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12740750, - - -
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Mar-03-15 12:55 PM

>I felt like if I was one of those women and I was raped that
>not only would I be speaking out about it, but I'd be doing so
>in a much more adamant and aggressive tone than what I
>generally hear.

you assume that you wouldn't be afraid of the rapist.

that he hadn't threatened to harm or embarrass you if you report what happened.

you assume that you yourself are convinced that you'd been raped. b/c many rape survivors don't even have words to describe what happened. most rape ain't the stranger/danger snatched in an alley type situation. it's very often acquaintance rape. your boyfriend 'took the pussy' when you didn't want sex. or that guy you've been seeing. or your friend. or your cousin. your brother. your father. your grandfather. your neighbor. someone you know and trust. who would never do that to you. so maybe YOU got it wrong. maybe you did lead him on. maybe you shouldn't have worn __. or drank so much __. or agreed to be alone w/him. maybe it's your fault.

all of that ^ and more can go through your head and keep you quiet after you've been raped.

I'd probably hold a press conference and say
>something along the lines of "not only did this walking piece
>of shit rape me, but if the justice system doesn't do
>something about it then I will."

you assume you would be able to fight all of that ^ doubt and stand before a microphone in a room full of ppl and shout w/absolute certainty that your boyfriend/friend/date/husband/relative/et al raped you and you won't stand for it!

I just feel like we always
>have these stories where the women are very quiet and demure
>about the whole situation. I think women should be MORE
>outwardly angry when this happens like, "yo this shit is
>fucked up!!!"

oh yeah, THAT voice is there too. sometimes it's not drowned out by those others. but often it's drowned out.

>Female rape victims always want men to understand their plight
>better, and I think that approach is something that men can
>understand a lot more clearly than the current way most of
>these situations play out. It's more visceral and that usually
>connects with men better.

uh...fuck that.

if men want to connect w/female survivors better then they should try to LISTEN w/o PREJUDICE ((c) George Michael). but for real they should just STFU and listen more. stop defending. stop making it about men and make it about the survivors. STFU and listen more. create a space where women (who aren't the only rape survivors but you and this post ain't ready for THAT discussion) can feel comfortable talking. and just fucking listen. on THEIR terms.

the fuck.

and listen.

>Do you think women who came at it like that would be judged
>more than they already are via the "she was asking for it"
>type of dickheads out there?

yes. i do. i think plenty men would still attack them w/the same bullshit they use now.

I think their clear anger and
>outrage would speak loudly to those people who react like

it would probably speak to some as it does now. but most would still find reasons to reject it.

>Ladies, please feel free to come school me. Not trying to be
>insensitive with this post. Rape is fucked up, and if it
>happened to me I'd be going HARD to right the wrong and making
>sure people knew what a wrong it was.

you think so but you don't really know.

This is how I'd like to
>think I'd react but the reality could be way different if I
>was in the situation.

you'd like to think.