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Topic subjectChicago: Who You Want For Mayor?
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12720543, Chicago: Who You Want For Mayor?
Posted by CRichMonkey, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM

Poll question: Chicago: Who You Want For Mayor?

Poll result (11 votes)
Rahm Emanuel (he's a dick, but we all know what side he's on) (1 votes)Vote
Jesus "Chuy" Garcia (because you voted for Del Valle last time) (9 votes)Vote
Bob Fioretti (isn't his ward like all restaurants and warehouses?) (1 votes)Vote
Doc Walls (fuck it, why not?) (0 votes)Vote
Willie Wilson (the real MVP) (0 votes)Vote
I'm moving. (0 votes)Vote


12720585, i'm convinced Wilson's campaign is funded by Rahm's.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 12:51 PM
that it's a cynical attempt to lure Black voters away from Garcia, the only candidate w/a shot at beating Rahm.

i wish Preckwinkle or Lewis were in the race b/c either of them would be a formidable opponent.
12720590, Wilson's campaign is becoming more caricature by the day.
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 12:58 PM
Did y'all watch the debate last night? While everyone else's closing statement was referencing the issues the city faces, he left it with some weird prayer, concluding with "Let the church say amen." I think that was even stranger than the "whitey" comment from earlier that day. I mean, I know a big part of his platform is bringing the church back into the schools, but that shit was just bizarre.
12720594, he cannot be serious.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 01:03 PM
12721094, wilson: let the church say "amen" , Moderator and questioners: Amen.
Posted by lazyboi, Fri Feb-06-15 06:38 PM

"If you wanna help us, fine. Sit down with your kids and make 'em study at night...otherwise, shoot THIS mothaf*cka!" (c) Morgan Freeman,
12720587, The real question: Is there enough "other" support to force a runoff?
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 12:54 PM
And will that candidate have enough left in their war chest to be competitive? I honestly wish the other candidates just chose one amongst themselves who they thought had the best shot of slaying MRE and combined forces and resources to mount a more serious and competitive campaign.

That said, most polls are saying most Chicagoans have either no opinion about the other candidates or they don't know who the fuck they are at all. My more politically engaged friends have mostly been supporting Chuy, at least the ones willing to show their support publicly. Aside from news outlets and journos, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of conversation about the race at all through my social media feeds. If anything I see anti-Rahm sentiment, but not a whole lot of advocacy for anyone else. It seemed like there was a lot more conversation four years ago. I guess that's the incumbent advantage?
12720597, Chuy MIGHT.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 01:04 PM
12720600, Might doesn't have $7million in campaign cash...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 01:06 PM
And with a GOTV drive that's gonna rely heavily on the poor and minorities, I don't think Chuy can pool enough resources on election day to move enough wards his way.

Rahm on the other hand got all the monies and only needs to get 15%-20% of the minority wards to cruise.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720622, Right. Ultimately it's all about the Benjamins.
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 01:24 PM
And ground game. But often that's heavily lubricated by loot. I guess Chuy's got the support of CTU, but is that enough? And will they be able to mobilize in time to make any sizable dent? Idk if they have the infrastructure in place to make that happen. And even still, does Chuy have enough of the electorate for it to matter? From the little I know about campaigns, it seems MRE has nearly all the strategic and tactical advantages. I'd like to be proven wrong, tho.
12720629, Don't get me started on the CTU...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 01:29 PM
If they were such an effective union and pushing for real progress, I wouldn't be out here looking at spending thousands of dollars a year to send my kid to private school.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720663, But with Rauner running things in Springfield...
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 01:52 PM
I highly doubt education policy will change for the better here in this state. Or in the city. Especially with MRE at the helm. It's so much easier to sell out the public schools when your own kids are in private ones.
12720683, Nah, the school's issue is about local control/local funding...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 02:01 PM
Because of how they split that property tax money up for the schools, it's only natural that some schools are gonna benefit from higher incomes than others.

But instead of having an elected school board that would have some kind of equal control on allocating funds, we keep letting the mayors choose the CEO and the council and they have to pick a side. The city or the schools. That shit ain't fair.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720694, i see Chuy signs all over my neighborhood.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 02:04 PM
i'm in Rogers Park.

and generally i am not friends w/anyone who is voting for Rahm. but my experience is small.

i hope all the tactical advantages aren't enough for Rahm to win.
12720752, Hyde Park's in an interesting spot politically now.
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 02:24 PM
With Ald. Burns pretty tight with MRE, it's a more complicated landscape. You'd think with the stronghold Toni had over the neighborhood some of that would translate into more visible Chuy support, but I've seen very little of that. But I guess that's because she hasn't come outright to endorse him? Meanwhile you've got Ald. Hairston more vocally critical of MRE. I wonder what the polling numbers look like between the 4th and 5th wards...
12720626, rahm will win for sure
Posted by kinetic20, Fri Feb-06-15 01:27 PM
but not with my vote
12720688, sure. but Chuy might garner enough votes to force a run-off.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 02:02 PM
or, Rahm might not secure enough votes to avoid a run-off.
12720712, I doubt it...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 02:10 PM
You have to think that most people aren't dissatisfied with Rahm's leadership enough to vote him out. And if they were up to vote him out, then a consensus alternative narrative and standard bearer would have come out by now.

Chuy gets love from the margins, but that's just it. It's the margins. You can't win there, you have to get enough of the majority to carry the day.

But it's not like the city's up in arms saying Rahm's gotta go because ______. If that were the case, then you'd have Chuy or Fioretti as the candidates of ________ looking to kick him out.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720713, i bet you do.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 02:11 PM
12720724, Have I been wrong on this shit before?
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 02:13 PM
I do recall someone being vehemently anti-Rahm last time and me telling said person he was still gonna win.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720731, you're always right, chief.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 02:16 PM
you always support the winner b/c you're a winner.

good for you, guy.
12720832, Don't be mad at me because I'm reasonable.
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 03:19 PM

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720954, mad?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 04:23 PM

i dislike you but i'm not mad.
12720764, But Rahm's still gotta get 50% +1.
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Fri Feb-06-15 02:31 PM
Current polls are saying he's got about 40% of the vote with about 20% still undecided. Trends tend to show that undecided voters in circumstances like these often vote against the incumbent. That's not boding well for MRE to avoid the runoff. But at this stage not a whole lot in this race will surprise me, unfortunately.
12720956, right.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 04:23 PM
12720978, And it's quite conceivable that he does it the first round...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 04:38 PM
Y'all are overlooking the shift in population from the burbs into the city and those folks who have moved in are in Rahm's camp because they got money and/or enjoy shit like the bike lanes and other ancillary benefits to city living they see.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, in a one party town, Rahm is the closest thing to a Republican you're gonna get and when folks are voting their economic interests, they're looking at who the guy is who is going to maintain their standard of living at the lowest cost.

If you live in River North, River West, Bucktown, Wicker Park, Edgewater, Lakeview, Wrigleyville, Roscoe Village, Ravenswood, Ukrainian Village, or Andersonville, Rahm is your guy. He's making the city great for you.

We haven't even mentioned Bridgeport or other blue collar white areas that are gonna vote for Rahm because caucasian.

He doesn't need a coalition, he just needs his people to show up and pull 15%-20% out of the minority precincts.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720592, you already know
Posted by kinetic20, Fri Feb-06-15 01:01 PM
(and I did vote for del Valle)
12720595, But let's be honest...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 01:03 PM
Out of the slate of candidates that we have right now, who is really equipped to clean up the Daley messes better than Rahm?

That's my reason for supporting him. I feel like he's the only one who has a plan to fix the cities problems that don't involve some new kind of tax or some interesting dodge to kick the can down the road.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720602, they arent 'new' taxes but he inflated the hell out of all current ones.
Posted by select_from_where, Fri Feb-06-15 01:07 PM
And fuck a plan, they still haven't touched this tiff fund thats supposed to be alleviating the costs for CPS and the like, they are so dependent on this mix of government dollars to help the lower class, and high taxes to bargain-chip cronies with, nothing will change until we get a mayor that believes in true economic growth, not random stimulus to the areas with the biggest constituency.
12720604, Yo, we are *thisclose* to a NY style city income tax...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 01:09 PM
And if/when that happens, I'm leaving.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720642, Garcia said Mexicans gave him shit for voting for Mayor Harold Washington
Posted by after midnight, Fri Feb-06-15 01:40 PM
He voted for the "pinche moreno", instead of dancing on Massa Daley's plantation.

He said he more or less told them to fuck off, he votes the way he wants, and that's that.

He instantly won my respect, and my vote, come election time.
12720847, I find this post subject....odd.
Posted by LeroyBumpkin, Fri Feb-06-15 03:25 PM
After decades and decades of Daley, I never really gave the Chicago mayoral race much thought.

12721128, We have choices now.
Posted by after midnight, Fri Feb-06-15 08:10 PM
The aspect of 20 year mayoral dynasties ended with Daley...knock on wood.

But what we really need are TERM LIMITS, among other things.
12721131, i agreee - Rahm will not be the mayor for 20 yrs.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Feb-06-15 08:16 PM
that machine died w/Daley's retirement.

12721185, When he wins again, he'll be mayor for at least 12...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 09:40 PM
The Machine didn't die, it's just got different fuel.

It used to be union money and patronage gigs, now it's tax incentives and corporate deals.

Chicago is just late to the party, that's all. The new game is about that green and if you ain't 'bout gettin' this money, Rahm and the city ain't tryna fuck with you.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12720930, Wilson actually makes sense, people think he's a joke, but
Posted by lazyboi, Fri Feb-06-15 04:10 PM
once u get past his speech impediment. dude makes a LOT of sense.

that closing remark/prayer tho......lol that was like an SNL skit

"If you wanna help us, fine. Sit down with your kids and make 'em study at night...otherwise, shoot THIS mothaf*cka!" (c) Morgan Freeman,
12720970, I know the man personally, so I don't want to go too far...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 04:31 PM
But his problem isn't just his speech, it's that what he's doing is so brazen. He's trying to appeal to a specific segment of the black electorate to fracture the power of the voting bloc.

Someone else has mentioned it, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was based in some truth, but I feel like there's someone from inside the administration fueling his candidacy just to negate chunks of the south and west side votes.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12721033, Chibueze
Posted by unfukwitable, Fri Feb-06-15 05:06 PM

12722262, He's got my vote.
Posted by CRichMonkey, Mon Feb-09-15 12:59 PM

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12721203, Trib, Sun Times, and Crains all endorsing Rahm...
Posted by CRichMonkey, Fri Feb-06-15 10:16 PM
This might turn into the race that never was.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12722644, And Daley too... I hate this race.
Posted by ChiBrownSkinLady, Mon Feb-09-15 04:55 PM
12722678, You thought it was really gonna be a competition?
Posted by CRichMonkey, Mon Feb-09-15 05:46 PM
If Toni Preckwinkle and Tom Dart know well enough not to run, then everyone else shoulda heeded their warnings.

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*
12721221, is this a Chi area code?
Posted by Cam, Fri Feb-06-15 11:33 PM
12721293, Yeah.
Posted by CRichMonkey, Sat Feb-07-15 10:41 AM

my avy: Deep in your heart, you know he's right: http://coreyrichardsonneedsajob.com/
my hustle: http://SupaSoulSounds.com

*RIP: John T. "220v" Richardson, Blessing Benson, and Dilla*