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Topic subjectEarl Watson: I Shouldn’t Pay in Divorce Cause Wife is Failed Actress
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12739256, Earl Watson: I Shouldn’t Pay in Divorce Cause Wife is Failed Actress
Posted by Billy Ray Valentine, Mon Mar-02-15 10:56 AM

Ex-NBA Earl Watson: I Shouldn’t Pay in Divorce Cause Wife is Failed Actress
by Robert Littal | Posted on Sunday, March 1st, 2015

It had been a long time since I thought about the show “My Wife and Kids” with Damon Wayans, but according to Ex-NBA point guard Earl Watson, he shouldn’t have to pay his wife a bunch of money because she couldn’t find jobs after the show.

Watson has gone to battle with Jennifer Freeman — who starred as Claire Kyle on “My Wife and Kids” back in the early 2000s. They have a 5-year-old daughter together.

The two are warring over cash — she claims she deserves way more than the court-ordered $2,500-per-month in child support since he’s rich. He claims he’s not as ballin’ as he used to be … because he’s retired from the NBA and only making $30k per year as a coach in the NBA’s D-league.

But in new court docs filed in L.A County Superior Court, Watson also included a few digs at Freeman’s acting career … saying, “She has not been employed on a full-time basis since appearing in the early 2000s on the television show ‘My Wife and Kids.'”

“She has secured sporadic acting roles for which she has received nominal remuneration. Her last paying job was in Nov. 2014 when she appeared on the Real Husbands of Hollywood.”

Watson also said she attacked him with an iron back in 2010.

Good luck with all that.
12739261, She got that crazy eye yo...
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-02-15 10:57 AM
12739265, she doesnt work and wants more than his yearly salary?
Posted by cgonz00cc, Mon Mar-02-15 10:59 AM
12739275, damn she really hasn't been in anything since
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Mon Mar-02-15 11:04 AM
so much for light skinned privilege
but nah honestly she's not a good actress
i can see why she hasn't worked since the show went off
also she better take that 2500 and stfu
12739371, judge is about to reduce that shit to 1750..lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-02-15 11:53 AM
12739283, wondering if she thought he as home or random (swipe)
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Mar-02-15 11:08 AM
or was this a warning?..lol..



Tuesday, February 24, 2015 12:42PM
ENCINO, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Los Angeles police were searching Tuesday for four men who wore ski masks and held an elderly couple at gunpoint during a home invasion in Encino.

The suspects broke in through the back door of a home in the 4700 block of White Oak Avenue at about 10:30 p.m. Monday. They allegedly detained the owner and his wife with handcuffs, police said.

Authorities believe that one suspect brandished a handgun, while another had a screwdriver. All four were wearing ski masks.

The homeowners were not injured. The suspects, however, fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of jewelry and cash.

The property belongs to former UCLA and NBA basketball player Earl Watson, who was renting out the home to the couple. It was unclear if he was the target of the burglary.

Police were investigating surveillance videos that may have caught the suspects leave the scene.

Anyone with information is asked to call West Valley Robbery Detectives at (818) 374-7730.
12739287, damn
Posted by Billy Ray Valentine, Mon Mar-02-15 11:09 AM
12739615, yep...especially after reading this other shit
Posted by LAbeathustla, Mon Mar-02-15 01:40 PM
12739373, she looks like she would do that shit...
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Mar-02-15 11:56 AM
12739293, that's actually a reasonable CS judgement
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Mar-02-15 11:15 AM
he made 42 million over a 15 yr career and with get a 200k pension when he hits retirement age
if he wants to be nice he should probably offer to pay for private school or something
but 30k a year + insurance is not bad at all
12739335, That ain't a lot of money, off top over half of that 42 mil went to taxes and...
Posted by Billy Ray Valentine, Mon Mar-02-15 11:33 AM
agent/account/attorney fees.

So he probably had like 20 mil over 14 years to play with, if he was dating and marrying actresses in LA he probably tricked most of that off, lol...

>he made 42 million over a 15 yr career and with get a 200k
>pension when he hits retirement age
>if he wants to be nice he should probably offer to pay for
>private school or something
>but 30k a year + insurance is not bad at all
12739351, yea that's why i think the judgement is reasonable
Posted by southphillyman, Mon Mar-02-15 11:39 AM
the judge didn't get gassed up off the fact he made x amount in x year and seemingly looked at his potential earnings/standard of living here on out and gave a proper judgement
12739333, "she claims she deserves" ... "$2,500-per-month in child support"
Posted by 8-bit, Mon Mar-02-15 11:31 AM
The fuck does one have to do with the other?
12739348, she thought she had a lifetime meal ticket because he was a NBA player...
Posted by Billy Ray Valentine, Mon Mar-02-15 11:38 AM
she didn't realize dude was a career backup that only really had 1 decent contract and was making league minimum the rest of the time
12739347, yo coaching?? got damn i'm gettin old
Posted by ambient1, Mon Mar-02-15 11:37 AM
12739364, i always thought she was cute as shit, but that pic on tmz?
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Mar-02-15 11:45 AM
definitely not feelin' that bleach blonde hair.
12739368, i mean, i have no idea what he did w/ his NBA money...
Posted by PROMO, Mon Mar-02-15 11:49 AM
but he DEFINITELY isn't a baller unless he invested it and flipped it into big money.

$2500 a month for ONE kid is A LOT. she needs to fall back.
12739596, thats decent for child support
Posted by lfresh, Mon Mar-02-15 01:32 PM
and actually how this works is if she has custody her career wouldn't actually be taking off
he should make a case for custody
then he might be onto something in a few years if then her career doesn't take off
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12739620, With daycare/private school costs, that $2500 ain't shit
Posted by John Forte, Mon Mar-02-15 01:46 PM
12739637, The kid really needs to go to the most expensive schools?
Posted by 8-bit, Mon Mar-02-15 01:57 PM

The most expensive school in LA on that list is about $30k/year. Will the kid burst into flames if it goes to a $8k/yr school?

I hat this argument because all of a sudden, because of divorce the kid needs $30k schooling, $12k worth of clothes a year (including $600 baby Uggs), and $40k of transportation expenses.

Meanwhile, 95% of America's kids get by with far FAR less (I just made that % up, btw). Expecting THE BEST (AKA the most expensive) just because sounds frivolous and is probably the wrapping for a bunch of ulterior motives.
12739639, it ain't shit if that's her only income, but she can work too, right?
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Mar-02-15 01:58 PM
haha, maybe not as an actor because that doesn't seem to be going very well. but i'm sure she can gain employment and an additional 2500 a month would be like having 2 jobs.
12739646, The WORST part of this logic is that it assumes the dude ain't shit...
Posted by 8-bit, Mon Mar-02-15 02:03 PM
Like he's just forking over 2.5k per month and not doing shit else with his child. He could have his kid 4 days a week, paying for all of his/her shit and STILL have to pay child support.

This is one reason why the child support system is fucked-up. No credit for the father handling his business outside of the courts, and no oversight on how the money he does pay is spent. It's automatically assumed that he's the "bad guy."
12739672, which is why she should probably look for a job
Posted by SHAstayhighalways, Mon Mar-02-15 02:28 PM
12739675, she should def find work to pay for her shit
Posted by John Forte, Mon Mar-02-15 02:32 PM
like housing, clothes, vacations etc, but there's no reason the kids shouldn't go to the same schools they's get if they lived with dad.
12739679, 1 day these entertainers will learn to stop dating/fucking opportunist chicks
Posted by SimplyHannah, Mon Mar-02-15 02:35 PM
Until then, oh well.
12739682, how they supposed to know that??
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Mar-02-15 02:37 PM
i mean in some cases, sure it may be obvious. but this chick was a working actor when they met.
12739761, victim shaming, victim blaming
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Mon Mar-02-15 03:10 PM
honestly though 2500 a month ain't *that* bad all things considered. they are obviously basing that award off some compromise between recent and current earnings. he should whittle it down and take it. imagine if he succeeds in the d league and gets a head coaching job. then he will be pulling in a lot of money again
12739773, nah
Posted by lfresh, Mon Mar-02-15 03:16 PM
their priorities are pretty then fuckable

real shit aint entering into the equation

and as you can see even regular dudes don't even know how to find a woman of depth and means
can't expect those those to then either
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12740197, Dark-skindid Claire won!
Posted by homer_pimpson225, Mon Mar-02-15 08:58 PM