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Topic subjectwhos off work monday for Robert E Lee's birthday? (link)
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12700786, whos off work monday for Robert E Lee's birthday? (link)
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:16 PM

Apparently this is a thing in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama.

12700800, Let em celebrate hatred and feast upon all of it's rewards
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-16-15 12:20 PM
12700809, VA stand up
Posted by John Forte, Fri Jan-16-15 12:26 PM
12700821, now Lee Jackson day is the Friday before MLK day.
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Jan-16-15 12:30 PM
which is today. my wife is off work today because Henrico County Government recognizes Lee Jackson Day. quite disgusting, but she got a 4 day weekend out of it.
12700824, Stonewall fuckin Jackson? jesus christ lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:32 PM
12700813, my god. why did the USA need those states?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jan-16-15 12:28 PM
coal? paper?


but like do they still produce?

are they still necessary?
12700832, Mississippi was fools gold
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:38 PM
No one had the foresight to realize that abolition would destroy the cotton economy as it existed. So of course MS didnt bother to put any resources toward education.

And now its dead last in education and GDP per capita.
12700837, what does Mississippi produce other than statistics?
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jan-16-15 12:39 PM
12700839, catfish and religion
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:40 PM
12700850, and we can get those down the road in Louisiana.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jan-16-15 12:43 PM
12700908, Some of the worlds finest racism and bigotry
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-16-15 01:15 PM
I heard King Leopold had a vintage bottle circa 1777
12700835, and arkansas is landlocked lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:38 PM
12700838, Arkansas has Wal-Mart's headquarters and the Walton family.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jan-16-15 12:40 PM
but those can be moved to another state.

so if we lose Arkansas after moving the Wal-World, what's lost, really?
12700843, i think excising WalMart like a tumor might not be so bad
Posted by cgonz00cc, Fri Jan-16-15 12:41 PM
12700848, can't be done.
Posted by SoWhat, Fri Jan-16-15 12:43 PM
WM generates too much money. i wouldn't want to see it headquartered in some foreign nation. i'm fine w/it being American and i prefer it.

so move that joint to like Missouri or Utah or Delaware but the rest of Arkansas can go as far as i can tell. dog racing (the only thing i know about Arkansas other than Wal-Mart and college football) ain't that important to me.
12701351, "only way to be sure, nuke the site from orbit" (c) Ripley
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Jan-16-15 07:24 PM
12701470, My goal is to turn about 15 states back into territories.
Posted by Lardlad95, Sat Jan-17-15 05:43 AM
I mean the citizens of the state will be allowed to vote in national elections, but they aren't getting senators and shit.

Most of the land will be turned into national parks and nature preserves.
12700815, Virginia has Lee-Jackson-King day
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-16-15 12:29 PM
Monument Avenue used to get crunk with protestors back in the day.

Dudes in Confederate uniform stand guard in front of the statues
12700823, HAD. now they're 2 separate days. Lee Jackson Day is today.
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Jan-16-15 12:31 PM
12700913, whuuuuuut.
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Jan-16-15 01:18 PM

12700841, Nobody gonna bring up how the Union
Posted by Musa, Fri Jan-16-15 12:40 PM
especially when the Black soldiers joined handed him his behind on a platter.
12701227, mississippi pop. = 40+% black. cmon folks do better.
Posted by Riot, Fri Jan-16-15 04:14 PM
12701471, Black people aren't alike all over. There are huge disparities between
Posted by Lardlad95, Sat Jan-17-15 05:45 AM
black communities all over the country.

I'd say NYC, Chicago, and DC have some of the proudest, most self-assured black people in the country.

Meanwhile you go to some of these southern states (yes I know DC is in the south) and the black folks seem to think Jim Crow is still in effect.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
12701243, woooow
Posted by guru0509, Fri Jan-16-15 04:22 PM