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Topic subjectWhat It Feels Like to Be a Gamergate Target (link)
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12704815, What It Feels Like to Be a Gamergate Target (link)
Posted by Nick Has a Problem...Seriously, Wed Jan-21-15 05:27 PM
Anita Sarkeesian on ABC News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAyncf3DBUQ
12704838, chicks a scam artist--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 05:40 PM
of the first order
12704841, ^^^REAL HE-MAN HERE BROS
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 05:40 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704871, ^^^A TRUE MALE FEMINIST--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 06:02 PM
acts like a pussy to get pussy

we see you nigga
12704875, you're following the worst people
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 06:04 PM
for the worst reasons.

no one cares about you.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704886, im not following anybody--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 06:16 PM
youre following the Sarkeesian scam artist and happily being taken
12704929, taken how? I tossed her $0. and I still see the videos
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 06:51 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704883, Is that dude with the game controller bags a millionaire yet?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jan-21-15 06:15 PM
People were clowning him. But damn if there doesn't seem to be a big market for it.

I didn't realize a bunch of people actually use those old school style arcade things
12704951, it's such a weird subculture
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:06 PM
the people who are into it are SUPER INTO IT

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12706237, it's the best. it's also the worst. but i love it so much.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Jan-22-15 04:17 PM
12705680, dunno about that, but it -was- a product of utility
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-22-15 12:51 PM
>I didn't realize a bunch of people actually use those old
>school style arcade things

sheeeeeeeeeeeit, on eBay you should see what they go for
and in 2009 it was ridiculous until the manufacturers addressed the issue

it'll blow up again in a year after SFV comes out; they're trying to crossover into eSports
12704912, what is the legitimate criticism of her and this video?
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 06:40 PM
i'm curious.
12704924, Likely the audience here.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jan-21-15 06:48 PM
As a black man I find myself hard pressed to feel sympathy for most white women. I'm not going to defend that belief either, it's narrow minded and at times petty.
When I see a situation like this, I look at reddit in general, they don't even roll with US much, so why should I be up in arms for how they treat others?
12704931, wat?
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 06:53 PM
12704969, You asked about the criticism of the gamergate woman right?
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jan-21-15 07:16 PM
The white woman who's been accused of sleeping around the gamer industry to get good reviews and that situation blew up from a Reddit post.

12705031, different one!
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 08:10 PM

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12705049, Oh, see that's my fault then.
Posted by MEAT, Wed Jan-21-15 08:32 PM
12704928, she's a scam artist because she did a kickstarter
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 06:50 PM
and people gave her a lot of money

that's it.

she asked for $6k to make her videos, people gave her $158k

so that makes her a scam artist.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704935, That is a little scummy. But more of a kickstarter problem
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jan-21-15 06:58 PM
12704940, I can't see anything scummy about people giving you money
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:00 PM
for a thing

but some people are really, really upset about it. weirdly, they're not the people who gave her the money.

wonder why

that said - I didn't back it and don't usually do kickstarters for a number of reasons, but that's really whatever.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704943, what specifically was scummy about her kickstarter?
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 07:01 PM
did she lie to anyone on it?
12704961, I'm not talking abt her specifically, I'm talking abt fundraising
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jan-21-15 07:11 PM
But we can use her as an example.
She has a goal to make some videos and she wants to raise $6,000 to do it. Cool.
What is the other $153,000 going to be used for. There is no plan for it.

Sure people gave it to her, and that's their prerogative.
But I think there should be a limit on how much you can raise relative to the goal you set.
12704964, nobody really knows how to deal with crowdfunding
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:13 PM
and I think kickstarter, indiegogo , and patreon are more concerned about getting their cut, than fixing the inherent problems

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12706487, but if ppl can see how much has already been given
Posted by GirlChild, Thu Jan-22-15 06:56 PM
seeing that she's blown way past her goal, does that make her scummy?
you have all the info and you still decide to give.
12706602, Because at that point you're taking money just because...
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Jan-22-15 08:43 PM
No different than standing on the corner with a coffee can and a sign, getting cash from people walking by. Then rolling home in your new car.

She's definitely not scamming anyone because the donators know exactly what they're getting into.
There's just something wrong (in my opinion) about taking people's money for no reason other than that they are willing to give it away.
12707856, that's actually entirely different than what you described
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Jan-23-15 04:54 PM

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12707992, Only difference is transparency..
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Jan-23-15 06:26 PM
The panhandler is deceiving people by making people think he needs money whereas this lady isn't trying to trick anyone.

But the point I'm getting at is that they are both taking money from people when they don't truly need it.

Just because people are willing to give you money doesn't mean that it is right to take it.
12708657, how is that different from literally any other activity?
Posted by Rjcc, Sun Jan-25-15 03:21 PM

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12708682, Are you being intentionally vague?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sun Jan-25-15 04:26 PM
What other activities are you talking about?

I'm talking about a specific thing. Accepting donations.
Just because people are willing to donate money to you does not mean you are right to accept it.
12704965, shes not really a gamer--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:13 PM
then she offers a one dimensional critique of video gaming culture
12704967, which are both lies
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:15 PM
but you can't say the truth, so you gotta go down the talking points

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704978, RE: which are both lies
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:20 PM
12704994, ohhh, you have a video
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:39 PM
straight from the talking points. bruh, I've seen it. you have nothing

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705000, um I have a video where she admits--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:42 PM
she's not a gamer, and doesnt even really like games

you really crushing on her, huh?
12705003, because that's the only possible thought that could exist
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:46 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704953, of her--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:08 PM
for me its the fact that she's a feminist critic of gaming.....who doesnt allow any criticism of her assertions

dare to criticize her and youre automatically a misogynist harasser

and her critiques are weak as hell

saving the princess in mario bros. is a major misogynist action according to her
12704963, lollllll
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:12 PM

so she's a scam artist

just tell the truth and stop the lies that don't make sense.

you feel powerless (for whatever reason, c'mon bro, get better at life), and you're upset that she's acting like she has any power at all

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704971, she doesnt have to open her youtube comments--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:17 PM
just answer a critic

answer a refutation of your work

are we just supposed to take her word for it?

even when she's misrepresenting alot of the games she's covering in her vids?
12704974, you don't have to do anything
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:19 PM
because no one has asked you.

but instead you/yall desperately attack her personally

c'mon tell the truth

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704984, dude do you know this chick?--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:28 PM
you caping real hard fam
12704998, never met her, afaik
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:40 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705054, sounds like something G. Graige Lewis does
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed Jan-21-15 08:53 PM
EX Ministries is known for spreading half-truths and outright lies in an attempt to demonize hip hop and get it's leader G. Craige Lewis a larger following. If you call him out on it, especially on his personal blog, it gets deleted swiftly. Comments that debunk his lies on the ministries FB page are deleted and the user that posted will be blocked. He never addresses his critics directly and only continues to push whatever conforms to his agenda.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12705171, it sounds like the problem there isn't how he handles comments
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 01:27 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704968, it's difficult to say
Posted by bearfield, Wed Jan-21-15 07:15 PM
my feeling is that "criticism" of her work is rooted in a fear that somehow her work is going to irreversibly damage and/or change for the worse the white male-dominated gaming culture, as if she's making this stuff up in order to ruin games for everyone
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:17 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704973, i havent followed the story closely
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 07:18 PM
but unfortunately the few negative things i see about her on the web seem to come from people who post like angry 14 year olds (even if they may be 35). so it's hard for me to ascertain what may actually be wrong with her (if anything at all)
12704977, I haven't watched most of her videos
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:20 PM
but I really thought she wasn't going deep enough w/ her criticism in the early ones.

she was focused on the breath and normality of the treatment of women in games, which I get, but I didn't think it was the best way to go about it

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704982, word. even the issues in this video were very surface
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 07:26 PM
for mainstream America, but it doesn't mean they aren't worth discussing.
12704986, it wasnt worth the money she got--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:31 PM
or a whole damn video series

big surprise, a genre which is mainly marketed to men have a skewed/idealized portrayal of women

hell i should start a video series about the portrayal of men in romance novels

kickstarter here i come!
12704989, if it means you'll go the fuck away from here
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:33 PM
then I got $5 on it, link?

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704992, whats with the online harassment?
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:37 PM
12704996, I'm trying to help you live your dream
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:39 PM
and I'm willing to put my own money on the line to make it happen.

that's like the opposite of harassment

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12704997, would it be acceptable for movies marketed to white men
Posted by woe.is.me., Wed Jan-21-15 07:39 PM
to be racist?
12705002, of course not--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Wed Jan-21-15 07:45 PM
but i wouldnt expect that movie to have a black woman's point of view

I expect American Sniper directed by Clint Eastwood who spoke at the Republican convention to be 'America, Fuck Yeah!'
12706494, smh, lol
Posted by GirlChild, Thu Jan-22-15 07:00 PM
this response is so ridiculous
you coming from a place of gender privilege
12705005, i'm not those people so i can't say for certain...
Posted by bearfield, Wed Jan-21-15 07:47 PM
>but unfortunately the few negative things i see about her on
>the web seem to come from people who post like angry 14 year
>olds (even if they may be 35). so it's hard for me to
>ascertain what may actually be wrong with her (if anything at

but my feeling is that they feel threatened from an "outsider" perspective that is shining light on some real issues inherent in a medium whose creators are almost exclusively male, and cater to a mostly white male audience

as for her work, she sometimes omits or twists facts in order to suit her points:


in the above video she intimates that the actions the video game player can take against the NPCs (non-player characters) are exclusive to women NPCs and encouraged by the game designers. but they aren't. those actions are gender-agnostic and they are encouraged only in the sense that the game allows it. there's no tutorial for taking those actions and the games give no reward for them

but at the same time, she's not exactly wrong about what some gamers may feel compelled to do because the game presents those particular female NPCs in such a sexual manner and lets the player know that they are indeed disposable (like most of the other NPCs, including male ones)
12705009, I thought her videos would'e been
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 07:50 PM
better if they were more focused, she tried to slam everything in all the time and often I felt like it missed

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705033, yeah. she sometimes undermines her points by being factually wrong
Posted by bearfield, Wed Jan-21-15 08:10 PM
but i still find her work compelling. i've found myself reflecting on my in-game actions after watching her videos. maybe that's her real goal and she accomplishes that via getting people to pay attention to her work by "being wrong on the internet"
12705041, I find it similar to the bechdel test
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Jan-21-15 08:17 PM
in that it's kind of bs when you point it at one thing?

but when you sit back and realize how many them (movies/games) are like that?

it's like ...shit man.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705954, agree with you both
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-22-15 02:45 PM
>in that it's kind of bs when you point it at one thing?
>but when you sit back and realize how many them (movies/games)
>are like that?

even beyond movies and games. the discussion is worth having IMO
12705992, sorry RJ you are falling for the scam
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Thu Jan-22-15 02:59 PM
you poor gullible mans yous
12706149, DAT SCAM
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 03:46 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705222, mr. Warmth, no criticism she could make warrants the real world harassment
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-22-15 07:55 AM
You agree right?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12705228, of course--
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Thu Jan-22-15 08:38 AM
the threats are fucked up

but she shouldn't use that as an excuse not to answer her critics
12705265, Why should she speak to her critics? They proved her point
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jan-22-15 09:15 AM
No idea if she's a good critic or not, but lets say she's a silly blogger and non gamer who's simply using feminism as a cheap way to find topics and denegrates videogames for being sexist.

The problem is the extremely sexist reaction...PROVES THE POINT, lol.

She may have been a dickhead using a relative unique vantage point in gaming to push ahead of her career, but how easy y'all jumped in the pool says much more about the community then her, even if she's being opportunistic.

Not like the doritosgate* nigga was getting death or rape threats, lol.

*For those of you in the audience that have lives, a similar 'you're a coporate shill' accusation made towards a popular male video game journalist a few years back when he popped up with more branding on a screen(of mostly doritios) that makes Nascar jackets look 'minimal'

>the threats are fucked up
>but she shouldn't use that as an excuse not to answer her
12705314, RE: Why should she speak to her critics? They proved her point
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Thu Jan-22-15 09:47 AM
>The problem is the extremely sexist reaction...PROVES THE
>POINT, lol.

no it really doesnt

it proves there's trolls on the internet

and anybody with common sense should be able to discern a troll from a legitimate critique
12705337, What are the legitimate critiques? Her kickstarter was too successful?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-22-15 09:56 AM
Hard to put on her.

She isn't a hard core gamer? Why is that relevant or important?

I haven't seen any criticism that goes to the core of her critique (i.e., it's a bad thing that GTA makes a game of killing and beating hookers).

I will acknowledge that I haven't really been following this so I am open to being schooled.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12705370, RE: What are the legitimate critiques? Her kickstarter was too successful?
Posted by Mr_Warmth, Thu Jan-22-15 10:13 AM
thunderf00t has a whole series of videos on her:

There are a bunch of other people as well


basically its someone outside of the community launching a critique of that community and not allowing a critique of her critique

12705589, RE: What are the legitimate critiques? Her kickstarter was too successful?
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 12:03 PM
>thunderf00t has a whole series of videos on her:
>There are a bunch of other people as well
>basically its someone outside of the community launching a
>critique of that community and not allowing a critique of her

she doesn't produce content for peer-reviewed academic journals. she makes videos for the internet. why do you think she has to allow people to critique her work?

and which "community" do you think she's critiquing? the gaming community as a whole? a specific subset of gamers?
12706500, so because she's not a full fledged critic, that means her points are off?
Posted by GirlChild, Thu Jan-22-15 07:06 PM
that doesn't even make sense

you don't have to be an educated critic with a degree to see wrong is wrong.

none of you are addressing that
12705703, those videos are the best evidence of her point
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 01:04 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706241, I listened to 3 minutes and heard some dumb ass shit.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-22-15 04:18 PM
Guy argues the games do not objectify women because when you beat a hooker to death you lose points. SMH.

Or that the storyline with all the naked ladies being sold into slavery isn't objectifying them because the object of the game is to save them. SMH.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12706269, whatup broooooo! now the party is full
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:26 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706332, I feel like there should be some commemoration of us being
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-22-15 04:54 PM
on the same side

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12706377, this does not even begin to count.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:18 PM
this gamergate shit is basically stockholm syndrome of gamers defending an industry that THEY KNOW ain't shit.

can you even imagine the mental gymnastics needed for someone to watch a thunderf00t video and think YUP that's my side

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705227, meh
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 08:21 AM
12705381, just realized
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 10:18 AM
do we have any black female gamers on the boards?

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12705382, let's leave #PooPooGate in 2014.
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-22-15 10:18 AM
12705917, its a way of life now breh
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-22-15 02:28 PM
12706994, someone linked me a screen from 'Huni Pop' or whatever it's called
Posted by Dr Claw, Fri Jan-23-15 10:40 AM
The official game of #PooPooGate

bunch of filthy bowcats making vidya games nowadays, I tell ya what
12705385, oh and obligatory
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 10:19 AM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12705388, journalism?
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 10:20 AM
i guess
12705439, hey, dont look at me
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 10:42 AM
thats essentially what mr warmth is babbling about up there
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12705625, he's definitely babbling
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 12:26 PM
but i've got several issues with the campaign

i don't think it's scamming per se but equally as exploitative as having questionable games in video games to appeal to it's largest demographic

some of which does in fact use sexist themes but many which simply align with traditional rather than progressive gender roles...

the ones that are most guilty are also guilty of exploiting other of society's ills...like need for violence and other base ass shit

the fact that these videos needed crowd-sourced financing is odd in today's technological climate...

the actual thought behind it...very shallow and surfacey...the reactions are definitely telling...but the obvious problems she's trying to overly attribute to gaming is just intellectually odd, flawed, and as close to dishonest as you can come imho...

the shitty and sexist "critiques" are also worth equal amounts of dismissal though and don't somehow confirm her ideas

i'll just stick with my initial "meh" response and continue to be mildly disinterested in this new reason to dislike people lol
12705699, you're a really dumb person
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 01:02 PM
you should talk to more people IRL that know things, I have a feeling you're kind of echo chambered.

or, you can keep on this and be one of those weird conspiracy theory facebook posters by 2016

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705873, your mom too but here we are
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 02:13 PM
12705735, I'm too old-school of a gamer to see the stuff they're crying about
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 01:18 PM
For every one game that has sexist themes and overtones, you have thousands, even tens of thousands, that don't.

Sounds like a lot of hollering over something that's pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of gaming. I've got well over 30 years of heavy gaming under my belt, looking back at it all the shit these journalists are crying about amounts to making it seem like Time, Newsweek, and every other magazine on the shelf is, somehow, similar to Playboy, Penthouse, or Hustler.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12705738, no, you're a MRA with an agenda
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 01:22 PM
just be clear about what you are and what you're pushing

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705993, Nigga, someone hurt you, but don't push that shit on other people
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 02:59 PM
I'm no MRA by any stretch of the imagination. You, on the other hand, are a fractured soul. Some man hurt you in some way so you go overboard trying to side with women over every issue due to your hatred for men. Did Chuck and 'nem taking your lunch money really affect you like that? Maybe it was the nigga Chauncey that stole your woman, fucked her, and dropped her off at your crib like "that's all you now nigga...".

In a way, you're kinda like the Tyler Perry of vidya game blogging (let's be clear here: You're a blogger, not a journalist in any way, shape, or form). A small, little man with deep resentment of other men because of something that happened to him in the past that he can't seem to get over.

Whatever the case, save your bullshit acronyms for someone that gives a shit about you and your opinion.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706075, actually
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 03:22 PM

you the nigga that whined about white women taking his job at IBM two decades ago

so maybe you're projecting some stuff here.

you want to matter, and this is what you've found. it's sad.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706159, try again.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 03:51 PM
>you the nigga that whined about white women taking his job at
>IBM two decades ago

Two decades ago I was selling/installing car stereos to chumps like you that thought puttin some hump in the Geo Metro or whatever other sad little car they had would get him some play.

>so maybe you're projecting some stuff here.

Nice try at redirection. It seems I've struck a nerve. Lemme guess, them niggas at Willow Run, Pioneer, or whatever bullshit spot you went to pushed you around and this is your attempt to "get back at them"? But you still too pussy to go confront the dudes that made you sad in your life and instead try to take out your keyboard wrath on the rest of us.

It's laughable, really...

>you want to matter, and this is what you've found. it's sad.

dawg, you "write" for a glorified blog. Come back when you're writing for a real journalistic institution. I'd take the Eastern Echo at this point. Shit, even I've had political cartoons published there so it should be easy for you with your... credentials...


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706260, you're obsessed with me
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:24 PM
as a way to try and deal with the things that didn't go well for you.

hopefully you'll get the help you need and deal with those issues, it will make things better for you and those close to you.

or you could just blame feminists for whatever wrong you're keying on today, if that's better for you.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706338, HAHAHA!!!
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:56 PM
Nigga, you reply to ME but I'm obsessed???

Look at this and EVERY other thread like it. YOU make up the single largest number of replies.


Not lfresh
Not abby
Not any other woman on this board.

YOU. A dude...

But -I'M- obsessed???

Each of my replies you're the first one jumpin in with personal attacks... Fuck that... Every reply by anyone else YOU'RE the first one to resort to personal attacks, name calling and whatnot.

I'm about as obsessed with you as a random person in China is obsessed with my next door neighbor.

So you never make this mistake again, let's be clear here:

You're meaningless to me. Nothing you do affects me. Nothing you do affects anyone. You're a manlet behind a keyboard and nothing more. For me to be obsessed with you I would have to think you're a peer or someone to aspire to, so let's run it down:

I've authored patents for a global tech company.
You authored opinions for a glorified blog.

The fruits of my labor is in use by our military.
Yours is read by neckbeards.

I build the tech that you use to complain about feminist shit.

As a DJ, I've held residency, played out domestically and internationally, and even had my mix CD's pirated and sold in other countries (most notoriously parts of Australia).

So, no... you're neither a peer to me or someone to aspire to, so there's no need to "obsess" over the letters "rjcc" on my screen.

You're a manlet that plays the feminist role so you can get the chance to smell the titty sweat of the white chicks your rhetoric appeals to. I'm the type of dude smashing those white chicks and the reason you'll never get out of their "friend zone".

Never forget that.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706392, you have clearly shown you're above personal attacks
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:26 PM
I can't believe I so wrongly suggested that was what you were doing or would do.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706399, It's all good when you're dishing it out, right?
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 05:37 PM


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706404, I'm kinda whatever on the attacks, I can take it
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:40 PM
my point is a. the blatant hypocrisy of decrying the personal attacks while making personal attacks.

and b. this SOP for your squad.

thanks for filling in the evidence by being what I said you were!

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706469, within my first two replies in this thread, you went on the attack
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 06:40 PM
>my point is a. the blatant hypocrisy of decrying the personal
>attacks while making personal attacks.
>and b. this SOP for your squad.
>thanks for filling in the evidence by being what I said you

The first was actually a decent reply; I had hope that you might actually be civil for a change. The second had you on the attack for no good reason and the gloves came off. I've never said I was above personal attacks; I reserve them for when someone comes at me fucked up.

You reap what you sow. Don't cry about it when it could have been avoided.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706517, *shrug* what you believe and what you do is on display
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 07:20 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705818, your ratio is off
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 01:56 PM
>For every one game that has sexist themes and overtones, you
>have thousands, even tens of thousands, that don't.

the issue here isn't that all games are sexist. it's that when a game has the opportunity to be sexist, it generally is sexist, and it usually is ignorant (willfully or otherwise) of the fact that it's being sexist

>Sounds like a lot of hollering over something that's pretty
>insignificant in the grand scheme of gaming. I've got well
>over 30 years of heavy gaming under my belt, looking back at
>it all the shit these journalists are crying about amounts to
>making it seem like Time, Newsweek, and every other magazine
>on the shelf is, somehow, similar to Playboy, Penthouse, or

how is it insignificant if the characters, stories, and themes in video games have had more impact on a sizeable segment of the population than any other medium? we're not talking about a few thousand basement-dwelling nerds here. billions of people play games in 2015, and hundreds of millions of those people have played video games for dozens of years. the games that are in question have sold untold millions of copies collectively. the themes in games influence people in the way themes in literature, tv, movies, and music influence people. sexist content in games is going to have an impact
12706106, RE: your ratio is off
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 03:33 PM
>>For every one game that has sexist themes and overtones,
>>have thousands, even tens of thousands, that don't.
>the issue here isn't that all games are sexist. it's that
>when a game has the opportunity to be sexist, it generally is
>sexist, and it usually is ignorant (willfully or otherwise) of
>the fact that it's being sexist

Honestly, I really don't think the game designers are ignorant of it at all; I think it's all intentional. They know "sex sells" and load up their games in order to sell. We've come a long way from my day when video games were created by one or two guys in their basement. There's a whole production team behind games these days that rival Hollywood movie teams and games are now expensive as shit to make for consoles. The way they make money is through sales and in order for that to happen they lean heavily on the core demographic for games: Males.

>>Sounds like a lot of hollering over something that's pretty
>>insignificant in the grand scheme of gaming. I've got well
>>over 30 years of heavy gaming under my belt, looking back at
>>it all the shit these journalists are crying about amounts
>>making it seem like Time, Newsweek, and every other magazine
>>on the shelf is, somehow, similar to Playboy, Penthouse, or
>how is it insignificant if the characters, stories, and themes
>in video games have had more impact on a sizeable segment of
>the population than any other medium? we're not talking about
>a few thousand basement-dwelling nerds here. billions of
>people play games in 2015, and hundreds of millions of those
>people have played video games for dozens of years. the games
>that are in question have sold untold millions of copies
>collectively. the themes in games influence people in the way
>themes in literature, tv, movies, and music influence people.
>sexist content in games is going to have an impact

No one disputes that there's an impact, what I'm saying is that these SJW's that are riding this train are making it seem as if ALL games are sexist. My analogy is more like saying "Super Smash Bros's" has the same sexual overtones as the latest GTA installment, which we all know is false.

If we can recognize that TV, movies, literature, and music all have sexist content as well as video games, why is the focus so heavy on gaming? Surely we can all agree that more people listen to music and watch TV than play games by several orders of magnitude. Why focus on this comparatively small segment of "entertainment"? Can we not all agree that you're more likely to be bombarded by far more sexist imagery just turning on the TV than you are in gaming?


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706123, LOL
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 03:38 PM
one second you don't know anything about modern games

the next you've got a detailed treatise on what "probably" motivates modern game developers.

just link us to some "humanist" essays and call it a day bro

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706218, wtf are you talking about???
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:11 PM
At no point have I said I didn't know anything about modern games, I said that I'm too old-school to see it as a real issue because looking back over 30+ years of gaming the problem is pretty insignificant when you look at the entire scope of gaming.

The shit doesn't even need a complex explanation: The vast majority of gamers, past and present, are male. When all else fails, add titties, ass, and sex and the game will sell.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706228, so basically you have no justification
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:15 PM
for anything.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706249, ^^^ says the blogger that never has to justify anything
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:21 PM


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706252, Blogger!
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:22 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706134, technically miracle ric did
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 03:44 PM

>No one disputes that there's an impact

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706143, nah
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 03:46 PM
i said the impact is misjudged or overstated
12706154, thats not better
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 03:48 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706142, your argument that "sexism is everywhere, we should ignore it here"
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 03:46 PM
is kinda weak.

you should get some updated talking points

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706235, please point to where I said that.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:17 PM
I'll wait...

Is this whole "short feminist black male" schtick even working for you dude???


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706250, uhhh... your entire post
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:22 PM
you should try reading it.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706258, Maybe YOU shoudl try reading it.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:24 PM
'cause at no point do I say that.

So... Dealing with other males, actual journalism, AND English comprehension are not your strong suits?


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706264, bruh, it's your actual words
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:25 PM
while you were copying and pasting them from your friendly humanist friend you should've read them

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706350, RE: your ratio is off
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 05:02 PM
>Honestly, I really don't think the game designers are ignorant
>of it at all; I think it's all intentional. They know "sex
>sells" and load up their games in order to sell. We've come a
>long way from my day when video games were created by one or
>two guys in their basement. There's a whole production team
>behind games these days that rival Hollywood movie teams and
>games are now expensive as shit to make for consoles. The way
>they make money is through sales and in order for that to
>happen they lean heavily on the core demographic for games:

i don't think that makes it ok. it's scummy no matter where it happens. "ass and titties: the game" probably wouldn't sell very well if there wasn't some compelling gameplay mechanic behind it. i can't say for certain what drives sales but the numbers seem to indicate that it's gameplay and presentation, i.e. gta, call of duty, league of legends, starcraft, etc., and not sex

>No one disputes that there's an impact, what I'm saying is
>that these SJW's that are riding this train are making it seem
>as if ALL games are sexist.

you may be misinterpreting what some people are saying or maybe they're misrepresenting what the issue is. perhaps it's a little of both

>My analogy is more like saying
>"Super Smash Bros's" has the same sexual overtones as the
>latest GTA installment, which we all know is false.

idk man. smash bros only has a handful of female characters and most of them wear tight and/or revealing clothing. the others are current or former damsels in distress

>If we can recognize that TV, movies, literature, and music all
>have sexist content as well as video games, why is the focus
>so heavy on gaming?

the difference is that games are interactive. a person watching 'what's love got to do with it?' has no say in whether or not ike hits tina. a person playing gta makes the choice to hit a prostitute with a baseball bat. i think that there is a stronger impact when a person makes the choice do do something, rather than passively watching it. it's difficult to be removed from the violence and/or objectification when you're the one actively participating in it

>Surely we can all agree that more people
>listen to music and watch TV than play games by several orders
>of magnitude. Why focus on this comparatively small segment of
>"entertainment"? Can we not all agree that you're more likely
>to be bombarded by far more sexist imagery just turning on the
>TV than you are in gaming?

i can't agree with any of this. games routinely outsell music and movies. games are not a small segment of entertainment by any metric. i think you're more likely to encounter sexist imagery in a game than on TV but it depends on what you're watching and playing. consider this: the games in question aren't from small indie studios that only sold a few thousand copies. these are hugely successful games that are played by millions of people. i can't even think of an apt comparison with TV but that's probably because i don't watch much tv. what's an example of a modern TV show that has millions of viewers and routinely objectifies and/or has violence directed towards women?
12706448, RE: your ratio is off
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 06:16 PM
>i don't think that makes it ok. it's scummy no matter where
>it happens. "ass and titties: the game" probably wouldn't
>sell very well if there wasn't some compelling gameplay
>mechanic behind it. i can't say for certain what drives sales
>but the numbers seem to indicate that it's gameplay and
>presentation, i.e. gta, call of duty, league of legends,
>starcraft, etc., and not sex

I'm not saying it's ok, I'm saying it's business and business doesn't care if it's ok or not.

Think about it: If Bravo or Lifetime is looking to develop their next hit show, knowing that their core audience is female, do you think that either is going to make a "guns, blood, and glory" type of show?

Business dictates that they're going to go with what their core audience likes.

>>No one disputes that there's an impact, what I'm saying is
>>that these SJW's that are riding this train are making it
>>as if ALL games are sexist.
>you may be misinterpreting what some people are saying or
>maybe they're misrepresenting what the issue is. perhaps it's
>a little of both

They're extremists, and extremists typically make it seem as if their issue is ALWAYS how it's happening.

>>My analogy is more like saying
>>"Super Smash Bros's" has the same sexual overtones as the
>>latest GTA installment, which we all know is false.
>idk man. smash bros only has a handful of female characters
>and most of them wear tight and/or revealing clothing. the
>others are current or former damsels in distress

still doesn't have the same sexual overtones as GTA. Samus does not compare to random hookers.

>>If we can recognize that TV, movies, literature, and music
>>have sexist content as well as video games, why is the focus
>>so heavy on gaming?
>the difference is that games are interactive. a person
>watching 'what's love got to do with it?' has no say in
>whether or not ike hits tina. a person playing gta makes the
>choice to hit a prostitute with a baseball bat. i think that
>there is a stronger impact when a person makes the choice do
>do something, rather than passively watching it. it's
>difficult to be removed from the violence and/or
>objectification when you're the one actively participating in

And yet we already have studies that indicate that gaming doesn't influence people like that (I'll post links later).

It's like people saying that listening to Tupac caused them to shoot a cop.

>>Surely we can all agree that more people
>>listen to music and watch TV than play games by several
>>of magnitude. Why focus on this comparatively small segment
>>"entertainment"? Can we not all agree that you're more
>>to be bombarded by far more sexist imagery just turning on
>>TV than you are in gaming?
>i can't agree with any of this. games routinely outsell music
>and movies. games are not a small segment of entertainment by
>any metric. i think you're more likely to encounter sexist
>imagery in a game than on TV but it depends on what you're
>watching and playing. consider this: the games in question
>aren't from small indie studios that only sold a few thousand
>copies. these are hugely successful games that are played by
>millions of people. i can't even think of an apt comparison
>with TV but that's probably because i don't watch much tv.
>what's an example of a modern TV show that has millions of
>viewers and routinely objectifies and/or has violence directed
>towards women?

I'll get back to you with links on these. There have been studies on tv for as long as I can remember.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12705697, RJCC u my nigga and all but you sound whipped lately
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Thu Jan-22-15 01:02 PM
Are you dating a bourgie white woman? Something about your posts lately reeks of honey drizzled asparagus.
12705702, if you ever thought I was something other than what I am
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 01:03 PM
then you were filling in the blanks on your own

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705914, I blame Disney Fairy Tales for making women the Object and the Prize
Posted by Case_One, Thu Jan-22-15 02:27 PM
Women weren't complaining back then, but this Gamergate is the fruit of the tree.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12705939, DAing: isn't that what the ratings on games are for?
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 02:37 PM
Not so much a question on whether its an issue or not, but in what ways can it be fixed?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12705956, You are just being a Sexist Bigot.
Posted by Case_One, Thu Jan-22-15 02:45 PM
That's what they will say. But I'm with you. Still they will hate you for trying to make too much sense.

"Today is your day to have a better life -- it's your right."
12705964, what she's discussing has little to do w/ ratings
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 02:50 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705991, why not? (still DAing)
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 02:58 PM
i haven't watched everything but i'd generally categorize it as a critique of the levels of violence and objectification of females. now objectification of females can be argued as a grey line which is covered under adult sexual content. these things would seemingly fall under the ratings system.


Content Descriptors

Alcohol Reference - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages
Animated Blood - Discolored and/or unrealistic depictions of blood
Blood - Depictions of blood
Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood or the mutilation of body parts
Cartoon Violence - Violent actions involving cartoon-like situations and characters. May include violence where a character is unharmed after the action has been inflicted
Comic Mischief - Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor
Crude Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including “bathroom” humor
Drug Reference - Reference to and/or images of illegal drugs
Fantasy Violence - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life
Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, weapons and depictions of human injury and death
Language - Mild to moderate use of profanity
Lyrics - Mild references to profanity, sexuality, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
Mature Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving "adult" humor, including sexual references
Nudity - Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity
Partial Nudity - Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity
Real Gambling - Player can gamble, including betting or wagering real cash or currency
Sexual Content - Non-explicit depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including partial nudity
Sexual Themes - References to sex or sexuality
Sexual Violence - Depictions of rape or other violent sexual acts
Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting or wagering real cash or currency
Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity
Strong Lyrics - Explicit and/or frequent references to profanity, sex, violence, alcohol or drug use in music
Strong Sexual Content - Explicit and/or frequent depictions of sexual behavior, possibly including nudity
Suggestive Themes - Mild provocative references or materials
Tobacco Reference - Reference to and/or images of tobacco products
Use of Alcohol - The consumption of alcoholic beverages
Use of Drugs - The consumption or use of illegal drugs
Use of Tobacco - The consumption of tobacco products
Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless dismemberment
Violent References - References to violent acts


It would seem the gaming industry itself has its ass covered here. So what are we appealing to, to affect the change desired?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706345, RJCC? ^^^^
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 05:01 PM
Note: I've never been a gamer, but am generally intrigued by this as a parent of a daughter who as of right now really wants to make video games.

I have no agenda in this other than that, so we can talk like i haven't been in this thread all day talking slick.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706397, I don't know what DAing is
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:35 PM
wait, devils advocate?

I don't really fuck with that -- ask your actual opinion.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706405, just stated where i'm at
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 05:42 PM
i want things better so my daughter can feel free to pursue her dreams without it being an upward battle. but i'm not certain what actions need to be done to do that and see the ratings system as a fall back excuse that can cover these types of complaints. so i'm wondering how folk are actually trying to address it. i guess this video series is meant to be informational, but what are the steps beyond that?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706428, it's not about ratings systems
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 06:04 PM
or restricting what kids see this that or the other.

it's about the entire mindset that goes into the community creating the content, and the community playing it.

even E rated games have problems.

the problem with M rated games, and the completely nonthinking slackjawed responses in the group playing them the most, is pretty much being shown in how they react to this criticism by people who are women.

the gaming community has let some fucked up ways of being slide for a long, long time now and that needs to change. even the feminism angle of this is only part of it.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706508, then it would seem then the problem
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 07:14 PM
can only be corrected from the inside, and based on the responses here it would seem they don't want to do that (or not enough of them). so how does the broader society force the hand. i bring up ratings only because that seems to be the only type of legislative action that can happen aside from maybe hiring quotas.

but ultimately it'll take some deep self reflection on the part of the community itself, from within the community to actually begin addressing the issues. i think someone (sorry i don't remember who) in this post laid it out about the mentality of a lot of these gamers and how these issues and criticism tap into their own deep insecurities, which triggers the defensiveness and makes the criticisms hard to hear as constructive.

so what can be done? shaming as i suggested below? that could have even worse effects.

the whole thing is reminiscent of the PUA thing and there's a clear overlap in audiences. ultimately as much as it is about games, there's an underlying thread about the social organism that develops insecurities in these numbers requiring outlets for those insecurities, even socially damaging ones to gain traction.


Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706537, it's nothing but a loud minority
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 07:36 PM
very tea party / libertarian-ish, and there's a lot of crossover there.

fortunately, by being so publicly disgusting, they've raised the profile of their targets. which sucks for the people they've gone after, but it's pushed the discussion forward quite a bit.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706578, then the majority should speak up more
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 08:02 PM
and i wouldn't put shaming off the table.

if it truly is a minority they are dominating the perception of the majority and they should be making every effort to distance themselves. is that happening?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12705969, I believe the argument is that
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-22-15 02:52 PM
the issues being presented aren't just found in the "M" games.

I faintly remember how there was a video series about other forms of "gendering" (color, attire, symbols, etc) take place in games aimed at all ages.

like how you know it's a "girl" involved because of the "pink bow" and the "cute" things.

12706003, so then the course of action is stricter ratings?
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 03:01 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706138, I don't even think stricter ratings are needed.
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Jan-22-15 03:45 PM
Game ratings are way stricter than movie ratings.

Like some of the stuff gets rated M because women of a particular shape are in the game. There's no gory violence, or cussing, or any of that. Kind of like how I feel in music, there's the "nigga tax". If a Black artist of a certain profile says certain things, CENSORCENSORCENSOR. Others might get away with it depending on level of exposure. ALL of video games get the "nigga tax", and it's even more severe depending on the country. Relative to say, Australia and Germany, who will outright BAN some of the real violent shit, the US seems tame.

But you definitely won't have MPAA type bullshit where you can blow people's heads off and have blood all over the place but as long as you don't show any tits or fucking you can get away with a PG-13 (or in the '80s a PG, YESIAMSTILLMADGODDAMMITSUCKADICK) with the ESRB. In Japan, CERO (their ratings board) will allow some shit on the equivalent to "T" (mostly sexual jokes and language, etc) that would automatically get that "M" by the ESRB. But I boil
that down to a cultural difference; characters in shows aimed at children in that country can not only DIE but they can CUSS, even though cussing is generally frowned upon thereabouts.

I think any action anyone could take it's kind of like trying to "legislate" against 'CISM. 'XISM is so ingrained that you're only going to see the really progressive people attack the "benign" 'XISM (like say, the overly feminine image of a Princess Peach, on the grounds of what actually is "feminine").

That doesn't mean that some developers DON'T need to chill on the gratuitous shit. But if the shit's gratuitous, likely it's gonna get a "M" rating on GP.

12706007, i agree with that
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 03:01 PM
i think it's a mistake to frame gendering in the same nefarious light as sexism

it's like when people mentally overcompensate and say chivalry is the the charming side of misogyny

i think there can be legit discussions had about that...but with exploring the boundaries of all that...it starts to make the discussions seem silly when some of that isn't acknowledged or explored

12706080, NEFARIOUS
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 03:23 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706151, um...no
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 03:47 PM
>i think it's a mistake to frame gendering in the same
>nefarious light as sexism

you would rather keep feminism and sexism in the same
extreme package as racists would love to keep racism

only the extreme applies and all else isnt...exactly what it is because there are shades and levels to racism and sexism

its a large umbrella dude and alot fits under it
if you want make a ven diagram for your comfort levels

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706187, it's not about comfort
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 03:59 PM
is chivalry sexist or not...

if u say yes...i completely understand your point...if u say no...i think somewhere you are being intellectually dishonest

oh they definitely first cousins and maybe even siblings but being treated as the same is off

if the discussion included that type of depth...i'd have zero problem with it...it doesn't

i have a problem with conservatism and traditional gender roles but I consider it a different "problem" and contributing factor to sexism

i think that distinction is important...u don't...that's fine but it's where my beef with the discussion lies
12706266, again make a venn diagram
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 04:25 PM
its not off the table because its not where you want it to be

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706309, here i'll give two examples
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 04:44 PM
1 - the couple in canada that were attacked because they refused to let peple know their child's gender
2 - trans and public bathrooms

gender is a major component of sexism which all falls under the feminism umbrella
gender is something people cling to for dear life
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706341, thanks for answering my questions with shit i agree with
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Jan-22-15 04:58 PM
i didn't say gender coloring isn't related...

simply said it's a distinct part that certainly CAN contribute to sexism but doesn't necessarily do so in all cases

some of the examples brought up by her are problematic (not to mention often enough inaccurate)

but by all means pick a side any side...and try really hard to fit my stance into whatever u deem to be the opposition
12706438, bro, you don't have a stance
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 06:12 PM
you're trying to half in and half out the shit while you lob "well I don't really believe it" shit over the wall.

congrats on being the republican senator of this conversation "I'm not a scientist, but global warming is a theory with some issues"

you know what you believe, feel free to actually state it. stop complaining about what's not in this conversation. YOU'RE in the conversation, even though no one asked you to be, so if there's something missing it's cuz you didn't bring it

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12705980, RE: DAing: isn't that what the ratings on games are for?
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 02:56 PM
>Not so much a question on whether its an issue or not, but in
>what ways can it be fixed?

it can be addressed by incorporating more diverse perspectives in game storytelling. an overwhelming majority of games are written, designed, and directed by males and most of them are white. i can count on one hand the number of prominent female game creators and i can only think of one black male game creator. there must be black female game creators out there but i'm not aware of any
12706022, are there stories of folk being kept out of the gaming industry?
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 03:06 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706050, probably. i haven't read any explicit accounts
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 03:15 PM
but i imagine that it's difficult for a black male/female game designer to get into a position of prominence or authority when the game industry at large (meaning the big publishers making games that sell dozens of millions of copies) caters almost exclusively to white males
12706344, Thing about game design is you don't need a big publisher
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jan-22-15 05:01 PM
If women want games to better represent them then make some damn games. Learn to program and then spend hours putting in the work. There are so many platforms to develop from available now that it's absurd.
12706373, this is bullshit
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 05:14 PM

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706380, you do if you want to go mainstream
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:20 PM
even mobile development isn't for solo developers anymore. that's just how it is, even well beyond this particular issue. it's big money.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706381, just making a game doesn't mean it will automatically get exposure
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 05:21 PM
it definitely won't get the same exposure that big publisher (2k, ea, activision, etc.) money gets. knowing how to make a game won't make it easier to break into the boy's club that is modern game production, much less get into a position of authority so your ideas aren't shot down
12706390, Unless your ex boyfriend has a mental meltdown...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Jan-22-15 05:26 PM
...and starts a rumor that you slept around for good reviews on 4chan.
12706395, m'saying. these gamergate folks brought attention to videos
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:31 PM
and to a game, that no one was paying attention to.

they made sarkeesian happen, because it got so nasty that people couldn't sit on the sidelines anymore.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706401, Mind you, these are the guys who are gunning to bring her down...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Jan-22-15 05:38 PM
with their own critical antifeminst video series...being openly and rightfully mocked in this video: http://youtu.be/nsdIHK8O5yo

And lo any so called "man" who dare defend these fffeeeeeemales...
12706407, it's just sad
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:43 PM
you can see the arguments right in this thread.

even if every accusation these cats made was true, videogame feminists would still be like, 10,000th on the list of things wrong with gaming.

so why'd they start there?


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706425, First it's not bullshit
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Jan-22-15 06:02 PM
It's bullshit to say or think it can't be done

One woman can make a game-- two women can make a game-- three women can make a game. Yes it will have to be an indie game (which is more of a pro than a con IMO) but it is certainly possible regardless of team size.

If one is making a game in an effort to hit it big they're doing it wrong to begin with. Just like comics you make the game you think is fun-- not the game you think will be a huge cash cow. That mentality is partly why the industry is super stagnant right now. If you're at a big studio then yeah the glass ceiling and bro policy will get in the way. So like most break out games and their companies it requires risk and hard work at the keyboard if you want your own ship to steer.

If a woman can raise over 100k just to talk about games then it's reasonable that one or more women can raise at least that much for their own game.

Flash, C (of any flavor really), Java, and Even Project spark all have robust enough tools to put together at least a demo. Shit even html 5 and some solid web scripting frameworks can get you results. But what do I know? Not like I actually went to school for game design or have friends in the industry or anything.
12706432, are you responding to me or imcvspl?
Posted by bearfield, Thu Jan-22-15 06:08 PM
12706982, Was trying for all three in one response lol
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-23-15 10:35 AM
That's a great avy by the way. One of my favorite Simpsons episodes.
12706314, Rather than appealing to morality why not shaming as a tactic
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 04:45 PM
Would that not be more effective. The developers and consumers of such material could easily be shamed no?

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
Posted by Kira, Thu Jan-22-15 03:00 PM
Somebody notify BigReg.

Fuck anybody (unless you're a mod in which instance, kindly enjoy the world) siding with these overzealous nerds stalking women and making death threats.

Ethics in Journalism my sweaty balls after a workout. Stalk me motherfucker.
12706156, btw rjcc is awesome
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 03:49 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706215, no he sucks
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu Jan-22-15 04:10 PM
12706231, <<<
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:15 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706299, my bad
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 04:41 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706333, Yes he is
Posted by DropWallet, Thu Jan-22-15 04:54 PM
He's fighting the good fight.

I ain't got the stomach to argue with a bunch of lemons.

I can count on one thumb the amount of game storylines that didn't make me furiously hit x or roll my eyes back into the floor. (Ironically RJ hated the last of us, I think!)...
12706274, amazing how 1/3 of the replies to these threads are from one person
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 04:27 PM


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706303, I know, it's what you've been taught
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 04:42 PM
you try and tear me down instead of discussing the actual things that happened.

I'm cool w/ it

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706312, hes not the problem in here
Posted by lfresh, Thu Jan-22-15 04:45 PM

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.
12706326, It's amazing gamergate niggas exist to warrant all the replies.
Posted by IkeMoses, Thu Jan-22-15 04:50 PM
12706336, Most people can't be arsed to argue with a bunch o' cunts
Posted by DropWallet, Thu Jan-22-15 04:56 PM
12706354, CLEARLY he struck a nerve...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Jan-22-15 05:03 PM
12706520, stop whining
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu Jan-22-15 07:20 PM
12706343, Why can't these folks make their own games that suit their views?
Posted by 8-bit, Thu Jan-22-15 04:59 PM
Where are all of the programmers (especially female programmers) that are making games that aren't "misogynistic?"

- Java is free.
- Android SDK is free (I think it uses Java)
- Visual Studio has a free version, and with a little hacking can be made to work with XNA game studio (also free).
- XCode (if one has a Mac) is free
- Python & pygame, Panda3d, Unity3d, HTML5 + CSS + Javascript... all free.

+ Specs, coding tutorial, etc. all available online, for free.
+ Online distribution (Apple store, Google play or one's own website) all free or low-cost.
+ Marketing & advertising (via social media, etc.)... free.

I guess it's easier to try and dictate what others can or cannot do, than to do for oneself.

Looking at this thread, I see that there's way more emotion than logic in here tho, so I already know what time it is here.
12706357, talking out my ass, but i imagine many do
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 05:05 PM
but have issues actually breaking into a market dominated by males that make death threats at the slightest criticism. i can't imagine going to a convention trying to push your culturally sensitive game to a bunch of bros there for the thrill kill. imagine it would be quite disheartening.

also there's something to be said about glass ceilings. where no matter how good your game may be it will always be treated as second class for not devolving to the base values that the industry thrives on. meaning you're forced to stay the indie route with limited exposure because no major brand is going to get behind you. yeah we can all tout the greatness of independent movements but at the same time...

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706424, some of the most wildly popular games of the last decade...
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 06:01 PM
didn't even feature "people"

>also there's something to be said about glass ceilings. where
>no matter how good your game may be it will always be treated
>as second class for not devolving to the base values that the
>industry thrives on. meaning you're forced to stay the indie
>route with limited exposure because no major brand is going to
>get behind you. yeah we can all tout the greatness of
>independent movements but at the same time...

Fruit Ninja Free, Angry Birds, Candy Crush Saga, has more than 100M downloads each and that's just on Android.

Fruit Ninja was so popular there's even an upright arcade version of it.

One that did feature humans, Temple Run, was developed by a husband and wife team and also broke the 100M mark.

If the game is good, there's a platform for it.

>Big PEMFin H & z's
>"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1
>thing, a musician." � Miles
>"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706360, "I see that there's way more emotion than logic in here tho..."
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Thu Jan-22-15 05:07 PM
"I guess it's easier to try and dictate what others can or cannot do, than to do for oneself."


I'm often amused at how for years gamers wanted everyone to take games seriously. Then it happens and they shit the bed over "feeeeeeemales" (©The Grand Nagus) telling them what to do.

Gators are on OKP...SMH...
12706371, They can do that AND criticize gaming culture as well.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jan-22-15 05:12 PM
Gaming Culture is above criticism?

The real important question is why can't gamers allow her to criticism the games and culture and not respond with intimidation and personal threats.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12706409, The threats are disgusting, I agree.
Posted by 8-bit, Thu Jan-22-15 05:45 PM
The only thought that I have about the threats are that many of these dudes are antisocial nerds (judging by some programmer's I've worked with) that really don't know how to interact with most people (let alone women) and tend to live in little fantasy bubbles. I think that's why they are drawn to gaming (creating fantasy worlds as they see fit).

A small percentage of them probably ARE dangerous IRL, and are the types to go shoot-up someplace. These threats can't be completely dismissed.

With that said, I can see how many of these nerds view video games as a "safe space" for them, where they can feel important, get respect, have friends, not get picked on, etc. It's not like they are gonna be at the club, bar or basketball court. "Their space" is now being threatened, and they respond how antisocial people tend to respond: in extremes.

Not saying it's right at all, but that it's a predictable response, considering the personality types and the pseudo-anonymity that people have on the Internet.
12706379, to make mainstream games is actually quite expensive
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 05:19 PM
as far as making indie games that take these things into account -- people do.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706416, True. Indie games are within reach to even a lone developer...
Posted by 8-bit, Thu Jan-22-15 05:52 PM
...bigger games are made by huge teams. I can imagine it's extremely difficult to break into the good ol' boys club at EA or Rockstar.
12706429, I'm talking about the app store on android or ios too
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 06:05 PM
a lone developer in 2015 just ain't making it unless they get lucky.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706382, I'm saying Unity and Corona are free...
Posted by Kira, Thu Jan-22-15 05:21 PM
... And unity let's you publish a game for free with stipulations. Motherfuckers could be making great content instead of stalking women and making death threats.

But really all I'm saying IS FUCK THEM.
12706505, SDL is free (as in beer), cross platform, and has some amazing games
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu Jan-22-15 07:12 PM
... built on it.

There's a shitload of different platforms one can use to build a game on, the question is do you have what it takes to sit down and do it.


forcing myself to actually respond to you is like bathing in ebola virus. - Binlahab

Like there is stupid, and then there is you, and then there is dead. - VAsBestBBW

R.I.P. Disco D
12706346, .
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Jan-22-15 05:01 PM
12706471, 1. you mods act like hoes banning people you disagree with
Posted by warmDaddy, Thu Jan-22-15 06:43 PM
2. its the height of intellectual dishonesty to say that if a person dislikes this Sarkeesian chick then that person is for harassment

3. gamergate was dumb because of that 'ethics in journalism' shit. what they should have talked about was culture appropriation

basically feminists coming into the culture of gaming and saying 'no this won't do. change it now!'
12706476, WOW, they banning folk for that now?
Posted by Starks dunked on Bulls, Thu Jan-22-15 06:49 PM
>2. its the height of intellectual dishonesty to say that if a
>person dislikes this Sarkeesian chick then that person is for
>3. gamergate was dumb because of that 'ethics in journalism'
>shit. what they should have talked about was culture
>basically feminists coming into the culture of gaming and
>saying 'no this won't do. change it now!'

What's your username?
12706480, Mr Warmth and bloocollar--
Posted by warmDaddy, Thu Jan-22-15 06:51 PM
both banned
12706499, LOL. I didn't know that was you
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 07:05 PM
also, mods can't ban people.


while I would ban you for being kind of a shit individual overall.

I didn't know your bloocollar name was banned, and I didn't ban your return ID.

but I would have, if that gives you any comfort.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706506, so who CAN ban people fruity?
Posted by warmDaddy, Thu Jan-22-15 07:13 PM
me and Dan got beef i aint know about?
12706527, sounds like a personal problem bro
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-22-15 07:27 PM
but generally banned means "banned" not "come back with a new mask on"

so it's prolly not going to work out

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12706547, and while i got you here spectacles--
Posted by warmDaddy, Thu Jan-22-15 07:42 PM
why was user registration down for the last two months?
12706534, 2. probably should't start your argument "that chick's a scam artist"
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 07:32 PM
>2. its the height of intellectual dishonesty to say that if a
>person dislikes this Sarkeesian chick then that person is for

it's one thing to dislike someone. it's another thing to dislike someone about their issues around sexual politics. it's another thing to enter a discussion about sexual politics by addressing the woman as a chick and claiming she's a scam artist.

as far as i can tell the scam artist bit is because her project was crowd funded. if you didn't contribute you really aren't in a position to call it a scam. but if you were from the outside you'd have to show that she actually scammed the people who did support her. in this case it would seem to be not delivering on the content she promised. i've seen no evidence of that in this thread.

so yeah the way you started in on this discussion pretty much framed the response you got. not saying you should be banned, but pointing it out since we're getting into the questions of intellectual dishonesty.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12706544, im stating my opinion--
Posted by warmDaddy, Thu Jan-22-15 07:41 PM
the broads a con-artist, a bullshitter if you will

and she made herself critic proof with the online harassment shit

in a way i admire it
12706582, back up your opinion or don't talk about intellectually dishonest
Posted by imcvspl, Thu Jan-22-15 08:05 PM
and don't get your panties in a bunch when people don't agree with you and raise misogyny.

if you published your opinion it would be grounds for a libel suit without facts to back it up.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
12707969, It's the basic scrip for this whole shitsorm...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Fri Jan-23-15 06:15 PM
He's never going to focus on specifics or facts.
12726124, uh, she MADE herself critic proof?
Posted by Nodima, Thu Feb-12-15 03:14 PM
I'm pretty sure the last thing she was hoping for was people putting her entire private life on blast for people to contact and threaten her. Pretty sure she wasn't hoping for universities she schedules appearances at to decide between shutting their entire campus down to secure against a bomb threat or simply cancel her appearance.

I haven't watched a lot of her stuff but she's never struck me as the sort of person who's out to ruin anyone's day, she just thinks it's lame that 98% of women in games have armor that fits their fantastical figures and act as lifeless droids. I don't ever notice it, but I'm a white male. Who am I to tell a woman she's wrong for perceiving something she'd OBVIOUSLY be more perceptive towards?

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
12706999, If I were making the argument I would argue what's the difference between
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Jan-23-15 10:41 AM
the content and hard core rap music? Everyone was defending it back in the day and going in on Delores Tucker, but now siding up with the folks who want to censor games?

I think there are decent retorts to that it's better than going in on this chick.

Y'all fail because you all are making it all about this woman rather than the topic at hand which is misogyny in games.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

12707975, Thing is, nobody wants to censor games...
Posted by KwesiAkoKennedy, Fri Jan-23-15 06:18 PM
...they just want better representation and less tropey writing.

A really good example of someone from a AAA developer "getting it" and actually having their game benefit from making changes was Saints Row.

No, they didn't have to get rid of hookers and giant dildos either.


12706587, I have actively avoided all things gamer gate
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Jan-22-15 08:15 PM
this post is exactly why. Bunch of morons.
12708660, early candidate for okayplayery post of the year
Posted by atruhead, Sun Jan-25-15 03:34 PM
I have no clue what's going on in here
12708676, My only issue is them making in-game harrassment a woman's issue
Posted by DVS, Sun Jan-25-15 04:12 PM
People of all race/sex/orientation get trolled online...that's not solely a sexist issue.

Trolls are an equal opportunity employer

12713470, not quite equal opportunity
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-29-15 11:42 PM
(notice: the kotaku writer who allegedly fucked for review scores of the game he never reviewed, was not harassed, the lady who developed the game he didn't review, was harassed. is still being harassed)

also, even if it were EXACTLY EQUAL, that shit's been just accepted for far too long on any level

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
12713463, lol Ice-T comin for yall niggas lol
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jan-29-15 11:30 PM
Law & Order: SVU GamerGate episode - http://www.nbcumv.com/news/updates-nbc-primetime-schedule-monday-february-9-2015-wednesday-february-11-2015

(if you need explanation - http://www.engadget.com/2015/01/29/l-and-o-svu-gamergate/ )
www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at