need to get more finite and meta with our criticisms and
>highlighting of injustices....jumping immediately to the mega
>does more harm and completely deflates buy-in on the injustice
>from the larger populace that we need assistance from in the

I understand your point, but I also see the City of Sandy Springs just like I see the City of John's Creek and Alpharetta.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746524, cool.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 08:19 AM
12746529, Love that truth.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:21 AM

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746534, no i'm just not interested in discussing this w/you.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 08:23 AM
12746539, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PNCgxrh3L4&t=9
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 08:28 AM
12746543, Bruh! Facepalm.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:30 AM

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746540, Oh, you what a yesman.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:28 AM
I'm sorry, buddy, but the American Justice System is a Racist institution. You don't have to like it, but that don't make it untrue.
"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746487, I've lived in San Springs. I have a different vantage point...LOL
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 07:50 AM
I can put money on that fact that if that sanitation worker was White, he would not be in jail.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746497, lol..ok...I can accept that.....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 07:57 AM

12746740, When did you live in Sandy Springs?
Posted by B9, Tue Mar-10-15 10:40 AM
Shit has changed drastically.
12746473, Folks that keep pushing for privatization of government need to take note
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 07:31 AM
THIS is what happens...
12746496, yup
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 07:56 AM
12746495, that is absurd.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 07:55 AM
12746502, what I don't get is why he didn't have appointed representation?? Is that
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 08:01 AM
another result of having a privatized court system??
12746506, i don't understand that either.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-10-15 08:04 AM
he was accused of violating a local ordinance - a non-jailable offense, i assume based on my experience (indeed, he expected to pay a heavy fine). if that's the case then he wouldn't have the right to appointed counsel. but then the judge sentenced him to jail time. that feels like a constitutional violation. but i dunno.
12746522, I bet his company thought it would be a simple city ordinance fine.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:18 AM
But as a young man, I've learn to NEVER go to court without a lawyer then there is a possibility that I can be locked up.

Fool me once. That's it.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746552, this makes zero sense. something gotta be missing.
Posted by Cenario, Tue Mar-10-15 08:41 AM
like he was dumping the trash at 5am, but he was naked, masturbating and had ecstasy on him
12746555, Bruh, you'd think he was smoking weed and playing Tupac on 20.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Mar-10-15 08:45 AM

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12746566, adventures in blackness. they didn't cite or sanction the job,
Posted by poetx, Tue Mar-10-15 08:53 AM
but the employee. over some bullshit.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12746650, Classism and Racism
Posted by neuro_OSX, Tue Mar-10-15 09:56 AM
Bubba McTriple Kay advising the judge to give this man 30 days is some bullshit. Sandy Springs court system is privatized? the fuck ? Fools coming up with neo jim crow shit for new excuses to put black folks in jail.

1k fines arent doing any good then raise that shit to 10k, but they won't do that shit because their white friends own the waste management company..
12746695, This country just loves to throw black men in jail, Just imagine the outcome
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-10-15 10:21 AM
if this was the person throwing out garbage.


Is there any chance that such woman would be facing jail time?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're r
12746705, not that what you state isn't true...it is.. BUT...what's unique and pertinent
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Mar-10-15 10:27 AM
about this case is the Privatization angle of it...
I'm hoping that it gets as much attention about that as it does the absurdity and racial angle of it.
I still feel the racial aspect is the smallest and least important/effective angle to approach it from though...
12746747, It's the least effective but I think the truest. Privatization is how you
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Mar-10-15 10:44 AM
get everyone else excited about it. But I still strongly believe prosecutors would have thought it absurd to arrest anyone else for this.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're r