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Topic subjectthrowing away food you bought, paid for, and cooked yourself.
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12709832, throwing away food you bought, paid for, and cooked yourself.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 05:03 PM
i made a pot roast in my slow cooker yesterday and i already know i don't want to eat it. i paid $7 for that pot roast and i ate a corner of it. oh, plus the money i spent on the other ingredients. and i ain't finna eat it. it's b/c there's too much onion in it and my body rejects onions. i'll have bubbling guts all week if i eat that pot roast. so it's going in the trash and i'm eating a Lil Ceez pizza for the next couple of days.

when i was a kid i recall my mom forcing me to eat veal parmesan for a few nights b/c she'd spent so much money on it. i hadn't asked for the veal and had never had it. i didn't like the veal parm (b/c i hate parmesan cheese) and i didn't wanna eat it and that experience was so traumatic that i haven't eaten veal in over 30 yrs. and now as i face the prospect of tossing out that roast i remember my mother yelling at me about how much she'd spent on that good meat that i didn't want. and now the table has turned. and vengeance is mine!
12709834, LOL. i hate wasting food
Posted by teefiveten, Mon Jan-26-15 05:07 PM
but i feel you on this.
12709837, i rarely do it.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 05:09 PM
but i'm finna do it.
12709835, I usually take all failed cooking experiments
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon Jan-26-15 05:07 PM
to work. Grad students and even professors will eat anything as long as it's free.

My Mom never forced us to eat anything, but she made us at least try different things. I tried asparagus when I was 6, hated it, and have never eaten it again.
12709840, ill eat every nasty ass crumb of it. we dont throw away food
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Jan-26-15 05:09 PM
'all them starving children in africa....?' - my big mama

cant do it, its just wrong

i'd rather have bubble guts for a day or whatever

also...recipe please im a slow cooking addict

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12709844, My Nana would get real specific
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon Jan-26-15 05:12 PM
"All of them starving children in Biafra"...smh. It was like 1985 btw.
12709852, lol
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Jan-26-15 05:16 PM

i can hear her voice now clear as day saying that

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12709878, i used to be thinking "sh*t, ship it to them, then. i'll cover costs"
Posted by Government Name, Mon Jan-26-15 05:35 PM
>'all them starving children in africa....?' - my big mama
12709896, & she'd have loosened your jaw up for saying it out loud
Posted by Binlahab, Mon Jan-26-15 05:50 PM
so its good all you did was think it

does it really matter?

for all my fans who keep my name in their mouth: http://i.imgur.com/v2xNOpS.jpg
12710095, Making light of horrific abuse? Disgusting
Posted by Mgmt, Mon Jan-26-15 11:21 PM
12709940, i do. And I'm finto.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 06:38 PM
12709845, mom still won't , I have a hard time
Posted by lfresh, Mon Jan-26-15 05:12 PM
It feels like victory when I do though

I be having a hoarders fridges
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12709846, smh!!!
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Mon Jan-26-15 05:12 PM
>i'm eating a Lil Ceez pizza for the next
>couple of days.
12709847, I have a "not worth the calories" rule
Posted by John Forte, Mon Jan-26-15 05:13 PM
If it's really healthy, I'll eat it whether I like or not, but if it's fattening and I'm not feeling it, it gets tossed.
12709875, yeah.... if its bad for my teeth or unhealthy
Posted by ndibs, Mon Jan-26-15 05:33 PM
it has to be delicious, i drink soda like twice a year maybe because it completely goes against this rule.
12709862, that stouffer's shit? frozen dinner veal parm? i just remembered
Posted by poetx, Mon Jan-26-15 05:25 PM
it as mushy meat.

but it was smothered in tomato sauce and cheese so, oh well. but it was nastier than salisbury steak. which was really salisbury hamburger in brown gravy, but i'm digressing.

you picked out the prolly best exception to the no food wasting rule (for food you cooked). you overdid it on the onions and you know its gonna fuck w/ your innards.

i like hot sauce. nay. LOVE hot sauce. and i'll stop and buy those crazy ass hot sauces from the lil boutique shops and whatnot w/ the crazy names.

but hot sauce really don't like me. i KNOW my hind parts gonna pay a penalty. so its a measured risk.

i got this stuff now from NC called Insainasylum sauch or some shit. for a big old plate of rice or something like that, TWO drops is the limit. that shit will burn a wooden spoon like on the old bugs bunny cartoons.

one time i did 3.5 drops. my wife had made hoisin chicken. it was good af. already type spicy. but i *HAD* to add my .02. 3 drops is what i meant, and 3.5 came out by accident.

i'm tryna eat that shit at the dinner table, sweat pouring out my head like on that one key and peele sketch about browser history. my kids go from snickering to cracking the hell UP at the dinner table.

i ate about a fourth of the plate and the heat was too much. i took the L and threw it all away.

so i know what you feelin, bruh.

you can't salvage the pot roast (like warsh your meats on the outside, and then slow cook it again w/ some barbeque sauce or messican flavors to make barbacoa? then throw it on top of a salad or on some tortillas? )

that MIGHT could solve the problem.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
12709944, My body still smells like onion today
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 06:41 PM
and I only had a small piece yesterday. I expect gurgling and churgling in my guts tmrw. I dunno that the thing can be saved.
12709869, freeze it
Posted by JayEmm, Mon Jan-26-15 05:30 PM

12709871, can you at least give it to a neighbor?
Posted by bonitaapplebaum71481, Mon Jan-26-15 05:31 PM
I 'm just sayin...

"i wanna hug all u idiotic bastards & then set you all on fire" -Bin

DROkayplayer: Giving you good puff since May '05
12709945, Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 06:41 PM
12709872, i have 0 issue w/ it in general. not because im balling, but cause
Posted by Government Name, Mon Jan-26-15 05:32 PM
like you said, eating food i really dont like is f*cking awful. i have a similar story to your veal story, but with roast beef. for all i know, i might like roast beef now. dont even care. im scarred.
12709892, Can't you remove the onions? Why did you use them in the first place?
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Jan-26-15 05:43 PM
Was this your first time making it?

This just sounds weird to me because I don't really cook that often but when I do its something I really like so I couldn't imagine cooking it and throwing it away unless it was burned beyond recovery or something like that.
12709947, i was high.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 06:44 PM
I just went overboard with the onion soup mix.

I have a bag of chicken noodle soup mix that I can't use bc it's way too heavy with the onion. I ate some and the next day my gut was torn up. I thought maybe it was cream - but I checked and onion is the second listed ingredient. I have had to toss out the rest of that mix.
12709899, I'd just give it to my brother
Posted by Regina Rose, Mon Jan-26-15 05:51 PM
he'd eat pretty much anything
12709901, i paid a hunnid dollas for dat roast! (c) bokeem in jasons lyric
Posted by mikediggz, Mon Jan-26-15 05:51 PM
12709906, I have the same issue. My appetite is so off and on...
Posted by BlassFemur, Mon Jan-26-15 05:53 PM
I'll be starving, cook up some food and just ignore it afterwards cause I'm not craving it anymore.

Usually I'll settle for some cereal.
12709915, RE: throwing away food you bought, paid for, and cooked yourself.
Posted by TR808, Mon Jan-26-15 06:00 PM
>i made a pot roast in my slow cooker yesterday and i already
>know i don't want to eat it. i paid $7 for that pot roast and
>i ate a corner of it. oh, plus the money i spent on the other
>ingredients. and i ain't finna eat it. it's b/c there's too
>much onion in it and my body rejects onions. i'll have
>bubbling guts all week if i eat that pot roast. so it's going
>in the trash and i'm eating a Lil Ceez pizza for the next

12709917, Im scolding you. Leave it in the breakroom at the J-O n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Mon Jan-26-15 06:02 PM
12709949, ...for someone else to throw out. Lol
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Jan-26-15 06:45 PM
I know how that works.
12710209, You dont know me. LOL n/m
Posted by DaHeathenOne76, Tue Jan-27-15 08:44 AM

12710212, Nope. But I have seen this at all of my jobs.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jan-27-15 08:48 AM
Food sits around and gets picked at until someone throws it out. Especially ppl's homemade leftovers. I wouldn't touch that and i eat most things. Lol
12709919, i avoid wasting food as much as possible
Posted by blackrussian, Mon Jan-26-15 06:04 PM
but at the same time i wont force myself to eat something that doesn't taste good/will give me an upset stomach (i have various digestive problems). As a result, i am very careful about what i buy & cook.
12709953, #shytpeopleraisedin2parenthouseholdsdo
Posted by SeV, Mon Jan-26-15 06:47 PM

but im banned tho.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
12710068, wasting food is a sin
Posted by initiationofplato, Mon Jan-26-15 10:22 PM
at least that's what it feels like, shaking your head in shame when you're tossing those veggies in the bin.
12710088, god i hate when this happens
Posted by GirlChild, Mon Jan-26-15 11:13 PM
but i'm not going to front like i wouldn't do the same
12710207, this is where you learn how to make glaze and sauces....whenever theres
Posted by Fishgrease, Tue Jan-27-15 08:40 AM
something not tasty or cooked wrong---smother it in some fruity sauce or some sort.
12710213, i buy heavy duty trash bags for times like this.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jan-27-15 08:49 AM
The dumpster is right near my back door too.
12710336, LOL...duly noted.
Posted by Fishgrease, Tue Jan-27-15 11:24 AM
12710222, i don't have a problem throwing away food
Posted by luminous, Tue Jan-27-15 09:11 AM
Posted by double negative, Tue Jan-27-15 09:20 AM
12710236, sho nuff.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Jan-27-15 09:32 AM
12710341, this is your chance to feed the homeless.. get paper plates
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Jan-27-15 11:27 AM
make some quick canned green beans and something else.. plate it up..
wrap it up... u shouldnt have to drive too far to find someone who needs a meal..

12710347, or.. make hash out of it...we aint never threw out no pot roast
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Jan-27-15 11:29 AM
like ever
12710386, shiiiiiiiiiiit. i would eat every last morsel of that roast. i love onions so...
Posted by earthseed, Tue Jan-27-15 12:02 PM
you better be glad i ain't in chicago, cause i'd surely come over and pick it up. lol
12710411, I can't eat *everything* my kids don't eat
Posted by lonesome_d, Tue Jan-27-15 12:23 PM
and they frequently don't eat much, so there is almost always leftovers that I don't want or simply can't eat and that aren't worth saving.

We used to compost anything that wasn't meat; but then we got chickens. The leftover food (and cooking scraps as well) still gets composted but almost all of it gets processed by the chickens first. Those things will eat ANY damn thing. Including chicken.

In short, it feels a lot better to put something I don't want to eat to good use rather than throwing it out.